futurebird ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

I sincerely have no idea what he's saying here. Police have a kind of immunity. The Church insulates priests from consequences which is also functions as a kind of immunity. These things are widely recognized to be a problem. They are "justified" by the stature and supposed level of responsibility required to do these jobs. The justification is thin and our efforts to dissolve immunity are righteous.

So, why bring them up?

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  • futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    "But you have a rogue cop or a bad apple or whatever. And what they do is they make it so that you catch so that it can't happen"

    Who is "they" and what do they "make it so that you catch so that it can't happen" ?

    "and therefore everyone else is allowed to commit crimes, murders like at levels that we've never seen before."

    Who is everyone else and why did the previous make it so they commit crimes?

    This is the part where I'm totally lost as to what he's getting at. I do not understand.

    icastico ,
    @icastico@c.im avatar


    It’s tricky - here’s my read.
    The premise is that “they” (the woke ones) change the system to solve the problem of bad cops. But (according to the premise) they are weakening the system so that it is no longer effective. This allows crime to run rampant.

    jt_rebelo ,
    @jt_rebelo@ciberlandia.pt avatar

    @futurebird do not forget MAGA only hears "rogue cop... catch so... it can't happen... everyone else is allowed to commit crimes, murders at levels that we've never seen before" and deduce "crime is up and Democrats are catching cops instead of murderers". The "they" is never "us", it's always "the others" like some kind of bad, against MAGA and "Law and Order", collective entity.

    andyhilmer ,
    @andyhilmer@mstdn.social avatar

    For people who never learned how to think, projection and assertion and whining on behalf of authority doesn't sound bad, it sounds like the kind of debate club they're already a member of.


    Red_Shirt_no2 ,

    He doesn’t need it to make sense; he just needs it to hook into people’s fears.

    I’m a fan of Yes. Their lyrics usually don’t make sense, but hook into my innate optimism and make me feel good.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    Try reading it out loud. Try.
    How has this man ever been taken seriously?

    To "understand" what he's saying you need to already know and agree. This isn't communication through language... it's just stimulating emotions and vague concepts and feelings.

    It's like expressionist painting, but for bad vibes, racism, fetishization of power and every base human impulse. And if you don't share the kink it's gibberish.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    He's the beat poet of bigotry.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    And, I've just had a horrible realization. Given that Trump's people understand him, the way that they understand him may also be the way that they understand everyone. So, if you are making a logical argument, someone listening to you in this manner won't hear any of the statements or notice how they are supported by facts, instead there is just an impression of who you are, what buzz words you say and how those words make them feel.

    SKleefeld ,
    @SKleefeld@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird Exactly why it's pointless to argue with them!

    lilithsaintcrow ,
    @lilithsaintcrow@raggedfeathers.com avatar

    @futurebird Oh yeah. I grew up with these people; buzzwords (especially stolen/co-opted from progressives) are all for signaling conformity, their meanings—if they have any at all—mutable according to the outrage du jour. What’s important is showing oneself in lockstep, and the cruelty.

    ShiitakeToast ,
    @ShiitakeToast@beige.party avatar

    @futurebird there’s no understanding with fascists the way we think of it. It’s spectacle and image. That’s why a slow talking stutterer with a policy plan and history of relatively decent governance struggles to compete with someone who is merely loud but acts like an entitled monarch.

    frog ,
    @frog@ifwo.eu avatar

    @futurebird That's because logic deteriorates. And that's because truth erodes, as a consequence of social media controlled by predators, liars, and otherwise sociopathic natures.

    ajsadauskas ,
    @ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

    @futurebird It's a really good insight.

    And it's not just Trump supporters who make decisions based on emotions and feelings.

    If you're a person who tends to think through things rationally, it's important to remember that not everyone thinks in the same way.

    And the logical arguments and reason that might persuade you could have little impact on a more emotion-led thinker.

    There's a reason why ads went from full page lists of claims and features at the turn of the 20th century, to mostly emotional appeals.

    Appeals to reason stand no chance with many people. But appeals to emotion can be very persuasive.

    deirdrebeth ,
    @deirdrebeth@mas.to avatar
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  • John ,
    @John@socks.masto.host avatar

    @futurebird I see it operating on two levels.

    First, there are people who, rather than really diving into issues, will choose a person to trust, and then believe them on the issue.

    This is often fine.

    But that first group can be divided and some people will choose who to trust, not based on how much they are telling the truth, but rather on how much they are telling them what they want to hear.

    Naked, rather than enlightened, self-interest.

    DavidM_yeg ,
    @DavidM_yeg@mstdn.ca avatar


    This is why they are so busily redefining language into those buzzwords, to take ‘woke’ or ‘antifa’ and twist them into in-group special meanings, as in:
    “I heard you say ‘systemic’ which means you’re ‘woke’ so now I don’t hear anything else you say, because every word you say is coloured by the ‘woke filter’ I have just applied to you”
    It’s a matter of pride to be able to pigeonhole you quickly so I don’t actually need to listen you what you say.

    ciatmusings ,
    @ciatmusings@raru.re avatar

    @futurebird authoritarians truly believe that might makes right, and by extension think that anything you might believe in is just a charade to support your guy. There's no logic here. "You want to control me, or deny me control over you, so you must be bad and wrong, and everything you say are just lies because you want that power".

    gregtitus ,
    @gregtitus@social.coop avatar

    @futurebird I think, unfortunately, that this is widespread and not just a Trump person problem.

    See the general reaction to Large Language Models (AI). It's all about feel and facts aren't terribly relevant.

    ccarranza ,
    @ccarranza@ohai.social avatar

    @futurebird We all are less swayed by logical arguments and more swayed on vibes than we’d like to admit. That’s why logical fallacies exist. What’s truly awful about Trump and the world we’re in now is that he has dispensed with logic entirely, and he will not be held accountable to it.

    If Trump said tomorrow he supported abortions for everyone, his supporters would chuck the previous decision down the memory hole and retcon the new thought, because clearly there’s a deeper plan.

    Virginicus ,
    @Virginicus@universeodon.com avatar

    @futurebird Back when we set up a democracy, the monarchists said this would happen.

    artemis ,
    @artemis@dice.camp avatar

    I watched a YouTube video about the show Invincible where the creator complained how unfair the show was to Mark (the protagonist) in his relationship with his girlfriend Amber. The guy argued "Mark did nothing wrong! Why does the show make him look like the bad guy?"

    And the thing is...the show does NOT make him look like a bad guy. It's extremely sympathetic towards him, including in the relationship

    It felt like this guy watched the show and only saw what he expected to see.

    wrosecrans ,
    @wrosecrans@mstdn.social avatar

    @futurebird that's why all cults love thought terminating cliches. It's a very standard pattern for organizing an in group against the out group.

    You are special because you have special knowledge that allows you to exclude this person and defend yourself from their words, and you should feel good about succeeding at that.

    KanaMauna ,
    @KanaMauna@sauropods.win avatar

    @futurebird Throw in a little COVID-related neurological damage and you may as well be having a discussion with your cat.

    phryk ,
    @phryk@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird Trying to read Trump verbatim always makes me feel like I'm having a stroke.

    Like, everything he says is grammatically broken nonsense full of non-sequiturs where he just leaves partial sentences unfinished and goes on to the next thing.

    Only way to read him without losing your sanity is just collecting all the dogwhistles he throws in to see which particular group/sentiment he tries to appease.

    Probertd8 ,
    @Probertd8@mastodonapp.uk avatar

    @futurebird I believe he thought guzzling bleach and injecting sheep dip*
    brought immunity!!!

    *Or vice versa (See Trump and vice always go together!)

    inwit ,
    @inwit@mas.to avatar

    @futurebird He's an LLM.

    thecorodon ,
    @thecorodon@wandering.shop avatar

    You can't read it. You've got to kind of unfocus your brain, and let your preconceptions fill in the gaps. That's what "seriously, not literally" always meant.

    This also has the effect, if you're inclined, of making the perceived meaning closer to whatever you, personally, believe. People think they agree with him because they are active participants in deciding what the hell he's saying.

    meowski ,
    @meowski@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

    @futurebird yea sure, try linking to a video instead of your transcript. (you won't)

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


    That is correct. I will not. Because, it's not hard to find. But would you be kind, if you do understand what he is saying here and answer the questions in this post?


    You won't! (I am saying this as a little reverse psychology for ya)

    barrygoldman1 ,
    @barrygoldman1@sauropods.win avatar

    @futurebird EXACTLY. vibes. i never listen to his words. it's so sad when journalists spend hours and hours every day analysing his words.

    anyway you'll never catch 330,000,000 ants electing a president.

    H. sapiens, will probly make a tragic dive out of history leaving the earth to the ants

    rayhindle ,
    @rayhindle@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird his could easily apply to Nigel Pharage in the UK and his Deform UK Party Ltd!

    leroycep ,
    @leroycep@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird Yeah I've had the thought that Trump is operating almost exclusively on simulacrum level 3, just spouting nonsense for signalling to his ingroup.

    See also simulacrum levels: https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/simulacrum-levels

    UtilityNerd ,
    @UtilityNerd@dice.camp avatar

    Yeah. I have a fair amount of experience reading transcripts, so I can tell you that everyone reads like an idiot in a transcript unless they're reading a prepared speech. So I'll forgive a lot when it comes to stuttering, weirdly placed corrections, etc. But Trump? Trump's transcripts are incoherent. They're word salad.

    robotistry ,
    @robotistry@sciencemastodon.com avatar

    @futurebird Because McCain softened up the Republican party with Sarah Palin - the previous master of WTF prose.

    jmcrookston ,
    @jmcrookston@mastodon.social avatar


    Yes, that's exactly right. It's completely emotional. He just needs to point to some group he needs to crush to whip up the tribe so that everyone can get behind him in crushing them.

    The people just want a strong man to come fix their problems. All he has to do is say he'll do that.

    drakenblackknight ,
    @drakenblackknight@mastodon.online avatar
    katzenberger ,
    @katzenberger@mastodon.de avatar


    This is not designed to rationally convince, but merely to appeal to some feelings of his followers. His judges (he and his donors own them) will translate this gibberish into legally binding terms, as we have seen.

    Many decades ago, in my country Germany, the Nazis were merely laughing about how their opponents trusted in, and kept on with rational and traditional discourse, and even passed on power to Hitler to watch him fail and "demystify" himself, whereupon they'd take back the government, for sure.

    Between Hitler being proclaimed chancellor and the opening of Dachau, the first concentration camp: merely 51 days.

    piovere ,
    @piovere@pnw.zone avatar

    @futurebird “the opposing party will always indict him” (emphasis mine).

    Weird that the thing that will “always” happen has never happened to any other ex-president…

    maudenificent ,


    playing devils advocate, for a moment - i think the subtext is “everybody sux. cops suk. priests suk. therefore a president must be allowed to suk. otherwise you wouldn’t be able to have a president. you know what? government sux. what would america be like without cops that suk, priests that suk, and presidents that suk? unrecognisable. get rid of government. make me president so i can do that. yeah. [is this the bit where i hold up the can of beans? oh, we’re doing the bible today? how do you know which way is up?…]

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


    OK. Maybe that's it? No wonder he won't spell it out clearly. It's a terrible argument.

    maudenificent ,


    no argument — you got it in one - it’s just an emotional appeal to his fan base. it doesn’t have to make sense.

    the australian political equivalent is just bare faced lies. it doesn’t have to be true.

    ColesStreetPothole ,
    @ColesStreetPothole@weatherishappening.network avatar

    @futurebird The first half is an argument against immunity. And then he just proceeds to say, presidents have to have immunity. Of course it doesn't make sense.

    duncan_bayne ,
    @duncan_bayne@emacs.ch avatar

    @futurebird How the fuck would you even tell if Trump was experiencing geriatric cognitive decline? 🤯

    Seruko ,
    @Seruko@mstdn.social avatar

    @futurebird according to public statistics cops kill about as many people as 9/11 every 3 years or so and injured about 250,000. ~1/6 interactions with police end in violence in the US. WTF that guy means "rogue cops are rare." ACAB


    malin ,
    @malin@dice.camp avatar


    How do you take a quote which could embarrass a five year old on cocaine and construct a serious analysis?

    I couldn't even read this 'paragraph' without referring to your notes.

    18+ queenofnewyork ,
    @queenofnewyork@newsie.social avatar

    @futurebird Because he's appealing to the people who believe cops should be allowed to shoot suspected (brown) people and that priests should have the right to do whatever, even if it's awful abuse of children, because God. It's not meant to be an argument, it's a plea for his base to keep supporting him.

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