barsquid ,

He won't need to. They're in the wealthy class so the son won't get much jail time if any. Nobody interested in hiring him would give a fuck about this conviction.

We have a two-tier system. It has been obvious for a while, but Donald getting $1,000 scoldings for sending Trumpanzees after the court's staff and family has shone a spotlight on the discrepancy.

WldFyre ,

How on earth are trying to both sides this lmfao

Learn to read

n3m37h ,

Maybe you shoukd, Please re read his last paragraph

roguetrick ,

A leftist that points out inequality inherent in the system? What a strange thing to encounter on Lemmy. I'm positively flummoxed as to how this came about.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Leftists carrying water for fascists? Definitely not a strange thing to encounter both on Lemmy and in history.

TokenBoomer ,

Some of us have moved beyond team sports and are now questioning the game.

barsquid ,

If you ask anyone from .ml, I'm not even a leftist. I am pretty dead set against Donald, whereas they (and Bibi) want Donald elected.

BakerBagel ,

Theu dont want Trump elected. They want Biden to actually do something to stop the genocide.

barsquid ,

I want that. The ones telling people to vote for Jill Stein don't want less genocide, they want Donald and more genocide. They want Ukraine to lose all support also.

BakerBagel ,

It isn't a "both sides" thing, it is a class thing. The wealthy never face consequences unless they personally perform some heinous act, and even then it isn't guaranteed.

jordanlund , avatar

Republicans will attack him either way.

Pardons Hunter:
"Biden is abusing the legal process for his son! Biden crime family! Reeeeee!!!"

Refuses pardon:
"Biden doesn't even love his son enough to pardon him! Reeeeeee!!!"

AFKBRBChocolate ,

I'm just waiting for the first republican to criticize Biden for not caring about his son enough to pardon him.

eestileib ,

Damn that's cold blooded.

InternetUser2012 ,

Integrity. Something the republikkklowns have never heard of.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Fox News: "Biden weaponizing justice department against own son!"

umbrella ,


BigMacHole ,

Why does Joe Biden not simply say the Deep State arrested his Son and then Pardon him and Blame any and all NEGATIVE Media on the Deep State too?

dogslayeggs ,

The dude bought a gun while high off his ass on crack. If it were anyone else, the Dems would be up in arms about the person not being arrested while the Republicans would be defending his right to bear arms. I'm not seeing too many people saying Hunter should be let free.

Cryophilia ,

I'm not saying he should be let free, but I am saying they're clearly seeking a disproportionate penalty than what most people get, because it's politically motivated.

ThrowawayPermanente ,

That could never happen in America, come on now

underisk , avatar

I'm finding it hard to find any useful statistics for sentencing on the specific crime he did. Do you have any way to back up that claim about the penalty being disproportionate? All I can find is sentencing guidelines that seem to be pretty much written into the law so those would apply to everyone.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

From what I've read, we routinely arrest people for drug charges who turn out to be longtime addicts and who have "legally" purchased guns. It happens all the damned time, there are rarely any significant repercussions, and nothing about this stands out about this case except who the guy's father is. And I'm not saying he shouldn't be held accountable for a crime, in just taking accepting to your "if it were anyone else" line.

SeaJ ,

I feel like if the shoe was on the other foot (Don Jr in trouble) Trump is bitch and moan that it was politically motivated and a witch hunt and then pardon him.

Delusional ,

Just like that moron did with other criminals that should not have been pardoned. BTW now that that piece of shit is a convicted felon, we should start to undo anything he ever touched while in office. All those pardons he did, send them the fuck back to prison. Just like how crooked cops have their previous cases under scrutiny.

PyroNeurosis ,

Yeah! Time for Afghanistan 2!
But for real, we can't just broad brush this thing. While most of it was shit, probably several things were decent things that got through in spite of the administration's ineptitude.

goferking0 ,

Feels like he'd only act if was Ivanka or something that would also cause trouble for him. Trump isn't afraid of dumping anyone

partial_accumen ,

I think this action likely lowers Hunter Biden's chances of winning the presidency to zero for 2024. Not that Hunter Biden is even running for President, but from everything the GOP say, they certainly think he is.

Cryophilia ,

Impeach Hunter Biden!

credo ,

I dunno. Perhaps the GOP will vote for him if he’s convicted? They seem to go for that sort of thing.

NoIWontPickAName ,

Idk, have you tried showing his dick to a bunch of people, in the fucking halls of congress?

I don’t like this timeline

IndustryStandard ,

Bidens pardons are reserved for Netanyahu.

Pistcow ,

Eh, I'd do it on the last day for grins.

ThePantser , avatar

If he loses then he definitely should, one last fuck you to Trump since our boy Joe won't get another chance.

Zachariah , avatar

This. He should have said, “I’ll only pardon my son if I lose the election. Voters, it’s in your hands now.”

Omegamanthethird , avatar

Day after the election.

Varyk ,

Cool. But you legally can. But you probably shouldn't.

Okay. Cool. Good call.

CraigeryTheKid ,

honestly the 'pardon' ability needs to go away completely. maybe it made sense before, and/or wasnt abused, but now it just seems prepped to be a tool to release your fellow felons in crime.

NOT_RICK , avatar

They can be useful for things like spy exchanges, but I do agree the system as it exists is ripe for abuse

TipRing ,

Clemency is a useful tool, it just needs reform. Some states require it to go through a committee rather than just handing the power to a single official. There are probably other ways to curtail abuse as well.

phdepressed ,

That's only if criminals are elected. Biden used the pardon in 2022 and 2023 to pardon many minor weed related offenses.

fartington ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • PlasticExistence ,

    I would just commute the sentence so I didn't technically lie.

    Fiivemacs ,

    Not pardoning him would piss them off more and gives them zero firepower on the topic..

    Edit: legitimate firepower anyways...they would still claim some bullshit about he's a bad dad and doesn't protect his son or some garbage like that.

    OsaErisXero ,

    Honestly, there's a contingent who would dislike him less if he used a pardon to protect his son

    Soup ,

    See those people don’t actually like corruption, they just like winning. If they lose then corruption is bad, if they win then it’s just being clever. So they’d still hate him, probably moreso.

    Brkdncr ,

    Just pardon one hour or $1 off whatever he has to do, just to flex.

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