TheConversationClimate Bot , to random avatar
CelloMomOnCars , to random avatar

Norway starts grain, citing the pandemic, war and

"The aim is to have some 82,500 tons of grain in storage by the end of the decade "so that we then have enough grain for three months’ consumption by ’s population in a crisis situation that may arise,” Pollestad told Norwegian broadcaster NRK."

CelloMomOnCars OP , avatar

@vfrmedia @johnlorimer

Yes, sounds to me like an acknowledgement that supply lines are not as robust as they used to be, so it's time to move away from the "just in time" model.

I mean, why not remove some brittleness in the way your country is set up.

johnlorimer , avatar

@CelloMomOnCars @vfrmedia Yes, I guess it good to see they have identified this and done something about it.

Sheril , to random avatar

“A wax sculpture of Abe Lincoln was no match for D.C.’s punishing heat”

I can’t help but notice a message here.

susankayequinn , to random avatar
dbattistella , to random avatar

A wax sculpture of Abraham Lincoln in Northwest DC has melted due to the heat....🥵

Quote from the artist Sandy Williams to the Intelligencer:

"I previously had joked that when our climate gets bad enough to where we are living in an environment where the ambient heat melts these sculptures, that’s when this work becomes an environmental artwork. I didn’t know that was going to be this summer."

Before and after photos..


breadandcircuses , to random avatar

Around 50 years ago, our rulers chose to begin a massive project, essentially conducting a unique scientific experiment, one with potentially foreseen but possibly unpredictable outcomes.

They decided to go all out in (1) extracting fuels buried deep in the Earth, energy from the sun stored via photosynthesis and animal metabolism over a span of 500 million years as coal, oil, and gas, and then (2) burning all of this they could find in the brief period of a few decades.

Our rulers were warned by scientists that their project involved serious risk, but they figured the power they could gain and the money they could make was worth any cost. They didn't care about the negative consequences, and/or foolishly believed that future technologies (still a fantasy in the year 2024) would somehow be able to fix whatever problems their actions caused.

And now, guess what — we're seeing signs that this experiment might be out of control. Feedback loops are kicking in, causing "natural" emissions which could trigger cascading effects, breaking down the ecosystem. It also appears that Earth's climate is more sensitive to greenhouse gases than first believed. Yet our rulers still continue to recklessly burn fossil fuels, always drilling and fracking for more, hungry for power and compelled by greed.

breadandcircuses OP , avatar

Re that last paragraph above...

2023: "The United States is Producing More Oil Than Any Country in History"

2024: "U.S. Oil and Gas Production Are Ahead of Last Year’s Record Pace"

And I'll have more on feedback loops in my next post.

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar


At this point, it’s a race between the consequences being sharp enough to take out the modern world vs them being sharp enough to crash almost all ecosystems.

RickGaehl , to random avatar

I acquired this lovely field a couple of weeks ago - although not the cattle currently living there. I'm planning to turn it into new woodland, but I need to jump through many hoops first to secure some grant funding. For now, you'll just have to imagine the trees 🌳.

Nonilex , to random avatar

The frequency & magnitude of extreme has DOUBLED in the last 20 yrs due to , acc/to a study released Mon.
The analysis focused on massive blazes that release vast amts of energy from the organic matter burned. Researchers pointed to the of 2019 & 2020 as blazes that were “unprecedented in their scale & intensity.”

GottaLaff , avatar

@footsteps Read the whole thread under my post. Lots of good input. @Nonilex @kathhayhoe

c_merriweather , avatar

@Nonilex 2018 fire evacuee here.

Warming climate cascade effects:

  1. Allows pests to overwinter and attack trees (see damage by Pine Bark beetle in western forests).

  2. Weakens trees and brush due to intermittent drought, which allows more damage by insects and disease.

  3. Increasing heat and extremely low humidity dry out and further damage the plants.

  4. Hence, when something (often human-caused) sets off a spark, the whole forest/area burns, far hotter than under previous conditions.

  5. The fires are so hot, that the soil is damaged, and very little grows back.

ClimateNewsNow , to random avatar

Climate crisis driving exponential rise in most extreme wildfires.

Scientists warn of ‘scary’ feedback loop in which fires create more heating, which causes more fires worldwide.

breadandcircuses , to random avatar

Here's a reminder of where we are now compared to where we need to be.

As mentioned in my previous post (, fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions are at record highs. Yet scientists have repeatedly warned that we must rapidly reduce emissions or face climate breakdown and ecosystem collapse.

Look at the second graph below. We should have taken action years ago. By 2030, our emissions need to be 48% lower than in 2019. But instead, they keep going up, year after year. We're already halfway to 2030 and have made zero progress.

Graph shows required steep pathway of emissions reductions for a 50% chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Emissions should reduce 48% by 2030, and 80% by 2040, yet they are still going up.

Npars01 , avatar
c_merriweather , avatar

@Npars01 @breadandcircuses The Corporations know that it is already too late. They knew what would happen from research in the 1970s. They don't care. Profit is everything, it is even more important than life - their life, their children's lives, all life on the planet.


They forget this: Those who die with the most money are still dead*. And they do not "win" anything.

Entropy (dressed as the Grim Reaper) is always the winner.

  • This gives me great cheer, grim as it may seem.

And finally, a song by Tom Lehrer:

edwiebe , to random avatar

If we don't regulate corporations they make the world worse.

CelloMomOnCars , avatar


The car industry is really good at victim blaming.
"Americans "want" large cars"
(after they take the smaller cars off the market).

"Did the bike rider wear a helmet?"
(Helmets don't protect against cars, says Giro the helmet maker).

"They shouldn't have jaywalked."
("Jaywalking" is not a thing; it's invented by the car industry).

And so on.

breadandcircuses , to random avatar

Most of us do care.

But our capitalist masters do not.

ScientistRebellion , to random avatar

People are dying while oil companies are allowed to keep drilling.

Last year the world saw record breaking CO2 emissions despite the lip service paid at COP 28, COP27, COP....

The rich think they can shield themselves from the worst of it in their super yachts.

Disruption is all we have left for our collective survival. Those in power are content watching people die. We must disrupt and do so in solidarity.

Irmgard , avatar

@ScientistRebellion Wir alle sind Gefangene des Konsums von Waren die nicht benötigt werden. Wir sollten keine Waren mehr kaufen die wir nicht wirklich brauchen. Das kann den Planeten retten und damit auch uns.

strypey , avatar

> People are dying while oil companies are allowed to keep drilling

It can be proven that fossil fuel companies knew their products were contributing to global warming decades ago, and tried to cover it up. The podcast Drilled covers some of the evidence. So I think it would be more than reasonable for governments to seize all fossil fuel reserves and infrastructure in their country, without compensation. Then ramp down extraction as quickly as possible.

muiren , to random avatar

Hyper expensive, hyper polluting to build and fly hypersonic aircraft serving the vanity of millionaires, INSTEAD OF efficient transit systems for the working-class, economic development, reducing pollution and the effects of climate change.
#Science #Engineering #Aerospace #MassTransit #ClimateChange #Economics

Ailantd , to random avatar

Cantabrian sea water temperature is also warm this year, which makes it 2 years in a row for a sea that used to have quite cold waters. Now it feels like the Mediterranean.
What's your first hand experience?

zitrone , avatar

@Ailantd only 2 days playin icehockey on the lake in the past 10+ years, none the past 5

niboe , avatar

It almost never snows anymore. we have more and worse cold snaps, it gets down to around -25 Celsius at least a few times each winter now. summers are generally hotter, and there are fewer nice days in spring and fall. nowadays those seasons are more prone to being too hot one day, too cold the next.

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