knittingknots2 , to random avatar

Storms in Switzerland and Italy cause flooding and landslides, leaving at least 4 people dead | AP News

CelloMomOnCars , to random avatar

As makes extremes more extreme, rainfall is no different

"A federally commissioned report finds the government's calculations for maximum potential rainfall are no longer valid thanks to the more intense rainfall driven by climate change.

The estimates are used to reduce the risk of catastrophic flooding and build structures that can withstand ."

CelloMomOnCars , to random avatar

, overreliance on Israeli gas add to 's power crisis

"For a year now, linked to falling gas production, rising demand and a shortage of foreign currency has led to scheduled two-hour daily power cuts in most parts of the country.

Egypt’s power blackouts have worsened this summer amid soaring temperatures, a shortage of domestic energy supply and an overreliance on Israeli gas."

ClimateNewsNow , to random avatar

The world’s biggest banks and investors are continuing to funnel billions of dollars to carbon-intensive industrial livestock companies, undermining their own pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions and fueling an ongoing boom in meat and milk production that threatens global climate goals.

ClimateNewsNow , to random avatar

From Bornean elephants to Chilean cacti: Red list of threatened species jumps by 6,000.

Over 45,000 species are now threatened with extinction.

offbyone , to random avatar
DropBear , avatar

For such corporate bastardry, there should be consequences. If our legislators won't rein them in, then it's up to the people. How can we destroy something as rich and powerful as Santos?

ClimateNewsNow , to random avatar

The Supreme Court overturns Chevron doctrine, gutting federal environmental protections.

Scrapping the legal precedent could send a "convulsive shock" to decades of federal environmental, financial, and healthcare regulations.

breadandcircuses , to random avatar

At the current appalling rate of biodiversity loss, extinction will come for us too. It's only a matter of time.

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  • breadandcircuses , to random avatar

    Despite what some might think, we are not immune.

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  • breadandcircuses , to random avatar
    AkaSci , to random avatar

    Tropical disturbance Invest 95L in the central Atlantic is likely to develop into Tropical Storm Beryl in the next 48 hours and evolve to Hurricane status in ~4 days.

    Stay tuned and vigilant.


    AkaSci OP , avatar

    The fingerprints of Climate Change are all over Hurricane Beryl and over the forecast for the above-normal Atlantic hurricane season this year.

    Sea-surface temperature anomaly (deviation from norm) is breaking all-time records this year after a record year in 2023.

    Heatwaves, drought, floods, storms, sea-level rise, and glacial melting are all linked to increased amount of greenhouse gases like CO2 and Methane in the atmosphere.


    appassionato , to random avatar

    Researchers have calculated that roughly 489,000 heat-related deaths occur each year, with 45 percent of the deaths in Asia and 36 percent in Europe.

    For older adults with physical health problems, temperatures as low as 26.7°C (80°F) can pose significant danger. And when humidity is as high as 90 percent, even 25.6°C (78°F) can be hazardous, said Deborah Carr, a Boston University sociologist who specializes in the study of aging.

    Sustainable2050 , to random avatar

    The amount of rain in the Netherlands since 1 October is totally out of the range we knew. A very persistent jet stream pattern combined with lots of moisture over the warm Atlantic causes it. Behind that: climate change.
    Expect more surprises.

    appassionato , to random avatar

    Number of days over 35 C surges in world's scorching capitals

    Delhi alone documented its longest and most severe heatwave in 74 years, registering 39 consecutive days with maximum temperatures at or above 40 C (104 F) from May 14 to June 21.
    Jakarta experienced the greatest absolute rise in the number of days over 35 C, from 28 days between 1994 and 2003 to 167 in the most recent decade.
    Seoul, South Korea, went from nine days to 58, while Buenos Aires went from seven days to 35.

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  • CelloMomOnCars , to random avatar

    Trump is avoiding answering the climate question.

    As he has done repeatedly on questions he can't look good on

    Just heap on the word salad.
    "What climate question?"

    CelloMomOnCars OP , avatar

    Trump Won’t Commit to Doing Anything About

    "During the , Trump twice refused to name anything he would do to slow the climate crisis.

    Trump has reportedly called on oil and gas executives to donate $1 billion to help fund his presidential campaign, and promised those executives a host of policy favors in return — including a rollback of Biden’s environmental regulations and faster corporate mergers."

    Sustainable2050 , to random avatar

    50.3°C in Algeria today; first time ever that 50°C was exceeded in June in Algeria.
    (That's 122.5F)
    Via @EKMeteo on the birdsite.

    ManyRoads , to random avatar
    Nonilex , to random avatar

    on Thurs will issue more end-of-the-term rulings, potentially including whether is immune from prosecution in his federal case, whether may be charged w/ & whether should have their reduced. Wed, the court inadvertently posted a ruling it has not yet announced that, while continues, would allow emergency to stabilize patients in where is banned.

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    The decision in Ohio v. deals yet another blow to the administration’s ambitious agenda. The has already struck down the Environmental Protection Agency’s rules on & . Notably, Justice Amy Coney Barrett dissented against Thursday’s ruling, joined by the court’s liberals.

    rahmstorf , to random German avatar

    "Despite clear evidence that carbon pollution is worsening heat and rainfall, the majority of breaking digital news stories about this month’s unprecedented weather don't mention the climate crisis at all."

    _noelamac_ , avatar

    @rahmstorf This article almost did it. It actually chose an appropriate headline and managed to mention “climate change” ONE single time in the whole text. But then it utterly FAILED with the chosen picture of two children playing with a sprinkler.

    Climate crisis = Media crisis

    parismarx , to random avatar

    Technology is often used to justify climate inaction, but what would it look like under degrowth?

    On , I spoke to @jasonhickel about how degrowth isn’t anti-technology and would allow us to approach tech development in new ways.

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  • breadandcircuses , to random avatar

    If you ask the average person on the street, are you worried about the climate crisis, most will say they are.

    If you ask should their governments be doing more, nearly all will say they should.

    And a strong majority worldwide are in favor of a quick transition away from fossil fuels.

    In the biggest ever public opinion survey on climate change, the Peoples’ Climate Vote 2024, four out of five people globally — 80% — want their governments to take stronger action to tackle the climate crisis.

    Over 73,000 people speaking 87 different languages across 77 countries were asked 15 questions on climate change for a survey conducted by the UN Development Program. The 77 countries polled represent 87% of the global population.

    Aside from a broad call for bolder climate action, the survey shows support by a global majority of 72% in favor of a quick transition away from fossil fuels. This is true for countries among the top 10 biggest producers of oil, coal, or gas. This includes majorities ranging from 89% in Nigeria to 54% of people in the United States.

    The people of the world want action. So why isn't it happening? Because the people are not in charge. Our system is controlled by a tiny minority of plutocrats who profit enormously from continued economic growth, from the cancer of capitalism.


    CelloMomOnCars , to random avatar

    "Rather than working to fight the climate crisis, which is a cause of the industry’s growing costs, many insurers are still investing large portions of their increasing premium pools in fossil fuel companies, the undisputed drivers of . Some insurers have continued to finance new oil and gas projects while simultaneously turning away homeowners in high-risk climate zones. "

    catrionagold , to AcademicChatter group avatar

    An academic/activist crowdsourcing request:

    Who is critically researching, writing or doing cool activism on the environmental impacts of AI?

    I’m particularly interested in finding UK-based folks, but all recommendations are appreciated 💕 🙏


    knittingknots2 , to random avatar

    "70% of global freshwater withdrawals are used for agriculture;
    78% of global ocean and freshwater eutrophication is caused by agriculture (eutrophication is the pollution of waterways with nutrient-rich water);
    94% of non-human mammal biomass is livestock, so there are only 1.3 wild mammals per 15 livestock animals; and,
    71% of bird biomass is poultry livestock, so poultry livestock outweigh wild birds by a factor of more than 3-to-1."

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