Non-Political Memes

Manifish_Destiny , in Some memes are fire, others not so much.

Um yeah 100 today maybe.

Schorsch , in Some memes are fire, others not so much.

Whoa, a golden Cybertruck!?

bblkargonaut , in The series will end with formation of the MCRN.

I really hope we get the last few expanse books as a movie trilogy with the TV series actors in like 5 years so the actors can age appropriately for the time gap accounting for anti aging meds. Maybe ignore TV series actual ending and recast certain actors so we can get some of the best parts of the last few books.

Mycatiskai ,

I don't think they really ended the TV show, I want to believe that they are leaving a gap of a few years like you said. It was unfortunate about the actor being a sleazy dickbag and needing to write his character out but gives us an opportunity to bring book characters that might not have been reasonable to have originally in the show but now could work because Alex is dead. I don't think a recast would work because of the chemistry and everyone having to fake the banter as if it is the exact same person meanwhile everyone watching has to ignore the dissonance of the new actor.

ChihuahuaOfDoom OP , (edited ) in They will never not be magical

I've seen almost 15,000 sunsets and I've probably seen my wife's boobs 7,000 times and I absolutely know which one(s) I prefer.

SpaceNoodle ,

If you count each boob separately, that's 14,000.

Thcdenton ,
Rolando ,

No, to get 69, you have to divide 14,000 by 202.8985507 first.

ChihuahuaOfDoom OP ,

That's a lot of boob

brbposting ,

Still not enough to share with the whole class

(Not necessarily)

Gerudo , in They will never not be magical

Seriously, ladies, we don't get tired of them.

Whirling_Ashandarei , in They will never not be magical

I'm using this on my wife lmao

MindTraveller , in They will never not be magical

How is this apolitical??

JackGreenEarth , avatar

What would make it political?

Ketchup ,

Careful how you respond mindtravler 👀

MindTraveller ,

Everything is political. Political is the normal, natural, default state of being. You didn't answer my question, what's so special about this meme that it's apolitical?

qaz ,

The normal memes community got spammed with political stuff. This meme isn't specifically apolitical, but it isn't explicitly political either, that's why it's on here.

MindTraveller ,

That's what the normal memes community is for. Political stuff. Everything is political. If you banned politics on those communities, they wouldn't have any memes at all. And I've never seen a nonpolitical meme on this community either.

Honytawk ,

I mean, if you think everything is political, why are you on Non-politcal memes?

This community is not for you. Just block it.

MindTraveller ,

It just came up on my feed, and since all of you people were being political, I decided to join in by espousing the opposite political opinion.

jve ,

Everything is political.

Guess there’s nothing that can be posted here then?

Are you making the same bewildered comment on every post?

MindTraveller ,

Yes, nothing can be posted here.

Meltrax ,



the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

MindTraveller ,

And this meme is concerned with decision making in this particular household. A group of people are engaging in a dialogue regarding a decision: Should the man appreciate the woman's body every time he sees it? It's a decision they need to reach together, even if the decision is to agree to disagree. It's a microcosm of politics.

Meltrax ,

Man you must be fun at parties.

MindTraveller ,

That's a cliche. Did you get the rest of your personality from stock phrases too?

EchoCT ,

Expressing attraction to your SO is political now apparently.

OurToothbrush , in They will never not be magical

Non-political memes

mmm, I sure do love my wife's body

I mean he even makes a whistle sound and this is somehow not political? Lmao?

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Care to explain to the class why you think this is political??

OurToothbrush ,

Literally modeling how men are supposed to feel and express attraction to their partners, how is that not political?

Telodzrum ,

No, it’s not.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

It has absolutely nothing to do with the government or its policies, for starters.

If you think society should regulate expressions of long lasting attraction, you've got issues.

OurToothbrush ,

If you think society should regulate expressions of long lasting attraction, you’ve got issues.

Lol that is what the comic is doing

A_Very_Big_Fan ,


OurToothbrush ,

Do you have the time or desire to learn about social reproduction theory?

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

I have a feeling it has nothing to do with regulating expressions of long lasting attraction between partners, but feel free to make your case

OurToothbrush ,
A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Can you cite even a single sentence in that article that is relevant to this post

OurToothbrush ,

Reproduction is understood as the maintenance and continuation of existing social relations.

. In that application, it is used to explain the role of women in wider social and class structures, and their (often unrecognized) contribution to the capitalist economy via their (traditional) role within the household as both child-bearers and family caretakers, and by extension women's role as providers of free labor that is necessary to produce and maintain current and future workers.

Men wouldn't obsess over women's breasts if they weren't taught to by society, simple as. Plenty of cultures didn't have this phenomenon, and think that it is weird that people do that.

Honytawk ,

Pretty sure both men and women like boobs. Cause they are awesome. It has nothing to do with social reproduction.

OurToothbrush ,

Pretty sure men and women are often attracted to boobs in cultures that fetishize boobs. There are some that don't. When you look at things from far enough back you start to notice that what you consider natural is not necessarily universal.

BreadOven ,

Definitely don't agree with your other posts here, but I actually agree with this statement. Many cultures don't have the same feelings about breasts that most of western society does.

BreadOven , (edited )

I'm gonna start this with a statement. I don't agree with most everything the other individual is saying (the one claiming it's political and is getting downvoted, rightfully so).

I also totally agree boobs are awesome and both men and women (and everyone else in-between) like them. But why do we think they're so awesome? Most likely because they've been sexualized in our society.

I still don't think the op comic strip is political.

Edit: Ourtoothbrush or whatever, is the one I don't agree with, as per my initial statement.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

If we were raised in a society where everyone was covered head to toe in figure-obscuring clothes, we'd probably be equally blown away by midriff or tight/short pants. And if we were raised in a nudist society, none of it would phase us.

From where I'm standing, it seems like a question of how much we want to desensitize ourselves to. There's certainly such a thing as too much and too little, so surely most people could agree that the line shouldn't be drawn at a nudist society, right? For me, boobs elicit the same level of response from my body as butts and genitals so the idea of boobs not being behind that line feels disconcerting.

BreadOven ,

I pretty much 100 % agree with what you're saying.

Breasts do seem to be an intimate enough part of the body to elicit such a response (and do for me as well), although only in women if we're going by "the norm" currently. I find them as such, but don't necessarily like the gender divide for a similar body part.

But anyways, I agree with what you're saying, feel the same way. But just can't really comprehend a different scenario due to being raised this way. It's even legal where I am for women to be topless, but it's rarely done.

I suppose I just wanted to comment on society as a whole.

billgamesh ,

Women have breasts because some prehistoric dudes decided they were good. It's literally biological. No other animal (or not many) has massive tiddies like humans. They're definitely the result of sexual selection.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

TIL sexual selection had nothing to do with social conditions, and cultures that do not fetishize breasts don't exist. /s

Seriously think it through for like one second, christ. Also the sexual selection hypothesis isn't proven lol

billgamesh ,

If the social conditions have existed for long enough to have an evolutionary effect, what's the difference?

And as another commenter mentioned you don't need to fetishize breasts to be attracted to them.

OurToothbrush ,

Well, again, it is just a hypothesis. Also "happening for long enough" isn't necessarily how it works, for all you know it could have happened during a brief period and remained vestigial, assuming it even happened.

Being attracted to body parts is a fetish. I'm using a neutral definition of fetish, there is not an intended negative connotation. Research shows that the only thing that's like, universally a turn on for people regardless of cultural context is people having sex or masturbating.

BreadOven ,

This is totally incorrect. Do you have any sort of sources for this? I'd love to see one.

Many cultures even today don't "fetishize" breasts. If what you're saying is correct, that shouldn't be a thing.

I don't know the exact evolutionary advantage of human breasts, but surely due to the production of milk that is supportive of the best growth for babies. That's how natural selection works.

Also if your idea of "sexual selection" was correct, wouldn't every woman have massive tits? All giraffes have long necks, don't they?

billgamesh ,

It's true that it's not proven. What is true is that human breasts are weird and no one is sure why. The theory I most support is sexual selection because it looks like it'd be good for feeding babies

Many cultures even today don’t “fetishize” breasts

I didn't say fetishize. Sexual selection just means it ihas informed decisions to mate

surely due to the production of milk that is supportive of the best growth for babies

You'd think this but apparently it's not true. This is why I think it's a sexual selection thing. Some stone age dude probably thought the same thing

if your idea of “sexual selection” was correct, wouldn’t every woman have massive tits

Humans are the only animal that have big tiddies when they aren't nursing.

BreadOven ,

Sorry, I only used fetishizing because others were saying that. You did not say that. I sort of see what you're saying, but I'm still not on board. Is there any sort of references to support this?

The milk production thing isn't a thing? Maybe not breast size, but nipple size? Apparently that is a limiting factor for proper breast feeding (at least from what I've seen).

While humans are the only species (that I know of) who have the "big tiddys" (and goth GFs at that), if it was really a selective pressure, wouldn't the distribution of breast sizes be much smaller than it is?

I realize my first post was a bit aggressive (sorry, thought you hadn't thought out your opinion as well as you have, my fault), I'm not attacking your opinion, just curious.

billgamesh ,

It's more like, other animals don't have breasts at all when they aren't lactating. No specific sources to suggest it's sexual selection, I heard it somewhere. I like watching videos about archaeology but it's not my field. Breasts don't really fossilize, so don't think we'll ever know for sure. Idk about nipple size, but yeah too small isn't great.

To clarify, I'm not saying specifically large breasts were selected for but that the fact humans have breasts at all suggests it's at least a secondary sex charactaristic (like beards) and I don't think it benefits fitness in other ways

edit: Probably saying "big tiddies" was not the right way to put that

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

How do you figure people feeling and expressing attraction for their spouse has anything to do with gender roles...?

And why do you care so much that it's her chest specifically being admired? The comic's message would still stand if it were her butt or hips. And it'd still have nothing to do with politics.

AsherahTheEnd ,

It's political to show positive interactions in a long-term relationship? Are you saying men should treat their SOs like shit...?

OurToothbrush ,

Yes. No.

gmanlikescheese ,

Fellas is it gay to find your partner attractive?

AnonStoleMyPants ,

Mega gayness imo

BreadOven ,

You have to say no homo.

EchoCT ,

Are you really getting offended on behalf of a fictional character? How do you know their relationship well enough to take offense on her behalf anyway?

OurToothbrush ,

I'm not offended, it is cute. It is also political

Agrivar , (edited )

It is also political


OurToothbrush ,

Do you think the way men and women interact isn't mediated by structural forces?

Honytawk ,

Maybe, but not 2 individuals.

OurToothbrush ,

That statement isn't internally coherent.

Sam_Bass , in They will never not be magical

When he stops is when you worry

neo , in I don't feel so good, man

That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

Still funny though

Clent ,

Are you telling me there isn't a space toilet?

anarchrist , in I swear these things are mimics or something

Some waitstaff think the more they fill the thing, the less often you have to fill it. The 50 wasted napkins per customer should clue them in that this is not the case...

someguy3 , (edited ) in I swear these things are mimics or something

You know I've not seen these for a long time (although I don't eat out), are they still around? I saw the plastic Kleenex box style more often.

taiyang ,

My local burger place actually has them, but I think it's a style choice. Like choosing a glass coke bottle instead of a can (although around here that's because it's "Mexican coca cola" which is significant better than regular coke, so maybe a bad example, haha).

acetanilide ,

I see them all the time. The only places I can think of that I haven't seen them are places that use cloth napkins.

I mean I don't go out to eat a lot either but presumably more than you (since you said you don't eat out)

anon_water , in You ain't fooling anyone avatar
  • Manager has been there for 5+ years.
  • Manager doesn’t do any work.
  • All responsibility to deliver is on team, not leadership.
  • Leadership takes over ownership at the end of a successful project to promote themselves.
  • Pizza parties with free beer
smeg ,

Manager has been there for 5+ years.

In my experience this is fine, it's the ones who never stay in a role for more than two years you've got to watch out for. They seem to use each position as a temporary stepping stone on their career climb and rarely care about the team or the product!

HobbitFoot ,

Yeah. Two years is just about long enough for a company to figure out that a manager is useless.

Obi , avatar

External hire managers are the worst, they come in and have no idea how the company/product/department works (not their fault) so they tend to rely on sales-guru style tactics and rhetoric that just end up costing a bunch of time sucking each other off instead of, ya know, getting the job done.

halykthered , in You ain't fooling anyone avatar

Kneejerk reactions to the last kneejerk reaction, due to someone upending the status quo by being a good idea fairy and updating policy so as not to go by tribal knowledge. During the upheaval, it is revealed that the change was policy all along, but was disregarded for being inefficient. So instead of writing policy around the method that works, a square peg gets pushed through a round hole for the sake of leadership ego and trying to leave their mark.

taiyang , in I swear these things are mimics or something

It is a mimic! I saw a comic series recently with various everyday mimics, and so wish I had the Amazon box mimic to ward porch pirates away.

NakariLexfortaine ,

I wonder how that would be handled. Like, do you need to have clear and obvious signage that a hungry mimic is on the premise, or does it fall under "They were doing a dumb thing, dumb things happen" in this case?

Cause I see "BEWARE: DANGEROUS MIMIC ON PREMISE", I'm not taking a single step over that property line. Whole damn yard could be a well-trained one.

taiyang ,

I think I want that sign irl. Like the ones you see for dogs, but for mimics. Will it work? Of course not. If anything it might even attract D&D groups to play in my basement.

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