
ChonkyOwlbear , in Memo Reveals Trump’s Plan to Slash the Size of the G.O.P. Platform

Maybe they are dropping the first and last letters from MAGA.

"America Great!!!"

foggy , in CNN reports 20-year record low debate viewership

Thank fuck.

itsgroundhogdayagain , in CNN reports 20-year record low debate viewership

I haven't had a reason to watch that nonsense in at least 2 decades.

DogPeePoo , in CNN reports 20-year record low debate viewership

With zero moderation and one candidate spewing nothing but lies, they can expect lower future viewership too.

What was even the point, CNN?

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

Apparently the only way the candidates will agree to do it is if the format is so stilted that there's no chance of anyone learning anything or seeing the candidates get challenged on anything. It's basically just a taking-in-turns version of a campaign commercial.

What, indeed, is the point. Like a lot of American politics, the whole "debate" survives as a pointless vestige of a thing (now long forgotten) that was useful and productive in its original form, but now is mutated to a useless and unrecognizable monstrosity, which you have to pretend is super serious and important if you want to be able to be on TV.

Crackhappy , avatar

The point is fox news.

skuzz ,

To bring sexy back.

(But seriously, what a terrible television program, one old man spouting nonsense and the other looking confused and lost. There was absolutely zero reason for anyone to watch it.)

mightyfoolish ,

It's a great program if you like watching people laugh at old people for being old. Basically what I'm saying is this program was elderly abuse.

FiniteBanjo ,

Not to mention, it's basically the same debate we had four years ago.

avidamoeba , in The Boeing saga has reached a new level of absurdity | CNN Business avatar

And boy did Boeing have to bring out a lot of mops on Thursday. But this time, it kinda, sorta just maybe wasn’t Boeing’s fault.

I'm sorry what now?

Gerudo , in CNN reports 20-year record low debate viewership

You want to know the problem?

Obviously both candidates suck, but
The questions the moderators ask, can just be ignored by the candidates. There hasn't been a good moderator in years, if ever. No one insists that the questions be answered and they continually ignore them.

Hold the candidates' feet to the fire. Don't let them go off tangent. Slap them down and insist on an answer to the question. They don't want to answer? Cut their mic and move to the other candidate who might actually answer it.

Too many times during the debate were questions like abortion and climate asked, they were just ignored.

Omegamanthethird , avatar

One of Trump's debates, Anderson Cooper kept grilling him on something he refused to answer about. At one point he declared that Trump is refusing to answer that question, explicitly. It was probably the best moderation I've ever seen.

Then in one of the primaries, one of the moderators called Pete Buttigieg a liar after he said their information was false and corrected them (he in fact was not lying). That was possibly the worst moderation I've ever seen.

At least in this one they would say "the question was..." when they didn't actually answer.

Krono ,

The problem is that the Trump and Biden camps set the rules at this debate.

The moderators were not allowed to live fact check, nor could they cut the candidate's mic during their allotted time.

This means that the responsibility of countering Trump's lies fell completely on Biden. There are so many lies, it would be a difficult task for any person.

But Biden signed up for this, and he failed spectacularly. None of Trump's bullshit was effectively countered.

Botzo ,

the responsibility of countering Trump's lies fell completely on Biden.

Hitchen's razor should apply, but this wasn't really a debate in the first place. Hell, neither of these geezers is prepared to properly debate and their prep teams are just tic tacs and ice cream.

Krono ,

In an ideal world, Hitchen's Razor would be applied whenever a politician speaks and whenever an advertisement plays.

Unfortunately for us, human psychology makes us all vulnerable.

mightyfoolish ,

A proper debate for Trump and Biden is like setting up a mixer for you and two exes that you despise. What are you going to learn that you don't already know?

StrawberryPigtails , in CNN reports 20-year record low debate viewership


I know both candidates and their positions. Don’t particularly like either candidate. Really dislike one of them. And I haven’t seen anyone host an actual, honest to god political debate in my life, and no, the final season of West Wing doesn’t count.

All that being true, why the blazes would I have watched this one? My entire life, debates have only ever been excuses to put the candidates up on a stage see which one looks prettier, and shout sound bites into a microphone. That’s not a debate, that’s a campaign ad. And I’m tired of them.

I would really like our nation to get back to a point where I can feel comfortable voting for the candidate whose policies I actually think are the best instead of having to vote against the candidate that I think will actually destroy the country.


555_1 , in 'It's a mess': Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate

He should turn to the American people.

Zachariah , in 'It's a mess': Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate avatar

I’m upvoting (especially) because you included a bit of the article instead of just a link.

It upsetting though because only an Al would be a good replacement: Al Franken or “Weird Al” Yankovic. And that’s unlikely to happen.

Otherwise don’t bother. We’ve already got a “not Trump” candidate who is good enough for now. Get Biden elected, and continue putting pressure on the administration. We’re going to need something like a general strike to make any big changes anyway. We cannot rely on those currently governing to do it for us. Let’s at least prevent a christofascist dictatorship this election.

return2ozma OP , avatar

We’ve already got a “not Trump” candidate who is good enough for now.

That's the issue. Is that really good enough to defeat Trump? For democracy being on the line, I think they really need to replace Biden. I think only Obama could convince Joe to step down. He would look Presidential and his legacy would be "fine". If Biden stays in the race and loses to Trump, Biden's legacy will be "his ego ended democracy". The empire is collapsing.

FlowVoid ,
return2ozma OP , avatar

+1? Wrap it up folks! It's over!

FlowVoid , (edited )

The point is that Biden is no worse off than he was before the debate. Few people wanted him to drop out last week. So I don't see any reason to change course now.

Democrats need to chill. You didn't see MAGA idiots calling for Trump to drop out after his felony conviction, and you won't see that after his sentencing. They know those things don't matter. The debates matter even less.

return2ozma OP , avatar

So the plan is just to gaslight voters saying Biden is perfectly fine until the election?

toomanypancakes , avatar

Always has been

FlowVoid ,

The plan is to remind voters that this will be a close election and every vote matters.

However, the debate is irrelevant. On the one hand, you have a liar who hates immigrants and wants to benefit wealthy Christians. On the other hand, you have a lousy debater who respects the rule of law and protects women's rights.

Nobody faced with this choice is going to ask, "Hmm, just how lousy at debating are we talking?"

MindTraveller ,

Well that sure would prevent the fall of democracy for another 4 years

uis , avatar
Crackhappy , avatar
Empricorn ,

We’ve already got a “not Trump” candidate who is good enough for now.

False. We have a good enough president. Who's behind in the polls and was already making people think he was too old, and that was before the debate. Then, he was freezing, saying the wrong thing, forgetting things, and appearing confused, while replying with an unconfident, raspy voice. Worst of all Trump offered him up softballs in the form of easily shut down lies and opportunities. Speaking of opportunities, this was the one as many eyes would be on him to see the difference between him and Trump. Any other competent candidate and debater would have eviscerated Trump.

I truly believe Joe is good for the country, but that won't matter if he can't win...

DeepThought42 , in CNN reports 20-year record low debate viewership

Yeah, it doesn't matter, at least for me. One candidate is old while the other is a 34 times convicted felon. The latter has made it clear he intends to dismantle the democratic institutions of our country and turn it into another fascist regime. At this point the DNC could platform a watermelon in a wig and I'd still vote for them over the convicted felon.

mdurell ,

They are both old; only one is a convicted felon.

DeepThought42 ,

True. My comment was addressing the perception of Biden as portrayed by the major media outlets (they rarely ever mention that Trump is nearly the same age), but I concede that my comment could have been clearer in that regard.

OldManBOMBIN , in 'It's a mess': Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate
ikidd , in 'It's a mess': Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate avatar

Well, lord knows we wouldn't want anyone except the DNC leadership unilaterally choosing the candidate. When has that ever gone badly?

lemmeout ,

Somebody help! I think I've time traveled into year 2016.

Stern , avatar

Pokemon go to the polls!

blackluster117 , avatar
NegentropicBoy , in 'It's a mess': Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate

Not replacing him is equivalent to heading for a crash and not turning the steering wheel.

SeaJ ,

You just described replacing him at this point. I don't think he should have been running in the first place but the primaries are already done and he won.

NoIWontPickAName ,

What primaries? They basically just gave them all to him

SeaJ ,

Did you not vote in the primaries? He was not the only candidate on the ballot. They have it to him because he won the primaries.

NoIWontPickAName ,

Maybe for you, he was the only one the doc ran in missouri

makyo , (edited )

I'm really torn on this because his debate performance really was shocking to me. But the incumbency is a point in his favor which is lost if he's replaced. I'm going to stick with him but if something disruptive happens like a legitimate border crisis or the economy suddenly tanks - THAT'S when it would be imperative that he be replaced. If one or two of his other favorables disappear then the incumbency will start to become a noose.

Crackhappy , avatar


garretble , in 'It's a mess': Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate avatar

I think the felon should drop out, personally.

return2ozma OP , avatar

I agree but he won't

kromem ,

Maybe they both could and the US might have a return to a respectable election options?

Snowflake ,

We don't need respectable election options. We get on perfectly fine. We send billions and billions in supplies and aid to the other side of the planet either way. Much more than any other country with their 'respectable elections' does anyway. Our old dementia riddled leader does more for the complete other side of the planet than anyone did. On the brink of ww3 and here we are according to some with our less than respectable leaders doing the most to prevent it.

callouscomic ,

Please, when were the last respectable election options?



NoIWontPickAName ,

I liked Carter, down to earth and he built homes for humanity until he literally physically couldn’t anymore.

FinalRemix ,

He only served once. He could run again.

NoIWontPickAName ,

He’s in hospice and lost his wife not too long ago.

He’s just waiting to see her again now

Skydancer ,

So basically Biden with a less shitty stance on Palestine. I'll take it!

NoIWontPickAName ,

I mean I don’t disagree, but the man has decided that it’s time to go, and out of all of the presidents, he definitely deserves rest

TheDemonBuer , avatar

Obama and John McCain, or Obama and Mitt Romney, I think were all considered pretty respectable by most Americans, especially compared to our current options.

NoIWontPickAName ,

Dude at least McCain had some honor to him.

He could have rolled with that old lady, but he set her straigjt

Kraven_the_Hunter ,

"Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb, bomb IraaAnn..."
cue awkward grin

-Chooses Sarah Palin

Yeah, he turned out great. Maybe he used up his last bit of honor refuting that lady.

NoIWontPickAName ,

Yeah he really fucked up picking Alaskan barbie

ImADifferentBird , avatar

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of R-Money, but at least he was just an out-of-touch rich asshole, and not a straight up narcissistic fascist.

itsgroundhogdayagain , in State Farm seeking 30% rate hike for California homeowners

Literally every insurance company in California is seeking the same or more.

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