GottaLaff , avatar

Please watch all of this. At about 6:30, Lawrence O’Donnell addresses “the magic candidate” who would replace Biden issue.

Spoiler: There is no such thing.

ZeKik , avatar

@GottaLaff THE LAST WORD in all of this is that there is NO OTHER CHOICE.

Uncle JOE may not have proven in the debate that he was as convincing as we hoped he might be, but he did prove hours later in North Carolina that he knows exactly what he’s doing and how to fight. That’s also shown later in the clip.

TRUMP did PROVE irrefutably that he is UNFIT to make any substantive decisions of any kind and will NEVER tell the TRUTH about anything.

But yeah. He “won”?! 🤦‍♂️

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ZeKik I lerve you!

ZeKik , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ZeKik lol, YVW

rora_borealis , avatar

@ZeKik @GottaLaff One person changed their mind to Biden, citing that Trump got caught (Stormy case) and he wants someone who was smart enough not to get caught, so he is leaning Biden.

The way people come to these decisions is terrifying.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
RIJim ,

@GottaLaff Damn that made me feel very good. Thanks for posting that.

Grovewest , avatar

@GottaLaff I have voted in nine presidential elections and voters know that many candidates have some vulnerability or potentially serious defect. Voters already knew Biden is obviously showing signs of aging. They knew it about Regan when he was re-elected. People voted for Trump even though he admitted on tape that he groped women and they knew, or should have known, Bill Clinton was a womanizer. Voters also know Biden has always struggled at times when speaking publicly and as he himself admits it’s worse now - is anyone really so out of touch as to be surprised? The reason so few people tuned into the debate is we have been flooded with info about these two candidates for decades, there is literally nothing it could possibly reveal anyone paying casual attention didn’t already know or suspect.

peachfront , avatar



mainstream media has chosen fascism, they want us to dump Biden because he's effective & they're running scared

depereo , avatar
18+ AlgoCompSynth , avatar

@GottaLaff It totally boggles my mind that pundits don't realize that the Biden / Harris campaign has gamed this out, with copious data the public and reporters don't have unless they are breaking the law. The only conclusion I can draw from that is that the media does not want a woman of color to be on the ticket.

Twitter_expat , avatar


It will be studied how June 27th 2024 a coup was stage on Biden's re-election attempt and the coup was fronted by Main Media (NYTimes) and some faction of the Democrats.

Twitter_expat , avatar


Thanks for sharing. I love when numbers and facts are shared.

palin , avatar

🔥Biden -Harris🔥

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@palin 100%

BlueWaver22 , avatar

@GottaLaff so good!!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@BlueWaver22 You never disappoint. Thank you for that.

BlueWaver22 , avatar

@GottaLaff TY! how’s Canada? Are you loving it?

artisanrox , avatar


there is no magic candidate right now but Dems Desperately need to look toward newer generations for a leadership direction; we absolutely need candidates that deeply understand you can't buy a house+car+education on a part time waitressing job anymore.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@artisanrox I do agree with that.

lawyersgunsnmoney , avatar

@GottaLaff Lawrence is spot on

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lawyersgunsnmoney He sure is.

stoprak , avatar

Lawrence is misrepresenting the debate watchers. The non-watchers were largely democrats who did not want to go through the pain to see Biden. Fifty million plus is a big chunk of the population which would include the swing waters. Obviously performance is not more important than policy but that is not the swing voters are concentrating. We democrats can talk and listen in echo chambers as much as we want, what matters is what ordinary Joe thinks about the candidate and his image.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@stoprak That wasn't even the point of my post, as I pointed out by adding the time stamp.

I totally agree that the opener (viewers, etc) was faulty.

stoprak , avatar

Jonathan Alter lays out how the process of choosing the new candidate may happen:

lin11c , avatar

Lawrence is the BEST! Also HCR had an excellent take on just how obscene it was that CNN allowed to lies with absolutely no comment except for "thank you". A felon and insurrectionist should never be allowed to run for POTUS. How is this even possible? No questions about that.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lin11c HCR?

And yes, agree.

lin11c , avatar
xkummerer , avatar

@GottaLaff "... don't know the difference between laughing gas and whatever the other thing is..." - well inhale, exhale, notice

ZeKik , avatar

@GottaLaff Excellent point about tariffs. That should have been the question.

Trump is so inept that he doesn’t understand the basics. That’s why he is so dangerous as a president, even without the insurrection, the pardons of guilty dangerous people, the constant lies, pandering to culture wars etc.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ZeKik Yep. I wish moderators would act like moderators and not money-making machines for their networks.

ZeKik , avatar

@GottaLaff When considering the question “what were you doing for 187 minutes?” That’s not a possible debate question in that format, because it would be specific to one candidate.

ZeKik , avatar

@GottaLaff I somewhat disagree with the first point, that only 50 million voters out of 150 million watched the debate, and probably none of them were undecided voters. That’s because of all the coverage in the press and on social media of what happened.

Why would an undecided voter sign up for a 90 minute “boring” debate? That much is true.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ZeKik That’s why I added the time stamp. That first part to me was not what I was focusing on an I disagreed with him.

ZeKik , avatar

@GottaLaff I’m still watching the rest, so I haven’t caught up, and you directed us to watch the whole thing! I’m very obedient! 😜l

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ZeKik LOL and I so appreciate that

Annekin , avatar

@GottaLaff Biden's speech brought a tear to my eye. I really hope this is how he is from now on. Especially since the other guy thinks electric? planes will fall from the sky if the suns not shining! Good grief 😕

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Annekin Yeah, I covered that yesterday, I couldn’t believe it! I added mockage:

JonChevreau , avatar

@GottaLaff see also David Frum’s article in the Atlantic, which argues 45 should never have been granted the debate platform in the first place

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@JonChevreau I totally agree with that

kwheaton , avatar

@GottaLaff it isn't about the debate. The debate was a reality check. It was sad. It doesn't mean Joe is done for. It doesn't mean he can't win. I am looking at it from what the Demicracy needs. When he was elected people knew he was a goid man. And he was a steady hand at the tiller. He is still a good man---but the hand remaining steady at the tiller for 4 more years---that is highly debateable.

Tried and true has become tired and true. I was upset that Ruth Bader Ginsberg didn't step aside. I wasn't wring there. It looks like democrats are closing ranks, but I am not sure that is the right choice for the country. Under no circumstane is Trump the right choice. He should be in prison.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@kwheaton Let’s put it another way, for clarity, which is what Lawrence was doing: NOW isn’t the right time for a new candidate. That ship sailed. Biden is fine, and if he declines further, Harris is there and we remedy the situation. NOW we need to unite behind him.

kwheaton , avatar

@GottaLaff i see the argument and you may be right. HOWEVER, one thing that is missing is enthusiasm and interest especially amomg young voters--perhaps the safe bet in this time frame is not so safe. This campaign even wutj yesterdays vigorous and well orchestrated campaiging is on life support.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@kwheaton That’s all irrelevant.

Watch the video again. It would be utter chaos to even try. Watch and listen carefully.

I’m done with this convo now. Thanks Kelly!

MartyFouts , avatar

@kwheaton @GottaLaff The campaign is not on life support. One of the things missing from the post debate discussion is the fact that Biden got a bump in the polls from it. The panicked propaganda is drowning out the good news and everyone who is panicking is acting as a “useful idiot” for the fascists.

sewstars , avatar

@MartyFouts @kwheaton @GottaLaff
I think the fascists controlling troll farms are spreading the panic

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@sewstars Online maybe, but on TV and behind the scenes, it's Dems and Dem operatives too. They're not trolling, they're truly panicked. @MartyFouts @kwheaton

MartyFouts , avatar

@GottaLaff @sewstars @kwheaton Panic is second nature to Dem operatives and has been since before Will Rogers commented on the party’s lack of discipline.

Unfortunately it is also self defeating.

I just hope this doesn’t turn out to be another election where the party snatches defeat from the jaws of victory because I don’t think they will get another chance.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@MartyFouts I only said that because it's not just trolls talking about a new candidate.

Today's headline was "Dems rally around Biden" and last night on MSNBC, all the Dem operatives were doing that.. for now. They weren't enthusiastic yet, but they were not giving in or giving up.

@sewstars @kwheaton

MartyFouts , avatar

@GottaLaff @sewstars @kwheaton Very good point. In the face of what is turning out to be the biggest propaganda campaign in history the party has to be united and on message.

kwheaton , avatar

@GottaLaff @sewstars @MartyFouts indeed. And if the argument is ONLY Biden can beat Trump. We are truly f'd. And it isn't true. A neighbor had the exact same feelings. I am not a political neophyte. There are sad reasons for staying with Joe. But that's not a good selling point. This isn't about Joe. Hell Regan's second term he had dementia. It does not have to be all or nothing.

Trump was completely unhinged and a lie machine at the debate. If Biden had just stood there and said little to nothing we wouldn't be having this conversation.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@kwheaton I thought I muted this convo. Trying again.

@sewstars @MartyFouts

sewstars , avatar

@GottaLaff @MartyFouts @kwheaton

I agree 100%, but for instance on Facebook there are people posting in the comments of my gardening sites that just pop in with MAGA B.S. even though it's totally irrelevant. It's whack-a-troll time again.

soc , avatar

@GottaLaff @kwheaton Then why didn't they pick a new candidate when "the time was right"?

It's not like nobody predicted exactly this 2 years ago.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@soc That was covered last night on MSNBC too. But right now, it doesn't matter. Right now is now. @kwheaton

soc , avatar

@GottaLaff @kwheaton If you were alive back then, you'd probably "now is not the right time"-ed ending slavery and establishing women's rights? 😂

This one's for you:

catsrule0000 , avatar
marcolgato , avatar


"Spoiler: there if no such thing"

Except of course this guy called Bernie Sanders, the most popular politician in America, who was winning both of the last two Democratic primaries until the DNC and the liberal establishment conspired to cheat him and get him to drop out, twice.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@marcolgato I’m a Bernie fan. That’s the only thing we agree on here. Stop being so unrealistic and get out the vote for Biden. See ya.

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