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Boinkage ,

I feel like the way plants work the root ball is really the "head" or "brain" of the plant. The flower is more like an appendage or vagina sticking out than the center of thought.

(M23) Going through the usual breakup with (M23)

Been with this guy for 3 years now, I have been making plans in my head for when we are able to move in together, while unfortunately we were in a long distance relationship we still had a lot in common and were able to enjoy our time online together playing videogames and watching movies with the occasional visit once every 4...

Boinkage ,

You are worthy of real, earnest love. You deserve someone who wholeheartedly loves and desires you. You can find that person as soon as you end this relationship and finish mourning the end of the relationship you had. Breakups are a form of death in your life, but sometimes you have to let things go to be free for the next good thing in your life. Don't waste your time on lukewarm partners.

Aiming With Flashlights - Ziel Punkt Projektor (1970s) ( )

In the late 1970s, H&K partnered with Hensoldt to create the ZP/AP (Ziel/Aiming; Projektor/Projector) and then ZPP/APP (Ziel/Aiming; Punkt/Point; Projektor/Projector). This was essentially a calibrated flashlight with an aiming point and pressure switch. It projected a beam of light that was specifically 2m wide at 50m distance,...

Boinkage ,

Why wait for your muzzle flash to give away your position when you could mount a literal flashlight on your gun so the enemy knows exactly where you are at all times?

Boinkage ,

What is a moral win for a horse? Like, good versus evil? Pragmatism versus altruism? I think we'd have to know what a horse's ethical framework consists of before we could decide if an event was morally desirable for horses.

Boinkage ,

When you're sitting close to each other, literally say, "do you want to make out for a little while?" Only do this if you know what the answer will be. I like this because it's not some super corny line, but it's still kind of funny. Not everyone wants you to grab them and kiss them like in the movies. It's important to get consent. This silly line has worked for me every time, because you should already know the answer. They're usually just waiting for you to ask.

Boinkage , (edited )

I'm 36. It worked with 5ish women before I met my wife (worked with her too) while dating in my 30s. The sillyness is in some ways the point. Don't take it too seriously, and only ask if you know the answer. Humans give lots of social cues when they want to be intimate: eye contact, smiling, touch, scooting closer, flushed cheeks, incidental contact of the knees or hands. Read those cues correctly and it won't really matter what words you use because you will already know they want to. And humor is attractive.

For whatever reason, probably societal conditioning, women tend to expect the man to initiate intimacy. It's scary and nerve-wracking and a lot of pressure. But just throw this line out there. The worst thing that can happen is they say no thanks and you move on.

I've found that women, even and perhaps especially adult women, enjoy playfulness, fun, and jokes. The world is serious and difficult. Dating can be a huge pain in the ass. Finding a partner that makes you laugh is often one of the top things women are looking for in a partner.

Boinkage ,

Good to know, thanks. I won't ask before kissing you.

Boinkage ,

Just found this sub in all and I just want to say this is dope please keep posting big machines.

Boinkage , (edited )

I mean, in fairness, the report did find that he broke the law, but the investigator declined to prosecute based on his findings. Decline to prosecute =/= found no laws were broken.

Edit for the butthurt: page 1, paragraph 2 of the report:

"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen."

As others have said, whether they could establish mens rea in a court of law is another question. But they found evidence of willfulness.

Boinkage , (edited )

Legal research and writing is only one aspect of practicing law. How will your chat gpt associate appear in court? Make oral arguments? Stand up to object on the record? Obtain a bar ID number? Pass the bar? Counsel clients? Console a distraught client who has just lost their child, or home, or personal liberty? Search for new business? AI can do a lot of things but being a lawyer is much more than stringing sentences together with some Latin words thrown in.

Boinkage , (edited )

Passing the test is not the same as being admitted to practice law. Can you give me the bar ID number of a non-human AI who has sat for and passed the bar in a US state? Last time I took it it required having a face, a social security number and a JD.

I think passing a standardized test and legal research and writing are almost certainly things that AI can do better than any human being. But that's a very different statement than saying that people should stop going to law school because AI is being developed. I know if I was facing jail time I would prefer to have a lawyer with biological neurons.

I think less people should go to law school because being a lawyer sucks ass, but that's a different discussion.

Boinkage ,

If I was 50 years old and I got an email on my work email from a person who cheated on me 30 years ago I would delete it in an instant and block that person. She may already be blocking you, which would explain why you had to use the work email. That is insanely inappropriate. What if her supervisor reads her emails? Those aren't private on a work account. You just sent 30 years of dirty laundry to her boss and IT staff. That 20 year old woman no longer exists. It's a memory of an idea you had when you were a stupid boy. Stop trying to be that stupid boy again. You're an adult with a family that needs you to be present.

Boinkage ,

I was skeptical of it and I'm a diehard fan of the books and the films because I grew up with them. I found the show to not be as good as the movies. However, my wife loves the show, and is lukewarm on the movies, and she's not typically into fantasy things.

I think the reason is because the movies and books are about 9 cis white men saving the world. There are a few pretty women who pop up to kiss them, tell them they're handsome, and send them on their way with nice gifts every so often.

The shows center on a strong woman doing what she thinks is best despite the naysaying of men.

In that view, it's no wonder my wife likes the new show so much more than the movies. It was an interesting look into how inclusivity matters. Not every story needs to be about a band of white guys saving the world. It's nice to have some stories from the Tolkien universe about other people.

So in that sense I'm a big fan. It provided an avenue for my wife to connect with this world of fantasy that I really love. The books and the movies are not very accessible or relatable if you are not a white man. This gave her a connection point, after we watched the show she asked all about the lore and the background, then she wanted to watch the movies again.

Boinkage ,

Saying that LOTR has racial diversity because there is an elf and a dwarf and hobbits is fucking hilarious. If you pull off the prosthetic ears, what color is the skin of the guy underneath... Can you imagine if that was how racial representation actually works? Like an Asian person seeing Gimli and Legolas and being like wow, racial minority people just like me! I can really relate to this! That white guy has different ears, he's just like me!

Why bother making Black Panther or Shang Chi? What a waste of money! You could have just put pointy ears on Hawkeye and completely fulfilled the racial diversity need.

LOTR fans are really on another level with their cognitive dissonance. I love Tolkien but I can also appreciate that he is a product of a culture and time when racial and sexual equality were not doing great.

Boinkage ,

If you use the words woke agenda unironically, you are not welcome in this instance of Lemmy.

Boinkage ,

Is Fox News a website we need to be reading?

Boinkage ,

Having a picture of a dog and cat in the header then showing just bird and bee images is pretty lame. Wanted to see what my pets see.

Boinkage ,

No need to apologize. Was griping about the misleading header image. Unless you were responsible for selecting that...

Boinkage ,

Feels like it would have been prudent to make at least one of the barrels lined up with the handle.

This was my gun of choice in the video game Blackwake.

Boinkage ,

Is this politics? Feels more like legal scholarship. Many things we rely on for truthfulness in court are pretty bogus. Eyewitness testimony itself is objectively unreliable yet we give it outsized weight.

Martin Luther King Jr: #1 Most Misrepresented man of all time

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15, 1929–April 4, 1968) was the charismatic leader of the U.S. civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He directed the year-long Montgomery bus boycott, which attracted scrutiny by a wary, divided nation, but his leadership and the resulting Supreme Court ruling against bus...

Boinkage ,

He was the greatest American who ever lived.

Boinkage ,

Who put legs on that trash can?? Looks great! The edge highlights really pop.

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