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An independent historian focusing on Medieval #Iberia; al-Andalus; #Mozarabe...

At the moment researching on Roman/Latin/Christian past reflected in al-Andalus.

#Orosius #IsidorusHispalensis #alAndalus



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Brussels refuses to host Belgium-Israel match over security fears (Voice of America, 2026-06-19)

" has refused to host a Nations League football match between Israel and Belgium on September 6 because it could spark demonstrations, city authorities said on Wednesday..."

... BBC also speak of security problems. Not so much as an act to ?


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


A documentary film titled "Gaza après le 7 octobre", description and subtitles only in French, ca. 1h35m, with content warning and a recommendation from Rony Brauman (ex-president of MSF).

Accès gratuit.


adachika192 , to palestine group German
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Bündnisse zwischen Juden und Palästinensern: Diese Geschichten hören wir viel zu selten - Es gibt nicht nur Hass in Nahost, sondern auch gelebte Solidarität zwischen Juden und Palästinensern. Unser Autor erzählt von zwei Beispielen aus Israel.(Jules El Khatib | Berliner Zeitung, 2024-06-21)

Die 2 Beispiele sind "Rabbis for Human Rights" & "Standing Together".

Wichtig ist es, 1)auf Deutsch und 2)bei Berliner Zeitung (ein 'Open-Source-Beitrag'). ✊


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


States and companies must end arms transfers to Israel immediately or risk responsibility for human rights violations: UN experts (OHCHR, 2024-06-20)

“These companies, by sending weapons, parts, components, and ammunition to Israeli forces, risk being complicit in serious violations of international human rights and international humanitarian laws”...


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Columbia Task Force Finally Weighs In: Yes, Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism - The task force revealed its plans not in a communiqué to faculty and students — but instead in an Israeli newspaper article. (Natasha Lennard | Intercept, 2024-06-17)

“… some current faculty members at Columbia University learned through a news article that all new students and faculty at the school will be mandated to go through an orientation on . The plan was not announced in any direct communications from the university.

“Rather, it was reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, in a story about the university’s task force on antisemitism…”


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Amid the fighting in Gaza, the war between Netanyahu and Israel's generals is intensifying (Haaretz, 2024-06-17)

… Is IDF also “running out of soldiers” ? (At least they seem to have some difficulties keeping their troops upright…)


The world is running out of soldiers (Vox, 2024-06-18)


plink , to palestine group
@plink@mastodon.online avatar

When protests cross into , it hurts the cause
Jo-Ann Mort

The pronounced in recent protests is an unsettling phenomenon

I don't agree with every word, but definitely with her main points. [ is poison in general, and especially to the movement to liberate .]


@palestine @israel


adachika192 ,
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar

@plink @palestine

I just skim-read the article, but my critic falls rather on the title itself.

Who decides what kind of "protests cross into antisemitism"?

It is all about definition of antisemitism, and in (for example) you can find all imaginable (and even unimaginable) statements branded as antisemitism.

The way this opinion article makes the protesters responsible for being "antisemitic" is nothing but an act to silence and intimidate them/us.

( 🙏 don't take it personal. Writing rather for the group.)

adachika192 ,
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar

@plink @palestine

I just skim-read the article, but my critic falls rather on the title itself.

Who decides what kind of "protests cross into antisemitism"?

It is all about definition of antisemitism, and in (for example) you can find all imaginable (and even unimaginable) statements branded as antisemitism.

The way this opinion article makes the protesters responsible for being "antisemitic" is nothing but an act to silence and intimidate them/us.

( 🙏 don't take it personal. Writing mainly for the group.)

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Apulia Leaders’ Communiqué (pdf), via https://www.g7italy.it/en/documents/


On page 5 starts a section titled “Conflict in Gaza” (the beginning part as screenshot attached).

Take a look at the first paragraph:

  1. We condemn Hamas’ attack 2024/10/07

  2. We fully support Israel esp. its security

  3. Israel is obliged to abide international law

  4. We condemn Hamas for using civilians as shield

  5. We disapprove of civilian death “equally”

  6. We ask “all parties” to act toward protection of civilians.

Hamas caused this “conflict” and is solely responsible for the loss of civilian lives. G7 stands with Israel.

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Apulia Leaders’ Communiqué (pdf)


On page 5 starts a section titled “Conflict in Gaza” (the beginning part as screenshot attached).

Take a look at the first paragraph:

  1. We condemn Hamas’ attack 2024/10/07

  2. We fully support Israel esp. its security

  3. Israel is obliged to abide international law

  4. We condemn Hamas for using civilians as shield

  5. We disapprove of civilian death “equally”

  6. We ask “all parties” to act toward protection of civilians.

Hamas caused this “conflict” and is solely responsible for the loss of civilian lives. G7 stands with Israel.

adachika192 , to palestine group German
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


»Das Ministerium kann das nicht entscheiden«
Beschluss: Innenministerin kann »From the River to the Sea« nicht zum »Kennzeichen« der Hamas erklären. Ein Gespräch mit Benjamin Düsberg (Junge Welt, 2024-06-15)

“Die Staatsanwaltschaft Karlsruhe hatte gegen einen Teilnehmer einer Nakba-Demonstration im Jahr 2023, der diese Parole [»From the River to the Sea«] verwendet haben soll, einen Strafbefehlsantrag gestellt. Den hatte das Amtsgericht Mannheim abgelehnt und sich dabei auf die Meinungsfreiheit bezogen. Dagegen legte dann die Staatsanwaltschaft Karlsruhe Beschwerde ein, welche in der vergangenen Woche vom Landgericht Mannheim mit einer ausführlichen Begründung zurückgewiesen wurde.”


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Jewish voices for Palestine (Jewish Voice for Labour, 2024-06-11)

"On 8-9 June, after four years of meeting monthly online, the International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine () met in London to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the genocide, and a call to Jewish communities world-wide to join the global movement for justice. The Collective – represented at the London conference by 22 organizations on the 6 continents in 16 countries –met to strategize, share approaches, and strengthen its organizing to participate with all its power as a strong and principled partner in the Palestinian-led movement for justice."


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Interview | Yael Bartana: “The Idea of Utopia in the Wrong Hands Can Be Very Dangerous” (Hanno Hauenstein | Spike Art Magazine, 2024-06-09)

Israeli artist Yael Bartana co-opened German Pavilion at the 2024 Venice .

The best part of this interview for me:

HaH: What did you make of the decision of Ruth Patir, the artist representing the Israeli Pavilion, not to open her show to the public – until a ceasefire and hostage-release agreement is reached?

YB: Every Israeli artist right now is under pressure to take a stance, and everyone I know wants a permanent ceasefire and the hostages released. The artist and curators have my respect for taking what must have been a very tough decision.


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Israel Will Not Participate in the 2025 Venice Architecture Biennale, Prompting Criticism (Art World, 2024-06-05)

"Israel has decided not to take part in the 19th Venice Architecture next year, with officials at the ministry of culture allegedly claiming that they need to renovate Israel’s pavilion."

In the midst of Israeli Pavilion's closure* in ongoing Art Biennale, this decision could be interpreted as a sign of fragility. Cultural boycott is not at all that useless...?

*) Israeli artist Ruth Patir and the curators decided to keep their Pavilion closed until a cease-fire and hostage release agreement is reached. ✊

cf. https://hcommons.social/@adachika192/112280938321192097


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Westjordanland: Wo Siedlergewalt zur Randnotiz wird (Frankfurter Rundschau, 2024-06-10)

A reportage about West Bank by Hanno Hauenstein, in (a rarity!).

Title translated:
West Bank: Where settler violence becomes a marginal note


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Im besetzten Westjordanland leidet die palästinensische Bevölkerung seit dem 7. Oktober mehr denn je unter brutalen Siedlerübergriffen. (Frankfurter Rundschau, 2024-06-10)

A reportage about West Bank by Hanno Hauenstein, in (a rarity!).

Title: In the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian population is suffering from brutal settler attacks, more than ever since October 7


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


X post of Francesca Albanese, UN
Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in oPt:

Relieved that four hostages have been released. It should not have come at the expense of at least 200 Palestinians, including children, killed and over 400 injured by Israel and allegedly foreign soldiers, while perfidiously hiding in an aid truck.
This is "humanitarian camouflage" at another level.

Israel has used hostages to legitimise killing, injuring, maiming, starving and traumatising Palestinians in Gaza. And while intensifying violence against Palestinians in the rest of the occupied territory and Israel.

Israel could have freed all hostages, alive and intact, 8 months ago when the first ceasfire and hostage exchange was put on the table. Yet, Israel refused in order to continue to destroy Gaza and the Palestinians as a people.

This is genocidal intent turned into action. Crystal clear.


adachika192 , to palestine group German
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Besetzte Hochschulautonomie: Berliner Verhältnisse am Tag des Grundgesetzes (Verfassungsblog, 2024-06-03)

"Am 23. Mai, dem Tag des Grundgesetzes, wurde das am Vortag von Studierenden besetzte Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Berliner Humboldt-Universität (HU), polizeilich geräumt. Die Präsidentin der HU, ... sprach hinterher davon, dass sie von der Wissenschaftssenatorin und dem Regierenden Bürgermeister angewiesen worden sei, die Besetzung zu beenden. Aus diesem Anlass fragt der folgende Beitrag nach den Voraussetzungen und Grenzen der Aufsicht des Senats gegenüber der Hochschule. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Hochschulautonomie der Präsidentin einen weiten Ermessensspielraum verschafft, auf derartige Situation zu reagieren, und – auf Grundlage der bislang bekannten Tatsachen – eine Weisung in der vorliegenden Situation rechtswidrig gewesen wäre."

#UHumboldt #Germany

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Die Kinder vom 7. Oktober (taz, 2024-06-05)

In this article titled "The children of October 7th" by Yossi Bartal on #taz (Tageszeitung), many faked infos about the Hamas attack on that day (some baby head cut off or mass r*pe) are denied and declared as "lies". The focus falls on the destiny of 37 killed minors (aged under 18), but at the same time the author criticizes harshly the blindness of German politics and mass media to the (in)accuracy of such stories. And that in German!

You may scorn it's late, but in #Germany this is almost a revolution. Better late than never. ✊

@palestine #FactCheck #Media


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Die Kinder vom 7. Oktober (taz, 2024-06-05)

In this article titled "The children of October 7th" by Yossi Bartal on #taz (Tageszeitung), many faked infos about the Hamas attack on that day (some baby head cut off or mass r*pe) are denied and declared as "lies". The focus falls on the destiny of 37 killed minors (aged under 18), but at the same time the author criticizes harshly the blindness of German politics and mass media to the (in)accuracy of such stories. And that in German!

You may scorn it's late, but in #Germany this is almost a revolution. Better late than never.

@palestine #FactCheck #Media


adachika192 , to palestine group German
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Die Kinder vom 7. Oktober (taz, 2024-06-05)

“Über den Hamas-Angriff auf Israel kursieren seit Monaten unbelegte Behauptungen. Ein Faktencheck zum Schicksal der israelischen Kinder an jenem Tag.”

“Die deutsche Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock sagte jüngst bei einer Veranstaltung in Berlin, sie habe das Video einer Vergewaltigung gesehen, die sich beim Hamas-Angriff am 7. Oktober ereignet habe. Das war überraschend, denn die Existenz eines solchen Videos war bislang nicht bekannt.
“Auf schriftliche Nachfrage der taz, wo Baerbock das Video gesehen habe, antwortete ein Sprecher lediglich, es gebe »überhaupt keinen Zweifel, dass die Hamas bei ihrem Terrorangriff auf Israel Frauen missbraucht und vergewaltigt« habe. Woher allerdings das erwähnte Video stammen soll, sagte er nicht…”

#Germany #FactCheck

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Honouring the Children of Gaza: Vigil and Public Reading (The Left Berlin)

"On Saturday, June 1, Berliners from all national backgrounds and all religious and political creeds are invited to meet in front of the Neue Wache to read aloud the names of the 15,000 children who’ve been killed in Gaza since October 2023..."

Honestly, I am surprised and touched, solely by the fact that such an event could be carried out in #Berlin, #Germany. Now.

According to Melika Foroutan's X post,
the Vigil went on without incidents (good), but there was no press present.

(... Maybe better than some Bild reporter?)

Despite all that, I still believe the atmosphere is changing, inch by inch (or mm).


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Honouring the Children of Gaza: Vigil and Public Reading (The Left Berlin)

"On Saturday, June 1, Berliners from all national backgrounds and all religious and political creeds are invited to meet in front of the Neue Wache to read aloud the names of the 15,000 children who’ve been killed in Gaza since October 2023..."

Honestly, I am surprised and touched, solely by the fact that such an event could be carried out in #Berlin, #Germany. Now.

According to Melika Foroutan's X post, the Vigil went on without incidents (good), but there was no press present.

(... Maybe better than some Bild reporter?)

Despite all that, I still believe the atmosphere is changing, inch by inch (or mm).


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Columbia University Protest is Back? Fine...


No, not fine. Why "Btchs"??

#StopGenocide #ColumbiaUniversity

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


UCLA threatens to withhold degrees from pro-Palestinian student protesters (Guardian, 2024-05-31)

“At least 55 students arrested in police raid on Gaza solidarity camp accused of flouting code of conduct and threatened with sanctions”

, one of the nation’s most prominent public universities, has faced particularly intense scrutiny after counter-protesters physically attacked pro-Palestinian protesters in the solidarity encampment on the night of 30 April. Police stood by for hours as the attacks escalated.

“Later that week, police cleared the encampment and arrested members and organizers. The militarized response sparked criticism from faculty across the campus, some calling for the chancellor’s resignation. This week, UCLA graduate student workers also went on in protest of the university’s response to protests.”


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Analysis | The Only Ones Still Buying the Israeli Army's Version of the Rafah Strike (Haaretz, 2024-05-28)

“According to the IDF Spokesperson's Unit, this strike had two targets: Yassin Abu Rabia and Khaled Al-Najjar. ... Both men were said to have carried out attacks in the early 2000s and transferred funds for terrorism.”

“The announcement did not disclose that the two men were released in deal … in 2011 and that both were West Bank residents … who had been deported to Gaza. ”

“… We don't know whether they were targeted because … they were still operating in the Hamas military arm, … or if they were targeted in for their attacks in the early 2000s. We don't know what these men would have chosen to do had they been released to their homes in the West Bank. …”


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Palestinians with disabilities subject to unbearable consequences of the ongoing hostilities and violence in the OPT (Statement | OHCHR, 2024-05-27)

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


PDF—> https://gipri.ch/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Press-Release-GIPRI-CJRF-ICC-Ursula-von-der-Leyen.pdf

Call to the International Criminal Court to investigate on Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza (Press Release | Geneva International Peace Research Institute, 2024-05-27)

“On May 22, 2024, the Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI), the Collectif de Juristes pour le Respect des Engagements Internationaux de la France (CJRF) and a group of international concerned citizens, submitted a legal brief to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (#ICC) Karim Khan requesting the opening of an investigation against Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including the Gaza Strip.”


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Mexico City: Israeli Embassy Set On Fire Using Molotov Cocktails As Protests Intensify Against Israel’s Massacre In Rafah (Free Press Journal, 2024-05-29)

“An angry mob, on Wednesday, set ablaze the Israeli embassy in Mexico City as protests intensify against Israel's massacres in Rafah in Gaza…”


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Löste ein Waffenlager das Feuer aus? (Tagesschau, 2024-05-28)

“Did a weapons depot of Hamas cause the fire?”

… So reads the lead for an article representing IDF’s “investigation” about the refugee camp devastation in Gaza, from the first public broadcaster in #Germany.



adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Löste ein Waffenlager das Feuer aus? (Tagesschau, 2024-05-28)

“Did a weapons depot [of Hamas] cause the fire?”

… So reads the lead for an article representing IDF’s “investigation” about the refugee camp devastation in Gaza, from the first public broadcaster in #Germany.



adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


recognizes Palestine and calls for a ‘viable’ state based on 1967 borders (El País, 2024-05-28)

“Sánchez made clear the formula proposed by Spain in its recognition: ‘A viable state with the West Bank and Gaza connected by a corridor [and with East Jerusalem as its capital] and unified under the government of the Palestinian Authority.’”

(in Spanish: El Estado de Palestina debe ser, en primer lugar, viable, con Cisjordania y Gaza conectadas por un corredor, y con Jerusalén Este como su capital, y unificadas bajo el Gobierno legítimo de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina)
cf. https://www.heraldo.es/noticias/internacional/2024/05/28/frases-pedro-sanchez-reconocimiento-espana-estado-palestina-1737325.html

In fact, this remark on “a ” connecting Gaza with West Bank surprised me. The idea sounds, once presented, so natural but scarcely heard.

Video of Sanchez’s address: https://www.youtube.com/live/YhS4sl_RHuU?si=IkcYWn_JfpkolGmO
(really starting from 08:30)


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


#EU foreign ministers discuss sanctions against Israel: “For the first time at an EU meeting, in a real way, I’ve seen significant discussion on sanctions and ‘what if,'” Ireland’s foreign minister said. (Politico, 2024-05-27)

“‘There was a very clear consensus about the need to uphold the international humanitarian legal institutions,’ Martin told reporters following the Foreign Affairs Council.”

@palestine #StopGenocide #SanctionIsrael

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Arabs Create Organization For Recovery of Palestine (NYT, 1964-05-29) *Gift article link. Expires June 27, 2024.


A digitalised version of the 60 years old New York Times article.

“JERUSALEM, (Jordanian Sector) May 28 (Reuters) —The creation of Palestine liberation organization was announced today at the opening session of the first Palestine National Congress to be held here since the Palestine war in 1948…”


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


“A stand in solidarity with #Palestine and to demand an end to the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza, in front of the #AmericanEmbassy in #Tokyo.”

Check the original toot for a short video.


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


graduation ceremony witnesses emphasis on Gaza (Anadolu Agency, 2024-05-26)

“Speaking at the university's graduation ceremony, [Shruthi] Kumar … criticized the university administration's stance on Gaza.

“Kumar, who is of South Asian origin, noted that their messages of freedom of expression and solidarity with Gaza were penalized shortly before graduation, saying: ‘I am deeply disappointed by the intolerance for freedom of speech and the right to civil disobedience on campus.

“‘The students had spoken. The faculty had spoken.’

"’Harvard, do you hear us?’ she further said, receiving a standing ovation.”


adachika192 OP ,
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Video of her speech

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Israeli anti-war activists speak with the WSWS (World Socialist Web Site, 2024-05-27)

“… an anti-war group of Israeli mothers… which has hundreds of supporters, was founded last November by mothers of young people required to serve in the armed forces, not only to prosecute the war against the people of Gaza but to maintain the ongoing occupation of the West Bank.”

“Today’s anti-war protesters confront what [an activist] described as a ‘very militarised’ society. ‘We live with the military, our children grow up knowing they will be in the army when they are 18 or 19, everything is kind of based on that. In our group we want to change this.’”

“‘In my surroundings, the people I meet are for peace, they are all against the war. There is opposition in the universities and many other places.’ The mothers’ group was calling for a complete end to the war and for ‘everyone to go home, the hostages and the soldiers.’”


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Israeli anti-war activists speak with the WSWS (World Socialist Web Site, 2024-05-27)

“… an anti-war group of Israeli mothers… which has hundreds of supporters, was founded last November by mothers of young people required to serve in the armed forces, not only to prosecute the war against the people of Gaza but to maintain the ongoing occupation of the West Bank.”

“Today’s anti-war protesters confront what [an activist ] described as a ‘very militarised’ society. ‘We live with the military, our children grow up knowing they will be in the army when they are 18 or 19, everything is kind of based on that. In our group we want to change this.’”

“‘In my surroundings, the people I meet are for peace, they are all against the war. There is opposition in the universities and many other places.’ The mothers’ group was calling for a complete end to the war and for ‘everyone to go home, the hostages and the soldiers.’”


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Paul Weller: We should be ‘ashamed of ourselves’ over Israel-Gaza conflict (Independent, 2024-05-26)


adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Punched, choked, kicked: German police crack down on student protests (Al Jazeera, 2024-05-25)

In German:

Polizeigewalt bei Räumung der HU: Journalist der Berliner Zeitung misshandelt, verletzt (Berliner Zeitung, 2024-05-24)

As the police forces cleared the occupation inside Humboldt University (#Berlin), "Ignacio Rosaslanda, a video journalist for the Berliner Zeitung who was covering the operation was beaten by an officer despite identifying himself, and said he was denied access to medical treatment for several hours."

Once a journalist get hurt by authorities, at least in #Germany, it can be very noisy. Look forward to the consequences... 😉


adachika192 OP ,
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar



Polizeigewalt gegen Journalisten: Chefredaktion der Berliner Zeitung protestiert (Berliner Zeitung, 2024-05-24)

“Unser Kollege Ignacio Rosaslanda wurde von einem Berliner Polizisten geschlagen und an der Arbeit gehindert. Wir fordern Aufklärung.”

The editor-in-chief of the Berliner Zeitung writes himself to describe the incident anew and demands explicit research and explanation from the police and the city senate.

adachika192 OP ,
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar



Polizeigewalt gegen Journalisten: Chefredaktion der Berliner Zeitung protestiert (Berliner Zeitung, 2024-05-24)

“Unser Kollege Ignacio Rosaslanda wurde von einem Berliner Polizisten geschlagen und an der Arbeit gehindert. Wir fordern Aufklärung.”

The editor-in-chief of the Berliner Zeitung writes to describe the incident ⬆️ anew and demands explicit research and explanation from the police and the city senate.

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Historiker zum Nahost-Konflikt | Mendel: Deutschland soll Palästina anerkennen (Interview | ZDF, 2024-05-24)

“Der Historiker Meron Mendel spricht sich für die Anerkennung Palästinas aus. Deutschland solle dem Beispiel aus Spanien, Irland und Norwegen folgen…”

Dr. Meron Mendel, an Israeli-German historian and the director of the Anne Frank Educational Centre (Bildungsstätte Anne Frank) in Frankfurt, embraces the recent move of recognizing Palestine State by Spain, Ireland &c. and recommends the German government to follow.

#Germany #TwoStatesSolution

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Heftige Diskussionen um Pro-Palästina-Camp in Frankfurt (Tagesschau, 2024-05-23)

Pro-Palestine encampment in Goethe-University (#Frankfurt) continues, for the time-being, as the Administrative Court ruled it not to be banned.

The report tells that all the residents in the student-dormitories (one Catholic and one Evangelical/Protestant) received a postal instruction from the landlord forbidding any visitors out of the encampment in their dorm. And that on Sunday, namely a day before the protest camp was to start.

A small comfort is, at least one student resident was upset by such an attempt to violate personal rights.

@palestine #ProPalestineEncampment

adachika192 OP ,
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Just encountered an X account https://x.com/Students4PalFFM
(mostly in German)

#ProPalestineEncampment #Frankfurt

adachika192 OP ,
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Just encountered an X account https://x.com/Students4PalFFM
(mostly in German)

#ProPalestineEncampment #Frankfurt #Germany

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Polizei räumt Humboldt-Universität (Tagesschau, 2024-05-23)

The students’ occupation as a protest action for Gaza at the Humboldt University (#Berlin) was cleared by police forces on its second day. 🔥

Officially it was ordered by University administration, but the instruction from higher level (= Mayor Kai Wegner) was surely given.

@palestine #UHumboldt #Germany #ProPalestineEncampment

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