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ArmoredThirteen ,

Lucy glo apples are one of the only apples I'll eat. So good, they're visually fun, and at least the stand I get them from they're always very crisp

ArmoredThirteen ,

If the powder is fine enough you could just blow air across or through a reservoir of it, maybe? That's my best guess like a leaf blower with a bag of powder you pour in

ArmoredThirteen ,

You... You're not?

ArmoredThirteen ,

Fuck yeah that's great to hear! I'm pretty sure my cat loves me but he mostly likes to be on his own and I can go days without seeing him lol

ArmoredThirteen ,

Ffs, I went to Taiwan earlier this year for a little over a week for like $2k total, plane tickets from the US and everything (granted we stayed in some pretty sketchy hotels but it isn't like the fancy ones were that bank-breaking). I don't understand why people are putting their livelihoods at risk for a corporate hellscape instead of hopping to another country for a bit and seeing all the world has for us

ArmoredThirteen ,
  1. Either way you're potentially bringing a kid through the airport to an unfamiliar area with limited supplies in suitcases. My family brought me to Korea when I was very young and a terrible kid to deal with and they've never said it was worse than bringing me anywhere else at that age. Given the small sample size I have though I'd genuinely like to know which parts in your experience are harder
  2. There is more in the world than east Asia and even just sticking to the US there are huge swaths of national forest and many cities with unique cultures that could be just as fun for a kid and even cheaper to visit than international travel
  3. Taiwan was huge too with lots of cool things, arcades, food everywhere, the crayon factory, a city full of pampered cats. If you need a string of theme parks to come up with a days worth of things to keep a kid entertained than something is wrong

And I don't mean to be entirely against theme parks. I've been to Universal, Legoland, Disney world, Cedar Point, among others, as a kid and with kids. My complaint is simply why would you choose to go into debt for somewhere like that when you can have just as vibrant an experience with your kids for cheaper doing something else? It's depressing

ArmoredThirteen ,

The plane ticket was the most expensive part at about $1.2k iirc. If you planned ahead better than me it's not hard to find $1k or even a little cheaper, granted I live in a city with an international airport so ticket prices also tend to be a bit cheaper here. A family of 4 could do $100/night hotels and get places much nicer than what we did and have enough room. Food costs are so low in Taiwan we stopped even tracking it. Maybe if you only want to eat at fancy sit down places in the center of Taipei or something food would start to add up. I'd high end estimate $10/meal/person but realistically it's like half that

So say a family of 4 over a week, that's $4.8k plane tickets, $700 housing, $840 food, total for all big purchase estimates here is $6,340. Cheaper tickets readily knocks $800 off without putting much effort into hunting for deals, another $400 off for food if you aren't being fancy with it every single meal (besides the excitement of street food is probably more fun for a kid than telling them to sit still for an hour while there is so much going on outside)

Because of the disproportionate cost of the plane tickets, if you were to stay longer than a week the cost compared to Disney gets increasingly better. There are also many other international locations that can be cheaper, and thousands of places just in the US filled with unique experiences and culture that can be engaging for kids at an even better price tag

If you can afford Disney go for it. But going into debt over it is like taking a payday loan to hit up a Cheesecake Factory when there's a block full of food trucks with a dozen cuisines just down the road for cheaper

ArmoredThirteen ,

Jiufen was stunning I could spend my life there

ArmoredThirteen ,

I swear I'd claw them to death if they tried. I'm early in recovery from major surgery, today I walked to an ice cream place to get a shake. It was like 4 blocks, took everything I had in me. I'm dragging this milkshake with me to my grave that long strawed bastard can go ahead and test which of us is crazier right now

ArmoredThirteen ,

Is that Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson on the left? (Forgive me if not I'm really bad at recognizing people especially in old photos)

ArmoredThirteen ,

Yeah I'm preparing by going to protests while I still can and lining up moving to another country in a year

ArmoredThirteen ,

You're not wrong but that's also one of the correct ways for self-administering an enema

ArmoredThirteen ,

Hmm, would I, a trans woman, be allowed to open one because they insist I'm a man? Assuming they haven't already made my existence illegal by that point

ArmoredThirteen ,

Damn the title doesn't include rear view window as a use, gotta find a more appropriate one

ArmoredThirteen ,

Fam sounds like you need to get out there and make this a reality. $15 is cheap compared to a good memory like this

ArmoredThirteen ,

I want to know where to get $5 tabs damn

ArmoredThirteen ,

No love for "A Boy and His Dog" which is set in 2024 and is one of the big inspirations of the original Fallout games?

ArmoredThirteen ,

It basically kicked off how we do dust punk in media and without it there wouldn't be Fallout or Mad Max as we know them today so, no? It's weird for sure and not everyone is going to like it, also it's incredibly dark and would probably be easier to list the trigger warnings it doesn't have than does, I think it's a legitimately good movie

ArmoredThirteen ,

I'm currently drugged up to my eyeballs in the hospital waiting for some drowsiness to kick in. Thanks for the messed up dreams I'm going to have this time around

ArmoredThirteen ,

It all worked out in the end, love the art

ArmoredThirteen ,

Pretty sure Muskrat thinks his brain is way bigger than galaxy sized

ArmoredThirteen ,

Well yeah half the time I go anywhere now the min tip is up to 20% and some places in Seattle their machine defaults go up to 35% fuck that. I generally like giving some extra money to people but when it gets turned into this psychological game that pits different groups of working classes against each other I'm just going to stop playing entirely

ArmoredThirteen ,

You've never spent hours screaming in pain with your only tether to reality being a pillow that you're chewing on so you don't clench your jaw tight enough to chip teeth?

ArmoredThirteen ,

Generally that would be the outer batter is rolled in diced potato for extra goodness and potato-y crisp from the deep fry. They're also often like half meat and half mozzarella sticks inside. If you've never experienced one, highly recommend

ArmoredThirteen ,

I mean they look goofy for sure but being fit isn't a requirement to kill people, and even if it were the right doesn't have monopoly on being overweight.

ArmoredThirteen ,

This is one of the most wholesome things I've heard, brings joy to my heart. People can bring so much joy to each other's lives when they're open to it

ArmoredThirteen ,

I never stopped my COVID routine so I'm not really doing anything different to prepare but I am at least a little prepared. Going to buy one of those emergency 5-gallon buckets of dehydrated food this time around though, like next time I'm at a bulk food not as shit hits the fan.

I haven't put much thought into if it is overblown because realistically I'd prefer to see a big fuss over nothing than to see people sit back with a beer while their neighbors die. So I'm not going to treat it like we're overreacting I'm going to be pretty serious about things.

ArmoredThirteen ,

Yeah you got to be real careful you don't zero sum yourself, much better to chim if you can

ArmoredThirteen ,

I misread this as mud floor and while watching one get made can be satisfying, I was very confused

ArmoredThirteen ,

Oh man this one is a serious throwback. I still miss when they were interactive but I'm glad at least video of these are around

ArmoredThirteen ,

The original XCOM has some of the best pixel art in any game, imo. Original resolution: 320x200. Somehow it is still visually detailed and clear. It has one of my favorite things in a game ever where the tiles you see are partially obscured by tiles you can't. Specifically, the tiles you can't see aren't fully blocked so silhouettes can still be visible. If you're good you can use it to ID aliens lurking in the shadows and sometimes it's literally like 3 pixels of difference for you to pick up on it

ArmoredThirteen ,

Anyone reading this who doesn't already have one: Seriously get a bidet you guys

ArmoredThirteen ,

Huh, apparently I can do about stage 2.5 but it makes the inside of my nose hurt. I wish I didn't know this about myself

Edit: I now also have a massive headache. 0/10 experience

ArmoredThirteen ,

Never in my life have I found someone else who knows about that movie. Scene in question

ArmoredThirteen ,

Hey this has been happening at my work! It definitely isn't a complete dumpster fire over here now, that knowledge and experience from those hundreds of people wasn't critical or anything, the people who are left are totally working well and not just scraping by under constant fear of being fired next, it's fine

ArmoredThirteen ,

Also have you ever seen a seahorse try and swim? They're actually horrible at it

ArmoredThirteen ,

Yeah don't forget the pox parties where people try and build natural immunity by making their sick kids cough at each other

ArmoredThirteen ,

Or if you're burnt out: Awake several hours before work and thinking of quitting with no notice

ArmoredThirteen ,

All I see is a bunch of unused ad space when looking over the water. How are people going to know to buy Bouncy Bubbly Beverage if their attention is on a sunset or whatever?

ArmoredThirteen ,

They're definitely still around places, I haven't seen one skate the food out in ages though. I imagine they still do sometimes I just don't know where. I don't think Seattle has one but they do have drive up food I believe Burger Master on Aurora is the one I'm remembering

ArmoredThirteen ,

Yeah 100k should be minimum wage here in Seattle honestly. That's enough to get by comfortably and not have to worry too hard about necessities, though if you want to get really fancy and buy a small one person starter home you'll need more

ArmoredThirteen ,

Not all trans care sterilizes people, hormones don't even necessarily sterilize people, and because this is in the context of trans care for kids I'm going to reiterate the obvious that children never get surgeries done. Minors might in the sense that rarely like 16-17+ person may be able to get some cosmetic stuff done but like we let cis kids do that anyway as long as it fits within their prescribed gender norm. Also we already make non-consensual surgery choices surrounding intersex people when they're actual literal babies so where's the "don't surgery the kids" crowd on that topic?

ArmoredThirteen ,

It's definitely a satire but also yes very dark. The music video really makes it, for anyone who wants to see one of the most unhinged pieces of media out there in its full glory

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