GottaLaff , avatar

Why yes, I AM still getting deluged by trolls who are intentionally calling me Pro Genocide after my earlier post.

Thanks for asking.

Adding: I did not take a stand on anything other than to stop calling Biden "pro genocide," and saying that disagreement with his policies is fine by me & that I don't discuss that war in my feed... because of... this kind of reaction by trolls and others who are trolls in training, apparently.

curlygrey , avatar

@GottaLaff isn’t this just the way….political discourse is on life support, like the planet. Sorry.

dangrsmind , avatar
lawyersgunsnmoney , avatar

@GottaLaff Labeling you as pro-genocide, trolling you, and labeling Biden as pro-genocide is bullshit and uncalled for. Hope you're making liberal use of the block button, though with as many followers as you have, that may not be as effective. Blaming Biden because Bibi engages in illegal killing is misplaced. No one can tell him what to do, including citizens there, who hate him.

BernieDoesIt , avatar

@GottaLaff How do they not see that arguing with you about where to draw the line between pro-genocide and anti-genocide will do absolutely nothing to stop actual genocide?

mwyman , avatar

@GottaLaff the Middle East in general, and Israel/Palestine in particular, are such complicated topics that it boggles my mind anyone thinks it’s possible to put a stake in the ground on social media, berate anyone trying to grapple with the nuances, and think that goes anywhere toward solving any part of the problems being faced; reading about it on here usually makes me want to tear my hair out.

And that’s not even getting into the more obvious trolls!

mastodonmigration , avatar


This deliberate misrepresentation is unfortunately a common and very frustrating tactic. You were very clear that you were referring to the use of a specific term and that you were not taking a position on the larger issue. To then mischaracterize your position and attack you for the strawman they fabricate is a cheap shot. Social media lends itself to this tactic because it is easy to gloss over nuance.

Hang tough. We know what you said.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mastodonmigration You totally get it. Thank you.

juglugs , avatar


I think that just means that you're winning.
You're a threat to them if they're trolling you and/or deploying bot swarms.

Keep up the great work! (please)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@juglugs Thanks!

HistoPol , avatar


Oops, I do take stands against or pro both sides, as I feel appropriate.

The subject is too important and the conflict helps , , and the , among others,
and makes matters worse for the , the people globally, and the , in particular.

Moreover, in particular the related in the is already damaging again, exacerbated by the draught crisis in the . Prices will rise again!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@HistoPol I gave my reasons why I don't.

HistoPol , avatar


That was no criticism of your stance, which I support.

We fight the things we chose and when we chose.
(I am wondering, though, at times, how many "clones" of you must already have in place with so many issues already going on in your TL. Breathtaking. 😉 )

Let's see if I can keep this one up, though.

Having set my profile to request-only has helped in this regard (while decimating follower growth, OFC.)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@HistoPol I didn't take it as a criticism. no worries

HistoPol , avatar

@GottaLaff 👍

Mary625 , avatar


My server person posted a few days ago that a bunch of bots were signing up and they stopped allowing new people because of it. Maybe that's what is going on.

I may not always agree with stuff but trolling and attacking is NEVER okay. If I see anything I'll report

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Mary625 Good to know

piratero ,

@GottaLaff this is crazy. You bring so much good to the table.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@piratero They're not here for good, they're here to provoke and argue

VoxofGod , avatar


He supports the genocide in Gaza and is the engine behind the pandemics genocide how is he not progenocide?

ralfmaximus , avatar


At least one of the trolls you've blocked is Very Loud™ and also calling you out by name on his feed, encouraging others to pile on. Might be the source of your current uh, popularity

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ralfmaximus Can you please report that? That's against server rules. Harassment, etc.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ralfmaximus Which one? I'll report

ralfmaximus , avatar

@GottaLaff I've sent you the info via pm.

JaneDoeTheFirst , avatar


That's what you get for being popular. 😉

I find it best to ignore, report if necessary, and block. Who wants to acknowledge morons who can take any topic and turn it into a base cognitive distortion? I swear, they have the mentality of a tween. Yeehaw!🙄

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@JaneDoeTheFirst That's what I do. I never ignore, btw. They'll bug someone else. I block and report, and often share with my followers as an alert.

JaneDoeTheFirst , avatar


Laffy, doing the divinity's work, one troll at a time. 💥

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@JaneDoeTheFirst I got my hammer and I use it!

Snowshadow , avatar

@GottaLaff Standing ready to serve...
Maybe we need to make a blocklist to share among our followers

Edit to add;
You don't need to say anything about Gaza. All it takes is the word Biden or Trudeau to trigger the bots.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Snowshadow Exactly right. But I'll keep speaking up for them.

LeftToPonder , avatar


Do like : share your blockages. Whom you block, not your bowel blockages, like Donny.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@LeftToPonder You don't see my and posts?

LeftToPonder , avatar


😂 I do now.

justafarmer , avatar

@GottaLaff hang in're providing a great service by identifying accounts to block!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@justafarmer I haven't ID'd many of these to you guys

kithrup , avatar

@GottaLaff :grumble:

mentallyalex , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm sorry to hear that.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mentallyalex Thanks doll. I am too.

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