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AA5B ,

It’s the fish argument all over again. Some vegetarians reason they can eat fish because fish has simple enough nervous system that it can be aware of its suffering. Sure it reacts to pain, but is it aware?

Similarly, grass may react to damage, but have such simple systems that you can’t even call it pain, much less that they have any awareness of pain

AA5B ,

Not at all, it’s just a reaction. When you drop your mentos into Diet Coke, you see a very excited reaction, but do you really call that an emotion or can you really connect that with any entity’s awareness?

AA5B ,

They’re not bribes, they’re gratuities ….. given before important court decisions

AA5B ,

My town has this! A really nice walkable “Main Street” of shops and restaurants, many with apartments above. It’s a great thing to have

AA5B ,

they’d face the same consequences as one who refuses to teach about the Civil War

Now I’m really afraid to find out what this includes

AA5B ,

Surely if intelligent life is rare, they’re all of interest

AA5B ,

For fans of outdoor cooking, especially with this versatile pellet grill ….

I just got one of these grills and am learning about smoking - let’s help each other out, appreciate each others efforts, and cook some feasts

AA5B , (edited )

We’re all donating our time and attention to Lemmy, which is worth something even on a non-commercial site.

But yes, some of us also help with the costs and chores. I appreciate everyone who does but I also appreciate everyone who makes this an interesting place worth chipping in for

AA5B ,

This is one of the reasons I left Reddit. Sure everyone needs to be paid for their work but it gets a little more suspect when I donate my time and attention, and it is monetized, and I still have to deal with too many ads

And someone who does NOT deserve to be paid is the “journalist” who writes those articles “LoveBunny68 on social media site Reddit said ….”. I guess I hope that is some sort of automation because no one deserves to be paid for that and I imagine an actual writer ready to commit suicide if stuck writing those

AA5B ,

One thing I thought generative ai would be better at is staying focused. I think this starts well but in the second half has too many unrelated sentences

AA5B ,

Where do you target your fear mongering if you don’t share a border with scary brown people? Where do you build a wall?

AA5B ,

Yeah, Newsom and Whtmer, no one else has the name recognition ….. but half the country will reflexively vote against California

AA5B ,

I actually heard this claim from a buddy of mine who moved down there: Florida does not deserve its reputation, it’s mostly better “sunshine” laws bringing to light stuff that everyone else is doing. So even if that were true, you want to go back to hiding corruption, racism, misuse of government funds, abuse of authority ?

…. And this guy is not conservative, he fits at least one demographic the current state government has been oppressing.

AA5B ,

Hinduism is not an actual religion? They would have a harder time getting anyone to agree with a straight face

I do hope this is a form of protest, simply because he’s going to run into all sorts of racism and bigotry that we should have long since outgrown. If he makes those politicians understand their inconsistency, that’s a win.

On the other hand, he’s right about the historical importance of such a major religion and we would all do well to learn more about that. If religion belongs anywhere in public schooling, it would be as a survey or comparative religion course, maybe influence on history. ….. it’s tough to learn a survey of major religions or compare major relig in a if you limit yourself to one sect of one religion

AA5B ,

I’ve frequently reminded my teens that it’s no big deal to go around again, no big deal to miss a turn. A panic move at a missed turn is usually a bad idea.

— also, I recommended GPS even in familiar territory. Sure, you need to be able to get around without that dependency, but no matter where you are, GPS will almost instantly calculate an alternate, safe route. Don’t worry about missing that turn, let gps help

AA5B ,

There’s actual history of revenue generation by camera, legitimate reasons for suspicion. Plus it violates any right to face your accuser. Plus it probably doesn’t even help safety with the delayed feedback: you’ll slow down as soon as you see a cop, but would be speeding for weeks before seeing mail from the for-profit company managing the speed cameras. With the lack of feedback, you could be looking at dozens of violations before you discover there is a problem, which doesn’t help anything except maximizing revenue

AA5B ,

They tell you where the cameras are? That’s a fundamental difference.

AA5B ,

They should be very concerned. However they have the advantage of time, place, protectionism. They already have factories and employees. The technology is known. They’re admitting they are aware of the market. The only way they can lose is if they don’t even try ….

We’ve spent years saying how short sighted they are to not be able to look ahead of the immediate term, now they’re admitting they can’t even look ahead 2-3 years

Tesla ordered to stop releasing toxic emissions from San Francisco Bay Area plant ( apnews.com )

Tesla must fix air quality problems at its electric vehicle manufacturing facility in the San Francisco Bay Area after racking up more than 100 violations for allegedly releasing toxic emissions into the atmosphere over the last five years, an air quality board said Tuesday. ...

AA5B ,

Seems like a local or state regulation - epa has no jurisdiction

AA5B ,

This is the downside of USB-C: a single connector used by many different capability ports and cables. On another thread I was complaining that laptops/computers still have too few USB-C ports and too many USB-A that I want to migrate away from. Why shouldn’t I be able to have all small, symmetrical connectors, like I have for the last decade with Lightning?

Some of the answers were that you can’t support the power and bandwidth for that many and there is no easy way to distinguish either ports or cables that do from those that don’t. That’s a pretty bad excuse when standardized marking could take care of that so easily. Even with USB-A there is a convention with color of the port - it would be trivial to do the same

AA5B ,

From Boston Harbor: “representation without taxation! Everyone drink tea!”

Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” ( powering-the-planet.ghost.io )

I wasn't aware just how good the news is on the green energy front until reading this. We still have a tough road in the short/medium term, but we are more or less irreversibly headed in the right direction.

AA5B ,
  • don’t cut back on planes, increase intercity train use
  • don’t cut back on cars, create more walkability and transit
  • dont cut back on meat, try this fantastic new meal that happens to not include meat, or fine: just one less day of red meat every week
  • don’t try to avoid facism, stand on your constitutional rights (for us). There’s more to that doc than the second amendment
AA5B ,

Degrowth is coming. Birth rate is below replacement in essentially all developed countries and is steeply dropping in less developed ones as well. We’re on track for population to level off and start dropping in only a few decades, as current larger generations die off.

We just need to hope that “natural” depopulation isn’t too late for addressing climate change.

But I’d argue it’s likely to drop too steeply, further destabilizing societies. Think of it like climate change in the 1970’s: we can fix it now with minimal impact, or we could wait until it’s a crisis. We need to take steps now to make having more children a more attractive choice

AA5B , (edited )

Robots are cool and all, but considering our (in a larger sense) children is literally the future of our civilization. The next generation is why it’s important to fix our mistakes, to leave things better than we found them, to open new opportunities and greater potential. Automation can enable that but is not a goal in itself, or is a short term goal for personal gain.

So yes, I’ll agree that we seem to have passed the healthy carrying capacity of the planet and should fix that. However I’ll strongly disagree that it would be a good thing to drop below the sustainability of current society, innovation, science, and I’ll strongly disagree it’s desirable to drop population fast enough to destabilize societies, economies, or to cause human suffering. That’s what we my be headed for. A few tweaks now, might help population level off and gradually decline without causing suffering, and hopefully level off at a healthy total.

Let’s fix our mistakes while still setting the next generation up for success, not give in to misery and root for disaster

Edit: if you read the Wikipedia article on degrowth, there’s surprisingly little focus on reducing population and it really isn’t a goal, although an important tool. Pretty much all of the precepts contradict sudden population declines or the aftereffects of that

AA5B ,

Then they at the end they give that know an extra twist by specifically mentioning two justices notorious for receiving substantial bribes rewards who didn’t feel the need to recuse themselves.

AA5B ,

YEt so far, climate efforts in Biden years has been all give, to everyone. While there’s been some efficiency standards increased, that always takes years to phase in and even that is a push to new technologies, which is a great opportunity should someone take it.

Consider efforts in intercity rail. This is fantastic to finally see this investment after all these years,but is only the beginning. It needs sustained investment over a couple decades. Even if it didn’t, it needs a couple decades to build out. That’s great for investment in business, great for our jobs now to build our future, and will be an excellent Biden legacy, but we’re not going to see real benefits during Biden’s term. This is all give, all investment, all jobs, but there is not yet the corresponding”take”, to encourage Americans to step out of their cars (maybe if congestion pricing takes off but the President should get neither credit nor blame for that)

AA5B ,

Similarly, I’m electrifying my home (especially if rebates and incentives continue), but I’m not going to replace functional major appliances. I’ll buy it when I need it and don’t consider that dragging my feet.

On the one hand it will take years, because I can’t afford otherwise, but on the other hand everything is coming up on replacement time, so not that many years.

So far, the EV is working great, as is induction stove

AA5B ,

If you have your own home with off-street parking, installing a level 2 charger is similar cost to a new stove circuit. Charging at home is so much easier and nicer than going to gas stations all the time

While I do agree lack of charging infrastructure is a big issue we need to address asap, the reality is I rarely need it. Charging at home just works, cheaply, reliably, and I don’t need to go anywhere. While road trips need trip charging, it’s been everywhere I looked so far, and a small percentage of my time

AA5B ,

Increased efficiency standards on cars, home appliances, industry. Created new permitting rules to streamline new transmission lines. Huge investment in rail

AA5B ,

Yet, investing in that gym membership and researching better nutrition habits are significant progress, even before you start losing weigh

AA5B ,

As a more manageable and not quite as expensive option: a shorter sail might be most of the adventure you need.

I live in Boston and at one point joined a sailing school/club out of Boston harbor. They had mostly 35’ boats but a few up to 49’. It was so much fun learning to deal with open water, complex boats, crew cooperation.

However the one thing I wasn’t in a position to do …. They organized cruises on the bigger boats: form a crew and sail to the Caribbean! While it’s nowhere near around the world, something like this is a couple weeks at sea and seems like a really cool adventure

AA5B ,

The article is missing too many details:

  • Why pigs? I thought by far the biggest offender were ruminants
  • The article says “cows and pigs” but how does it apply to similar animals? I’ve recently had bison and elk but there are more? Or are they enough of an edge case to not worry about it.
  • There are additives to cattle feed that reduce methane emissions: does the tax make any adjustment to encourage that?
AA5B ,

Wow, that’s really good news for the environment if it is general to livestock, and that much more of a miss for the headline

AA5B ,

You need to get up to date from three years ago. NodeJS 16.20, or thereabouts, enabled dependency auditing by default.

I’m still fighting my engineers go get current enough to use this (but we do have a proxy artifact server that also attempts to keep downloads clean, and a dependency scanner)

AA5B ,

Some people call them public because they are funded by the government, not by tuition or private donors. The claim is that a private company freed from government restrictions can do a better job more efficiently.

That’s a huge load of bullcrap: diverting public school funds from the school system toward private profit

Tesla is recalling its Cybertruck for the fourth time to fix problems with trim pieces that can come loose and front windshield wipers that can fail | The new recalls each affect over 11,000 trucks ( apnews.com )

The company says in the documents that the front windshield wiper motor controller can stop working because it’s getting too much electrical current. A wiper that fails can cut visibility, increasing the risk of a crash. The Austin, Texas, company says it knows of no crashes or injuries caused by the problem....

AA5B ,

Right, I considered it …. I’m not interested in a truck but a fully refundable $100 to hold my place in line, for what was at the time the first EV pickup?

AA5B ,

This system of water pipes could have made for excellent, very low energy heat pumps. Imagine how efficient that could be with a ground source only 5-10° away from comfortable at all times!

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

AA5B ,

Exponential functions. Seriously. You meet crisis after crisis, each having a risk of ending civilization, but that risk never goes away. It keeps multiplying and multiplying, until you realize the risk curve is approaching a vertical line

AA5B ,

Generational ships wouldn’t have to reach the edge of the galaxy, just the next planetary system. There’s no reason civilization needs to remain centered on Earth, either. Think of it as a wave traveling outward, where it eventually reaches the edge, by many smaller hops. It will also eventually reach earth, where they might wonder at signs of a prehistoric civilization. Actually, think of it like the Middle East, where empires rise and fall, crusades and jihads burst through, religions rise out of nowhere, people speak many different languages. A galactic civilization could be dynamic and ever changing, distance can make us strangers to each other, the fate of any planet matter only to its inhabitants and neighbors

AA5B ,

True, you’re not getting to the next galaxy. However within the galaxy, your generation ships only need to work for a century or two per voyage. That’s at least conceivable

AA5B ,

I’m out here working and no one paid for my college but me (well, and …). Dammit, why are we still making people do this? Where can I sign up to help get next generations off to a good start without crippling debt?

AA5B ,

As someone who went to a private university and always believed it a superior choice, fuck that noise. A few states have started offering free instate tuition again, at public universities.

Let’s change course here, let’s steer this baby over to the public side…..

How about

  • all public funding goes to free tuition at public universities/vo-tech for everyone that wants it
  • if you insist on going to private, you can do private funding. No loans for you. No grants for you
AA5B ,

There was just an article posted around here about future games in Los Angeles …. Where one of the venues is in Oklahoma, unless I got seriously trolled, for exactly this: trying not to build as much new stuff.

Here in Boston when they were talking about putting in a bid, all the discussion was about upgrading athletic facilities for all the regional colleges, and getting more hotels built to handle more tourism

AA5B ,

Right, plus in the context of not building new stuff for a temporary need

  • too bad they didn’t know how easy it would be for so many of us to work from home
  • roping off a lane may offend our egalitarianism, but it’s a temporary change
  • even if we had to build new lanes, they would sure as hell get used (especially since there’s never enough capacity on the T)

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  • AA5B ,

    The problem is buying means nothing about whether it is legit or whether a company decides they want it. It only means you reserved it. Any disagreements are hashed out after the fact in court. It’s not a game that individuals can afford to win vs a corp

    AA5B ,

    We already have many cases where a very small number of humans can manage automated services for millions. It’s extremely scalable

    While you could argue the electronics and power are also a resource dependency, it again scales extremely well

    AA5B ,

    It’s still kind of lonely at !traeger!traeger …… almost doubled the number of subscribers since I started posting, but it’s mostly lurkers.

    AA5B ,

    Didn’t see any

    There’s one with a more general title but no activity in a year

    Edit: ohhhhhhhh, “bbq” is something it never occurred to me to look for. That does exist and has activity!

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