beandreams , to random avatar

I just confirmed this on the phone and it makes me so happy! Victoria Bug Zoo requires masks for the first hour they are open every day, for everybody age 5 and up.

One hour is stingy in the grand scheme, but at this moment I will celebrate anybody making any practical effort towards accessibility and covid safety. The difference between zero and one is huge.

tomkindlon , to AusCOVID19 group avatar

US research:

Reduction of long COVID symptoms after stellate ganglion block: A retrospective chart review study

Free full text:

The Solve ME/CFS Initiative support this researcher

#LongCovid #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #PASC #COVIDBrain
@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 @novid #novid @novid #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19


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  • tomkindlon OP , avatar

    Post summarises this paper:
    New Publication by Solve Ramsay Grant Researcher Dr. Deborah Duricka Studies Efficacy of Stellate Ganglion Block in Reducing Post-Exertional Malaise and Improving Sleep and Neurological Function

    #LongCovid #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #PASC #COVIDBrain

    tomkindlon , to AusCOVID19 group avatar

    "Welcome to the 107th Emerge Australia Research Digest, where we delve into recent research and media releases shaping our understanding of ME/CFS and ..."

    The summaries are also available in audio form at link




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  • IrishMECFSAssociation , avatar

    The first item is on the TCD study published earlier this year

    @tomkindlon @longcovid

    tomkindlon , to AusCOVID19 group avatar

    US research:

    Epidemiologic Features of Recovery From Infection

    "22.5% did not recover by 90 days post infection". "Recovery within 3 months was less likely in women and those with preexisting cardiovascular disease"


    @novid @novid


    tomkindlon OP , avatar


    "No significant multivariable-adjusted associations [for non-recovery] were observed for age, educational attainment, smoking history, obesity, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or elevated depressive symptoms. Results were similar for reinfections"


    @novid @novid

    currentbias , to random avatar
    tomkindlon , to AusCOVID19 group avatar
    tomkindlon OP , avatar

    Table 1: Long COVID patient demographics and clinical information.

    Salivary biomarkers as pioneering indicators for diagnosis and severity stratification of pediatric long COVID

    Free full text:


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  • tomkindlon OP , avatar

    Correlations between the salivary biomarkers & the demographic/clinical variables in children with .

    Salivary biomarkers as pioneering indicators for diagnosis and severity stratification of pediatric long COVID


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  • tomkindlon , to longcovid group avatar

    US research:

    Sex differences and immune correlates of Long COVID development, persistence, and resolution

    "males […] had widespread increases in TGF-β signaling during acute infection in proliferating NK cells. (contd)”

    #LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #LC #PASC #postcovid #CovidBrain
    @covid19 #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #SARSCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver #auscovid19 @auscovid19


    tomkindlon OP , avatar


    “(Contd) Females […] demonstrated increased expression of XIST, an RNA gene implicated in autoimmunity, and increased IL1 signaling in monocytes"

    "this study describes multiple innate and adaptive immune correlates of LC, some of which differ by sex"

    @longcovid #LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #LC #PASC #postcovid #CovidBrain
    @covid19 #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #SARSCoV2 @novid #novid #CovidIsNotOver #auscovid19 @auscovid19

    flavia_feijo_epi , avatar
    DrSarahHolstein , to random avatar

    We are in the midst of yet another wave and yet the healthcare organization is doing away with employee testing and allowing healthcare workers to return to work after 24h. Hard not to despair. I will continue to wear at all times.

    other_ghosts , to random avatar

    Nothing illustrates better how little the blanket repression of pro-Palestine activism has to do with anti-semitism than these mask bans that are being contemplated around the US.

    You know who is put at greater risk of harm by a mask ban? Literally everyone, including Jews.

    You know who thinks they aren't put at greater risk by a mask ban? Fucking billionaires.

    You know who mask bans actually help? Cops.

    That's it.

    tomkindlon , to NoVID avatar

    "We've Hit Peak Denial. Here's Why We Can't Turn Away From Reality"

    Opinion piece asking why we overlook bad things, "especially in this scientific and technological age, when we’ve never been more capable of understanding and addressing them".

    #LongCovid #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #PASC #COVIDBrain
    @covid19 #Coronavirus
    #COVID19 #COVID #SARSCoV2 @novid #novid @novid #CovidIsNotOver


    tomkindlon OP , avatar


    They urge to stop enabling the denial with doubling "down on our duty to know, to speak up, and to remember".

    #Covid & #LongCovid are mentioned

    #LongCovid #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #PASC #COVIDBrain
    @covid19 #Coronavirus
    #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #SARSCoV2 @novid #novid @novid #CovidIsNotOver
    @auscovid19 #auscovid19

    anne_twain , avatar

    @tomkindlon @longcovid @covid19 @novid @novid There's a paywall on this article.

    bluebec , to random avatar

    Can we talk about pandemics for a second? Can we talk about how badly managed the early stages of the next pandemic are in the US and with a significantly higher fatality rate than covid, a lot of people could die? Like potentially half?

    Can we talk about how politicised population health management has become because profits? Can we talk about how the economy needs people to exist, and if half of all people die in a pandemic, then there is no economy? Can we talk about how "the pandemic is over" is a lie?

    Can we talk about mass disabling events and the impact that has on society? Can we talk about the lies regarding children's experience of covid? Can we talk about how relatively inexpensive mitigation (air purifiers, masking, etc) have been demonised?

    Can we talk about how big corporations blocked cheap vaccines in poor nations? Can we talk about how covid is now "just like the flu?" Can we talk about how the flu is actually a very serious virus? Can we talk about chronic fatigue/post-viral syndrome/long covid have been poorly managed forever?

    Can we keep talking about all of this? Can we lobby our politicians, health leaders and the like and get them to take this seriously? Can we have as much health as possible and not have it taken away from us by a disease that could be better managed societally?

    #covid #CovidIsNotOver #Pandemic

    broadwaybabyto , to random avatar

    It’s been a particularly difficult week where I’ve been let down by a number of people who I thought had my back… and the rampant ableism in society is wearing on me.

    I revisited one of the first articles I wrote about being disabled & chronically ill… and am saddened that nothing has changed. Things haven’t improved and if anything people are LESS tolerant & more ableist now than a year ago.

    It all started when someone said to me “you’ve been sick for years - just die already”. Whenever I think of that statement I find myself wondering if people would have EVER said something like that before Covid. Many may have thought it - but would they verbalize it?

    The pandemic is fueling hatred of disabled and chronically ill people to the point where they will say the cruelest things without a second thought - and it’s leading nowhere good.

    The whole article can be found here:

    tomkindlon , to AusCOVID19 group avatar

    The Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development has published a paper, The impacts of #longCOVID across OECD countries, which looks the burden of Long #Covid including how it may impact productivity & the labour force.

    #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #PASC #COVIDBrain
    @covid19 #Coronavirus
    #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #COVID_19 #SARSCoV2 @novid #novid #CovidIsNotOver
    @auscovid19 #auscovid19


    tomkindlon OP , avatar

    "The economic and social welfare costs of #longCOVID are dramatic: Even excluding the direct costs of health care, long #COVID is likely costing OECD countries as much as $864 billion - $1.04 trillion USD per year due to reductions in quality of life and labour force participation."

    #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #PASC #COVIDBrain
    @covid19 #Coronavirus
    @novid #novid @novid #CovidIsNotOver
    @auscovid19 #auscovid19

    jeridansky , to random avatar

    From Dr. David Putrino, Director of Rehabilitation Innovation for the Mount Sinai Health System, and a Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation & Human Performance at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai:

    "We need to be very, very firm with our messaging that there is no such thing as a mild SARS-CoV-2 infection. There is no such thing as a SARS-CoV-2 infection that does NOT have prolonged consequences.”

    h/t @Brad
    #Covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver

    stillcovidingcanada , to random avatar

    COVID infection endangers pregnancies and newborns. Why aren’t parents being warned?

    The Gauntlet
    June 21, 2024
    By Julia Doubleday

    “Despite pre-natal education’s reputation for warning new mothers of every possible danger from jumping on trampolines to eating soft cheeses, contracting a vascular virus that increases risk of pre-eclampsia, pre-term birth, miscarriage and stillbirth is being ignored. Let’s look at the evidence.”

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