MikeDunnAuthor ,
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar
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  • precariousmind ,
    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor mmm, this is a "yes... But..." case. In developed countries a very substantial proportion of private citizens have a very substantial share of the remaining 30%, and can very significantly influence the other 70% by reducing their consuming habits
    The critique is adequate, but the message could be improved.

    neverbeaten ,
    @neverbeaten@mas.to avatar

    The Pentagon
    The Pentagon
    The Pentagon

    MikeDunnAuthor OP ,
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

    Yeh, they're too blame, too

    504DR ,
    @504DR@climatejustice.social avatar


    Remember too that it's consumers driving the majority of those companies emissions thru their purchases.

    Spend wisely is the overall message.
    Stop supporting the worst actors out there.

    The blame game is a distraction.
    We all play a part.

    No one can do everything but everyone can do something.

    MikeDunnAuthor OP ,
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar


    There's only so much individuals can do. If there's no public transit in your area, or you're poor, and live in a food desert, sometimes driving is the only possibility.

    Capitalism is the main cause and is unlikely to ever come up with an effective solution

    craftycat ,
    @craftycat@mastodon.scot avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor @504DR Absolutely, I live outside reasonable public transportation range of my work, so I have to have a car. But I CAN make other choices, like not eating meat, not buying fast fashion, replacing household items only when they're broken etc, which all contributes to less production and less climate destruction. Everyone has to make the choices that work for them, but I guarantee that future generations will not look kindly on our lifestyle.

    raphaelmorgan ,
    @raphaelmorgan@disabled.social avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor @504DR hence the "no one can do everything". We do what we can, and for some people that still includes using a car and eating meat etc etc. That's why it's important that those of us who can do more do it, to make up for those that can't.

    And yes, capitalism is the main cause, and capitalism can't fix it, but we also can't fix it by continuing to give all of our money to the corporations doing the most damage.

    Freedman ,
    @Freedman@newsie.social avatar

    Corporations are responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. Consumers are responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. I am responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. You...

    arrrg ,
    @arrrg@kolektiva.social avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor yeah, you're all eating too much, that's the problem. And we're all fine with not commuting to work ever, but Biden and the capitalists are forcing us back into our cars and buses to commute to work to prop up the commercial real estate industry. transporting humans is expensive and dangerous, and bad for the environment.

    cnn didn't mention banning private air travel, which is never necessary and pollutes like crazy.

    ErictheCerise ,
    @ErictheCerise@kolektiva.social avatar
    MikeDunnAuthor OP ,
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

    @ErictheCerise valid!

    But the general sentiment is still valid: that corporations incl the media, continue to do only what they are compelled to do, so continue to do the bare minimum to maximize profits, and try to put the blame on consumers, some of whom of few choices due to poverty, where they happen to live etc

    ErictheCerise ,
    @ErictheCerise@kolektiva.social avatar


    Also valid.

    The real problem is, my "consumer brain" instantly jumps to the solution of "give me the list of those 100 companies and I'll just quit buying stuff from Them" ...

    and that's simply not an option, cuz those companies literally built the flat I live in, the streets I walk on, the utility systems that carry my (I hope it's true) "green" electricity, ship every single product I do buy, including every calorie of food I don't actually grow myself, etc, etc, ad nauseam.

    We have built Humanity upon these 100 corporations.

    How do we, as individuals, undo that?

    craftycat ,
    @craftycat@mastodon.scot avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor this is true, but those corporations don't exist in a vacuum. Their emissions are that high because consumers, i.e individual people, buy their products and services. We should all make better choices every day, instead of pretending that a bike ride will offset monthly shopping sprees.

    Pollinators ,
    @Pollinators@epicure.social avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor. Journalistic malpractice. Check. #climateemergency

    JustABoringUser ,

    @MikeDunnAuthor Exactly! The evil airlines fly their planes just for fun around the world. The innocent passengers just happen to be there by coincidence. And the money the airlines need to finance their evil doings unfortunately grows on trees

    _chris_real ,
    @_chris_real@kolektiva.social avatar


    I -would- give my list of what consumers could do to help, but some of them are illegal. And the rest -will- be, eventually.

    edwiebe ,
    @edwiebe@mstdn.ca avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor Notwithstanding the harms from billionaires and corporations we all need to reduce our personal emissions from fossil carbon. To zero if we can.

    jenbanim ,
    @jenbanim@mastodo.neoliber.al avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor The "100 corporations are responsible for 71% of greenhouse gas emissions" is only true if you attribute the tailpipe emissions from an SUV to the company that produced the fuel rather than the person who bought it

    That's a useful lens, and systematic change is critical, but it is absolutely wrong to interpret this statistic as meaning that consumer actions are incapable of changing the majority of greenhouse gas emissions

    The stat comes from this PDF


    princelysum ,
    @princelysum@aus.social avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor Buy second hand, avoid plastic

    TembryGlitz ,
    @TembryGlitz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor reminder that every American news network is an American propaganda machine first and a news station… like a distant fourth or fifth.

    JizzelEtBass ,
    @JizzelEtBass@kolektiva.social avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor Honestly, what do you expect from @CNN who platformed Trump to Defame on national television and runs all of their coverage through the IDF's propaganda desk in Jerusalem before publishing.?!

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