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7heo ,

That, plus all the obvious propaganda, dogmatic echo chambers, and people who misspell stuff voluntarily, or make extremely basic mistakes ("your wrong", "its that", "there logic", etc) more than once.

7heo ,

Also, could you please update the title of your fediverse post? The article now says 21k 🙂

7heo ,

The bourgeoisie is bad.

But the real problem are the billionaires.

Don't mix the two, killing all the bourgeois will not help us now. I'm not saying it should be off the table, I'm saying it would be a red herring the billionaires would likely employ to save their asses.


Alternatively, tax all worth beyond 1 billion at a 100% rate, and kill no one.

Let's see which happens first...

7heo ,

Usually people use Hugo.

But I would be very interested in a less contrived alternative.

Thanks for doing this.

7heo ,

Plus, that way, you have a trail of invites. If something goes wrong, you can prune entire branches and mitigate most abuse.

7heo ,

I see a proper keyboard in that picture. Where is the keyboard in my pocket, eh Ted? There was one thing that mattered above all, and that's the thing that's missing?? WHERE IS THE KEYBOARD IN MY POCKET, TED?

7heo ,



¹ Repudiation in SimpleX Chat will include client-server protocol from v5.7 or v5.8. Currently it is implemented but not enabled yet, as its support requires releasing the relay protocol that breaks backward compatibility.

² Post-quantum cryptography is available in beta version, as opt-in only for direct conversations. See below how it will be rolled-out further.

Some columns are marked with a yellow checkmark:

  • when messages are padded, but not to a fixed size.
  • when repudiation does not include client-server connection. In case of Cwtch it appears that the presence of cryptographic signatures compromises repudiation (deniability), but it needs to be clarified.
  • when 2-factor key exchange is optional (via security code verification).
  • when post-quantum cryptography is only added to the initial key agreement and does not protect break-in recovery.
7heo , (edited )

Cool, but it's now impossible to submit anything, as the server is being DDOS'd. Not out of malice, mind you, there are just too many geeks out there, and this is a Sunday...

Still, one can read the titles of the already posted rooms with:

env URL=https://incredible.xkcd.com \
curl -SsL $URL/machine/current \
| jq .grid[][] | grep -v '^null$' | tr -d '"' \
| while read uuid; do printf '%s: ' "$uuid"; \
curl -SsL $URL/folio/$uuid \
| jq .blueprint.title; done

(Useful to find out if your room made it to the public set)

7heo ,

It should be, but the server is overloaded.

7heo ,

I have two kids. I asked people to use signal to send and receive the photos. Asking people to follow your requirements only works for the direct immediate communication. The photos of my kids were sent by the recipients I sent them to (over signal) to other members of the family, over gmail (unencrypted), WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. I learned that years after.

This was in direct violation of my express requests. When I confronted them, they played dumb.

So, not to be a buzzkill here OP, but if you did this to get more people to use your messenger of choice, good job, it worked. If you did this so the pics of your kids stayed on safe apps, don't fool yourself. They didn't.

7heo ,

This really is the best way. Once there's a REASON for extra security, people understand and want to learn more.

No one cares. Nobody around you understands the security, the need for it, and the requirements. They will pretend, to see your kid. And then immediately and completely stop caring. It works for making people adopt your favourite messenger, yes. But nothing else.

7heo ,

I too, like OP, thought I found the grail when I got my kids. People suddenly accepted using my communication preferences. Only to find years later that they didn't. They didn't care, understand, or respected my wishes. Don't fool yourself: some people do care, but that is 10% tops.

7heo ,

But hopefully I can delay and minimise it a bit, open a better channel of communication with a few friends and relatives and perhaps raise some awareness in the process.


7heo ,

This isn't about you. Your data is key in making other, relevant people stand out. Why relevant? Because they resist. Because they aren't depressed, they are fighting back. And whatever the reason that drives them, they can be manipulated. By compromising their anonymity. By making literally everyone else a "known variable". With your help.

7heo ,

Exactly. This is just a greedy corp seeing the minimum wage increase as an opportunity to jack up the prices.

There is no way the increase in wages justifies such a pricing increase, with the volume they sell.

They saw an opportunity to abuse everyone and make the workers bear the responsibility for it, and so they rushed to it faster than matt gaetz rushes towards minors...

7heo ,

Yep, UBI trials worked exactly because they were trials. It was just for a part of the population, so "adjusting the prices" relatively to it would have meant that the majority of the customers would have probably consumed less.

But, make it a predictable, widespread action, and the biggest corporations will immediately find a way to funnel that "extra money" straight in their pockets. Probably while being so aggressive at it that it will have the direct opposed effect to the desired one: making the 99% of people poorer.

7heo , (edited )

3090 degrees is above its boiling point (which is 2950 degrees).

So it doesn't become "clear", it literally vaporises.

7heo ,

This image is wrong. 2016 was only 8 years ago. Yet our current temperature is well over +1C.

7heo ,

Oh yeah. But what can you do? People prefer their comfort to the survival of their own children. Which is doubly worse because the boomer and X generation literally enslaved their own children, so, not only the newer generations will likely die out of famine, overheating, or violence from their own peers, but in the meanwhile they also have a terrible time.

7heo ,

It's convenient to blame the people at large for what's happening, and of course to some degree we all have a responsibility to do what we can, but it's also important to look at where the CO2 is coming from, who is making efforts to reduce it, and who is making efforts to prevent any limitations from being crafted.

Yeah, absolutely, but just like with major tragedies can be traced back to only a few meaningful people (holocaust, Cambodian genocide, Bangladesh genocide, Circassian genocide, Armenian genocide, Greek genocide, Rwandan genocide, Assyrian genocide, Chechen genocide, Hutus genocide, Isaaq genocide, Guatemalan genocide, Libyan genocide, the NKVD "Polish operation", the great Chinese famine, Soviet famine of the 1930s, ...; to only mention some from the past century), the participation of enough people is necessary to enact anything. And the inaction of most of the remainder.

As the famous unattributed adage says:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Point is: mass consumption is necessary to enable the abusers to such degree.

This is obviously something that ties heavily into capitalism, big business, and corrupt governments.

This ties into enabling any government to mindlessly mass-produce CO2. As it turns out, the current capitalist degeneration we call "the economeh" puts megacorporations in charge, and lets them "trade" their "pollution allowance". Such practice exacerbate the problem, and are completely insane.

But unfortunately the mass production of CO2 is not limited to capitalism and western societies. Any human development needs energy, that is how we transform what is around us. Using "fossil fuels" is several orders of magnitude more potent than not. Lemme rephrase that: generating this amount of CO2 is what enables our lifestyle.

The only viable alternative is using nuclear energy, and the vast majority of the population is terrified of it, so it realistically is not going to happen anytime soon.

Anyhow, such lifestyle (cars, new clothes twice a year, meat at every other meal, 20C in the house at all times, a constant internet connection on the go, comfort services, etc) is what the overwhelming majority of humans want, and that is the actual problem.

TL;DR: capitalism, or at least our inbred redneck version of it, makes matters a lot worse. But the problem is with uncontrolled human "development", and letting people consume mindlessly.

To put it another way, you can't recycle your way out of global warming. Systemic problems require systemic solutions.

You vote with your wallet, and humanity has voted for climate change.

This isn't about recycling. Recycling at the scale we are envisioning it is utter gaslighting. It barely works, and when it does, it produces CO2 as well. If we wanted to have an impact, we should only accept products that last several decades, reuse and repair.

No, the mass-pollution that is causing the 6th extinction event has been entirely, totally, completely, unequivocally, and unreservedly enabled by us.

Let's stop hiding behind those "big bad capitalist baddies". They are absolutely despicable assholes, but we enabled them.

And by "we" and "us" I mean "those of us, relatively to their buying power". Which brings me to the point I was making above: the older generations, that accumulated riches, and monopolized ownership, funneled all the money, and decided to invest (the part of this money that they didn't greedily accumulate or reuse to further their monopoly) into comfort and status consumption, which, in turn, are responsible for enabling the industrial actors to pollute as much.

7heo , (edited )

I found it here.

Here is the (IMHO) relevant part (emphasis mine):

If you use the App with an account hosted on a third-party server, then there are only a few cases where FUTO may learn any information at all about your use of the App.

  • If you have the App configured to use Google push notifications, then FUTO's push notification gateway will be involved in delivering push notifications from Google to your device. Push notifications include information on the Matrix event that generated the push, including: the human-readable name and Matrix user identifier for the user who sent the event and the Matrix room identifier for the room containing the event. Users who desire a greater level of privacy can configure the App to use UnifiedPush instead of Google Cloud Messaging. When a user on a third-party server receives a UnifiedPush notification through their third-party push server, FUTO does not see the notification or learn anything about it.

  • If you obtained the App from the Google Play Store, and the App crashes, then we will receive a Firebase crash report.

  • If you sign up for our mailing list in the app, then we learn your email address.

The notification should be UnifiedPush by default, and crash debug reports should be opt-in, not automatically sent out to the dev via Google... (I don't think it is even possible to opt out)

7heo ,

on their conscience


Thanks for the laugh, I needed that. 🙂

7heo , (edited )

So fwiw, it has ChatGPT-3


7heo ,

Alright, well, I haven't got more time to spend on hacking the prompts to get it to disclose intel. So that's the best I got.

7heo ,

I would say it is actually a slicing machine meant for pain complet. But it also works well with pain tradition.

7heo ,

Despite claiming to stay away from politics, they had really questionable, fascism-like views on what they claim is "degenerate modern art" and harboured some of the worst type of human beings on the planet, and these human beings were open white nationalists and conservative Christians.

The amusing thing about these types, is that they just like traditional values "on principle". Most of the art they promote has been created by open minded, queer, anti-traditionalist artists who, at the time, were the exact type they are now hating. They know nothing of our history (they have none, so it is our history), and they only rally over "tradition" because the abolition of slavery and women's rights were a relatively recent development, whose reversion is their core and only value.

7heo ,

I'm a big SUV and pickup truck dissenter, but fuck, this guy has got to be the most annoying person I ever heard speak. Does he have to slur the end of every sentence??!
It sounds like a slowed down version of a California Karen accent...

Anyhow, this is clearly why his channel is popular: he is is presenting logical arguments with arrogant cheeky remarks, and he sounds like an annoyed emo on xanax. So the people who don't want trucks come for the logic and validation, while the truck fanbois come for trashing him (since he is plenty irritating) and peer validation.

7heo ,

I definitely agree on the content, it is the presentation I was criticising; and furthermore my point wasn't to criticise, but to highlight that his popularity is beyond what it would be with his content alone, since the presentation probably makes a lot of people cringe.

Basically, the number one rule of engagement is: do not leave anyone indifferent. Those who you can't appeal to, irritate, or offend. And I believe he does that part better than most.

7heo ,

Umbrella corp. That has to be satire. Right? Right??

7heo ,

If they are shocked by this, wait until they understand what meta does with their PII and behavioural information... I'm sure they will understand any day now. Any day...

7heo , (edited )
7heo ,

Ah, I explicitly removed it for the clients (like infinity) so that they can fetch the video properly in the app, instead of opening the link in a browser and fail... Well, thanks for the protip, I didn't know. :)

7heo ,

Oh my. I didn't realise all of russia was voting using a single ballot box. So it seems they really have monetary problems? 🤡

(And, yes, they are mostly making up numbers anyway, but there has to be checks in some places, to make it look "legit". This was one of them)

Edit: the video clearly has a jump cut, and isn't showing all of the stuffing. So it is actually impossible to tell what amount they added. But they clearly went at it for enough time to move around the box.

7heo ,

The ARM architecture does apparently (I'm no expert) have some inherent power-efficiency advantages over x86

Well, the R from ARM means RISC, and x86 (so, by extension, x86_64) is a CISC architecture, so they are not even in the same "family" of designs.

Originally, CISC architectures were more popular, because it meant less instructions to write, read, store, etc. Which is beneficial when hardware is limited and developers write in assembly directly.

Over time, the need for assembly programming faltered, and in the 90s, the debate for CISC vs RISC resurfaced. Most developers then wrote code in C and C++, and the underlaying architecture was losing relevance. It is also worth noting that due to a higher number of instructions, the machine code is more granular, and as a result, RISC code can inherently be further optimised. It also means that the processor design is simpler than for CISC architectures, which in turn leaves more room for innovation.

So, all else being equal, you'd expect Qualcomm to have an advantage in laptops with this chip, but all else isn't equal because the software isn't there yet, and no one in the PC market is quite in a position to kickstart the software development like Apple is with Macs.

Now, a key consideration here is that the x86 architecture has been dominating the personal computer market for close to half a century at this point, meaning that a lot of the hardware and software is accommodating (wrt functionality, optimisation, etc) for it specifically.

Therefore, RISC architectures find themselves at a disadvantage: the choice in Operating Systems is limited, firmware and drivers are missing, etc. Additionally, switching to RISC means breaking legacy support, or going through emulation (like the Apple M3 does).

However, in our modern ecosystem, the potential gain from switching to a RISC architecture is considerable (storage is cheaper than ever, RAM is cheap and fast, and seldom anyone is writing assembly anymore. Plus, those who do might enjoy the higher degree of control the additional granularity affords them, without having to do everything by hand, given the degree of assistance modern IDEs offer), and it will gradually become a necessity for every vendor.

For now however, the most popular computer Operating System worldwide has poor performance on ARM, and no support for other RISC architectures (such as RISC-V) that I know of.

The challenge here is in breaking a decades long dominance that originated from a monopoly: if you have paid attention to what Apple has been doing, they initially used large parts of FreeBSD to build a new Operating System that could run on their custom processors (Motorola 68k), and then built the rest of their Operating System (Darwin and Aqua) on top of it. This afforded them the possibility to switch to Intel CPUs in 2005, and back to ARM in 2020 with their M series CPUs.

The quality of their software (in large parts derived from the quality of free software and of staggering design work) has allowed them to grow from a virtually negligible share of computer users to the second place behind windows.

Now, other Operating Systems (such as Linux) have the same portability characteristics as FreeBSD, and can feasibly lead to such a viable commercial OS offering with support for several hardware architectures.

"All" that is needed is a consistent operating system, based on whichever kernel fits, to supplement MacOS in the alternative offering to windows.

Most software would be available, and a lot of firmware would too, thanks to ARM being used nearly exclusively in mobile phones, and most mobile phones running a Linux kernel.

Once we have a (or better, a few) Linux or BSD based operating system(s) with commercial support, consistent design, and acceptable UX for "normies", such CPUs will become a very valid offering.

7heo ,

... Let the motherfucker burn, burn motherfucker, burn.

7heo , (edited )

njal.la does.

Edit: gosh, people do not like njal.la... 😳

7heo ,

Especially in French. "Vous voulez mes identifiants pour une opération de phishing? Mais c'est quoi, exactement, votre "fi chain je" là? Je comprends rien... Vous pouvez pas le faire pour moi?? Moi j'y comprends rien. Attendez, bougez pas, je vous donne mon mot de passe, ça sera plus simple. OK?"

7heo ,

Ah yeah, that actually would make more sense. 😅

7heo , (edited )

One thing to be aware of is that there is currently, AFAIK, no now (since 0.19.3) a way to "disable" a JWT.

Before that, once you had created it, if you leaked it, your account was, as far as I can tell, definitely compromised.

Now, it is possible to logout, to mark the JWT as "invalid".

I will add, as a disclaimer, that I have not checked if that as Nutomic highlighted below, there are conditions (password change, etc) under which any or all JWT (user, instance, etc) become invalid. So do audit the code if this is something that concerns you. As far as I am concerned, I treat the JWTs as extra-sensitive information, and store them only on machines I own.

Edit: correct information in the light of Nutomic's comments.

7heo ,

The jwt is invalidated once you logout.

Invalidated how?

You can also change/reset your password to invalidate all login tokens for your account.

OK. I was afraid this would not be the case. Thanks for confirming.

7heo ,

OK there now is a LoginToken class. This was not the case last time I checked. Good. Thanks for your answers.

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