tzimmer_history , avatar

Kevin Roberts believes he’s a noble defender of “real America” against a totalitarian “woke,” “globalist” assault from without and within.

“Project 2025” is his declaration of war against multiracial pluralism.

I wrote about his extremist worldview here:


schieving , avatar

@tzimmer_history a bloodless revolution is essentially surrender. If we are not careful it will be all hail king $&@!? And our democracy is then lost. Very sad and scary IMO…

whiterabbitradio , avatar

@tzimmer_history I like the way he says it will be bloodless if the left allow it. I can tell you that he would be the first to shit himself if the citizens showed up at his door with bump stock loaded weapons ☹️

elfin , avatar

@tzimmer_history And I'm SUPER curious why he's not in FBI custody for a Clear Act of Domestic Terrorism. Fucker should be in a room full of Special Agents not doing press conferences.

Let me see ...

  • Domestic Terrorism
  • Treason
  • Sedition

What, EXACTLY, does it take to get them to do their jobs?

RodneyPetersonTalent , avatar


"I've covered extremism and violent ideologies around the world over my career. Have never come across a political force more nihilistic, dangerous & contemptible than today's Republicans. Nothing close” - Edward Luce, Financial Times, London
“I agree. And I was the CIA Director." - General Michael Hayden.

Fuck you Kevin Roberts you massive piece of shit. Bloodless, my ass. Revolutions are made to topple total pond scum like yourself.

“Live on your knees or die fighting.”

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar


They spewing Bircher shit. And have been since 1958

htpcnz , avatar

@tzimmer_history this guy wanting to drag the nomination process through courts to keep Biden as the democratic ticket in swing states pretty much says what is inevitable in Nov. If all these "keep biden", " i will vote for biden" people can get the youth, undecided/independents in swing sate out to vote in droves for Dems & Biden, my hats off to you. Otherwise you are core part of the problem that brought fascism to USA.

jawarajabbi , avatar


America should get a restraining order.

18+ Frances_Larina , avatar


"If the Left allows it to be"
= "don't make me hurt you"

mrbruno , avatar

@tzimmer_history As per Jeff Dee via Matt Dillahunty on "The Hangup"... It's already NOT bloodless. Or do they believe that January 6th was just a bunch of tourists?

ampersine , avatar

Willing to bet this guy has a whole warehouse full of big black buttplugs and lube

gentrifiedrose ,

@tzimmer_history thats not an endorsement that they really need

b_frankv , avatar

@tzimmer_history ich schätze ihre Analyse sehr. Ich hoffe sehr dass im November alles gut geht. Es ist einfach verrückt zu sehen, dass die größte macht der Weltgeschichte, einen orangenen Diktator bekommen könnte. Ich wünschte die us Politik wäre so langweilig, dass ich ihnen nicht folgen müsste 😄

TrumpsStubbyChubby , avatar

@tzimmer_history My little MAGAzis are ready to storm the Capitol. Next time they will have AR-15's with bump stocks.

CityAtlas , avatar
bBuck , avatar

They completely underestimate us.

Kierkegaanks , avatar

@tzimmer_history maybe lock him up with a psych watch?

IntentionallyBLANK , avatar

It's also a war against uppity women and "nonbelievers"...whatever that means considering Baskin Robbins and Heinz have less flavors than Christianity in America.

palin , avatar

I only hope to meet him in person one day.
Hard to tell the difference between Voldemort and his douchebag ass.

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

I took a deep dive into the “Promise to America” Heritage president Kevin Roberts has offered in his foreword to the "Project 2025" report: It perfectly captures the siege mentality, self-victimization, and grievance-driven lust for revenge that are fueling the Right's plans. 2/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

Kevin Roberts is not some moderate imposter who pretends to be hardcore so that he can blend in with the MAGAs because that is the direction the wind is blowing. He is a reactionary Catholic and part of the Religious Right – a true believer in the reactionary political project. 3/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

“Project 2025” isn’t just about power in Washington. The Reactionary Right’s goal is to re-establish political, societal, and cultural dominance in all spheres of life and turn the clock back to before what Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts calls “the Great Awokening.” 4/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

The Right’s plans for a return to power are driven by a desperate sense that nothing short of a reactionary counter-revolution will suffice to save nation from the onslaught of fundamentally anti-American woke,” “globalist” forces - and that there is very little time left to pull it off. 5/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

There is, in this view of the world, no room for compromise, no justification for restraint: “Time is running short. If we fail, the fight for the very idea of America may be lost.” 2024, according to Roberts, is the “last opportunity to save our republic.” And destroy the “woke” Left. 6/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

According to Roberts, the domestic “woke” agenda is connected to America’s foreign enemies. He sees only two underlying dangers that are constantly colluding and conspiring to bring America down: Totalitarian China abroad and totalitarian “woke” elites at home, working together. 7/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

There is, in Kevin Roberts’ view of the world, really only one enemy, one devil, that seeks to destroy America, this once great nation of freedom and virtue: Communism, fascism, progressivism, “wokeism,” it is all just the same, all just different disguises of socialism. 8/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

Analytically, this is complete nonsense. But such an understanding of the enemy is pervasive on the Right. It provides the basis on which Republican Party, conservative establishment, and reactionary intellectual sphere have all given themselves permission to radicalize. 9/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

It is difficult to convey to people who don’t pay much attention to politics how much the power centers of conservative politics have been taken over by anti-democratic extremism. Meanwhile, rightwing leaders are maximally clear about the reactionary vision they want to impose on the country. 10/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

Much of this sounds like Marjorie Taylor Greene might have said it to rile up the base. “This is Heritage, you know, not some fringe group on the right,” Roberts said in a New York Times interview. He is correct: This is what defines the center of conservative politics today. 11/

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

Unfortunately, this is not just the abstract manifesto of a feverish mind. It comes with concrete plans and a detailed strategy of how to take over and transform government into an autocratic revenge machine that can impose a reactionary vision against the will of the majority. /end

benfulton , avatar

@tzimmer_history But surely when they say "socialism" they mean "non-white people", no?

stonehand , avatar

@tzimmer_history Seems like much ado about nothing. We’ve had a Trump presidency. It was embarrassing, sure, but existential? Smacks of hyberbole.. Are you sure you haven’t tin foil hatted yourself?

cheriecreationstruck , avatar
DoesntExist , avatar

Kevin Roberts' ideology is bound for failure, but the problem, as it always is on the extreme Right, is how long the failure takes and how many lives it costs before people finally, again, discover the bankruptcy of such ideals.

EarthOne24 , avatar

@tzimmer_history Funny, isn't it, since the Koch 1% network started this mess of class hatred and gun violence-driven destruction of democracy to further billionaire corporate interests. This has enriched them to obscene levels of greed and GLOBAL power, reducing American manufacturing to a wasteland, THROUGH moving their factories and interests to CHINA. Hypocrisy is their brand.

palin , avatar

They are a bunch of cowardly racist kkkunts hiding behind the propagandized media they own.

tmstreet , avatar

@tzimmer_history This is a call to arms.

stargazersmith , avatar

The Tea Party phase was the beginning of their "no compromise" philosophy.

dogzilla , avatar

@tzimmer_history Right now is the culmination of a 40-year project for them. They control the Speaker of the House and the Supreme Court and (they think) the GOP presidential candidate. They’ll never be closer to their goals than they are right now.

How hard do you think they’ll fight to ensure Trump takes power as well?

stargazersmith , avatar

My observation is that the Rs are always in a hurry to force their unpopular ideas. Whenever they have the upper hand, they cram as much down citizens' throats as they can -- while they can.

This Heritage Foundation plan has gone beyond having a hair trigger, revealing their intentions even while they don't have the power.

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