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AA5B ,

Yeah, I never liked veggie burgers, but black bean patties are awesome!

…. Although I do like beyond/impossible

AA5B ,

Depends on how far left. Three lefts make a right, and I won’t stand for that

fathermcgruder , to Asklemmy
@fathermcgruder@jorts.horse avatar

What is it about the text messages and emails sent by older people that make me feel like I'm having a stroke?

Maybe they're used to various shortcuts in their writing that they picked up before autocorrect became common, but these habits are too idiosyncratic for autocorrect to handle properly. However, that doesn't explain the emails I've had to decipher that were typed on desktop keyboards. Has anyone else younger than 45 or so felt similarly frustrated with geriatrics' messages?


AA5B ,

Wikipedia ….

Depending on context, ellipsis can indicate an unfinished thought, a leading statement, a slight pause, an echoing voice, or a nervous or awkward silence.

I usually use it as “a slight pause” in my attempts at jokes, or to abbreviate a quote

AA5B ,

For me. That’s usually autocorrect. If it decides a typo such as accidenta double-space means the end of one sentence, then capitalizes a word, it’s below my threshold to go back and fix. You shouldn’t be confused by random. Apitalization and letter skips from autocorrect, but I’ll correct it when it’s autocorrect sped to to something. Different like this last sentence where it looks like I’m having a stroke

AA5B ,

Good info to post! Actually, I like that this is now a thing to ask someone whose post is turned to gibberish by autocorrect: it keeps the idea in mind, should anyone need it in real life

AA5B ,

Can’t we be happy they did a thing? Instead of bringing up a different thing?

FYI - to some extent ….. in Massachusetts I pay a certain tax rate times the assessed value of my house MINUS an exemption for it being my primary home. So, yes, people buying a house in Massachusetts to live in do pay less taxes than people buying an investment property.

That exemption was always too small, and it’s a fixed amount, so the percentage has gotten smaller every year. But it does exist

AA5B , (edited )

No, I’m saying we already have part of what you’re asking for, but phrased oppositely

  • “ tax rates double for “investment properties” being rented out / not lived in by the owner”

Similar to

  • Tax rate is same for all, but those living in it are taxed on reduced assessed value

My towns website says this year the exemption is $285k, so for houses worth $570k, it’s exactly what you’re looking for: landlords taxed double… if there are any such houses. I know there are at least condos for less, so those people get an even bigger break on taxes than you’re asking, vs what a landlord would pay, and it’s theoretically possible some pay no tax at all for living in their own home. You could easily argue this approach is better than yours, since it works even better for low income, although that exemption should be even higher, given the high costs of houses here

AA5B , (edited )

While your complaint is valid in way too many places, you’re making it in a Massachusetts community where it’s just not.

I’d also like to point you to what could have a huge impact on new multi family housing across eastern MA, over time

We do have a huge housing affordability crisis here, but it’s not really the corporate investors. In general Massachusetts has a very high cost of living and decades of under building, too few housing units for needs. The residential exemption makes a difference to the extent local communities can, but it’s nowhere near enough. Encouraging development of more multi family housing (especially near transit) will make a bigger difference

Linking back to Boston, it’s not as clear since they talk about an amount of tax reduction, but I find it interesting there is a max discount of 90%. If there are houses that meet that criteria, a landlord would be taxed ten times what someone living there would

AA5B ,

TIL; I always thought it was temporarily spiking your blood pressure that made that rumble. Now I’m no longer scared to do it

AA5B ,

That’s the Great Filter concept. Certain stages on the evolutionary path may lead to extinction, and only the smartest species are able to pass

What if it is the accumulation of filters that no one can pass?

  • we evolved as intelligent and successful and passed many tests of natural selection, so far
  • we’ve survived nuclear weapons, so far
  • we’ve survived plague/biological warfare, so far
  • were still approaching climate catastrophe, so far
  • we’ve survived evolution + nuclear war + plague/biological + early climate change, so far

People get wrapped up in speculation about which stage may be the great filter, but it’s not as if they end. They just keep adding up. We need to keep passing all the filters we already pass plus all the filters yet to come

AA5B , (edited )

Imagine being part of the government, a huge amorphous blob of layer upon on layer of layers. Imagine trying to get something done: you get money allocated, that’s the hard part, right? Now imaging you have to set up an organization and application process to handle this. Imagine further that this has to be actually run by state governments, and they have to set up an organization and application process to handle this and they’ll need to apply to coordinate with the federal government for funding. Now imagine the work has to be done by independent contractors in cooperation with local governments, utility providers, land owners, and coordinate material from different companies, none of which has ever worked together before

AA5B ,

A streamer I watched last night phrased it as very welcome but doesn’t come close to making up for over 100 years of neglect. This was in reference to the NEC, supposedly the best track for passenger rail, yet there are so many slowdowns, so many places bottlenecked by infrastructure from over 100 years ago falling apart, can’t meet current standards, was never intended for such scale.

AA5B ,

100 years of neglect, and finally a very welcome but woefully inadequate $6B. We need many times that just to catch up on maintenence for existing slow rail, much less upgrade to handle higher soeeds

AA5B ,

Acela has proven that rail can work in the US. I don’t know the stats but it has made a significant difference in both highway traffic and air traffic, and is a lot more comfortable. It’s also in high demand - people want to use it.

Complaints hear are: not high speed, not frequent enough, too expensive. Victim of its own success (and lack of funding compared to highway and air travel), but never anyone saying it’s not a great choice

AA5B ,

Yeah, that would be a huge impractical goal for me: getting organized

AA5B ,

There are so many things but I really need to say: Republicans

As I started paying attention to politics, I started noticing patterns. And they’ve been getting more extreme over the years. It’s easy to say conservative positions sound good, and it’s easy to say all politicians are cynical self-centered liars with no intentions except amassing power and wealth. But if you’re paying any attention at all, you see Republicans far worse, far more blatant lies, far more corrupt and it isn’t even close.

Then I come online and see Republicans trying to justify absolute shitty behavior, hold themselves above the law, govern by obstruction. They used to say they had goals, a foundation, beliefs but I’d like to see them act constructively for their constituents with those beliefs. Please. Meanwhile people start trumpeting a case of Democrat malfeasance and other Democrats are at the front of the line to see justice done. Sometimes it can be difficult to maintain cynicism.

But then we come down to my vested interests. In a strong believer in education, science, technology, investing for the future. One party has not just given up, but actively obstruct across the board

AA5B ,

In any sane world he’d have no chance. At least he’s shown enough incompetence and appointed so many corrupt greedy assistance, that he won’t succeed in doing as much damage as he wants, except to Ukraine. At this point it’s hard to believe he’s running for anything more than staying out of jail, making himself above the law

AA5B ,

I was there for the beginning of the internet …

Al Gore was instrumental in passing legislation that set the foundation for commercialized internet … and all us old-timers hated it.

Nope, I was there as serial cables and token ring coalesced toward Ethernet, various telemetry and others built toward a common internet, individual well-known servers gave way to a vast directory of dozens.

Much later on, there was this minor invention of Tim Berners-Lee that brought everything together, and I was one of the coders for what may have been the first 401k management web site

AA5B ,

IT really wasn’t. Sure, it had way too much hype, but a lot of the saner predictions really could have happened, except for the huge amount of work so many of us went through.

I was working at an investment management company at the time, one of the first “quant shops”, and there was an unimaginably vast flood of money coming through that could have ground to a halt, with ear splitting squeals and shrieks. Our stuff wasn’t retail, but you bet people would have suffered with any disruption of business, retirement plans of millions in jeopardy, investments of the wealthy, corporate wealth of all types would have been hit hard. And there were so many companies in similar condition. I was on remediation projects for a couple of years, along with most of my team and consultants when we could, and we came through with no glitches!

And yes that was the first time I was tempted to be a consultant, to get a bigger share of the money being spent. And yes I did celebrate New Years with by far the most expensive trip I had gone on to that point - included tickets for three headliner concerts, expensive suites, and unlimited margaritas

AA5B ,

Seriously, we had snow back then. Lots of. But the world has moved on

I could tell my kids about snow days, school bus sliding into the ditch, walking home when no one could get up our hill. I could talk how anything not cleared quickly, icier over and remained for the winter. My kids will be able to tell stories about me jokingly wishing to get enough snow to try out my new snow blower. They’ll tell about the arguments about clearing the driveway in case we need to go out, vs waiting a couple days for it to melt

AA5B ,

I remember it well. I was in the right place at the right time to be solicited for a real donation t that X-prize, as if I had money. I got to goto one of the first presentations about their plan. I got to shake Burt Routan’s hand and wish him luck I did put in like $10 though

AA5B ,

The problem with dams or pumped storage is it only works in specific places where you have a higher place to put lots of water.

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden ( www.theguardian.com )

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....

AA5B ,

Lots of bad news from media milking outrage for views and clicks, in the name of News

AA5B ,

But how can they tell, if all the indicators are good? How can they even figure out a solution if all the indicators don’t point to a problem?

AA5B ,

First thing that makes sense here - income inequality has been increasing over time, and either side will see completely different economy

AA5B ,

Looks like too many of you are renting, not owning your home, so they track that instead

Is this another “avocado toast” moment?

AA5B ,

My kids also complain ….

Yeah, I really feel this. My kids are teens and one is actively lifting/bulking, so food goes so much faster now, and foods with lean protein (so much chicken) are much more expensive than a reasonable amount of veggies and carbs to help fill up

A decade or two ago I would really tease a couple friend of ours for preparing meals like “steak on a plate” instead of something more nutritionally balanced and with healthier fat choices. Now my one kid wants “chicken on a plate”, twice as much chicken and nothing else

AA5B ,

1978 is reaching way back. Were you even alive then? Do you know what our society was like, what the options were? Have you changed at all over the last 46 years?

AA5B ,

In 1978 I stole a free battery from Radio Shack. Does that make me a lifelong thief?

AA5B ,

deviate on even one party position and they might throw you under the bus calling you a radical that supports the other side

I don’t know about local politics, but D party has well known members Mancin and AOC, who differ a lot from the platform, and in opposite directions

AA5B ,

Yes, for Cthulhu’s sake, everyone get in and bail like your life depends on it. Let’s plan the next 4 years telling politicians where to lug the holes, rather than risk spending the entire four years vpbaling like crazy while still sinking lower and lower, with someone running around drilling more holes when you’re not looking

AA5B ,

It’s all in how you interpret the story. Animals that endanger humans and can’t be redeemed do need to be dealt with. The stories do talk about attacking humans and in particular the goat being aggressive toward children.

However, it seems minimized: I’m not getting anything about actual danger nor irredeemable behavior. Dogs are dogs, especially with insufficient training: there’s a huge difference between a warning bite and one intended to hurt, and I don’t see references to damage or hospitalization. Is the dog sufficiently trained for the intended role or did she just assume she can take prey out of its mouth with no objection? Certainly the first response to a rented goat not serving the needs should be to return it, potentially with a complaint.

Could 40% of South Dakotans be interpreting this as endangering humans, and with no better options?

AA5B ,

I’d read that. Too symbolic for a movie but it would work well as a book, maybe throw in some Greek gods that each represents, and all of their inherent drama

AA5B ,

Am I misreading this somehow?

the United States’ first-ever Black astronaut candidate

In a few seconds search ….

AA5B ,

Ah yes, rtfm. My bad for relying on the summary.

That’s amazing. The guy is 90 now and went to space!

AA5B ,

It seems like news also used to cover issues that were important, that people should care more about, even if they don’t.

Then we had Jon Stewart to cover (in the context of comedy) important news that News didn’t bother with

Now we have nothing

Trump Demands Biden Take a Drug Test Before Debating and Claims the President Was ‘High as a Kite’ During the State of the Union ( www.mediaite.com )

“I just wanna debate this guy, but you know– and I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said as the audience cheered. “I am. No, I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high as a kite.”

AA5B ,

They do seem to have backed off a bit on recent years, at least with companies I’ve worked for. It’s been quite a few years.

The last time, they tried to start drug testing for current employees. I didn’t bother going and they didn’t bother me about it

AA5B ,

I wish. There is no reason a country’s leadership should be exciting or dramatic. Get on with doing your job

AA5B ,

enormous amounts on carbon capture projects that have historically produced lackluster results. It throws even more good money after bad on “clean hydrogen”, an absolute sinkhole of R&D

And yet both are desperately needed

  • we’re already zooming past our climate goals for carbon emission, and rapidly approaching all the dangers that entails. While not putting fossilized carbon in the atmosphere to begin with is far better, it’s naive to think that will be enough. If there’s a practical way to recover some of that atmospheric carbon, we need to find it and scale up fast
  • while we’ve found better technologies than hydrogen for personal transportation and power generation, there are still too many places we still need energy, where wires can’t go, batteries aren’t sufficient. Think of industrial uses like metal refining or concrete manufacturing, flying, shipping, construction, long distance trains, etc, that we don’t yet have a good solution for. Yes, even for storage: current storage technology is fantastic, but it’s not clear that it can scale. We do also need a hydrogen economy
AA5B ,

They’ll ban toilet paper and cleaning up after you go. Touching your ass is so gay

AA5B ,

The more primary votes for Sanders and for progressive candidates, the more likely are their ideas to make it onto the party platform, and the more likely they are to be appointed to positions of influence. It’s not all or nothing, but many bits and pieces where it all counts

AA5B ,

For sure another Big Question ^TM^ is whether intellectual property protections have gone beyond any reasonable justification, and obstruct innovation rather than the stated goal of stimulating it. Patents aren’t as bad as Copyright, but yeah.

AA5B ,

But now we know those big rocks can float. I imagine they threw the rocks in the water, attached an outboard and just putt-putted along until they got to the pyramid.

AA5B ,

from the annal stone of the king

Sorry, but this sounds hilarious

AA5B ,

That’s the part I’m interested in, I’df there’s really a tax issue. Maybe he really didn’t understand justices had to have ethics and morals, avoid corruption and conflicts of interest, and were just there to solicit gifts from plaintiffs, but how can he explain away if he didn’t pay taxes?

AA5B ,

Yes, the pictures, both the route and the aerial show how much space this currently wastes. Recover polluted wasteland that is currently unuseable, join the right of ways for purple line and highway so at least there’s only one, replace a tangled knot of overpasses with a simpler design, add a train station to open that whole new neighborhood to develop served by transit, and remove a traffic bottleneck. Wins in all directions, but just moving that mess away from the river is worth it

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