Nonilex , to random avatar

on Thurs will issue more end-of-the-term rulings, potentially including whether is immune from prosecution in his federal case, whether may be charged w/ & whether should have their reduced. Wed, the court inadvertently posted a ruling it has not yet announced that, while continues, would allow emergency to stabilize patients in where is banned.

Nonilex OP , (edited ) avatar

Yup. There it is. The fourth ruling of the day is the emergency- ruling that was inadvertently posted yesterday. The allows — for now — to stabilize patients in Idaho, despite the state’s strict . The high court ruling applies while in the matter continues.

Nonilex , to random avatar

accidentally posts ruling that would allow in

The would allow in ID despite the state’s , acc/to Bloomberg , which viewed a copy of a not-yet-released opinion that was briefly posted on the court’s website Wed.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The decision, which has not been announced by the court, would mean that could perform to stabilize patients w/o being subject to prosecution under Idaho’s . It would be at least a temporary victory for the admin, which has struggled to protect since the high court overturned 2 yrs ago.

Nonilex OP , (edited ) avatar

Here is a copy of the accidentally posted ruling on - the case on whether an conflicts w/ the federal Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act ()

Justice ’s opinion, concurring in part & dissenting in part, begins on p8.

Nonilex , to random avatar

lawmakers passed on Thurs to make the state the 1st in the nation to designate pills as dangerous controlled substances. of the drugs w/o a prescription would be a punishable w/ time & thousands in fines.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The , which passed the State Senate by a vote of 29 to 7, now goes to Gov , a who previously defended the state’s stringent in court as AG. He is widely expected to sign it.

Nonilex , to random avatar

: Measure to repeal near-total passes in state Senate

The vote came after it narrowly cleared the AZ House last wk. The bill is expected to be signed by Gov Katie Hobbs.

The 1864 , which predates AZ’s statehood, permits only to save the patient’s life—& provides NO exceptions for survivors of or .
The law also states the age of consent for a “woman” is 10 yrs.

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calls push for 'a fight for freedom' in speech & assails '' in

Kamala Harris in , FL, discussed as a “fundamental freedom”.

“This is a fight for freedom, the fundamental freedom to make decisions about one’s own body & not have their government tell them what they’re supposed to do,” the VP said.

Nonilex OP , avatar

VP then pivoted to the meat of her argument to voters: that was to blame for the that just went into effect in the state, as well as others like it nationwide.

“Across our nation, we witnessed a full on assault, state by state, on , & understand who is to blame: former president Donald Trump did this,” Harris said.

Nonilex OP , avatar

“Donald hand picked 3 members of the because he intended for them to overturn , & as he intended, they did.”

harkened back to her grilling, as a senator on the judiciary cmte, of 2 of Trump’s nominees, saying it was clear after their confirmation that the days of nationwide were numbered:

Nonilex OP , avatar

“& it happened just as Donald intended. Now, present day because of Donald Trump, more than 20 states have , more than 20 . & today, this very day at the stroke of midnight, another Trump went into effect here in . As of this morning, 4 million in this state woke up w/fewer reproductive freedoms than they had last night. This is the new reality under a Trump ban.”

wdlindsy , to random avatar

"As of midnight, an archaic near-total abortion ban went into effect in Florida. Donald Trump is to blame.

The state now outlaws nearly all abortions after 6 weeks, which is essentially a complete ban since a majority of women don't even know they’re pregnant that early on."

~ Scott Dworkin


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"Trump and the GOP are doing irreparable damage by putting women in a spot where they have lost control over the right to keep their bodies from harm.

This ban has nothing to do with medical concerns. It has everything to do with our lawmakers pandering to religious ideologues who fund Republicans. Nothing more.

Trump and his MAGA cult only care about money, power, and controlling women."


Nonilex , to random avatar

#Florida’s 6-Week #AbortionBan Is Now #Law, With Political Implications

The ban, which took effect on Wednesday, was part of Gov. Ron #DeSantis’s push into cultural #conservatism. But Florida #politics is rarely that simple.

#ReproductiveRights #Abortion #AbortionRights #AbortionIsHealthCare #Women #Health #MaleSupremacy

wdlindsy , to random avatar

"Donald Trump is playing down the prospect of nationwide abortion restrictions, falsely saying Republicans have long sought to leave abortion law to the states. …

Trump's latest claim is belied by a long history of his party’s fighting to restrict abortion nationally."

~ Sahil Kapur

#Trump #abortion #AbortionBan #Republicans

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Nonilex OP , avatar
Nonilex OP , avatar

US Sol Gen , who argued on behalf of the admin: "the situation on the ground in is showing the devastating consequences" of the conflict between & Idaho's .

"One system in Idaho says that right now it's having to transfer in out of the state about once every other week. That's untenable & EMTALA does not countenance it."

Nonilex , to random avatar

In another case of :

in on Wed scuttled another effort to repeal the state’s 1864 banning , defying pressure from prominent …who had urged them to toss the that many voters viewed as & archaic.

’s ruled last wk to uphold the Civil War-era near-total abortion ban.

Nonilex OP , avatar

Repealing the 1864 would revert to a 15-week ban.

initially resisted Democrats’ attempts to repeal the last week. But as Democrats slammed the ban — which allows only an exception to save the life of the mother, & says prosecuted under the law could face fines & terms of 2-5 yrs.

Nonilex , to random avatar

restrictions in & will increase the distance to the nearest abortion clinic for millions.
Courts in AZ & FL have moved to further restrict in the aftermath of ’ June 2022 decision that overturned the landmark 1973 ruling that had legalized abortion nationwide.
AZ’s top court on April 9 revived a on nearly all abortions under a state dating to 1864, 48 yrs before it gained statehood.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The 2 rulings put the 2 states in the “most restrictive” category for & policies, acc/to the Guttmacher Inst, a research & policy org that advocates for & tracks .

The rulings could lead to the closure of reproductive in the 2 states.

’s new restrictions would put the & metro areas -w/a combined population of ~9M people- >500 miles from the nearest clinic in a state w/o a near-total or 6wk .

Nonilex , to random avatar

weighs whether 6-wk can take effect

’s Supreme Court heard oral arguments Thurs in a case that could decide the future of in that state, the latest in a series of battles that threaten abortion across the country during a historic year.

Nonilex OP , avatar

At issue is a ban passed by the legislature last July that restricts the procedure after 6 wks of pregnancy…. & others immediately sued to block the & won a preliminary injunction from a lower court.
During the…hearing in DesMoines, the justices on ’s highest court asked lawyers for each side how the state’s past rulings —which in recent yrs narrowed for abortion—apply to the pending law.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The justices questioned whether the case should be sent back to the district court for further arguments & review.
“Every justice on this court has recognized that the state plays a vital role in protecting unborn life. The legislature & the governor agree,” Solicitor Gen Eric Wessan said in his opening stmnt. He urged the 7 justices, all of them appointees, to rule so that the can proceed.

Nonilex OP , avatar

For now, remains in up to 22 wks of pregnancy. The , if upheld, would limit the procedure to a time frame in which many women don’t yet know they are . It has limited exceptions for & or if the woman’s life is in danger.
This latest legal battle comes at the end of a flurry of abortion developments nationwide that could have major implications for the presidential election in Nov.

Nonilex , to random avatar

Welcome to the ladies:

's top court revives 19th century

Arizona's top court revived a dating to 1864 on Tues that bans in virtually all instances, another setback for in a state where the procedure already was barred starting at 15 wks of pregnancy.

Nonilex , to random avatar

, a Dem who made a centerpiece of her campaign in deeply , won a special election to the Alabama Legislature.
Lands’ victory in the suburban district in the state was celebrated by who have attempted to portray the state as too extreme on & reproductive rights.

Nonilex OP , avatar

“Today, women & families sent a clear message that will be heard in Montgomery & across the nation. Our legislature must repeal AL’s no-exceptions , fully restore to , & protect the to ,” said.

The win was a rare victory for in the where hold all statewide offices & a lopsided majority in the AL .

DLCC Pres Heather Williams called the victory a “ earthquake in Alabama.”

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