Glytch ,

Mine was a minotaur gladiator turned monster hunter (ua fighter subclass). His name was Daniel Notmonster and he'd been called monster so much during his days in the arena that he internalized a hatred of monstrosities. He was driven to prove he wasn't a monster by killing any he came across. He would also collect a bone from each monstrosity killed to scrimshaw a scene of the battle to kill it.

ahdok , avatar
GrayBackgroundMusic ,

It's been so long, either a Mega Juicer or Titan Juicer from RIFTS. . Essentially a steroid user but with super science. Massive person. Think Strong Guy from X Factor . He loved western wear, but often got into situations where mega damage would destroy his outfit, so he had cargo crates full of the same black cowboy hat and duster. He became a juicer to save his sibling, they were both poor kids and sibling needed medical help, so he answered an ad for experiment subjects.

Belastend ,

Not mine, but a collaborativr effort:
Young dryad loses physical body and is imprisoned in a robotic shell. She escapes and now all of her former magical druid powers are a combination of mechanical contraptions and just a dash of magic. She runs on magic energy, but her acid spray cantrip is truly a small vaporizer embedded in her palm. Really cool, but the Player stop playing that char vecause we restricted her wild shape to much :/ in hindsight, i really dont like my dming decisions regarding that char

PugJesus , avatar

A wizard whose primary job was at a (magical) Whitesmith's guild. He etched his spells onto sheets of metal, inlaid his armor, and constantly talked about how guilds were part of a functioning society, unlike those peasants and lords, and definitely not a bunch of monopolistic corporation-cum-ruthless-gangs and how it was definitely just a coincidence that the son of the previous ruler was always elected in their city.

rickrolled767 ,

In the first campaign I ever played in, I ran a necromancy wizard that was neutral good.

Basically, he grew up a hermit and has zero awareness of the taboos surrounding his school of magic. However, because of his alignment, he has a very different approach to how he uses his magic.

Whenever he has to raise undead to fight for him, he does it by asking for their aid rather than outright raising them. He approaches the practice more as a way to preserve the lives of the living rather than a way of amassing servants or power. When he no longer needs their help, he thanks them and tries to make sure they either return to their resting place or are given a proper burial.

His overarching goal is to ensure everyone lives a long, full life and wishes to find a way to resurrect others in the way other classes can to help achieve that goal.

Didn't get to play him for long since the group kinda fell apart

shani66 , (edited )

Currently torn between a summoner who's eidolon is a devil butler that is very disapproving of basically their entire existence or a changeling gravewalker witch (or whatever the undead archetype was), both for the same carrion crown campaign so one will go unused.

Currently got an idea for a changeling punk singer that leans heavily into summer and pyretics, with a dash of primal. Very emotional and hot headed, with a partner (basically the literal exact opposite of them) they want to find. Unfortunately I'm the only one who runs changeling.

Really want to play a lunar exalted some day, a low class 'king' that other outcasts choose to follow. Very much unhappy the forces of chaos that threaten the world, the forces of order that demand control, and people in general. Sadly i don't see us running exalted any time soon since everyone in my group that's wants to run something is.

8bitMage ,

Changling College of Eloquence Bard.
They were basically a con artist.

Came into the campaign a few sessions late.9 The party was looking for a healer to replace another player that had to drop. When they encountered my bard they were pretending to a cleric of Lathander in order to run a scam in the local village. The scam was played out and my character was looking for a fast exit.

5too ,

For a Supers game, I've been wanting to play a dragon - just start the game with a chunk of the downtown business district for my hoard, run it with enlightened self-interest (high wages, free healthcare, etc), and go after any supervillains that might threaten my modern "hoard" (which might include the people!)

The idea is that he'd be trying to transition himself from an avatar of fear and flame into something humanity might celebrate, or even venerate - after all, he's seen that humanity tends to wipe out things that terrify it!

Gaspar , avatar

I had a really neat idea about playing a changeling bladesinger who most likely pretended to be elven to learn the art, although I did have a not-quite-RAW idea about the old switched-at-birth changeling myth, where his elven "parents" would have taught him before he slipped up and they realized what he was.

He was actually three characters in one: a mostly nondescript human "bard", spinning extremely tall tales about a mysterious elven bladesinger who doled out vigilante justice at night (also the changeling), and the changeling himself, who hated the way people looked at his true form, would only have revealed it to the party if he had no other choice, and really just wanted to be a hero in a group of adventurers, doing the kind of stuff he made up and sang about in taverns.

I came up with this concept a few years ago, but even before COVID I was kind of my group's forever DM, so even if I ended up at a gaming table again soon I probably wouldn't get to play it, so if you like it, feel free to use it. You cannot steal what is gifted!

azrendelmare ,

Haven't gotten to play either of these yet, but I might someday.

  1. Aberrant Mind sorcerer, race tbd. Basically, was an eldritch abomination who got bored, and turned itself into a mortal for a change of pace. We're talking "Had 30 Int and Wis" levels of abomination. So now it's stuck in a limited mortal form with all this knowledge, and no ability to use it. Can't even pronounce its own name anymore.

  2. Incubus/succubus (reflavored tiefling) paladin of redemption. Nommed on the wrong soul and got purified, and now trying to atone for their past misdeeds. They're virtually starving themselves, which is why they're using a tiefling statblock instead of the normal one, only having the ability to switch sex, and the draining kiss that they never use save to keep themselves alive with a consenting travelling partner.

kusttra ,

Silver Dragonborn Ancients Barbarian - I wanted to try a tanky build again, after not liking my attempt with paladin. He was Con primary, Str secondary, using a Warhammer and shield, and I was excited to see how the path of the ancients intersected with things like shield Master or sentinel. He was from a tribe of remnant Dragonborn after Abeir split back off. His tribe used to rely on shamans that communicated with their ancestors, but the last one had passed in his grandfather before he was identified as a new shaman. His sister died in a horrible accident, and his communication with her spirit was how he was identified. No one in the tribe knew how to help with his gift, so he went out into the world, accompanied by the spirit of his sister, to see what he could learn. His rage manifested as an icy white cloud rolling over him and falling to the ground, slowly revealing the spirits that accompanied him. I planned for him to notice and get to know more and more of his ancestors' spirits as he got more powerful - including his grandfather, a taciturn half-dragon, and a happy-go-lucky silver dragon. Unfortunately, I had to bow out of the campaign just as we hit level 3, so I never got to experience any of it. ☹️

thebardingreen , avatar

I got to play this character for several sessions, but he deserved more.

A lesser Devil modified bard chef. D&D Pirate Game with a drow captain of a haunted ship.

My bard powers were all based on cooking. In order to buff the crew I had to feed them. I had a constant supply of hors d'oeuvres, tiny deserts, etc. After combat, I would heal the party by cooking 5 star gourmet meals. I fought with a meat cleaver.

My back story: I was basically on the run. I was Gold Star Master of Sauces and Boilings, 3rd Degree Initiate of the Sulfur Ovens and Bonded Sous-chef of the School of Flesh and Broth in the City of Dis, 87 years into a 500 year Sous-chef contract that I was AWOL from. I got summoned to the Prime Material Plane in order to cater a wedding party for the daughter of a shady wizard and I managed to exploit a loop hole in the contract I signed with him to leave to get ingredients and never come back. He was pissed at me for ruining his daughter's wedding reception and my masters at the School of Flesh and Broth told him "Capture and return our Sous-chef, or else!" So he was my primary antagonist.

But I had a plan! I wrote up a contract for people to sign to try to get them to be my apprentices. By Prime Material Plane standards, I was a genuine gold star level chef. All those poor sods you see competing on Hell's Kitchen would kill to study under someone of my skill level. Basically, the contract was structured such that if they managed to complete an apprenticeship with me, they should be able to obtain employment with kings, popes and sultans. However, if they failed to complete their apprenticeship, I would own their soul. My goal was to be a complete dick to my apprentices to the point that they would give up and run away and fail to complete their training. Then, when I had a small collection of souls, I could return to the 9 Hells and buy out my contract and get them to stop chasing me.

Sadly, the campaign only lasted three sessions.

A few of my favourite clauses from the contract:

Apprentice certifies that, to the best of their knowledge, their Mortal Soul is in sound and original condition, not bound into their body through any enchantments, curses or blessings of undeath or deathlessness (or other mystical bindings), not owed to any other being of the Lower Planes or other Outer Planar Origin, not claimed by any deity or near-deity for any purpose and in no other ways is it’s transfer into Chef’s lawful possession in the event of a breach (5.0). impeded. Furthermore, that they will NOT promise, commit, sell, license or gift their soul to any third party during the terms of this contract.

Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform their obligations under this agreement if prevented from doing so by a cause or causes reasonably beyond their control. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such causes include Acts of deities or near-deities, disruptions to the structure of the planes of existence, infernal war operations (the Blood War), temporal disruptions, Wishes made by third parties or other similar cause or causes which could not with reasonable diligence be controlled or prevented by the party. This clause IN NO WAY waives the obligations of the Apprentice with respect to clause clause 1.1 i.

If Apprentice abandons the apprenticeship due to unanticipated death (2.5), a grace period of 3 days will be granted, during which time Apprentice may be resurrected or otherwise returned to life (including as an undead being), upon which event Apprentice agrees to immediately and without delay return to their Apprenticeship. Failure to do so shall be considered a breach of this contract.

zakobjoa OP , avatar

This was a glee to read.

Also "87 years into a 500 year Sous-chef contract" sounds like a job I once had.

VeganCheesecake , avatar

An insane Bavarian retired geology professor, turned conspiracy theorist, who was trying to bring his dead wife back, and win back the approval of his estranged daughter. Died one session in after being bitten by an insane cultist.

Yes, I did a Bavarian dialect the whole time. No, I'm not good at it. Yes, there where real Bavarians at the table (well, one of them was Franconian, but same difference (don't tell her I said that)).

zakobjoa OP , avatar

He sounds like he'd have his own Telegram channel.

VeganCheesecake , avatar

Well, the campaign took place in Berlin in the '20s (Call of Cthulhu, specifically Berlin: The Wicked City), but in modern times, sure.

zakobjoa OP , avatar

Contemporary Cthulhu campaigns are so much fun.

We did one where we played ourselves, down to building our characters with our actual abilities. To be fair, more like inabilities though. It was so much fun, although I'd argue I was the only one going adequately insane from just the normal unexplained and supernatural stuff. Because, you know, I would.

MouseKeyboard ,

At first I read Barovian instead of Bavarian.

Brutticus , (edited )

Shadowrun 4e. A hacker who was way into drag racing. I got really into statting his race car, and even made driving equal to hacking. He was in deep in the underworld, trying to buy his childhood friend out of her indentured servitude at a brothel.

Mad Max style wasteland campaign: A Shepard boy, skilled at archery, wandering the wasteland with a talking dog (who was named Blood, but wasn't evil). I saw this kid as being on the more idealistic and good side, and I picked a concept connected to society in contrast to what the other PCs picked (A reformed Mohawker, a powerful mutated woman wielding a stop sign, and a "priest of KISS" following the concert routes his roadie parents took before the bombs dropped, mistaking them for religious pilgrimage).... sorry that one had a lot of gas.

Superheroes: A jewish journalist who learns he is the inheritor of the Golem of Prague, and with it, a tradition of Talmudic magic. The other party members were a Bisexual paramedic/ vigilante by night (me and her player agreed that we were roommates lol) and the last one was a black teenager who killed a cop after he had paralyzed his brother. The campaign started and we were "the cop killers" and were protecting a small minority community but I keep thinking that had so much gas in the tank and room to grow and I might spin that off into its own campaign.

I'm just so sick of heroic high fantasy

sirblastalot ,

Fuuuuuck I wanna be in that superhero game.

zakobjoa OP , avatar

Hells yeah. Whole ACAB campaign.

DerisionConsulting ,

I’m just so sick of heroic high fantasy

I don't think I've played/run fantasy since before covid. Couldn't be happier

Brutticus ,

lol lucky. I dont even hate heroic fantasy, I think 5e is like lower mid and i think through no fault of its own its just the current edition when the brand had its moment with critical role and stranger things. I wouldn't hate like, Exalted or Icon, or even like, fantasy craft or 13th age even.

shani66 ,

Dude i just got the exalted books (some of them anyway) and i so want to play a lunar hedge king. Looks like one of the best fantasy games I've ever read.

Brutticus ,

which edition?

shani66 ,

Picked up 3e

zakobjoa OP , avatar

All your groups sound super fun. Priest of KISS made me chuckle.

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