GottaLaff , avatar

I'm done for today.

I get people panicking, I feel it too.

But I've blocked so many people today for wishing for violence, saying voting doesn't matter, etc.

I have no tolerance for that. None.

And then one coming in saying that I was "for the status quo" and blocking me... that was mature. From kolektiva server, so there's that.

Seriously, I'm so over today.

I hope those of you who are more rational have a more peaceful evening.

Today sucked, but let's stay rational. PLEASE.

iuculano , avatar


Hear, hear!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@iuculano Thanks Joe

iuculano , avatar

@GottaLaff l

Thank YOU, Laffy, for being the voice of reason 🙏

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@iuculano Thank you!

darthmoomin , avatar

@GottaLaff I appreciate all you do. Sorry you are the edge that blunts their blow for all of us under your shield.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@darthmoomin That's very generous. Thanks

mister_shade02X2 , avatar

@GottaLaff I’m scared, too. And angry.

But no, let’s not do the things we don’t want Donald Trump and the Republican party to do.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mister_shade02X2 🎯🎯🎯

lkngrrr , avatar

@GottaLaff Kolektiva has a bunch of really weird cultural shit going on in their server. All of the cool anarchists I know moved over to jorts for a reason.

The media is a psyop designed to encourage doomspiraling and anxiety.

Folks need to ignore the noise and stay on target. Stop the outright goddam fascist and then we can get to work on the center-right.

ZeKik , avatar


YOU are part of the SOLUTION. 👍 ✌️ 😁

THEY are part of the PROBLEM. 👎 🤦‍♂️ 😑

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ZeKik 🩷

doktariskip ,

@GottaLaff silent lurker who you've helped understand all this. Remember Biden is and has smart people that have been anticipating worse case. I'd like to hope there is a plan for this already thought out. The immunity goes both ways. For now

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@doktariskip Thank you. Glad to meet you.

samiamsam , avatar

@GottaLaff agree

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@samiamsam Thank you

Eyeljay , avatar

@GottaLaff Have a peaceful evening. Have a glass of wine with me.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Eyeljay 🩷🍷

stephenesherman , avatar

@GottaLaff I guess I should just take my panicky irrational self, ignore the evidence of my own eyes and ears, and STFU. 😑

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@stephenesherman If that’s how you interpreted what I said, then you should read it again. You’re way off.

TheNovemberMan , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

@TheNovemberMan @stephenesherman Thank you NovemberMan.

TheNovemberMan , avatar
TheNovemberMan , avatar
palin , avatar

You should read his derogatory posts and then seriously debate on whether you want to bother with someone like that...
He's a pundit.

Snowshadow , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Snowshadow @palin Whoa!! Block time.

Snowshadow , avatar

@GottaLaff @palin yes it is.

Atticus1956 , avatar

@GottaLaff @stephenesherman

If violence is the answer, allow me to ask, why did everyone get so upset about January 6 2021? In fact, Charlottesville, Oklahoma City Murrah Building, etc., etc.

Anger is fine, and frustration is fine... but put the energies that build along with those emotions to beneficial use. VOTE-VOTE-VOTE, state & federal elections, the vote is your cudgel.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Atticus1956 which is exactly why I empathized with everyone… with the exception of suggesting violence and bashing voting. @stephenesherman

MiriShuli , avatar

@stephenesherman @GottaLaff Deep breath Stephen. Your panic and irrationality doesn’t help anyone right now, not even you.

We need to think…and develop a plan. Beyond voting for Biden in Nov. What’s after that?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@MiriShuli @stephenesherman Thank you Miriam.

MylesRyden , avatar


I am with you 100%. Take a deep breath, get a good night's sleep.

Remember much of the noise about this is being amplified by Russian assets, I believe there is much more calm under that churned surface.

Keep the faith!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@MylesRyden I don’t do faith. But the rest, absolutely.

MylesRyden , avatar


Not that faith, the one in democracy 😉

maddad , avatar


Sorry that you are getting that crap too. I think we all are getting some flack but you probably are targeted more because you do very good coverage of the days events every day.
Have a good evening and thanks for all you do for the community :blobcatheart:

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@maddad Many thanks 🩷

courtcan , avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you, Laffy. I'm scared and worried, but you always have something to say that keeps my feet at least toetip on the ground!

I don't want violence (though I do agree with MLK about the voice of the unheard) -- but what I don't understand is why we aren't taking to the streets in peaceful protest nationwide. I guess somebody has to start it and lead it. But who is that person? Who are those people? Am I naive for thinking such a protest would effect any kind of beneficial change?

SearingTruth , avatar


Rest well fellow citizen Laffy.

"We must lead by example, not follow in anger."

GottaLaff OP , avatar
TheNovemberMan , avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you Laffy, and have a better day.

Danetteb , avatar

@GottaLaff social media can be rough. I’m so glad you stick it out for us! Thank you for all you do!! And just keep blocking the crapola. ❤️❤️❤️

sneako , avatar

@GottaLaff I for one am also a big proponent of rationality. Thank you, and hang in there. Imma go grab a little bourbon to sip for the moment, and we can have a toast 🍻

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@sneako So many thanks

GottaLaff OP , avatar

2/ Amazing that people are reading the above and don’t understand the difference between my distaste for violence and irrational attacks on voting …and censorship? What’s hard about this? Violence is not the answer, voting is our only option now. This was just made clear by Weissmann, Biden, others.

But sure, misread my toot and get nasty. That’s real helpful. 🤦🏻‍♀️

j258853 , avatar

@GottaLaff I’m sorry you’re getting hit with this crap. Probably should take the rest of the day off.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@j258853 I’m just replying now. Then done. Thanks!

Snowshadow , avatar

Hang in there. Some people are trying to process this as they are panicking and blowing off steam, some are Russian trolls, and some simply have a strange taste for violence.
I am letting the first group rant, and blocking the rest. (checking the profile often helps me decide

Hopefully tomorrow cooler heads will prevail.
Have a good night and rest as well as is possible. Hugs your loved ones.

MiriShuli , avatar

@Snowshadow @GottaLaff I ask this in all seriousness. I’m a granola crunching, attachment parenting, unschooling, mama and grandmother. My kids are ages 31-41. My daughters and granddaughter have fewer rights than I did. Is there ever a time when violence becomes part of the solution to our situation? Do we watch journalist be arrested and jailed? Do we watch interment camps be built?

I’m not ready to react to anything tonight, but we need to start thinking.

Snowshadow , avatar

@MiriShuli @GottaLaff
I am not a -US citizen so I have no place giving you advice but I can give you my perspective as an outsider.

I think everyone needs to take a breath and a time out to evaluate what their needs are and how they want to respond.
These are scary times indeed.
I can't tell you what to do, that is a personal choice and something you need to talk about with your friends, family and community.
I think we need to trust that Biden and his advisors know what they are doing.

MiriShuli , avatar

@Snowshadow @GottaLaff I think Biden will win in Nov. but this doesn’t solve America’s problem. Project 2025 and Rachel Maddow’s podcast Ultra highlights that we have long had a contingent of people who want an authoritarian govt. Now, our old guardrails are gone. We are going to need to do many things at once.

Snowshadow , avatar

@MiriShuli @GottaLaff
Yes, once Trump is gone that won't solve the problem but maybe the best course of action is to make sure Biden wins the election. Biden isn't stupid and has intelligent people advising him and the vice president.

There is a rise in authoritarianism around the world not only in the US. Times are frightening. I am hoping that if we work together we will defeat those who want to impose their views upon us.

mloxton , avatar

People tire the living fuck out of me.

We have done this "let's have the strongman" thing for thousands of years, and it NEVER works out nice, and ALWAYS takes a huge amount of blood and damage to get rid of them and rebuild, and yet here we are again. Just because a small number of old white people are fretting because they see "other people" living, and having fun.

Like can we just NOT fucking do this authoritarian fascist shit again?

@MiriShuli @GottaLaff

DemocracyMattersALot , avatar
JaneGI , avatar

@mloxton @Snowshadow @MiriShuli @GottaLaff Sorry no that's not how it works. The thing is this country has never seen anything like what's about to happen.

mloxton , avatar


  1. This same set of fetid stuff has happened in many countries, many times, and since the species has stood on two legs.
  2. This same set of stank has happened at least twice before in this country and in the last 100 years.

This is not new
That is what is so very tiring and irritating.

@Snowshadow @MiriShuli @GottaLaff

Snowshadow , avatar
MiriShuli , avatar

@Snowshadow @mloxton @JaneGI @GottaLaff I think this is my main problem today. I’m just exhausted by it all. The most exhausting of all are the people who don’t really understand what is happening. I just spent over an hour on the phone with such a person. I’m glad I did it, as it secures a Biden vote in Tx, but I am still exhausted.

Snowshadow , avatar

🥳 Great!
I understand. I am doing the same here in Canada (yes we have Maple MAGA politicians) and I spend hours talking to people and dispelling the lies and half-truths. It is exhausting. You can always come here for a "refueling". 😉 And don't forget to be kind to yourself and take care of your mental health. For example today my posts were not political instead they have been positive tech and science-related. Everyone needs a break once in a while.@mloxton @JaneGI @GottaLaff

JaneGI , avatar

@mloxton @Snowshadow @MiriShuli @GottaLaff I said people haven't seen it in this country. Meaning they've not live in a world like this as long as they can remember. This thing with Felon Trump locking up people is coming. Lots of people are going to prison.

Snowshadow , avatar

Anyone who isn't anxious and frightened is stupid or uninformed, however
if everyone has that defeatist attitude it surely will come true.
People need to unite and encourage each other to resist the GOP, support Biden and democracy, because surrendering is exactly what Trump/Heritage Foundation/MAGA wants you to do...never give up.
One thing I learned in life is bullies eventually fall when people resist.

@mloxton @MiriShuli @GottaLaff

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli

From a Dem operative I'm in touch with regularly, paraphrased:

Focus on TRUMP not Biden. Go after TRUMP'S weaknesses, take the spotlight off of Biden's. Make TRUMP the headline in the worst way possible.

PhoenixGee , avatar

@GottaLaff @Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli I think pretty much everyone in the left spectrum has been doing that for the last 8 years.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@PhoenixGee Well, no. It's all about Biden's health now. That's the context. @Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli

PhoenixGee , avatar

@GottaLaff @Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli

Am I the only one seeing a repeat of the '16 anti-Clinton spam in this? Something tells me it's the very same actors doing the very same thing again.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@PhoenixGee My feed is filled with your sentiment. @Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli

JaneGI , avatar

@PhoenixGee @GottaLaff @Snowshadow @mloxton @MiriShuli You know what, people are being realist. The last time we sat back and allow Clinton not to dig in an fight we lost. Biden needs to do what's right and if that means step down, so be it.

MiriShuli , avatar

@JaneGI @PhoenixGee @GottaLaff @Snowshadow @mloxton He cannot June. If he steps down there will be states where there is no one on the ballot. The logistics of stepping down make it an impossibility.

It’s a Russian talking point. Time to talk about something else.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
Snowshadow , avatar

Yes, when dealing with a Trump supporter that's the best method. @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Snowshadow This is aimed at DEMS. Everyone is panicking over Biden. @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli

JaneGI , avatar

@GottaLaff @Snowshadow @mloxton @MiriShuli I wouldn't call it panic on my end. I'd call it preparing for apocalypse. Biden is a dude who isn't going to step down. Yet here he is on stage having a senior moment. That makes him scary to people. Trump is preparing to burn down our government and jail average folks, and that should worry people too, but it isn't as much.

Snowshadow , avatar

@JaneGI I am not avoiding the reality of the situation but I done talking with someone who is with with anyone pushing the "apocalypse" narrative because it is not helpful and all it does is create more panic and when people panic they do not think straight. If you have anything that might be helpful to add to the conversation then I am "all ears" if not please remove me from the thread. Thank you.
@GottaLaff @mloxton @MiriShuli

GottaLaff OP , avatar

I'm with @Snowshadow @JaneGI. I've been patient... until now. This convo convinced me to politely say and wish you well.

@mloxton @MiriShuli

Snowshadow , avatar

I am done with being polite. Anyone who is constantly pushing this rhetoric and has only 12 followers after having an account since last September is very suspicious. Also from the account
"American Combat Veteran disenfranchised by a nation who would rather worship money and liars."
I don't believe it is an "American or one with combat experience.
Time for a block

@JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli

WackyIdeas , avatar

@GottaLaff “Porn star fuckers support Trump”. It’s also a good sign to hold up at his events. @Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli

GottaLaff OP , avatar
janisf , avatar

@GottaLaff @Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli Then you need to correct that operative. We need to be focusing on the measures the Biden administration has taken that support left-leaning and centrist values, that making America great isn't a broad-sweeping torch, but a painstaking build, and what compromises are required to facilitate that build.

That's where rural white women live.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@janisf They didn't say ONLY focus on Trump, but the point was, enough about Biden's age. @Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli

caseyjonesed , avatar

@GottaLaff @Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli if only WAPO & NYT would along with MSNBC and worst of all CNN.

Utanapishti ,

@GottaLaff @Snowshadow @JaneGI @mloxton @MiriShuli
The dem operative still has their head in the sand about their candidate. Getting their head out of the sand is all of our first step towards having a chance against trump.

DWTSquawk7600 , avatar

@Snowshadow @MiriShuli @GottaLaff Love your perspective, Snowshadow. It took decades for us to get to this point. It's going to take decades to "get back" to a civil, open, "we're all in this together" state. Important to not take knee-jerk, "punch back" stands - play the long game. Violence solves nothing (see Israel, Ukraine, Sudan et al). But we do have to fight. At the polls. In your local councils and political clubs. With your wallet. Too many of us haven't participated in our governement

grandpabeer , avatar

@GottaLaff I totally appreciate your reporting, commentary, analysis and humanity. Take care.

vforberger , avatar
PandaChronicle , avatar

Thank you for promoting reason, for urging people to
be their own heroes by voting and taking whatever GOTV actions they can.
Have as peaceful an evening as you can.
Boop across the border.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
Homoevolutis1 , avatar

@GottaLaff get used to it.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Homoevolutis1 Get used to what?

I’ve been at this since 2006. Whatever you’re suggesting, I’m pretty sure I’m used to it.

LawrenceShop , avatar

@GottaLaff I’m with Laffy on this one. Violence is the last resort of fools and losers, sadly there is an abundance of both. Thank you GottaLaff, have a peaceful week!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@LawrenceShop Thank YOU

Bookworm33333 , avatar

@GottaLaff I’m concerned about this too. SCOTUS has backed the nation into a corner and hopefully there will be a legal way out of this situation soon before people think it’s time to take matters into their own hands. Anarchy is no joke.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
pmonks , avatar

@GottaLaff I don’t want to add to what is probably already a pile of replies, but my Fediverse experience got considerably better when I blocked the entire domain. It’s a woefully under-moderated cesspit of cretins.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@pmonks ✔️

NorCal_Lynne , avatar

@GottaLaff thank you, Laffy. Today’s SCOTUS news is horrible and emotions are running high but that’s no excuse for people to use your timeline as a punching bag. Take care. 💜

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@NorCal_Lynne Thank you Lynne. 🩷

alexhammy , avatar

@GottaLaff you can and should block kolektiva dot social at the server level as an individual user. The signal to noise ratio over there is very low.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@alexhammy I know. I do have some decent followers from there though

SkipHuffman , avatar
Callalily , avatar

Thank you for all you do to keep us informed. Try & get some rest.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Callalily 🩷🩷🩷

Beachbum , avatar

@GottaLaff Night. I understand their anger and I think some of what they’re saying is just words out of anger. I don’t condone violence either. Tomorrow we get to work electing Democrats to fix another mess.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Beachbum 🩷

PamelaBarroway , avatar

@GottaLaff Please take care. As always, appreciate your good sharing and commentary.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@PamelaBarroway I read every reply you send. Know that.

PamelaBarroway , avatar

@GottaLaff 💙 💙 💙

If you're ever in SJ or Philly, hit me up!

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