GottaLaff , avatar

"A low-grade fever of misogyny is infecting an epidemic of young white right-wing men talking nonsense about Taylor Swift

A more extreme form causes death - as with the paranoid demagoguery poisoning the brain of the Bucks County beheader"

If @willbunch wrote it, you should read it.© & I thread it. 🧵 1/...

ppesavento ,

@GottaLaff @willbunch Thanks Laffy for posting this Will Bunch editorial. I think he hits the nail directly on the head, and in that same stroke, shoved the nail two inches below the level of the wooden board.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ppesavento @willbunch is so so good

IveyJanette , avatar

@GottaLaff @willbunch I read it and shared it. She's their latest scapegoat for their problems. Last year it was Dolly Parton and Beyonce. A decade ago it was Miley Cyrus. 15 years ago it was Obama. 20 years ago it was Eminem. 50 years ago it was disco music. These folks need to take a long look at THEMSELVES in the mirror. THEY'RE their OWN problem,not anyone else's.

Tooden , avatar

@GottaLaff Exactly the same Othering that is spouted by our reprehensible Neoliberal here in Australia.
The billionaires and their tax-dodging sycophants (who cause the inequality and joblessness), cleverly divert attention away from themselves, and onto more easily accessed culprits. @willbunch

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Tooden It's everywhere. SO alarming.

thepoliticalcat , avatar

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  • GottaLaff OP , avatar
    PandaChronicle , avatar

    He truly is.

    peterbutler , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch Connecting the Taylor Swift conspiracy theories with this violent (apparent) murder is a good rhetorical move, but the mainstream press still will not cover the very real danger of right-wing violence for some reason

    Imagine if Mohn was a dark-skinned Muslim who executed his father and made a video offering $1 million bounties to kill top US military officials?

    The coverage would be much different, I think

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @peterbutler Oh you KNOW it. The News has been guilty of a lot of malpractice these days.

    tompearce49 , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch - This thread. We are heading into dangerous territory. Egged on by those who should know better and who are either down the rabbit hole themselves or, worse, who are cynically exploiting the paranoia.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch

    It starts with Murdoch or the Wilks Brothers and ends with Conservative Taliban.

    xs4me2 , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch

    It is what you get when in certain media and political right wing views polarization and manipulation instead of facts and truth become the norm and a web of disinformation is woven…

    No morality nor ethics left… worrying and sad how those in distress or who have lost track otherwise can easily derail into mental darkness…

    With this here the ultimate example...

    MyView , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch

    Am I missing something?

    Why all this bullshit about a female singer ... does she write/sing Anti-Men songs ...?

    Or is the fact her detractors are so inept they know she or no woman would give them the time of day ...

    lin11c , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch
    Really excellent piece. Gamergate was the canary in the coal mine.

    jameswatson13 ,

    @GottaLaff That girl has a lot to tell you. The Princess will share many shocking truths; nothing will be the same again!


    Helgi , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch it's like after all those decades the clowns suddenly wake up and realize P!nk and Taylor Swift are celebrities. So that means they always spam "leftist" propaganda. To maximize pop

    ScottAkenhead , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch

    from that article:
    “The hateful blather is an effort to politically hijack the real moral panic among young white American men: that the safety net of white privilege and patriarchy that long served as an insurance policy against personal failure is collapsing on top of them.”

    Lizette603_23 , avatar

    @GottaLaff Bunch is a genius. I think his conclusion at the end is the crux of the entire matter.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @Lizette603_23 He's good at leading to that last paragraph, every time.

    Lizette603_23 , avatar

    @GottaLaff Yes, you know he's taking you somewhere and you get massively educated on the trip. Akin to great historians of the past.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar
    Lizette603_23 , avatar

    @GottaLaff Although I think my favorite historian was the one I discovered in my teens. I thought she was writing a NOVEL, and couldn't get enough....Barbara Tuchman. DAMN, that woman! SO good.

    fifilamoura , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch Just fyi, this extreme male toxicity and murderousness isn't new, it's just being emboldened. What's of note to me here is how it's become messianic because of how QAnon/evangelicals frame everything in religious garb and are inciting this kind of epic religious grandiosity.

    HistoPol , (edited ) avatar


    @willbunch is brilliant:

    "....the people who stood behind whispering all kinds of nonsense — for clicks or votes or whatever they need to prop up their own mediocrity like [, , , or ] — are splattered with the blood."

    a pyramid of paranoia that starts with penny-seeking bottom feeders on social media and ends with the bloviation of national broadcasters...

    Cc @GottaLaff

    DrLex , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch There is a mental health epidemic among many people regardless of sex or race. The last 4 years made a big dent on society. Use of psychiatric medication is through the roof. I wonder what kind of medication this guy was on?

    skydog , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch

    He's a big fan of Dahmer Trump!
    (wait 'll he finds out it's 'Donald'. hilarity will ensue)

    specked , avatar

    @GottaLaff @willbunch I like what Colin Cowherd said: "There are a lot of really weird, lonely, insecure men out there."

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    2/ "In his most recent 14-plus minute production, Mohn ranted against a variety of usual right-wing suspects — Black Lives Matter, antifa, an invasion of immigrants at the southern border, LGBTQ activists, and an overreaching, all-powerful federal government. You know, the same kind of stuff you’d hear on the Fox Channel in prime time.

    The only real difference was that Mohn started his screed Tuesday night by holding aloft the just-severed head of his father..."

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    3/ "We’ll never know if the quick arrest of this murder suspect prevented yet another mass shooting by a young, alienated white man...Mohn’s long descent into some sort of mental illness is, unfortunately, nothing new. What is new is broadband multiverse of voices bombarding this young man — not voices in his head, but a pyramid of paranoia that starts with penny-seeking bottom feeders on social media and ends with the bloviation of national broadcasters and politicians who should know better"

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    4/ "I keep coming back to something that Mohn said in his beheading video, when he declared that the flood of desperate refugees crossing the Rio Grande is actually “an invasion from third world countries. They’re coming here with health issues, they’re uneducated, unemployed, & all they do is commit crime on the streets.”

    Oh wait, that wasn’t the beheader. That was GOP lt gov of TX Dan Patrick on Fox spouting rhetoric that might inspire a “Mohn militia” — blaming America’s probs on some Other"

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    5/ "Much more common is the lower-grade fever, which can produce a cold sweat and the bizarre delusion that Taylor Swift is the diabolical architect of a modern-day “Da Vinci Code” that binds her once-in-a-century pop superstardom with an intricate plot to rig the NFL to reelect President Joe Biden in November.

    In the far-right freakout that’s launched a thousand hot takes..."

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    6/ "Why is Swift the ideal vessel for this? ... it’s not just her success but her sisters-are-doing-it-for-themselves message that terrifies Dude-Bro Nation...

    How else to explain the much more consequential freakout against all forms of diversity, equity, and inclusion — DEI — on college campuses or in the workplace? Right-wingers have even pushed the fact-free claim that the recent mid-air blowout aboard a Boeing-manufactured jet is result of Black pilots"

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    7/ "...Society is partly to blame — from the decades of outsourcing good-paying middle-class jobs to make billionaire investors a quick buck, or the slow death of vocational education.

    But the bigger problem is an unwillingness to surrender the cultures of patriarchy and white privilege to the majority of Americans they’ve locked out...t’s also this warped mindset that craves a Trump “Red Caesar” dictatorship, to end their losing streak in the culture wars.."

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    8/ "We don’t talk nearly enough about the things we could do to end some of the unfairness in American society — the broken system of educating, or not educating, our young people when they turn 18, and the loss of good job opportunities for those who don’t win the college lottery — that could bring true equity and reduce the fever among angry young white men.

    But we also don’t talk enough about how politicians like Dan Patrick block solutions because demagoguery is easier."

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    9/9 "In the end, the person who bears full responsibility for killing Michael Mohn is his son. But the people who stood behind Justin Mohn whispering all kinds of nonsense — for clicks or votes or whatever they need to prop up their own mediocrity — are splattered with the blood."

    Please read the entire column.

    iuculano , avatar

    This is SPOT-EFFIN-ON!

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @iuculano Will is brilliant

    iuculano , avatar

    @GottaLaff yes he is!

    merneptah1209 , avatar


    ooh my i wish i could write like that . just magnificent

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @merneptah1209 He's simply brilliant.

    BobLefridge , avatar

    @GottaLaff @merneptah1209

    Beautiful writing. On the subject of angry young white men, BBC Radio reported a survey last night which showed 20% of UK males between the ages of 11-20 view Andrew Tate* as a mentor.

    The survey concluded that age group to be far more misogynistic than boomers.

    Worldwide, societies are producing incels and it's not getting better.

    • Tate is a Brit currently under house arrest in Romania facing multiple sex trafficking & rape charges. He preaches misogyny.
    c_merriweather , avatar

    @GottaLaff Good article.

    To all the pouting, whining, murderous, childlike Dude-Bros out there...

    ...welcome to how everyone else lives.

    Your "privilege" was always artificial.

    Get over it.
    Grow up.
    Accept that life is basically unfair.
    Accept that the only "winner" in life is Death.
    Then learn to live.

    steter , avatar

    @GottaLaff Were I Taylor, I'd have the biggest security detail on the planet right now.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @steter She probably already does

    GreenFire , avatar

    I kind of regret that the beheader was captured so soon.

    Don't get me wrong. I in no way wanted anymore violence to happen, but it seems that the story is pretty much being ignored and I find that quite troubling.

    If he'd have hid out in the woods or something then we might have gotten more coverage of it and the stochastic terrorism that the GOP is stoking in the USA.

    RaymondPierreL3 , avatar

    @GottaLaff Thanks for the ‘summary’ of what is a godawful affair. I do not have the stomach to read further. America is sick and needs help. BTW thanks for your toots. Be well.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @RaymondPierreL3 Thank you Raymond.

    leswarden , avatar

    @GottaLaff Good 🧵 Laffy! Thank you!

    GottaLaff OP , avatar
    peterbutler , avatar

    @GottaLaff Hate-filled social networks like Twitter shoulder a LOT of blame too

    Perhaps that’s why TwitterX is still not showing any search results for justin mohn, even 24+ hours later

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @peterbutler OFFS. What a cesspool that place is.

    Atticus1956 , avatar


    Thank you, Will Bunch, for putting the puzzle pieces together masterfully and showing the picture for all to see.

    Thanks always, Laffy, for caring & sharing!

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @Atticus1956 He's so damn good

    princelysum , avatar

    @GottaLaff Inequity and poverty are created by govt policy. We appear, in English speaking west, to lack govts with the ambition to provide the security and opportunities people had 1950s-70s

    Donatella , avatar


    You're speaking the truth!!!

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @Donatella Well, Will is.

    I just happen to agree with him and I thread stuff for him.

    cookiesinheaven , avatar
    phaedral , avatar

    @GottaLaff Now I've got Annie and Aretha playing in my head. Big grin!!!

    rora_borealis , avatar

    @GottaLaff Just perfectly normal things for perfectly normal people, right?

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @rora_borealis Sure... if you're a GOP Fascist.

    KayVay , avatar

    Pretty sick. They all seem to forget that MOST immigrants are neither, just in general people who fear for their lives.
    They seem to forget that we have many, MANY homegrown criminals ourselves. Maybe not forget but sweep under the rug. I suppose those are at the frontlines in TX. Sure, there are bad apples in any group of humans but most folks are decent, sometimes desperate scapegoats for election purposes in this case.

    martinnumber9 , avatar

    @GottaLaff poor healthcare, no education system, lack of jobs driving people to crime. Isn’t that the gop manifesto?

    nini , avatar

    @GottaLaff "When will white people take responsibility for the radicalisation of their young men?"

    alexproe , avatar

    @GottaLaff Oh dear, so this beheading was real. Sounded so extreme, I wasn't sure. The insane hate generated by Trump, the likes of Fox News and many others is incredibly damaging to the fabric of society. This is going to get worse before it gets better, one suspects. I Hope the insanity doesn't spread into what will become your new home. What a world!

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @alexproe It's already spread there. But they're a couple of years behind us. I hope Canada wises up.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar
    alexproe , avatar

    @GottaLaff 😞😞

    Doreen32128 , avatar

    @GottaLaff Unfreakingbelieveable! The severed head of his Dad? Oy vey!

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