GottaLaff , avatar

" is even or ahead in the polls because millions of swing voters have no idea just how authoritarian a 2nd term would be

Blame the media's massive failure to pound the drums about 1/6 pardons, 'retribution' and looming dictatorship."

If @willbunch wrote it, you should read it.© & I thread it. 1/...

bitcodavid , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch

I have made a scholastic study of the Third Reich for the past thirty years. Rest assured, I have a clue how much worse it would be. I'm scared to death of Agent Orange.

Cotopaxi , avatar

@bitcodavid @GottaLaff @willbunch I'm trying to decide whether getting our passports up to date is overreacting. We're too old and decrepit to transplant readily, and our resources are meager. But...history is looping back to nightmare territory, and the nation is refusing to wake up. Contingency planning for the worst while hoping for the best. Never thought I'd live to see this, the GOP welcoming the leadership of Nazis and fascists; worse, under the thumb of a certifiably demented man-child.

bitcodavid , avatar

@Cotopaxi @GottaLaff @willbunch

I agree. My wife and I are having "the talk."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bitcodavid @Cotopaxi We're moving to Canada in May-ish.

We applied for perm residency back in 2018 or so, and it took 3 years. Our age is usually a factor, but we got in somehow, likely because of Mr. Laffy's work.

I wrote 2 blog posts on the How and Why of this, if you want to see them. Just let me know.

bitcodavid , avatar

@GottaLaff @Cotopaxi

It's too bad you can't wait until after November, just because we need every vote we can get. Anyway, yeah. Send the links.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bitcodavid Why do you assume I'm not voting? @Cotopaxi

bitcodavid , avatar

@GottaLaff @Cotopaxi

I was responding to Laffy. If they move to Canada in May, I don't know how they can vote. No offense was intended.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bitcodavid @Cotopaxi I AM Laffy. Again, why do you think I won't vote?

Please read my blogs.

And please understand what "permanent residency" is before making assumptions. Thanks.

bitcodavid , avatar

@GottaLaff @Cotopaxi

OK. I understand now. Very well-written and emotional articles. I agree with everything you wrote.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bitcodavid Thank you. Rule of mine (which I break too): Try not to assume before knowing facts.

We are perm residents, not Canadian citizens. We are US citizens. We'll vote in US elections.


GottaLaff OP , avatar
Cotopaxi , avatar

@GottaLaff @bitcodavid Thank you, this is very informative and helpful. Recommend reading both parts to anyone interested.

When I learned how much of the German Nazi personnel were pardoned for war crimes and imported to America after WWII, I wondered for years if this wouldn't eventually result in a creeping permeation of our country by these vile ideologies. Now we know.

I haven't surrendered hope, despite an obvious prognosis. The quantum universe supports miracles, given the right effort.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Cotopaxi I haven't either. But I wanted options. @bitcodavid

Cotopaxi , avatar

@GottaLaff @bitcodavid You're wise, and you have children to consider. I fault no one for relocating, nor do I think it premature. Images of Nazi bulldozers pushing piles of nude corpses into mass graves burned into my mind when they showed us films about WWII in grade school. I've read The Lucifer Effect. I've lived in Texas all my life. I have few illusions about the many, many people, seemingly ordinary, who nurture a lust for murder and torture deep in their ugly hearts. Not all, but enough.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Cotopaxi I'm Jewish. I have those images in my head too. And my kids are nearly 40, and living there now, trying to get PR. I wish we were with them! @bitcodavid

Cotopaxi , avatar

@GottaLaff @bitcodavid Oh Lord, preaching to the choir again. I gotta get a new shtick, lol!
I've worried a lot about my Jewish friends and acquaintances since the demon in a meat suit started stirring the cesspits. I want to reach out and ask if they're OK, do they need anything, but haven't wanted to aggravate a bad situation by drawing more attention to it, or accidentally reinforcing any sense of discrimination. Ditto for other targets of hate. So inept at this. It all sucks so horribly. 🥺

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Cotopaxi You're the opposite of inept. @bitcodavid

Cotopaxi , avatar

@GottaLaff @bitcodavid Now that made my day! 😊

GottaLaff OP , avatar
lin11c , avatar

@GottaLaff @bitcodavid @Cotopaxi
I'm reading now! Thank you for showing how this is possible. You made the right decision.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lin11c I'm so glad it helped. That's why I wrote them. @bitcodavid @Cotopaxi

lin11c , avatar

@GottaLaff @bitcodavid @Cotopaxi
OMG I don't think I would ever be able to do this. Crazy complicated.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lin11c And for each person it's different. @bitcodavid @Cotopaxi

Cotopaxi , avatar

@GottaLaff @lin11c @bitcodavid Exactly. Good intentions or no, ham-fisted bludering into that minefield of sensitivities seems like it would make things worse, not bettee.

lin11c , avatar

@GottaLaff @bitcodavid @Cotopaxi
I think France might be more accessible. Just have to bone up on my high school French. 😆

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lin11c If we'd had to choose another place, we likely wouldn't have chosen to move. @bitcodavid @Cotopaxi

GeoWend , avatar

yeah, we made the decision to have a place to go, ourselves. Costa Rica has a few rather reasonable paths for residency...well worth looking into if folk are looking at options. (Portugal was a thought...but it seems to be slipping as well (sigh)
@lin11c @bitcodavid @Cotopaxi

iuculano , avatar


"But over the past few years, outrage and despondency are breaking and entering my thoughts, sleep, and well-being. Insecurity has loomed where comedy once romped. I miss feeling safe. I want my family to feel safe."

big strong hug

@bitcodavid @Cotopaxi

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@iuculano Thanks Joe. xo @Cotopaxi

iuculano , avatar


You're welcome, Laffy :)


Cotopaxi , avatar

@GottaLaff @bitcodavid Thank you, I will! Very happy you and yours succeeded in relocating. Hubby and I are useless old retired people, so I'm not sanguine about our chances of another nation welcoming us. But if things get very bad, a backdoor out would be a vital first step, assuming that avenue is available. After that would come the pleading, begging, and weeping for permission to live in safety.
I don't ponder this lightly, a last resort. But they're telling us Who They Are. I believe them.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Cotopaxi We're old too. Never give up.

Hope you read the blog posts!

dpinksen , avatar



GottaLaff OP , avatar

@dpinksen Thank you!!! Can't wait til May!

bitcodavid , avatar

@Cotopaxi @GottaLaff @willbunch

I had originally said Australia only because it's the furthest English-speaking place from the former United States. But my wife probably won't leave, and I'm a very committed husband. (Or maybe I just should be committed.) Anyway, maybe I'll be what will become the American Bielski brothers.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bitcodavid Lol at "committed" joke. @Cotopaxi @willbunch

WackyIdeas , avatar

@GottaLaff just look at Florida if you want a taste of what the entire country will face in a 2nd Trump reign. @willbunch

GottaLaff OP , avatar

2/ "Here’s what millions of Americans seem to be getting wrong.

The truth is that whatever you think about the 45th presidency — whether you remember 2017-21 as when lunch at Five Guys wasn’t $24 or whether you recall the Muslim ban or families ripped apart at the border — doesn’t really matter much. That’s bc a Trump 47 presidency would look nothing like the first one, and nothing like anything most Americans have even seen before, unless they’ve been hanging out in Viktor Orbán’s Hungary."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

3/ "We know Trump’s third run for the White House centers on plans to rule as an autocratic “Red Caesar” because he has told this to voters in rallies and interviews, again and again. What’s more, the specific blueprint is hardly secret, but spelled out explicitly by the candidate’s advisers in reams upon reams of publicly available documents — especially the nearly 1,000-page Project 2025 plan drafted by the Heritage Foundation and other far-right think tanks."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

4/ "What’s striking about Trump’s campaign: un-Trump-like willingness to learn something new: how to be a better authoritarian ruler. His team is studying both what did and didn’t happen during his presidency +gleaning insights from even closer ties w world’s growing network of other rt-wing populist strongmen...
But the paranoid style also fits a presidency that he’s said would be motivated by “retribution” against both his own enemies & the leftist elites despised by his most rabid supporters"

GottaLaff OP , avatar

5/ "Critical for both Orbán and for Trump’s second-term blueprint is firing dedicated civil-service employees throughout the government and replacing them with functionaries loyal to the party and its strongman. Trump proved this past week that his plans should be taken not just seriously but literally when he engineered a massive, Orbán-esque purge at the Republican National Committee, firing some 60 employees, many of them veterans."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

6/ "Under Project 2025 blueprint for a Trump presidency, the WH wouldn’t just fill current 4,000 political posts in govt w hardcore MAGA loyalists, but change classifications so that as many as 40K employees would become “at-will.” This means they could be fired by the WH— much like the sacked RNC staffers —& replaced by minions similar to Bobb or Lara Trump. It would remove the web of non-political public servants that Trump claims was “Deep State” that thwarted many of his first-term schemes"

GottaLaff OP , avatar

7/ "This is at the core of what voters aren’t getting about how different, and how radical, Trump’s second act would be...A new MAGA team might act on a GOP House referral to prosecute President Joe Biden, or not object to a mass Jan. 6 pardon...

Project 2025 scheme would mean that the bad aspects of Trump’s first presidency would be many times worse the second time around. This is especially true for immigration"

GottaLaff OP , avatar

8/ "Project 2025 calls on its hoped-for next president to issue an executive order to reject any federal science tied to the National Climate Assessment and to gut if not altogether kill key offices like those within the Energy Department tasked with the transition to clean power. Trump’s second election would all but ensure that America will fall short of the carbon-reduction goals meant to stave off the worst climate disasters."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

9/ "A lot of Trump supporters seem eager for the apocalypse. One of the most misunderstood aspects of Trump’s blueprint is its deep roots in Orbán-style Christian nationalism. ..Writer Jenny Cohn recently reported that a key player in the Project 2025 team is the Center for Renewing America that openly promotes “Christian nationalism” for Trump’s would-be presidency, working with advocates for ideas like the end of no-fault divorce or curbs on contraception."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

10/ "Why aren’t voters rebelling against this with torches and pitchforks? Some of it is surely that “collective amnesia” about the worst of Trump’s time in the Oval Office, coupled with overfond memories of a stable economy in his first three years before it melted down amid COVID-19 in his fourth. And of course, there’s a sizable minority of Americans, especially Christian fundamentalists, who want authoritarianism in a president who would smite their enemies."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

11/ "But the biggest reason for the missing alarm about the prospect of Trump 47 might simply be a lack of information. The New Republic’s Greg Sargent recently reported on a poll of 400 voters deemed gettable for Biden in three swing states, including Pennsylvania, and found the vast majority didn’t know about Trump’s “dictator for a day” comments, or that he’d echoed Adolf Hitler in calling enemies “vermin” and claiming migrants are “poisoning the blood” of America."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

12/12 "You can call it voter apathy, but a lot of the blame belongs to a mainstream media that’s not banging the pots and pans like it should be and remains much more obsessed about the horse-race odds of who wins the election than the stakes of an undemocratic presidency. One of the great tragedies of an American dictatorship will be when citizens claim they weren’t warned about this. Because the truth is out there."

Please read the whole column.

xdydx , avatar


Most voters are intentionally uninformed.

American voters are wilfully uninformed.

Democracy requires voters to be wilfully informed.

gooba42 , avatar

@GottaLaff I read this one just today.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@gooba42 🎯

makkhorn , avatar


But. Nobody reads mainstream media. Do folks even watch local tv news channels?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@makkhorn Yes.

Itchy , avatar

I'm doing letters to voters, cuz, yeah, apathy.

ericschutte , avatar

@GottaLaff Thanks Laffy.

Be informed, be prepared !!!!!!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ericschutte 👍🏼

lor , avatar

@GottaLaff The left are also engaging in purity tests and this is NOT helping.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lor Not that I've seen. Ilhan Omar just said she's voting for Biden, for ex.

lor , avatar

@GottaLaff Truth is out there - EVERYONE knows about the 91 indictments. Not everyone cares we are dealing with brainwashed people as well.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lor 88 now.

lor , avatar

@GottaLaff yeah :(

crdfilm , avatar

@GottaLaff And what happens to the news organizations outside of Newsmax, OAN and maybe Fox once the dictator is in place? They all get shut down or are forced to deliver whatever “news” the dictator wants spread. These organizations don’t seem to realize their survival is at stake as well. MSNBC will be the first to go dark.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@crdfilm Correct.

rabbijill , avatar

@GottaLaff it’s terrifying. And I blame the media for treating any of this as normal. It’s not normal.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@rabbijill Same. They should be SCREAMING in every headline what this is all about, how much danger we're in

rabbijill , avatar

@GottaLaff totally agree. Put me in front of a camera and I’ll do the screaming. It’s insane!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@rabbijill I'm right there with you

ATLeagle , avatar

@GottaLaff there is also the refusal for people to believe that he will do what he says. The thing I got most tired of was people claiming he would never really do what he said, and if he did they couldn't keep supporting him. Then he would do it and they would keep the support up.

I really don't think I can do it again. Especially knowing its permanent

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ATLeagle Exactly.

enoch_exe_inc , avatar

@GottaLaff I call it ‘inverted totalitarianism’. Actually, that’s what the late political theorist Sheldon Wolin called it; and I found his books analysing the democratic backsliding of the United States (which were written in the 2000s, by the way) to be…exactly in line with my observations of liberal democracies in general.

enoch_exe_inc , avatar

@GottaLaff Whereas totalitarian regimes are the result of a violent revolution replacing a weaker regime, an inverted totalitarian regime is the result of a regular, liberal democracy increasingly adopting corporate means of governance and taking a managerial approach towards how elections are conducted.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
WatchLover679 , avatar

@GottaLaff ahhh ignorance is bliss.

hosford42 , avatar

@GottaLaff Biden needs to hammer this home over and over. We all do.

justin_free , avatar

And half the electorate are considered enemies!!!
-- "And of course, there’s a sizable minority of Americans, especially Christian fundamentalists, who want authoritarianism in a president who would smite their enemies."

deabigt , avatar

@GottaLaff I seriously think this plays a much larger role that most want to admit. Even Trump seems to be modeling himself for the role of antichrist despite appearing to not be smart enough for the role. Still waiting for some one to start pushing the covid/rapture theory. Most probably reluctant to admit they did not make the cut.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@deabigt Seems? It's outright.

deabigt , avatar

@GottaLaff Just not sure if he thinks is the antichrist or just thinks he is a cool role model.

Yoshi , avatar

@GottaLaff This is "The " want.

TFFPrisoner , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm glad that Jennifer's attempts to educate the public are being recognized.

ralfmaximus , avatar


Sadly, the Project 2025 stuff ain't going away, even if Trump loses. Reckon the next Republican who makes it into the white house will use the same blueprint.

Perhaps Biden's 2nd term can install safeguards to the system, using Project 2025 as a checklist? Here's hoping.

bobchauvin , avatar
Danetteb , avatar

@GottaLaff I’ll say it over & over (as do you)- too few people are taking his 2nd run for the presidency seriously. Missing in all of this is how the MSM and many on the left have blamed Biden for things he hasn’t done and haven’t given him credit for things he has which has led to malaise among voters. NPR recently reported that Black voters are increasingly leaning towards voting for Trump 😳 not that they would be to blame for a 2nd term but it certainly indicates how the media has blown it.

dhj1961 , avatar

@GottaLaff "plans to rule as an autocratic "Red Caesar""

Where's Brutus when you need him?

MikeBon , avatar

And he's just a Putin puppet.

kristen_d , avatar

@GottaLaff Anyone who now says the first one wasn't that bad has their head buried in their ass. And that kind of rosy recollection is fueled by our in the media

bouriquet , (edited ) avatar

@GottaLaff Remember that in 45’s first term:
-the Democrats controlled the House.
-Russia hadn’t invaded Ukraine
-Israel wasn’t obliterating Gaza
-Earth hadn’t yet experienced its hottest year ever
-we didn’t know that 45 was hoarding national secrets in cardboard boxes for unknown purposes
Who knows what he might do to make some of these situations even worse a second time around? Spread enough lies to incite civil unrest to declare martial law, perhaps his unfulfilled goal post Jan 6?

footsteps , avatar

@GottaLaff (NFL)
I've blocked out the overwhelming stress of the first few weeks of the 45th term. Every day was a new executive order that was clearly unconstitutional and/or illegal. The "flood the zone" tactic was effective. There were too many things to keep track of. We just had to block it out for our own sanity.
Thank goodness for @marcelias and his army.

EnJ , avatar

"Trump 47 presidency would look nothing like the first one, and nothing like anything most Americans have even seen before, unless they’ve been hanging out in Viktor Orbán’s Hungary. (Instead it's been)
...spelled out explicitly by the candidate’s advisers in reams upon reams of publicly available documents — especially the nearly 1,000-page Project 2025 plan drafted by the Heritage Foundation and other far-right think tanks."

rusozoll , avatar

@GottaLaff one of the things that upset me the most about people focusing on the price of things now vs 4 years ago is that we know where the money went. We know where the extra profits from the jack prices are going. Big business is funneling revenue back into shareholders in a way that is, in my opinion, straight looting companies (and damaging their long term health in the process. I'd argue that Boeing is a perfect example of this, and it isn't new this year.

notes , avatar

"The America that Project 2025 wants to create would involve a fundamental reordering of our society. It would greatly enhance the executive branch’s powers and impose on all Americans policies favored by #ChristianNationalists regarding issues such as #SexualHealth and #ReproductiveRights, #education, the #family, and the role of #religion in our society and government." #Project2025


kalfatermann , avatar

Freedom will not say goodbye with a loud bang, rather it will say goodbye silent within small steps. (Eifeler saying)

Luna , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch They have no idea just how accurate calling him Orange Mussolini is.

ATLeagle , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch the polls have been consistently wrong in the same direction all of this year. They have always understood biden and made Trump seem untouchable . The opposite has been true, consistently, so I'm not 0aying attention to those anymore

fjwheeler , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch I don’t think the polls are accurate. This reminds me of all the polls which showed a massive red wave in 2022 which were massively off. These pollsters are focused on the economy and they’re ignoring thousands of pissed off women.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@fjwheeler @willbunch It's always amusing how people say this but accept polls when they're favorable to us.

fjwheeler , avatar

@GottaLaff @fjwheeler @willbunch I don’t trust them, not after 2016. I firmly believed every poll which showed a Clinton landslide victory.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@fjwheeler @willbunch The polls in 2016 got it right, for the popular vote.

They usually do.

And they didn't show a landslide, they showed nearly exactly what she got... for the popular vote.

fjwheeler , avatar

@GottaLaff @fjwheeler @willbunch that’s not what every pundit and pollster was saying, there were countless articles written about Clinton having a massive advantage in the electoral college. I think the SCOTUS reversing Roe v Wade was a massive reason as to why these polls are just missing the mark, they’re underestimating women. Always nice talking with you but have to run.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@fjwheeler Okey doke. Have fun.

fjwheeler , avatar

@GottaLaff @fjwheeler I have ulcerative colitis and am having infusions done, Having a blast, lol

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@fjwheeler Oh man, my son has Crohn's. I get it. I hope you can relax while you're there.

Aviva_Gary , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch All this is very true

DigitalTaoist , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch
If they'd had aired genuine concerns about the rigged system (i.e. the Electoral College) instead of just trashing the place and treating it like a public toilet, well there might be some justification for pardons. As it is they're guilty of insurrection if not treason... but the Orange Liability and his attack on US democracy was enabled by lies: by the lies of Fox (pretending to be, and not alone) 'news'.

SteveBologna , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch The media only prints what it wants seen. What it wants seen will sell ad space. They promote chaos because that sells ad space. President Biden could really be up 30 pts and unless we are willing to dig into it how would we know? I have a hard time believing or trusting those that want to control my knowledge and my time. Vote Blue

Moral_Gutpunch ,

@GottaLaff @willbunch Meanwhile, only AP news has reported the stupidity of denying Jan 6 never happened or was 'just people visiting'. Really? ONE news outlet?

devtrash , avatar

@GottaLaff Counterpouint: they do, and they're a-ok with it.

leeloo , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch
And still the democrats stand behind the pro genocide guy, ready to compete with Trump for the votes from the maga crowd in their red hats, while those who will not vote for genocide are looking for a candidate to vote for.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@leeloo He's not "pro genocide." Take it elsewhere. @willbunch

Raccoon , avatar

@GottaLaff @leeloo @willbunch
I'm beginning to wonder what all the people complaining about "Genocide Joe" will do if Trump wins.

Like, when Trump announces that the US no longer considers the Palestinians people and will fully support Israel's right to all of Gaza and the West Bank, and the killing campaign goes into top gear with full US support, when the entire population of Palestine has been completely cleansed with the US president cheering on the death... is that a victory condition here because we didn't support Biden being wishy-washy?

GGMcBG , avatar


And the glowing result after 40 years of making knowledge and education enemies of freedom, by the Christian soldiers of government.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@GGMcBG "Christian"

jirirbr , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch It’s beyond my understanding how the Democrats didn’t choose anyone better than senile Biden. There are supposed to be the two best candidates, and apparently both parties chose the worst. Unbelievable.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@jirirbr 1. He's not senile and you know that.

  1. Watch the SOTU.

  2. STFU.

  3. and thank you for playing


JaneImber , avatar

@GottaLaff @jirirbr @willbunch There should be a function in social media that takes a close look at someone who has been blocked as much as this obvious troll deserves to be, and asks whether he should be allowed to stay.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@JaneImber I reported them to their server too.

JaneImber , avatar


TheNovemberMan ,
iuculano , avatar


and Whooooshhhh!

@jirirbr @willbunch

djinnsour , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

@djinnsour @willbunch No, many don't. Many don't even know he said he wants to be a dictator. I hope you read the entire column.

jaycee , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch If he gets a second term we are all fucked! He’s perfectly capable of using nuclear weapons. He needs to do a drive by in a convertible near a grassy knoll in Texas…….

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@jaycee No. Not in my feed, please.

Assassination is not a solution.

jaycee , avatar

@GottaLaff He won’t listen to you I’m afraid. He’s perfectly capable of killing hundreds of thousands more than he already has. You do understand irony I hope…

GottaLaff OP , avatar
NorCal_Lynne , avatar

@GottaLaff @jaycee Thank you, Laffy. My parents remember vividly the assassination of President Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. I hope none of use ever have to live through that again, it can cut both ways, especially in today’s environment.

opethminded , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch Ahh, the media owns a big chunk but they aren’t nearly the only kid-glove handlers owning a major part of this. Other polls already prove a criminal conviction of any sort woulda sunk 🍊 🤡 with independents, but alas its too late for that now.

DonQuixokie , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch No. Everyone knows how authoritarian and bloodthirsty he is.
They just don't think it will have anything to do w them. And it was only one? Two? generations ago white families were crying "But things like that don't happen here!" about school shootings.
Clearly never heard the genuine Nazi argument that just because someone is a good person is no reason not to kill them.
They should probably know about that.

cindyweinstein ,

@GottaLaff @willbunch. 's columns in -- the ones with .JohnGartner, are essential. He says some of the same things. Here's today's.

rlstone4dems , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch All I can say is wait until November. Because most of us Democrats will vote in droves when it matters. And there isn't a damn thing that these right wing trumplicans can do about it.

To these so called undecided voters: Things can always get worse. It only seems to get that way under a republican leadership. Kinda like how the national debt grew by about $7 trillion under TFG. So, just "vote, blue no matter who."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@rlstone4dems @willbunch They're already doing something about it. They've gone to court and will continue to, to change election outcomes. So droves or no droves, they'll cheat and sue their asses off.

He's hired much more lethal operatives this time around.

I'm terrified.

rlstone4dems , avatar

@GottaLaff @rlstone4dems @willbunch I'm deeply concerned too... I don't know how long we can continue like this... It's almost as if this is a never ending cycle...

ismail00 ,
Wileymiller , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch

Obviously, these swing voters (by definition, not MAGA cult members) don't pay ANY attention to the news (excluding Fox) to not understand all this and still support Trump. They must be living under a rock to be so clueless, and I don't know what (legitimate) media can do about that.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Wileymiller It has to come from friends, family, etc. Those are their influencers.

Wileymiller , avatar

Yeah, but they need to be willing to listen, and there's the rub. Nothing worse than people so utterly clueless voting.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Wileymiller Sigh.

dangrsmind , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch recent poll showing Trump up by 2 points have a margin of error of 3.1%. So we can not tell if Trump is ahead or tied or behind slightly from this poll. I wish the media would start reporting margins of error along with poll results.

I understand your concerns about the RNC take over, however organizations with significant layoffs take months or more to recover effectiveness.

I don't think this reorg is going to be handled very well, I could be wrong, but you can expect >20% decline in productivity from teh survivors and that means less money raised (for example).

The purge of many experienced employees suggests a substantial loss of institutional knowledge and the person running things, Lara Trump, has no experience running this sort of operation.

Trump himself has a long history of mismanagement and destructive management practices in his own businesses.

They only have weeks to get this fixed. I doubt it will go well.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
dangrsmind , avatar

@GottaLaff I always appreciate your commentary however in this case I am pretty convinced that they are going to loot the RNC and fail completely to reorganize it into an effective organization. There's not much money in the RNC right now and there are literally weeks to go untikl the election.

Trump does not care about anyone but himself so he will have a lot of heartburn about spending money on other candidates when he does not have to do it.


GottaLaff OP , avatar

@dangrsmind I appreciate that and agree. But while that's happening, they're dangerous. The fact that they've hired smarter, more lethal operatives now is nothing to ignore. The fact that they're already going to court to change election outcomes is nothing to ignore.

They're already more dangerous than his last Keystone Kops team.

The GOP is already destroyed. Now MAGA is destroying democracy with more force.

dangrsmind , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm not convinced there is anyone "smarter" in the RNC now but I am not an expert on these people and their resumes.

As far as the Michigan court case, I definitely share your concern there. However, there's no reason to believe the RNC is the most effective group to be running that. I seriously doubt this is true.

It's a clown show and it is clowns all the way down.

I remain optimistic that there is going to be a serious wipeout of the Trump party in November.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@dangrsmind You must not have watched Maddow on Monday. Or maybe it was another show, can't remember. They ticked off who the hirees are now. One is Chris LaCivitam and yes, he's "smarter."

So are some of the others. I wish I could find the segment for you.

They're not all "clowns" this time around. Be aware.

dangrsmind , avatar

@GottaLaff I don't watch any television so nope I didn't see it.

The problem Trump has is that his policies are unpopular and he is also unpopular.

2020 election was quite close, with some states being decided with under 5% difference (e.g. Florida and North Carolina)

If even 5% of Republicans can't bring themselves to vote for Trump he loses in a historic wipeout.

That said, it is way too early to say what will happen. If I am forced to make a prediction today I will predict a historic wipeout of Trump and rebuke of his policies.

This is not a suggestion for complacency.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@dangrsmind Trump has no policies. He's only out for Trump.

I don't doubt that the popular vote will be for Biden. It was for Hillary too. That's not what matters.

And now that his team is more adept, I'm not confident. At all. They're going to be way better at cheating, rigging, legal blocks, etc. They already are, and now we have AI in the mix.

And since you don't watch TV, you missed out on one hell of an explainer of all of this.

How I wish I could find it for you.

dangrsmind , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm going to stay skeptical...

I'm actually an expert on AI disinformation and I worked for the DoD for 20 years. So I do not need to watch a TV segment about it.

AI generated disinfo is not nearly as effective as people imagine for now. It's not better than human generated disinfo.

But of course we do not always know what is under development out there.

I also know all about election cheating and how hard it is to actually do at scale. I'm very skeptical here as well. Legal machinations are something I am not qualified to evaluate personally.

I base my election predictions on an electoral college model that considers the number of possible outcomes in favor of each party state by state. FWIW.

It is way too early to make a high probability prediction and there can definitely be an "October surprise" or some sort of nefarious rat f*cking.

That said, Biden won the electoral college in 2020.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@dangrsmind He won when Trump's team was still filled with amateurs.

Wow. Okay.

I guess I'm just blowing smoke then? Because you worked at DOD and I happened to see some good reporting on TV, but TV doesn't count because you don't watch it?

That was a little dismissive.

Btw, I don't do election predictions. I don't do speculation. I look at what's happening, and let it unfold while observing based on what I see right now, not in the future. I worry, but I don't predict.

Thx for the chat!

dangrsmind , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm in the business of predictions and teach a class at UC Santa Cruz about it called Computational Futurology.

I am dismissive of TV and popular media analysis of these issues because the "analysis" is commonly just based on emotional responses or what generates interest in the story aka clicks not serious analysis of facts available.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@dangrsmind That doesn't mean they're not accurate.

Thanks for the chat.

ericschutte , avatar

@GottaLaff @dangrsmind Ahhhh there it is again, the popular vote. I think this is where it goes wrong in America, the one who gets the popular vote should be the winner !!!!!! And if Biden gets the popular vote ……. Or am I an idiot?

eberhofer ,

@GottaLaff I'm with you on this one. Very, very dangerous for any number of reasons.

Not the least of which are that a significant portion of the business and political elite supports him, that this just foreshadows the fate of US institutions should he be reelected, and many people are again underestimating him.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@eberhofer Bingo

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