
UndercoverUlrikHD , in Peter Jackson Working on New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Films for Warner Bros., Targeting 2026 Debut

A War of Wrath trilogy could have been amazing, but with the current state of Hollywood, I can only assume it would be bland dialogue with a jacked, short haired Fëanor making snarky quips while slaying balrogs.

I really can't imagine this turning out great when compared to the trilogy. Gollum of all characters is best left as a supporting character not the main focus.

Poop , in Official 30th Anniversary Poster for 'The Crow', Returning to Theaters May 29 & 30 - any fans of it here?

It's been forever since I saw this film, time to go watch it again.

If you haven't heard the soundtrack it is really good!

uid0gid0 ,

When the Cure concert came around last year they played Burn from the Crow soundtrack, one of my favorites.

Poop ,

I'd say that track and the "Dead Souls" cover by Nine Inch Nails are my favorites.

BruceTwarzen ,

I used to love the crow. But when i last re watched it all i really remember is that it's not great and pretty cringe

darakan , (edited ) in Peter Jackson Working on New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Films for Warner Bros., Targeting 2026 Debut

Oh man, please be good. I'm feeling the beginnings of some hype.

Edit: Okay so I actually read the article. Doesn't seem like Peter Jackson is actually going to be directing (at least not yet). And the first movie is about Gollum . Hype levels have plummeted. I have faith that they'll try to do their best but man I really hate how they've approached this franchise. More and more I think Christopher Tolkein was right when he talked about negative aspects about the mass commercialization of his father's work.

_sideffect ,

We really need a return to LOTR greatness (not the hobbit)

FunderPants ,

Well, the original trilogy is being returnd to theatre this summer.

bradorsomething ,

Good for a new generation to see it so they can compare it to the lukewarm mimic that will follow it.

kat_angstrom ,

Oh, perfect. The Gollum videogame was wonderful, and everyone loved it. Hopefully it's 3hrs of similar quality

Donjuanme , in Anyone else?

Jeffrey Dean Morgan?? How could anyone hate the Kentucky fried southerner from Seattle?? I stopped watching "the walking dead" before they got to his part. I started watching "the boys" because I hear he is joining the cast next season.

Give "Rampage" a shot and tell me you don't love that man.

SonicDeathTaco ,

Rampage is a way better movie than it has any business being. I talk it up to people all the time and they're always so understandably skeptical.

Donjuanme ,

So it's a video game movie, but a video game from the early days of video games, and it was loosely based on bad movies, literally there is no plot to the video game. It's Dwayne "the rock"Johnson playing Dwayne "the rock" Johnson as he always does, there's literally no depth to him or his character. There's a plot that's so rote and uninspired that you will never once be surprised at what comes next. There's jargon of every variety, accents way too far over the top, characters so 1 dimensional that paper would say they're thin.

And it's so damn good. It's "If I don't watch it at least once a year I feel something missing inside of my". You will quote it, you will laugh with it, you will vibe with it. It doesn't set out to redefine anything, but it does "rampage" so perfectly that it's a masterpiece.

It's a 90% movie for me, to 90% of the people I know in my life I would recommend it with confidence that they'll walk away happy with the recommendation. And those who I wouldn't recommend it to, I don't hold a grudge, it's not for everyone, but I also don't watch movies with them.

Related story: I remember the first time I learned of "rampage" the movie, I'm hugely anti-spoiler, I don't watch previews unless I'm probably not going to watch the movie. I don't remember which movie we were seeing in the theater, but we had our popcorn, we were there 5 minutes after the start time, the previews had just started (fuck movie theaters for this, and it's only gotten worse), I've ducked a couple previews already, and then I hear Dwayne Johnson say "George" and see a white gorilla, and I just about drop my popcorn, I turned to my wife and Said "there's no way this is what I think this is, I'm going to watch this whole damn thing, because there's no friggin way they made a movie with this source material". I've already written it off as 'yeah I'm not going to watch this, maybe I'll catch it on streaming'. By the end of the preview (which again, the movie is so damn by the numbers, it doesn't matter if you watch the preview, you know what you're getting from the title itself) not only was I excited, but my wife was "ok, we can watch that in the theater, what is the source material for it?" I explained it as "an early 90s arcade game with Godzilla, King Kong, and a werewolf climbing up buildings and knocking them down, just trying to wreck cities as fast as possible, for absolutely no reason but 'it's fun'". We saw it in the theater when it released, I hadn't watched any more previews for it, we walked away debating to see it a second time, or to just be happy with a day 1 streaming release purchase. I don't think we saw it a second time in the theater, that honorific is very rare (except in the time of movie-pass). Thanks for reliving that little nostalgia trip with me. I hope You've found much success in getting people to watch it, it's so much better than it had any right to be.

AceTKen , avatar

I can't believe that you have just convinced me to watch fucking Rampage.

Donjuanme ,

Please report back!

And buckle the eff up for the best indescribable experience you've ever had. I hope you walk away questioning if you ever knew how to judge if something was good, and if what you just saw was good, because damn you enjoyed it, but if it's good that means so much other shit might be good, but there's no way anything set up to be that shitty could ever be good again... Is it the exception that proves the rule, or does the rule need to be re-defined? But there's no way a Dwayne 'the rock'Johnson led movie could ever be rule defining, that would just be silly...

Anyways report back, even if you hated it! (I'll compensate you for time lost if you didn't enjoy it)

AceTKen , avatar

Full Report:
Acquired the movie right after we messaged.

My wife was working on our book and about ten minutes in wound up putting it down and watching it with me. This is notable because I haven't been able to convince her to watch known great movies with me. She will not watch Lord of the Rings and hasn't found the time to watch Edge of Tomorrow with me since release. She gives no fucks about any Godzilla or King Kong movies. This? Well... the moment the gorilla flipped off The Rock, we were in.

She had a hard out at 11 PM due to work, but requested I stop and watch the rest with her tomorrow. What the fuck kind of magic shit is this?

I don't know how to describe it. Maybe it's a bad movie very well told and sold by everyone involved? Everyone was likeable and seemed to be having fun. There were a bunch of solid actors in it we both knew from other things, and (most surprising of all) the comedy actually worked. I'd actually say it was probably one of the best 3 video game movies ever, and I've seen all but 2. I know that may not seem like a lot, but... 14 year old me loved Mortal Kombat at the time, so it's some kind of praise.

The Nick Cage movie "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" (and maybe also Drive Angry) is one of the only other movies in my collection that I consider in this camp. It's not great cinema, but it's a really awesome ride.

You sold it 100% accurately, and I really appreciate it!

Donjuanme ,

My wife says we saw the preview before Jurassic world 2, and it was the best thing that was on the screen that night.

I just had her read this thread and we're watching it again this Friday!

How does it do that? "It's a big arm".

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, it may have just become my life's goal to bring as many people as possible to experience it for themselves. Loved hearing about your (and your wife's) experience!!

AceTKen , avatar

Just as an FYI, I'm a mod of the sub !actual_discussion

Based on our interaction, I've made our new Weekly Thread. You may be able to snag a few more converts... Your post was great and you could always repost it in the thread if you'd care to!

MonkderDritte , in Peter Jackson Working on New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Films for Warner Bros., Targeting 2026 Debut

But why? LOTR was legendary. Can it be more than a disapointment?

littlebluespark , avatar

We're about to find out... 😶‍🌫️

M500 ,

That’s how I feel about them making Harry pet into sTV series.

It was cat print well and most characters will be hard to replace. I can’t imagine it not completely bombing.

doctordevice ,

That’s how I feel about them making Harry pet into sTV series.
It was cat print well and most characters will be hard to replace. I can’t imagine it not completely bombing.

Are you doing okay?

Riven , avatar

I'm looking forward to it actually. I hate when they reboot a solid series in the same format but a show is longer form and different enough that it could be interesting. I'm always interested in different takes of existing media, give me Harry potter show but it's in the view point of secondary characters just living through it.

As hated as it is I appreciate the Velma TV rendition of scooby doo. I want more of that, give me alternative takes on media that exists IF you want to reboot them. We don't need more batman or superman movie reboots, but I appreciate Joaquín pheonixs the joker. Shame that the sequel is a juke box musical and not an original soundtrack musical.

Blaze , in Peter Jackson Working on New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Films for Warner Bros., Targeting 2026 Debut avatar

Wait, which timeframe are they going to cover?

MelastSB ,

The Rings of Power's, hopefully

aleph , (edited ) avatar

But do it properly this time. No wizards or halflings in the Second Age, thank you very much.

morphballganon ,

Uh, weren't the blue wizards around in the 2nd age?

aleph , avatar

Nope. Canonically, the blue wizards arrived around the same time as their more famous brothers, early in the Third Age.

morphballganon ,

According to the later writings retconned this, and they arrived in Middle-Earth in the 2nd age.

aleph , avatar

That's true, however that was more or less a footnote and not something that featured in the published works. Hence why I said 'canonically', as in 'going by the books'.

I think it would have been fine for the RoP writers to have The Stranger be a blue wizard on this basis, though.

maegul Mod , (edited ) avatar

I was ok with the wizard, just don’t make it Gandalf for nostalgia, stick to the blue wizards as that’s actually canon and interesting and expansive to the lore.

I’m pretty sure the rings of power writers thought they could easily get away with combining the blue wizards with Gandalf, but I think it’s just too confusing for regular fans and too wrong for nerds.

A new wizard though, one mentioned by Gandalf in films? That can work!

aleph , (edited ) avatar

Yeah, same. The blue wizards would have been doable from a lore perspective, and would have been ripe for exploration seeing as they have so little known about them. But no, the RoP writers had to have their Gandalf + Hobbit to fill their nostalgia quota, of course.

The "always follow your nose" 'reveal' was the final nail in the RoP coffin for me.

maegul Mod , avatar

When they had the “always follow your nose” “reveal” , that was the final nail in the RoP coffin for me.

Oh yea. I loudly groaned when it happened. My partner watching with me isn’t as much of a LoTR nerd as I do I had to explain it to them I was so loud.

I’m actually still hoping that it was a bit of a fun tease and even a way to test the waters with the fan base on whether they should make it Gandalf. It’d be perfectly fine and even a little fun if it’s a “nice” wizard thing to say and think given that bodies and smells might be entirely new to maiar.

aleph , avatar

Yeah, the potential is there for another audience fakeout, but I think it's highly unlikely. Their target demographic is a mass audience who enjoyed the Jackson movies but aren't hardcore fans of the books. To these fans, as you said, a blue wizard would be too much of a head-scratcher.

maegul Mod , avatar

That’s kinda what I’d heard as a rumour elsewhere, that this is in part being pushed by Amazon doing the rings of power.

Who owns what rights though?

If Warner Bros own rights to the Silmarillion, then this gets interesting and they’ve got my attention.

Sure the hobbit was money grabbing trash, but the Silmarillion is fantasy in the end (so yay) and not something easily stretched out into garbage as it poses the opposite challenge like LotR. Could work out.

aleph , avatar

The project is named The Hunt for Gollum, which implies it will be in the Third Age, between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

In the books, Gandalf mentioned that he and Aragorn tracked Gollum for quite some time during this period, so presumably it will feature these characters as well.

Thcdenton , in Peter Jackson Working on New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Films for Warner Bros., Targeting 2026 Debut


Maven , in [Discussion thread] Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes avatar

I'm very excited for this. My BF and I watched all the planet of the apes movies recently and then saw a trailer for this right after! Perfect timing for us!

Emperor Mod , in [IJustWatched] Blade Runner 2049. What do you think about it? avatar

I watched it in the cinema a few months back and what struck me was that this one of those few films that really must be seen on the biggest possible screen - the great Turner-esque swathes of colour, the swooping cityscapes, the soundtrack, etc all come together beautifully in that setting.

snekerpimp , in Peter Jackson Working on New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Films for Warner Bros., Targeting 2026 Debut

Just leave it be… Stop trying to capture lightning in a bottle again…. Would love to see him go back to horror/gore/dark comedy. A “Braindead” remake?

illi , (edited ) in Peter Jackson Working on New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Films for Warner Bros., Targeting 2026 Debut

I can't help but to be hyped for this. I know, I know... Hobbit. But still!

Edit: aaaaand it's hunt for Gollum. But still choosing to be careful optimist. Though I assume reacasting Aragorn will be necessary and whoever it will be will have some huuuge boots to fill.

autotldr Bot , in Peter Jackson Working on New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Films for Warner Bros., Targeting 2026 Debut

This is the best summary I could come up with:

On Warner Bros. Discovery’s first-quarter earnings conference call on Thursday, CEO David Zaslav said that the company is “now in the early stages of script development” for new Lord of the Rings movies, which he says they “anticipate releasing in 2026” and will “explore storylines yet to be told.”

Zaslav says that director Peter Jackson and his longtime writing partners Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens “will be involved every step of the way.”

“Lord of the Rings is one of the most successful and revered franchises in history and presents a significant opportunity for our theatrical business,” Zaslav said.

As The Hollywood Reporter noted at the time, Amazon is also developing its own larger TV universe for the franchise, potentially leading to the two competitive visions.

The news that Jackson, Boyens and Walsh will be involved in the new film franchise (even if only as producers) is sure to calm any concerns from loyal fans.

The original film trilogy, which won a slew of Oscars, will be returning to theaters this summer, remastered and extended.

The original article contains 247 words, the summary contains 175 words. Saved 29%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

guyrocket , in [IJustWatched] Blade Runner 2049. What do you think about it? avatar

I also saw it in the theater. So tragic that it did so poorly in theatres.

Visually stunning. There are some amazing looking scenes, standout being the huge holographic woman.

Tragic storytelling. These poor goddamn replicants who are so close to human.

Fascinating characters both real and virtual.

Instant classic. Different from the original and both better and worse.

I own this on blue ray. Thanks for the reminder, I need to rewatch both of these awesome films.

Nachorella , in [IJustWatched] Blade Runner 2049. What do you think about it?

I really liked it, I thought it was a terrific sequel and brought a lot of interesting new ideas to the table - the girlfriend in particular. I still think the original is a better film, though, 2049 felt a little unfocused and Leto's character was nowhere near Roy Batty.

darkphotonstudio , in [IJustWatched] Blade Runner 2049. What do you think about it?

The storyline with Jared Leto (also the weakest aspect) goes nowhere. I think it falls apart in the end. Visually great but pointless. It felt like a waste of time.

Blaze OP , avatar

Indeed. I had even forgotten his character existed.

darkphotonstudio ,

Idk how the guy keeps getting cast in stuff. I don't hate him but he's just not that compelling as an actor. And has he been in anything successful?

JowlesMcGee , avatar

He was Paul Allen in American Psycho, though I don't know how successful that was at release.

mihnt , avatar
Skua , (edited )

Heavy spoilers ahead for anyone who is, for some reason, in this thread having not seen it

Obviously you're 100% entitled to feel however you feel about the movie, but I am a little confused by this. Wallace (Leto's character) was the driving force behind basically the entire film. K got accidentally wrapped up in Wallace's attempt to find the replicant child. That's what Dave Bautista's character was hiding at the start, it's why Luv went to capture Deckard, and learning about it is what ultimately motivated K to go rescue Deckard in the end.

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