
CaptainKickass , in Georgia's largest newspaper calls for Joe Biden to exit race 'immediately'


NoSuchAgency , in Top Biden allies say he's still the best bet to win against Trump in November

Of course they did, they're his top 5 allies, lol

NoSuchAgency , in Top Biden allies say he's still the best bet to win against Trump in November

The Dems really messed up imo by not screwing the others out of primaries and debates with Biden. They totally rigged it for Biden and now they don't have much choice but to keep trying to push forward, but they knew what they were getting into. They've known Biden wasn't well for a long time

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Exactly, the moment to replace him was from the get-go. Now we're logistically in too deep without splitting the entire party and essentially just handing the win to Trump. (Thanks so much DNC, it's totally clear you know better than the voters in your own party. /s)

I blame ineffectual Democrats who are more concerned with their power inside their own party for the rise of fascism as much as the fascists themselves, because their fucking buffoonery and chicanery literally enable the fascist Republican crime spree.

I mean fuck, look how long they carted out Dianne Feinstein pretending she was still a functional human being instead of just running anyone the fuck else.

TimLovesTech , avatar

How often does either party primary an incumbent president? Wikipedia only lists five notable one. And also has this little factoid that shows it usually backfires for the party.

Since the advent of the modern primary election system in 1972, an incumbent president has never been defeated by a primary challenger, though every president who faced a strong primary challenge went on to be defeated in the general election.

Edit - Forgot my wiki link. =(

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Excellent point, I wasn't aware of that one. Not that we should always treat the past as indicative of the future, but rather, it's clear that choosing such a path is playing with fire. For a litany of reasons.

Sadly, with Trump, we can't afford to play with fire, period.

catloaf ,

Never so far. There's a first time for everything.

But there's also the option of not primarying him and just not running Biden at all.

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

I wonder how many of those 5 had an incumbent who was no longer capable of running a country.

Pacattack57 ,

Then maybe the incumbent president should sit the fuck down and go back to sleep. Usually the third party runs anyway and siphons votes away.

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

They are fine with Trump pulling the country further to the right and lowering the bar for 2028. Whatever they have to do to keep from moving left with all the poors.

NoSuchAgency , in Biden Offered No Alternative to Trump’s Pro-Policing Authoritarianism in Debate

Garbage article. Trump passed a crime bill
President Donald Trump signed the First Step Act into law in 2018, a bipartisan bill aimed at reforming the criminal justice system. The act was a significant step towards addressing the issues of mass incarceration, sentencing reform, and reentry programs.

Key Provisions:

Eliminated the “three strikes” life sentencing provision for some offenses
Expanded judges’ discretion in sentencing for non-violent crimes
Made the sentencing guidelines of the Obama-era Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 retroactive
Required the Attorney General to develop a risk and needs assessment system to assess the recidivism risk and criminogenic needs of federal prisoners
Provided funding for rehabilitative programs to help inmates successfully reenter society


The First Step Act has helped to reduce the number of people in federal prison
The act has also expanded access to rehabilitative programs, which has led to a decrease in recidivism rates
The law has provided a second chance for many individuals who were previously incarcerated, allowing them to reintegrate into society and find employment
pdxfed , in Idaho book ban goes into effect on Monday

The Bible has a passage about how men should noy lie with animals. Beastiality should be in libraries?

Snowclone ,

It also has teenage girls date raping their dad. Instructions on how to give an abortion, the punishment of a pregnancy being lost through intentional means, which is far less than the punishment for murder, at least five genders, a man being punished by God for FAILING to nut in his brothers wife, which is LAW, God doing horrible shit to Job just to have a laugh, and Jesus going hard against a fruit tree even though the time of figs was not.

barsquid ,

I can forgive Jesus since he also saw a bunch of moneylenders and just braided a whip right then and there to fuck them up. Another little tale Christians deliberately do not read.

Snowclone ,

I like how they come up with bizarre excuses to believe the clear opposite of what Jesus taught. ''No no the gate of the city wall was called the 'eye of the needle' camels DID fit!'

scroll_responsibly OP , in CNN Presidential Debate: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump avatar

Idk if this post is against the rules (and if it is I will gladly remove it) but I’ve seen a lot of discussion on the debate but not the video itself. As I watched most of it live, I think that it’s important that people can watch and form their own opinions on the whole thing and not just snippets, memes, or other peoples’ views.

flying_gel ,

I watched it live too, it was painful.

Trump just says what he wants to be true, regardless if it is. But he has always been like that so nothing new.

Biden looked very tired, while he answered the questions much better than Trump, it was painful to watch him struggle to get the words out sometimes.

I suspect that many Biden votes will be a vote against Trump, not for Biden.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I suspect that many Biden votes will be a vote against Trump, not for Biden.

Also true in 2020. And frankly, I don't care what reason people have to stop the dictator as long as we stop the dictator.

verdantbanana , avatar

atrophy against fascism is just as bad as active fascism

both sides are definitely not the same

Trump is actively campaigning for fascist views while Biden is a typical Democrat acting like it is a lazy river

FlyingSquid , avatar

One thing at a time. Keeping Trump out of office should be of primary importance.

PugJesus , avatar

atrophy against fascism is just as bad as active fascism


SpikesOtherDog ,

It took me a second, but maybe apathy?

Boozilla , avatar

If Biden gets re-elected, and behind the scenes it's really Kamala Harris and/or Jill Biden in charge.... I'm OK with that. Trump will accelerate all the bad things. From climate change to hollowing out the working class to kissing Putin's ass and worse.

Lettuceeatlettuce , in Toxic PFAS absorbed through skin at levels higher than previously thought avatar

In the last year I have switched to all cast iron, carbon steel, and stainless steel for all my pots and pans.

No Teflon or "non-stick" coated garbage for me. Properly seasoned and cared for cast iron, carbon, or stainless steel will all be nearly as good as a "non-stick" pan and doesn't have the risk factor.

Recently, non-stick pans have been released that supposedly are safer, but I don't really feel like trusting billion dollar corpos to not lie for the 20th time about that, not when there are fantastic alternatives.

avidamoeba , (edited ) avatar

Non-stick cookware isn't a significant source of PFAS exposure because while technically a PFAS, PTFE is a stable polymer. This is important because you might have replaced your cookware and feel safe while not realizing that the sofa and the rug in your home are spewing PFAS in the air every time you brush against them. I threw out a nice sofa because of this. Furniture and carpets are the main source for residential PFAS exposure. Unless your water is super contaminated of course.

Lettuceeatlettuce , avatar

Fair point. Frustrating to feel like we live in a world of literally "pick your poison."

SuperCub ,

PTFE pans often contain other PFCs, so no you're really safe with a PFTE pan.

You Can’t Always Trust Claims on ‘Non-Toxic’ Cookware

avidamoeba , (edited ) avatar

While true, I'm discussing the significance of exposure. That is what amount you can get into your body from different sources and the appropriate attention they should receive. PFAS in PTFE are residues from shit manufacturing. Even when they're present, the amounts aren't large. Stain-resistant furniture and carpets on the other hand are literally laced with PFAS to achieve this. So are most water resistant jackets. Household upholstery sprays like Scotchgard had PFOS as their active ingredient. Not sure what PFAS they use today. I know of multiple people who read a few titles about PFAS, replaced their cookware and kept laying naked on their PFAS-laden couches until I alerted them to it.

E: Forgot about food packaging.

P1nkman ,

What's this about my rug? There's devils piss there as well? We truly are fucked.

FlyingSquid , in Georgia's largest newspaper calls for Joe Biden to exit race 'immediately' avatar

The AJC is own by Cox Enterprises. If you want to know who they donate to and think you'll be surprised, you won't.

NoSuchAgency OP ,

They may be owned by Cox Enterprises but "While the newspaper is owned by a private company, its news decisions are made by the journalists in the AJC’s newsroom."

FlyingSquid , avatar

And you know that's true because they told you it's true and why would they say otherwise unless their parent company had some sort of political agenda? But looking at those donations, can we truly say they have a political agenda? They seem like they're solid centrists to me what with all those donations to Republicans and their groups.

NoSuchAgency OP ,

They donated to Democrats as well, but either way, I haven't seen any proof of them controlling the articles or opinions in the paper

FlyingSquid , avatar

They donated to one Democrat. The other thing that is listed as blue is an organization that wants more queer politicians of any political stripe in the United States. But I suppose anything that promotes queer people as human and needing representation is just part of the "woke mind virus," so you've convinced me. Cox is 100% communist.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Synema is not a Democrat, and it says so right there on the linked page. She switched to Independent after righteously screwing the party along with Manchin. For what it's worth, Manchin changed to Independent as well.

FlyingSquid , avatar

They mean Frank Pallone. That's the one Democrat. He's in New Jersey and they're based in Atlanta.

So I sure would like to know why they are donating to Frank Pallone as the one Democrat they donate to.

NoSuchAgency OP ,

Wonder why they left the Democrat party?

NoSuchAgency OP ,

Ss the atlanta journal-constitution a liberal newspaper

According to the search results, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is considered to be slightly Left-Center Biased based on editorial positions that lightly skew liberal. Additionally, it is rated as High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Only if by "liberal" you mean what it means everywhere else in the U.S.

And you might as well link to Media Bias Fact Check if you're going to paste from it. Which would be the company that's become very pro-Israel as of late. Not exactly a position for "liberals" in America, as your sort likes to call everyone to the left of Trump.

NoSuchAgency OP ,

That wasn't pasted from Media Bias Fact Check. I got it by asking Brave search and it listed several websites, MBFC not being one of them

FlyingSquid , avatar

Cool, link to where you got it from.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

They got it from an AI because doing your own research is too hard, apparently. These are all Brave browser AI summaries.

This chucklefuck who doesn't know how to do research thinks he can wing it using an AI.


Here's the NYT apologizing for their massive fuckups in the leadup to the War in Iraq because they were too busy NOT questioning anything the Bush administration had to say and were busy covering up stories for them. WHOOPSIE DOODLES.

Sounds real fucking liberal to me. /s

TerkErJerbs , in Biden Offered No Alternative to Trump’s Pro-Policing Authoritarianism in Debate

What's this? The architect of the 1994 crime bill who helped the Dems get elected on a platform further right than the GOP on policing and prisons is pro-police? Huh. TIL.

match , in Trump loyalists plan to name and shame ‘blacklist’ of federal workers avatar

Can we get a dossier about these bastards and their funders first?

xc2215x , in Trump loyalists plan to name and shame ‘blacklist’ of federal workers

Yikes. Very extreme of these supporters.

beetlejuice0001 , (edited ) in Inflation vs. wages: How rising prices stack up against growing pay

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • fukhueson OP , (edited )

    I don't see how anyone is making the point that "everything is rosy." This post describes recent trends in changes in wages and inflation. Your link about purchasing power 2021-2022 (and the rest of your comment) does not negate anything mentioned in the article.

    This seems less of an attempt to inform but rather maintaining that good news about wages must be accompanied by bad news somehow, as has been typical.

    set_secret , in Idaho book ban goes into effect on Monday

    I simply cannot believe this is a thing in 2024. It's like we're living in an alternate reality. Just mind boggling.

    Lightrider , in Top Biden allies say he's still the best bet to win against Trump in November avatar

    Democrats are desperate to lose

    SnotFlickerman , avatar

    Both parties are more successful as opposition parties than they are actually "leading."

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Democrats aren't even successful as a controlling party.

    catloaf ,

    They're very successful at maintaining the status quo.

    GoofSchmoofer , in Idaho book ban goes into effect on Monday avatar

    It would be cool if a private citizen or two set up tables around Idaho towns and just gave away these banned books to anyone that wanted them. The fear is those people that follow the teaching of a peace loving hippie that lived 2000 years ago would probably beat them up and threaten to kill them.

    barsquid ,

    Deliberately unaware that they are now the tyrants who kill peace-loving hippies.

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