CelloMomOnCars , to random
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

#Stonehenge protest: if you worry about damage to British heritage you should listen to #JustStopOil

"The orange cornflour has been washed away by the charity English Heritage, which reports no visible damage. But #ClimateChange will continue to threaten Stonehenge, its wider landscape and the rare lichen living on the stones. We must channel our concern over potential damage to Stonehenge towards the real threats facing heritage sites."


UmWerker , to random
@UmWerker@todon.nl avatar

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how much evidence is produced and in what form it is presented. The majority are not interested in or even see it as an enemy to be fought against. And the is incapable of change because in everything is based on exploitation.

Even if it's hopeless, but here's my overview:

tokyo_0 , to random
@tokyo_0@mas.to avatar
tokyo_0 OP ,
@tokyo_0@mas.to avatar
deborahh , to random
@deborahh@mstdn.ca avatar
breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

Today is day — every year on the summer solstice!

Get your local US stripes here: https://climatecentral.org/graphic/2024-warming-stripes

And get your international here: https://showyourstripes.info

NanoBookReview , to random
@NanoBookReview@zirk.us avatar

The Good Ancestor by Roman Krznaric

Why do some people live like there's no tomorrow? Shouldn't you strive to be the kind of ancestor your community will be proud of in 50, 100, or 500 years? Humans clearly have the capacity for long-term thinking, how do we reorient our society for epic planning?

Be a good ancestor, read this book.

Sheril , to random
@Sheril@mastodon.social avatar
RealJournalism , to random
@RealJournalism@mastodon.social avatar
ClimateNewsNow , to random
@ClimateNewsNow@federated.press avatar

Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites could damage the Earth’s protective ozone layer when they are deorbited, new research suggests.

Mega satellite constellations such as SpaceX’s Starlink spew copious amounts of aluminium oxide gas in the atmosphere.

SpaceX has launched more than 6,000 satellites and counting to beam internet, with each new model getting heavier.


ClimateNewsNow , to random
@ClimateNewsNow@federated.press avatar

Amazon announced Thursday that North American deliveries will ditch its air pillow packaging in favor of recycled paper filler, the latest move in the shipping company’s sustainability push.


pascaline , to random Dutch
@pascaline@mastodon.nl avatar

This is so sad.

"Despite a record rise in the use of renewable energy in 2023, consumption of fossil fuels climbed to a record high last year, driving emissions to more than 40 gigatonnes of CO2 for the first time.

While energy industry emissions may have reached a peak in advanced economies, developing economies are continuing to increase their reliance on coal, gas and oil.


#ClimateCrisis #nature #fossilFuels

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

If the scientists are "scared as hell," how should you and I be feeling?

Peter Kalmus, a climate scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Rose Abramoff, a scientist fired [for protesting] from her job at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, are among more than 1,000 activists taking to the streets in nearly 30 countries across the globe under the slogan “1.5C is dead, climate revolution now!” – a campaign led by Scientist Rebellion, an activist group of scientists, academics, and students committed to disruptive, nonviolent action to raise alarm over the global climate emergency.

“It’s like a nightmare,” says Kalmus, that world leaders, corporate leaders, and people on the street “don’t understand that we’re in an emergency, that everyone’s still acting like things are normal.”

While burning fossil fuels is responsible for 90% of carbon dioxide emissions, the International Monetary Fund estimates that the fossil fuel industry received $7 trillion in subsidies in 2022, a rate of $13 million a minute.

Both Kalmus and Abramoff are incredulous that the Biden administration, despite its proclaimed commitment to tackling the climate crisis, approved more than 3,000 new oil-drilling permits on federal land last year – 50% more than Donald Trump did in a comparable period during his first three years in office.

For Abramoff, activism is “an expression of love, hope, and community”, she writes in an email. “It has been an effective and lasting solution to climate anxiety for me, and has also given me the perspective I needed to be more joyful, fearless, and inclusive when it comes to work, family, and living on Earth.”

FULL ARTICLE -- https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/6/16/what-grief-for-a-dying-planet-looks-like-climate-scientists-on-the-edge-2

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  • ScientistRebellion , (edited ) to random
    @ScientistRebellion@social.rebellion.global avatar

    Another example of affecting rich nations yet the worlds and do not appear at all.

    in . They treat these events as one offs or strange occurrences despite these flooding events happening with increasing frequency.

    This is a crisis and we need people in rich nations to recognize it for what it is. They have the most power politically and economically to act.


    CelloMomOnCars , to random
    @CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

    “Competitors vomited and fainted at finish lines, wheelchairs were deployed to carry athletes away from sun-scorched arenas and the fear of dying on court was even raised mid-match by the Games’ No 2 seeded tennis player Daniil Medvedev,” the report says.

    “While global temperatures continue to rise, should increasingly be viewed as an existential threat to sport.”


    randahl , (edited ) to random
    @randahl@mastodon.social avatar

    If Just Stop Oil spent their time building solar farms, they would literally be stopping the oil.

    Instead, they prefer vandalizing cultural sites for media attention.

    I do not respect their movement.

    muzicofiel ,
    @muzicofiel@mastodon.nl avatar

    @randahl desperate people do desperate things. Desperate because of politicians don’t listen and do little to nothing. So i understand, but not welcome such actions. By the way it seems it could be removed easily.

    tobeB , to random
    @tobeB@climatejustice.social avatar

    The world’s consumption of fossil fuels climbed to a record high last year, driving emissions to more than 40 gigatonnes of CO2 for the first time, according to a global energy report.

    #climateChange #climateCatastrophe #climateEmergency #climateBreakdown #tippingPoint


    tc_morekindness , to random
    @tc_morekindness@c.im avatar

    So, everyone realizes, right, that from here on out, there will be constant and worsening wildfires, heat waves, dust storms, water shortages, floods, hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes. Things will never go back to the way they were.

    Free_Press , to random
    @Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar


    Death toll from heat at hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia passes 900

    Temperatures hit 51.8°C (125F) in Mecca, Islam's holiest city as 1.8 million people took part in the annual pilgrimage.

    MULTIPLE parts of the planet suffering from excessive, deadly heat brought on by global warming!
    #AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GlobalWarming #climatechange #climatecrisis #Breaking #BreakingNews


    Deadly heat kills hundreds

    RealJournalism , to random
    @RealJournalism@mastodon.social avatar

    Edinburgh, Amsterdam, and Sydney have banned all television advertising for gas-powered cars, airlines, cruise ships, and, of course, the fossil fuel companies themselves. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/19/2247470/-What-is-the-Invisible-Dark-Force-Destroying-Everything?pm_campaign=trending&pm_source=sidebar&pm_medium=web

    MAJ1 , to random
    @MAJ1@beige.party avatar

    New Instance , new (ish) #Introduction
    Ex mainframe (IBM) Storage Manager / Installations bod.
    Now part time hermit with #Depression, #ActuallyAutistic
    Channel #MarvinTheParanoidAndroid
    Massive #TerryPratchett & #DouglasAdams fan.
    Love #Scifi #Fantasy #Reading #Movies
    Interested in #Physics #Astronomy #Photograpy but rubbish at all of them.
    Believe in #ClimateChange #BigBangTheory
    Lean to the left & am definitely #Woke
    Will drive you insane if you let me !🤣

    Humaning is hard , so am Squirrel.

    cra1g , to random
    @cra1g@sciences.social avatar

    Miami Is Entering a State of Unreality

    No amount of adaptation to climate change can fix Miami’s water problems.

    I fear many Americans won't take seriously until a US city of millions becomes literally uninhabitable. And that could be sooner than most people realize.


    CelloMomOnCars , to random
    @CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

    : This article contains a litany of ways contributes to .

    "We’re no longer in a world where climate change affects the economy, or where voters prioritizing economic or inflationary concerns are responding to something distinct from climate change—we’re in a world where climate change is the economy."


    breadandcircuses , to random
    @breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

    In a long, convincing, must-read article, Professor Julia Steinberger (@jks) explains "What we are up against."

    She argues that climate breakdown is NOT something we can fix using better science and technology, because the climate crisis was created by and results from "highly unequal and undemocratic economic systems" — and unless we overturn those, the situation will only continue to get worse.

    Each of the 10 points below is expanded upon in her full essay. I hope you'll read the whole thing!

    Exposing the secret history of the making of the climate crisis should change everything about how we act to stop it.

    1. The cause. We know the climate crisis is brought to us by highly unequal and undemocratic economic systems.

    2. The rise. The recent history of these economic systems, in the Americas and Eurasia, is dominated by the ascendance of neoliberal ideology.

    3. The threat. Neoliberal ideology is antidemocratic at its very core. Its aim is to give free reign over our societies to corporations, not citizens.

    4. The promoters. The fossil fuel industry is a long-time promoter, as well as beneficiary, of the neoliberal takeover of our societies.

    5. The coordination. The organisation of this takeover is not haphazard: it is coordinated through think tanks, lobby groups, public relations and legal firms. These in turn are coordinated internationally, for instance via the Atlas Network, which is involved in more than 500 think tanks worldwide.

    6. The buildup. These think tanks train their cadres internally, and promote them to places of influence in policy and communication.

    7. The influence. One core goal of these organisations is to replace university research expertise by their own materials, influencing the influencers, with journalists and teachers identified as prize targets.

    8. The message. These think tanks replicate their materials and strategies worldwide. Their poisoning of our public sphere runs the gamut from advocating brutally unequal neoliberal economic policies to promoting climate science denial. They also dabble in divisive culture war topics, on gender (against equal rights for women, queer and trans people), race or migration, for instance.

    9. The implication. To counter such centralised and coordinated actors, the climate movement (and indeed all movements attacked by neoliberalism) should change radically, both in orientation and strategy.

    10. The direction. Democracy, the fearsome foe of neoliberalism, should be at the heart of our new direction.

    FULL ARTICLE -- https://archive.ph/3bKx0
    ALTERNATE LINK -- https://jksteinberger.medium.com/what-we-are-up-against-2290ba8c4b5c

    #History #Politics #Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

    sellathechemist , to random
    @sellathechemist@mastodon.social avatar

    Just been sent a copy of The Sixth Element - How Carbon Shapes our World to review. Flipped through it casually and found this superb graphic which is worth the price of the book alone.

    If you can't work out why I'm so impressed read the ALT text.

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