flexghost ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

Fuck fireworks.

How did everyone’s pets do?

stinerman ,
@stinerman@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost my cats don't mind. I had to deal with it but it probably won't end until Sunday night.

kalfatermann ,
@kalfatermann@mastodon.social avatar


I only knew about the problem at New Year's or at weddings. My little dog always had a hard time, but I would wrap him in a warm blanket and take him in my arms. It took many years, but then he could sleep peacefully when I held him. Rest in peace my little boy. 💖

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@kalfatermann that’s wonderful! ❤️

kalfatermann ,
@kalfatermann@mastodon.social avatar


They grow up like a child,
they fill our hearts with joy,
we love and protect them,
we laugh at their antics,
they become our children,
they become our family,
and when they go before us,
we realize very painfully,
that we were their children,
who lived their dream,
in our hearts. 💖

richardinsandy ,
@richardinsandy@c.im avatar

@flexghost ours stayed downstairs with us while we watched TV, and slept through most of the noise. Here in Utah July 24th is louder than July 4th, so there’s more to come. Fireworks were banned in our subdivision due to the fire risk, so that helped, but people seem to ignore the bans.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@richardinsandy ❤️❤️

Bogeon ,
@Bogeon@mstdn.social avatar

@flexghost Took my dog out for delayed evening walk during firework time. Perhaps it sounded less scary, or he realized that fireworks happened everywhere. He didn't back much after we got home.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@Bogeon during?!?! My girl dog won’t go out at dark after a random firework went off during a night walk years ago

Bogeon ,
@Bogeon@mstdn.social avatar

@flexghost Ouch, something out of blue must have been scary. My dog gets scared easily and bites his leash to head home. Perhaps he was glad to be out after a hot day this time

ImmedicableME ,
@ImmedicableME@mastodon.online avatar

@flexghost Got through with trazodone, three forms of Adaptil pheromones, a Thundershirt, soothing music, and sleeping on the sofa with him. I would happily move to a community that bans fireworks.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@ImmedicableME love trazadone. Had to add a benedryl halfway through

curtisysmith ,
@curtisysmith@denton.social avatar

@flexghost I don’t have a dog currently, but I lost one because of fireworks about 20 years ago. It was days after the 4th and I thought by then it was safe to leave her outside in the middle of the day while I went to the store. I came home to fireworks going off like mad all around my house. My dog had tried to claw her way through the back door and ripped her stomach loose internally during the effort. It was horrible. Fuck fireworks

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@curtisysmith omg this is AWFUL! I’m so sorry

Aubyn ,
@Aubyn@mastodon.social avatar

Rhoda was amazingly calm. The neighborhood sounded like a war zone until the wee hours.

DukeDuke ,
@DukeDuke@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost We did great! Hooked up the RV and left town. We're staying in a remote RV park in BFE and it was morgue quiet. Where we live is a big weekend destination also, so we're avoiding all of it until Sunday.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@DukeDuke nice

cobweb ,
@cobweb@corteximplant.com avatar

@flexghost it was like artillery on all sides of my house. My older dog did fine and just slept through it, the baby was very nervous though. Poor thing was still looking around pretty nervously this morning when I took her out

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@cobweb poor thing. Yeah I feel like since the pandemic they’ve gotten louder and they happen more often

auscandoc ,
@auscandoc@med-mastodon.com avatar

@flexghost We had a drone show this year. (Fireworks would often have to be cancelled anyway bc of forest fire risk).

Much more dog (and people.. and tree..) friendly


(Borrowed photo and videos)

anneguisinherba ,
@anneguisinherba@universeodon.com avatar

@flexghost Rough night, and everyone off feeding schedule this morning. One dog and three cats. Eff this ess.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@anneguisinherba hopefully it will just be that one night

anneguisinherba ,
@anneguisinherba@universeodon.com avatar

@flexghost I wish. And it’s exacerbated by the frequency of thunderstorms this year. Poor kids. Tonight we have both…who are these idjits setting off squibs in a thunderstorm?! Anyway, thanks to you for caring, and wishing better days to everyone on this thread. 😘

somcak ,
@somcak@beige.party avatar

@flexghost in the bedroom, we have 3 fans going. As it's a brick building, with the fans we barely heard them so the dogs were fine.

However, I was up in the middle of the night and the cats were freaking out. I came downstairs, and we could hear them going off at 2 am! So I turned on the TV for them and that seemed to dampen the sound. I stayed up for an hour or so calming them down.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@somcak around here people will set them off in the middle of the week at 3 AM I just don’t understand how people exist that cannot think about other people

LizDylan ,
@LizDylan@mastodon.social avatar


The county fireworks are not as bad. It only lasts a few minutes.

It's the idiots shooting off illegal fireworks that go on all night. Police here in Newark, NJ do nothing.

I have to keep the windows closed, the air conditioner on, fans on to drown out the noise. And my dogs are still anxious. Keep changing rooms to try to find a quiet place.

When will people wake up and use drones? Better for the planet, the animals, and way cool.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@LizDylan drones look way cooler. I have a floor fan plus the AC but people are setting off those compression bomb fireworks which rattle everything

msbellows ,
@msbellows@c.im avatar

@flexghost Tuxie is still missing. Kicking myself for forgetting to make sure he was inside before outside got crazy. Fingers crossed.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@msbellows oh no!!!

Enema_Cowboy ,
@Enema_Cowboy@dotnet.social avatar

The 2:45 am barrage was not appreciated by our dogs.

BlueWall ,
@BlueWall@mstdn.social avatar


I get guns too

rlstone4dems ,
@rlstone4dems@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost Flexghost: I hate fireworks… When my beloved dogs were here it would cause them to be terrified… I can only imagine how others with animals are faring as fireworks seem to be more of a nuisance…

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@rlstone4dems July 4, OK you guys are going to be awful. But the random big explosive ones at 3 AM randomly throughout the year? No excuse for that

LuLuLove ,
@LuLuLove@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost one of my dogs is too old and deaf to care. The other 2 did pretty good... I'm more worried about the wild animals and the war survivors

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@LuLuLove same! I guess the upside is my boy can’t hear it but I still dosed him so he could sleep well. My little girl was shaking in my arms almost all night. I read a report that people that use those little buggies when they go to the desert burst the eardrums of the local animals and I wonder what fireworks do to animals in the city

LuLuLove ,
@LuLuLove@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost if we insist on having fireworks it should only be allowed in one designated spot in each city or if the cities are small combine them... sorry your baby struggled. I lost one a few years ago that would literally walk around the house panting all night. Even after the goons were long asleep. The benadryl never helped either.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@LuLuLove anywhere anywhere I have lived where they are illegal they are fired off more often… I don’t think there is a solution you can’t make people have empathy

LuLuLove ,
@LuLuLove@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost that's unfortunate as shit! People really should be more empathetic. If they were we wouldn't be in this shit show of an election

peteorrall ,
@peteorrall@universeodon.com avatar

@flexghost My dogs were puking from stress. My cat was unfazed.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@peteorrall I’m so sorry to hear that and we all know the fireworks don’t stop at the fourth

DCampbell ,
@DCampbell@mastodon.social avatar


Hunter passed away February. His ashes are on end table next to sofa. He was still trying to get in closet.

(Photo: Hunter on right (little guy), making friends with ranch dog Mel.)

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@DCampbell OMG I am so sorry for your loss what an absolute gorgeous little family there

DCampbell ,
@DCampbell@mastodon.social avatar


Actually, “we” were visiting ranch (San Gabriel Mtns. North LA, photo December 2023), but it is family member’s place. Mel and Hunter were “cousins”. Home is SF, past few nights neighborhood sounded like war zone, when scared, Hunter used to run into an open closet and hide. Previous dog stuck her head under bed, body sticking out, as if safe.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@DCampbell awww

PeachMcD ,
@PeachMcD@union.place avatar


Our elder kitty's partial deafness was a feature not a bug last night. But we sedated her younger brother.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@PeachMcD I have a deaf dog as well and I guess this is the upside right?

CaptainFlab ,
@CaptainFlab@libretooth.gr avatar

@flexghost Not great. Our cat crawled under the couch and stayed there all night. She’s keeping her distance from us today.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@CaptainFlab Poor thing I hope your kitty cat recovers quickly

Kubi37 ,
@Kubi37@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost my cats were unphased, quietly adding it to their list of grievances.

My neighbors dog was audibly upset, sadly

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@Kubi37 did they leave their dog alone?

Kubi37 ,
@Kubi37@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost not certain, but I believe so

CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@flexghost Samson and Gideon were okay.

Ruby - not so much. I had to spend most of last night down in the basement with her as she was super stressed out. She didn't come back upstairs to sleep in her bed in our bedroom until after Midnight.

I'm expecting a repeat performance tonight, and tomorrow and who knows for how much longer after that.

Fuckin hate fireworks.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@CoachMark Those are such cool names! Have you tried trazodone or Benadryl or thunder shirt?

CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@flexghost Those names all came with the dogs when we brought them into our home. Samson was dumped at a nearby Veterinarian's office and his skin and coat were a mess. I walked him a couple times in freezing cold temps and brought him home after talking it over with Laura - he's been with us ever since.

Gideon and Ruby came up from Georgia with those names and they just seem to fit, so we kept em.

We've tried a Thundershirt and those ear covering sleeve things - but they don't really work. May resort to some Benadryl tonight to see how it goes.

Do you have a dog, or a cat, or both, flex?

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@CoachMark I have two dogs that are a little older and one that is deaf which kind of helped yesterday… My little girl had her thunder shirt and her trazodone and I pet her all night

CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@flexghost Awww - I hope tonight is easier on all of you.

We had a deaf and blind foster that we adopted many years ago - his name was Milo - and he was found wandering in a rare Nashville, TN snowstorm and rescued by two young women working in the music industry. They got him into rescue and he came up to us as a "Friday Night Special" dog in need of foster.

He was a trooper and gave the softest kisses. He was a Chow/Shepherd mix.

I've got lots of photos if ever you wanna see some of our dogs past and present.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@CoachMark I absolutely do!!!

CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar
flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@CoachMark 😍😍

CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@flexghost here are our three. Gideon up top, Ruby next to him and Samson below.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@CoachMark oh my God they are so beautiful I love them

CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@flexghost Thanks flex. They are a good group most of the time and we love em dearly.

May your dogs have a great day today. Give em some pets from Coach.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@CoachMark ❤️

tomhamby ,
@tomhamby@mas.to avatar

@flexghost My dog hates fireworks, therefore, I hate fireworks. Fuck fireworks.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@tomhamby They go all year by me… Most people really do not care about other people

tomhamby ,
@tomhamby@mas.to avatar

@flexghost Agreed. Lucky fireworks are only for 10 days or so near me. Tried hemp treats on dog for the first time this year. I would add they helped a little until the big mortars started close by.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@tomhamby I would love it if hemp and CBD or even THC worked but it doesn’t

stinerman ,
@stinerman@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost @tomhamby hydroxyzine works a little for me. It's more of a IDGAF drug for me.

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