CelloMomOnCars , to random
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

In Europe:
"Increasingly, conspiratorial influencers who built large audiences during the -19 pandemic have turned to false and misleading claims about the .

When the farmers’ protests broke out, these influencers sought to co-opt them into the “climate culture wars,” framing the complex demands of farmers into a reductive anti-net zero narrative.

The jump from anti-immigrant fearmongering to hoaxes around is also happening in France."


Chancerubbage ,
@Chancerubbage@mastodon.social avatar

@CelloMomOnCars @WhippoorwillSong

It’s a transition. They know how much oil, shale, coal they have left to refine; in the states the refining might bring more profits than fracking, etc, anyway. In the meantime, they have a lot of real estate retail locations and convenience stores to feed. They may become purely landlords.

And fossil fuels use is not going to dead stop even in the most idyllic situations. Airlines aren’t going anywhere. You can’t have electric planes and rockets.

CelloMomOnCars OP ,
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

@katlin @jd

Some UK political parties benefit more than others.

Mapped: The Tory Network of Climate Denial and Fossil Fuel Funding


The anti-net zero party has been bankrolled by oil and gas investors, aviation entrepreneurs, and those who reject climate science.


(They give to Labour, too, but much less).

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

“It's worse than we've been told.”

I could be saying that every day and perhaps I should. Except if I did, if you heard that same statement from me every single day, you might soon start to ignore it.

But it's absolutely true.

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  • breadandcircuses , to random
    @breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

    A meteorologist informs us just how frightening Hurricane Beryl really is...

    Officially, the Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1. But most years, the tropics remain fairly sleepy for the first month or two. The really big and powerful hurricanes do not spin up until August or September when seas reach their peak temperatures.

    Not so this year, in which the Atlantic Ocean is boiling already. The seas in the main development region of the Atlantic have already reached temperatures not normally seen until August or September.

    This has led to the rapid intensification of Hurricane Beryl, which crashed through the Windward Islands on Monday and is now traversing the Caribbean Sea toward Jamaica.

    Beryl is, to put it mildly, a freak storm.

    It intensified on Monday night into a Category 5 hurricane, with sustained winds of 165 mph. Like other meteorologists, I had to check my calendar to verify that it really just was the first day of July. Remember, we're still in the traditionally "sleepy" part of hurricane season. Prior to Beryl, in more than a century of hurricane records, the earliest a Category 5 hurricane has ever developed in the Atlantic was July 16. That was Hurricane Emily, in 2005, the notorious hurricane season that delivered Katrina to New Orleans about a month later.

    The point here is not to discuss the threat of Beryl to the United States, which seems in the modest-to-minimal range. Rather, it's the implications of Beryl both for the rest of the Atlantic season and as a harbinger for what to expect from the tropics in a world where we see warmer seas on the regular.

    For this year, forecasters have been consistently predicting a hyperactive season due to the combination of roasting sea surface temperatures and the onset of La Niña during the critical months of August, September, and October. That forecast seems to be right on track and will be of concern to all coastal residents in the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean islands.

    Longer term, the implications are sobering for hurricanes in a world modified by climate change. The emerging consensus from scientists has been that there will be an increase in tropical cyclone intensities and that the proportion of major hurricanes will increase. But even in such a world, Beryl would be an outlier. That we're already seeing superstorms develop in late June and early July should concern everyone everywhere.

    FULL ARTICLE -- https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/07/yes-you-should-be-a-little-freaked-out-about-hurricane-beryl/

    CelloMomOnCars , to random
    @CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

    Voters - and not only in the UK - are being misled about the real costs of climate change:

    "The most common tactics for misleading about net-zero include: focusing on the cost of action without mentioning the cost of business-as-usual; mentioning the costs of cutting but not the benefits; and omitting the costs of failing to tackle dangerous ."


    CelloMomOnCars OP ,
    @CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

    The climate deniers are also the people who scared the UK into voting for Brexit: in that case they also talked only of the costs of being in the EU, never the benefits. They got this playbook down.

    The question is, will British voters fall for it again?


    parismarx , to random
    @parismarx@mastodon.online avatar

    The story is always the same: major tech companies tell us they care about the environment to silence criticism, then never actually follow through.

    Google’s emissions are up ~50% in 5 years, following similar news Microsoft is also blowing past its climate commitments.


    tob ,
    @tob@hachyderm.io avatar

    @parismarx Destroying the earth so they can display incorrect summaries and buggy code.

    Npars01 ,
    @Npars01@mstdn.social avatar
    GreenFire , to random
    @GreenFire@mstdn.social avatar

    President Joe Biden attacked former President Donald Trump and Republicans on Tuesday for allegedly denying climate change even in the face of extreme heat waves across much of the country.

    Biden made the remarks while delivering a speech in Washington, D.C., regarding the record-breaking heat wave. The president announced a new proposed federal rule that would extend workplace heat protections to an estimated 36 million workers.


    GreenFire OP ,
    @GreenFire@mstdn.social avatar

    I snagged that text from The Hill because I try not to give them a boost anymore. I just noticed that they added the allegedly modifier because they can't take the time to determine what the truth is apparently.

    The truth is that every Republican is a climate science denier.

    breadandcircuses , to random
    @breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

    We are in a crisis of crises.

    Accelerating climate change, ecosystem breakdown, the sixth mass extinction — plus a complete failure of political leadership in Europe, Canada, and the United States.

    But it's not time to give up. It's time to get to work.

    See this post -> https://chaosfem.tw/@rooster/112711960839615927
    And this post -> https://climatejustice.social/@breadandcircuses/112417093262464321

    #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Politics #Degrowth

    lawas ,
    @lawas@mastodon.social avatar

    @breadandcircuses I also think we have to be working on building a real left-wing mass movement apart from the bourgeois parties.

    It’s not going to be easy, but I think it’s necessary. And the sooner we start building these things, finding ways to make our communities more prepared for crisis, the better prepared we’ll be to seize and wield power when a revolutionary moment presents itself.

    You said it right. It’s time to get to work.

    breadandcircuses , to random
    @breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

    Hurricane Beryl is now at Category 5.

    There has never been a Category 5 hurricane this early. In fact, until a few days ago there had never been a Category 4 hurricane this early.

    We are witnessing the result of capitalism gone wild, with Earth’s climate and ecosystem thrown dangerously out of balance.

    Hurricane Beryl became the earliest Category 5 on record overnight following a historic Windward Islands landfall earlier Monday. It's not done yet, with Beryl likely to spread its impacts across Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and the Yucatan Peninsula.

    Beryl is the earliest hurricane to reach Category 5 strength on record in the Atlantic, and it beat the previous record by more than two weeks. The previous earliest Category 5 was Hurricane Emily on July 16 during the hyperactive 2005 Atlantic hurricane season.

    FULL STORY -- https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2024-07-02-hurricane-beryl-forecast-jamaica-mexico-texas

    #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

    Npars01 ,
    @Npars01@mstdn.social avatar
    metin , to random
    @metin@graphics.social avatar
    CelloMomOnCars ,
    @CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar


    The people who have money on the line see clearly.

    lcallinan , to random
    @lcallinan@mastodon.au avatar

    "Australian governments don’t charge royalties for gas drilled offshore, so we give it away for free and they end up paying bugger all petroleum resources rent tax (PRRT). And if it is drilled onshore the government excludes it from being subject to the PRRT. It’s a sweet deal for gas companies – they have got us both coming and going." Greg Jericho, Guardian, 270624 #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis

    ClimateNewsNow , to random
    @ClimateNewsNow@federated.press avatar

    Turning Brownfields to Blooming Meadows, With the Help of Fungi.

    Toxicologist Danielle Stevenson cleans up carbon-based pollutants and heavy metals from contaminated sites using fungi and plants. She’s also training environmental justice and tribal communities in using these methods so they can remediate toxic sites on their own.


    ClimateNewsNow , to random
    @ClimateNewsNow@federated.press avatar
    ClimateNewsNow , to random
    @ClimateNewsNow@federated.press avatar

    Plastics companies blocked mitigation efforts and may have broken US laws – study.

    Paper outlines different legal theories that could help governments pursue accountability for harms.


    knittingknots2 , to random
    @knittingknots2@mstdn.social avatar

    Storms in Switzerland and Italy cause flooding and landslides, leaving at least 4 people dead | AP News


    Npars01 ,
    @Npars01@mstdn.social avatar


    OPEC and fund only the best planetary climate disasters

    ClimateNewsNow , to random
    @ClimateNewsNow@federated.press avatar

    Toxic PFAS absorbed through skin at levels higher than previously thought.

    Absorption through skin could be ‘significant source of exposure’ to toxic forever chemicals, study shows.


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