@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar



Still a very green banana.

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verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

even actual local papers are now suspect because your local news is owned by a national news megacorporation that sponsors our elections

so between fake news and local national news propaganda there is no news

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

both sides have campaign funding coming in from the big megocorp news

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

no more local news just articles about the latest restaurant in the more gentrified area and about how great it is to live here plus lots of sports


verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

the whole point of the FDA taking over cannabis is the same as nicotine vaping

shut down the industry with over regulation that sounds positive on the surface

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

but rescheduling allows them to add regulations just like when this happened to ejuices

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

safe effective nicotine consumption were generally supported by the public too and was being ingrained in the culture in movies and tv

now it is combustible cigarettes with alcohol being heavily promoted again as well in television and film

if the US does not stop voting in senile past retirement age religious right leaning presidents who view any alteration in the citizen's conscience it might not ever change or get better

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

no it has not been a failure

the government was able to shut down most of the vape companies

some of them were very up to code being made in clean rooms good enough to make pharmaceuticals

now we have big tobacco vapes mixed in with shoddy products

have you talked to industry leaders such as business owners of some of these vape companies?

nicotine and cannabis industry is in shambles due to bad policies and laws

no wonder look at the right leaning conservatives that keep getting voted in with the latest one having a prosecutor as a vice

cannabis being rescheduled and not legalized is a trojan horse designed to make the people feel complacent and happy with only extreme regulation and the disappearance of sustainable, innovative products being the end result

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

the synthetic nicotine being produce is done with green chemistry meaning no heavy metals used in synthesis

with the nicotine being lab made no ground pollutants such as lead and other heavy metals are present just like fake vanilla extract which most seasoning coming from India with polluted soil

also less soil less environmental impact

the ingredients have gotten safer over time as well also leading to changes in other industries

hugely better product both health and environmental and all around

not to mention not have the ill effects of second hand smoke

my own lung capacity was around 80% and dropping during the years was consuming combustible nicotine and cannabis products but now is above 90% had my lungs checked by a doctor

lightyears healthier

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

the point of dispensaries is to not have a product grown in a backyard that is lab tested

does anyone here not remember the before times?

also would you buy your lettuce from Earl on the corner or from the store?

what is the quality of the soil in these backyards


verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

as a computer technician this hit home so hard

thanks to the artist

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

what happens when people let the two party scam tell them there is no other options

this is what both sides are not the same looks like

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Roe v. Wade falling really is paying off for both parties

one gets money because it fell and the other gets money to try and restore rights indefinitely

two party scam

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

not the people that is for damn sure

two out of touch, far right leaning, religious, police loving, immigration hating, genocidal, low wage supporting, well past retirement age people are running with one being a little touch lighter but only a micro touch

the next half of this decade no matter what this election pans out to will ultimately suck so much trying not to even think how much worse this could get

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

in the store today for a five pack of denver steaks which were about $10 beginning of last week

today when purchased the same pack it was about $20

same with every other grocery item in the store prices just keep going up and never down

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

women's rights and cannabis are shunned by both parties

democrats chose a catholic who is on record stating he lives by the good Catholic book which includes no contraception and a prosecutor who has used Biden's laws and policies from his time as a career politician to lock away cannabis users

the Demopublicans will win this election no matter which party wins and the losers as always will be the people

And the one thing they say about Catholics is:
They'll take you as soon as you're warm

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar


a Catholic president with a prosecutor for a vice president

the last four years have consisted of abortion rights being stripped, Cop City built to train police to subjugate citizens by razing a national forest, workers protested and were told to stop on threat of their livelihood with no change in worker's rights or higher wages, immigration policies have deteriorated, food cost are astronomical and inflation is rising on everything without stopping, journalism is dying due to corporate buyout with journalist being silenced

but Biden who is a career politician going on almost half a century now who is running against a career donor is progressive

when was he ever progressive? what about Harris? have either of these two been progressive at any point in their careers?

Biden worked on laws and policies that would put people in jail and Harris worked her career enforcing such laws

If a Catholic and a Prosecutor with a resume of putting the citizens in their proper places is progressive then yes we are truly fisted in the ass and gaped with no chance in hell

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Biden during the last election said he would try to get the police under control and he ran on a green platform

cops getting a whole city built for them so they can train to keep citizens subjugated while razing a national forest to do so with Biden not saying or even trying to do anything not even making it a talking point during speeches this current election

not to mention this current policing and the current environmental issues that need attention in this country are in part due to bills he had a hand in such as the crime bill

so yes him as president and before that as a career politician do criticize Biden

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

and that is why we the people will lose this election as well

we either stop supporting bad candidates from any party or we get stuck with them

why the fuck does any want four years of Trump or Biden is wild

Both are too old and both are set on taking us way back in time

already lost women's rights and worker's rights

how much do y'all want to lose?

guess we will see in the next four years what we get to lose next already getting to the point crossing state borders is difficult

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

same reason people blindly follow Trump

four years we still have low wages and higher costs, women lost rights held for over half a century, police are still running amuck, environmental concerns abound, genocide, antiimmigration policies

and Trump's resume does not look any better

and the same people will scream and pitch a fit if anyone suggest a third party because it means a vote for that other guy

football politics

verdantbanana , (edited )
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

great more jobs and the minimum wage is still $7.25 federally and worker's right are on a downward slide

break out that good champagne

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Yes and Trump's

who do you think worked as one of the politicians who got us here?

who do you think one of the donors has been throughout the years to all these politicians?

Biden and Trump both benefit from wages being low and worker's rights stripped

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

an antiabortion, coat hanger loving catholic is was voted in with a prosecutor

someone who has said he is dedicated catholic

then women lose rights but somehow it is only the republican's fault

maybe we need to quit voting in old conservative religious white guys period no matter the party

did people really think a Catholic was going to defend women's right's?


verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar


blaming both parties

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

so democrats never had the chance in almost the half of a century since roe v wade happened to do anything?

biden was a democrat politician during this time did he ever say anything then?

he has been on record saying he fully believes in Catholicism including being prolife and somehow that does not play into the current situation?

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

that is all people do and have done

why the two party system is able to exist

people blindly believe we have to live constrained to what these two parties are bought to sell us indefinitely

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

SC is being gentrified with all the undesirables being pushed out by rising housing costs some in part to new legislation with the same goals and other rising costs and with things like this article points out

just like other states are doing

with things like homeless criminalized and women's right's also things like this will only get worse and more things that pertain to people and living will be deemed illegal too filling the prisons more

only diehard demopublican voters that agree to stay in line will be left out of consequences with all dissenters jailed

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

The White House is finalizing plans for a U.S.-Mexico border clampdown that would shut off asylum requests and automatically deny entrance to migrants once the number of people encountered by American border officials exceeded a new daily threshold, with President Joe Biden expected to sign an executive order as early as Tuesday, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The president has been weighing additional executive action since the collapse of a bipartisan border bill earlier this year.

The Biden administration has grown ever more conservative on border issues as the president faces ceaseless criticism from Republicans and there are large numbers of migrants crossing into the U.S. from Mexico who are not easily returned, especially as global displacement grows from war, climate change and more.

sounds like a right leaning conservative to me

what about additional executive action on anything else like women's rights, minimum wage, or anything that could count toward the human good

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

between this and Biden cashing in on Roe v Wade falling we are truly fucked this election and no matter who wins the people lose

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

and this why the US will never have a good president

too many people sucking the Democrat and Republican cock to know better options

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

as much as the US says we are past all this only right leaning white religious conservatives that love police will get elected like Biden or Trump

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

football, over policing, coat hangers because god said so, low wages/ no worker's rights, inflated food costs, journalists being silenced, voting rights suppressed, lower quality healthcare, genocide

go Biden

really fucking hilarious let the good times roll

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

O let us love our occupations,

Bless the squire and his relations,

Live upon our daily rations,

And always know our proper stations.

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

not sure why everybody's butt is hurting over this comic

Biden has ran on this platform his entire four years

if his wrinkled catholic ass and his prosecutor wanted to do a better campaign and presidency they could but as it stands him and her just look like outdated, police loving, religious, zealots standing in the way of progress just like republicans

both parties are actively saying "I am not that other guy." and "We failed to get shit done because of that other guy and his guys"

also both parties say you are wasting your vote voting third party

at this point it is running like a cheesy ad with a company who says buy our product because the competitor's offering sucks never bringing up actual pros and cons

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

some younger people like me are not allowed to vote because of bipartisan policies and laws

quit blaming us for everybody refusing to vote better people in

not our fault y'all refuse to vote better

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

grocery store food is now a luxury too

sure voting Trump or Biden will fix it depending on what color you like

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

and from over construction

our town has rolling blackouts constantly with an increase in the bill to match

US had energy problems before this current issue

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

throwing a few scraps out to the desperate starved masses does not make Biden an LGBTQ advocate making history

Biden says his positions are deeply influenced by Catholic social teaching.


Biden is not progressive he a right leaning religious conservative with a prosecutor as a vice president and they have spent their careers putting citizens in their proper places

Being progressive and making history would be the democrats upping the minimum wage to $20 or more, protecting women's rights, protecting voting rights, setting up a national healthcare system, getting the police under control

Everything that the Democrats already promise every election just to get elected

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Yes and do not expect perfect leaders but at least have them align more with what the citizens want

remember going to the mall when was younger with a same sex partner and getting the nasty looks and comments when we would hold hands or show any affection especially from the older conservative looking types

the world does not seem much different than back then some ways less progressive now if that is even possible

and it should be fucking different now know not the only one

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

so what

lot of states do not even get programs like this

maybe Californians should have to live like the rest of the United States or these should be federal programs for all

senior centers in the states feed the older population expired old food that sometimes has not been properly stored or matches their required diets

states are also reducing food stamp benefits so this is just another article about California again whining about not have things nobody else got to begin with

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Biden is more than willing to use executive privilege to protect the privacy of his mental health report from coming out but not willing to use the same powers to protect the privacy and health of women or anyone else

how are the two parties different again?

hard to tell the differences between two right leaning past retirement age elderly conservatives besides the different names

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

not a gaffe it is age showing

he should have done the responsible thing and stepped aside for younger blood instead of selfishly holding on to power same as the Republicans

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Biden had his time as politician and vice president during the later years he could have just called it quits and left on a high note

instead he has just latched on and is refusing to let go same as the Republicans

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

has everyone forgot what Biden accomplished as a politician or Harris?

does it any of that and their current policies align with the voters?

and Republicans definitely should be asked the same questions

if laws and policies that align with religion and over policing and less human rights is what the goal is then hey lets vote Biden or Trump

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

article is clearly saying neither of the candidates should have been on the ballot

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

thought we already were in a recession and spending more because of inflation does not mean a healthy economy either

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

just younger black voters?

maybe the problem is religious Biden and prosecutor Harris not the voters

verdantbanana ,
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

maybe Demopublicans could have picked people other than a past retirement far right religious Catholic and an overzealous prosecutor to represent citizens interests and defend them from fascism

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