mondoweiss , avatar

Activists establish protest camp outside Antony Blinken’s home as demonstrations escalate against the Biden administration

Activists are camped outside Antony Blinken’s home to bring the call for a Gaza ceasefire directly to the Secretary of State’s doorstep. The protest is part of an escalating wave of protest directed squarely at the Biden administration.

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

cdonat , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza

Simple: hand over all hostages, murderers, rapists, and weapons. Then Israel will end hostilities.

Keep hostages, and Israel will liberate them. Keep murderers, and rapists, and Israel will hunt them down. Keep weapons, and Israel will destroy them. And it will do these things with all its might. Simple as that.

argumento , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel excuse me good sir, after 25 thousand civilian deaths, 11,500 of them children, 50% of Gaza's buildings damaged or destroyed, 36 hospitals out of service, and a famine looming, how many hostages has the IDF liberated?

Besides, you know, the ones they liberated by negotiations with Hamas.

louis , avatar

@argumento @cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Where are you getting that civilian death count from? That is a total death count.

Hamas does not distinguish between civilians and fighters in their death counts, since they consider every Palestinian disposable in their eternal fight against Israel.

argumento , avatar

@louis @cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel my friend, the ones that consider any Palestinian as expendable are the IDF, as the ample evidence in mass executions and torture, provided both by press on the ground and by the IDF itself via gore telegram channels, proves beyond any doubt.

On the other hand, since Hamas and the rest of the Palestinian resistance are precisely that, a resistance movement, and not a formal army, I have no complaints with the way Gaza's health auth. count the deaths

cdonat , avatar

@louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

Do you have any proof of these claimed mass executions and torture? Show it!

Hamas is not a "resistance movement", but a terror group. BTW.: the "statistics" from Hamas still include the invented casualties from the claimed "attack" on the al Ahli hospital. You remember? The one, where their own rocket came down, and destroyed a few cars in a parking lot.

argumento , avatar
cdonat , avatar

@louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

You're aware, that AlJazeera is a Hamas propaganda outlet?

argumento , avatar

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

No, that's a false assumption. A bigoted one to boot. Al Jazeera is funded by the Qatari state, and follows it's interests, in the same way the BBC follows the UK political interests. It is a serious news source, as serious as many others. The claim that it's "Hamas'" equates to saying the Qatari State is subservient to Hamas, which is an unrealistic claim.

cdonat , avatar

@louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

BBC actually doesn't follow UKs political interest. Not that they're doing everything perfect, but they're not at all a political instrument.

Quatar is where the Hamas leadership enjoys safe and comfortable hospitality. Quatar is one of the very few international supporters Hamas has. Quatar uses AlJazeera to spread Hamas propaganda.

GeriatricGardener , avatar

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

Hey Christof.

If you think the “doesn’t follow the UK’s political interests” then imo you need to stand in front of a mirror and give yourself a very good talking to!

Use words like: “I am an idiot”; or “I have been completely duped”! Repeat them over and over …

Given where you seem to be coming from in relation to and I challenge you (but I bet you won’t) to read the full article (referenced below) from which I’ve extracted this short quote:

“The ’s Idea of Impartiality is a Balance Between the & the : When the 's Director General Tim says ‘We are absolutely driven by a passion for impartiality’ it’s like Hitler saying he was driven by a passion for Jews”

cdonat , avatar

@GeriatricGardener @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

I've written, that the BBC is independent. I've never claimed it to be impartial. On the other hand AlJazeera isn't independent, and therefore never even tries to pretend to be impartial. AlJazeera doesn't even hide the fakt, that they currently are acting as a Hamas propaganda outlet.

GeriatricGardener , avatar

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

But Christiof, the #BBC is neither “independent” nor “impartial”!

It messaging wants us to believe that it’s independent and impartial, but when you look closely, its role as an amplifier of state propaganda becomes clear!

Here’s a good quote for you to chew on:

“[Historian] AJP Taylor wryly remarked, [former BBC Director General from 1927 Lord] #Reith had ‘managed to preserve the technical independence of the BBC by suppressing news which the government did not want published. This set a pattern for the future: the vaunted independence of the BBC was secure so long as it was NOT exercised."

Also the late, great journalist John #Pilger imo hit the nail on the head when he said;

“The greatest #propaganda institute in #Britain is the BBC. It is that because it has the greatest reputation. It has the greatest credibility. It has a worldwide reputation. Some of it earned. In news and current affairs, almost none of it earned. And I don’t say that again satirically. So this idea that we concentrate on the demons, Murdoch , the Daily Mail (bad enough), because in a way the Mail and the BBC compliment each other and they all follow each other. …It’s about understanding that spectrum of propaganda and how it affects all of us.”


cdonat , avatar

@louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento @GeriatricGardener

The whole discussion started with my claim, that AlJazeera is a Hamas propaganda outlet. Your strong focus on BBC tells me, that you agree with that statement. Otherwise you'd have some reasoning about AlJazeera, wouldn't you?

GeriatricGardener , avatar

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

…. As to your view of : again I think you’re being deliberately naive if you think AJ is acting as a propaganda outfit!

No media organisation is totally unbiased but imo AJ does the best job it can in the circumstances to highlight the plight of & to tell its viewers about the amazing resistance that Hamas is putting up against a vastly more powerful military force! Nothing wrong with that imo - unless you’re an Israeli censor who wants to keep the IDF’s barbarity out of the public eye!

On the other hand, you seem to imply that all the pro-Israel western media almost without exception aren’t acting as propaganda outlets for Israel and the ? Is that truly what you believe?

Reality is all Wrstern corporate Vichy media are suppressing (a) most/ all stories about the true scale of the suffering being inflicted by the IDF against civilians + (b) amplifying Israeli lies about Hamas resistance etc + (c) suppressing any/ all evidence that Hamas is absolutely giving the IDF a complete battering!

I watch AJ and read Palestine Chronicle @palestinechron for my news of what’s really happening in Gaza/ West Bank/ Northern Israel - maybe you should be a little less blinkered by your “Israel do or die” mentality and do the same!

cdonat , avatar

@louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento @palestinechron @GeriatricGardener

Sorry, the "amazing resistance that Hamas is putting up" includes burning Babies alife, raping and beheading children, and other very "heroic" acts. Maybe you want to extend your news gathering to also see, what the other side says. I do, and that's why I know, that AlJazeera is just spilling Hamas propaganda.

GeriatricGardener , avatar

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento @palestinechron

Hey again Christof. Check your facts man! Those accusations have been totally debunked by a wide array of media - including Israel-supporting corporate media!

None. Of. That. Happened! It was all Israeli bullshit!

For those like you sitting at the back I repeat:

None. Of. That. Happened! It was all Israeli hasbara bullshit!


cdonat , avatar
GeriatricGardener , avatar

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento @palestinechron

They’re all out there you twat! Look them up yourself! I assume you’re able to use Google or equivalent?

cdonat , avatar

@louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento @palestinechron @GeriatricGardener

So you have no reputable sources to quote. I've expected that.

There's a clear definition of genozide in the UN "Convention on the Prevention an Punishment of the Crime of Genocide". Gaza doesn't match the required intent as in Atricle II. The October attacks do match.

faab64 ,

Someone is still stuck in the lies of early days of post October 7

includes burning Babies alife, raping and beheading children,

Every single one of those have been proven false and fabricated by Jewish extremists acting as aid workers.

Unbelievable that people like you still repeating those outrageous lies.
@argumento @louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron

cdonat , avatar

@argumento @louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @faab64

I'm sure, that at least you have reputable sources. Up to now, there was only one reputable source, that stated something different, than claimed: they have no proof, that a specific claim (40 beheaded children at Kfar Aza) happened. No proof, that no children beheading hapened at all.

GeriatricGardener , avatar
cdonat , avatar

@argumento @louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @palestinechron @faab64 @Declassified_UK @GeriatricGardener

"Hamza Ali Shah is a British-Palestinian writer and journalist whose work focuses on Palestine." I'm sure, that this is going to be a very balanced article. </sarcasm>

Have a look at his other publications and understand, why he's not a reputable source.

GeriatricGardener , avatar
Newcanuk , avatar

@GeriatricGardener @cdonat @argumento @louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @faab64 @Declassified_UK I blocked cdonat some time ago. (Can’t see his side of conversation but I can guess) Maybe I should’ve reported as well. They’re a troll.

Newcanuk , avatar

@GeriatricGardener @argumento @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @faab64 @Declassified_UK I can see now I’ve also blocked this Luis poster. Trolls working together perhaps ?!?!?

GeriatricGardener , avatar
faab64 ,

I'm sure anyone not on payroll of IDF is not "reputable" for you.

@argumento @Declassified_UK @louis @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @palestine @israel @mondoweiss

argumento , avatar

@cdonat @louis @palestine @palestinechron @faab64

Any pro Palestinian source or writer you deem "not reputable". Why are you even here? You clearly have chosen a side, you side with Israel's genocide. Any information that counters your bias you discard as propaganda or "nor reputable", but you take the IDF or Western media as reputable in spite of them being as biased as you.

Tell me, do you know who Noam Chomsky is? Who Ben Bagdikian is?

faab64 ,


He is a narcissist asshole troll

@cdonat @louis @palestinechron @palestine

Radixi , avatar


Do you remember the lie about the babies in Kuweit?
The "Nayirah-testimony" should legitimate "Operation Desert Storm"

And is was a tragedy for the Palestinian people:

@cdonat @argumento @louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @palestinechron @faab64 @Declassified_UK

faab64 ,

Well for people like you, anyone who doesn't act as the megaphone of IDF and spread their lies, anyone who humanizess Palestinians, anyone who doesn't self censor outrageous and racist speeches and comments by Israeli officials and military, is not reliable.

Self ignorance is not curable. And it's just unbelievable that you actually believe in the nonsense you post.

Israel just put a gag order and 5 years prison term for anyone questioning the official narrative.

I am sure they have absolutely nothing to hide, specially not related to Hannibal Directive and the use of IDF tanks and apache helicopters to prevent any Palestinian or Israeli hostages to reach gaza no matter what the cost.

Something that resulted in burned bodies of Israelis in the kibbutz and 100s of deaths at the music festival, including the world famous image of burned out cars that could have only happened with a bomb significantly larger than anything Hamas could carry or used on October 7.
@argumento @louis @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @palestine @israel @mondoweiss

cdonat , avatar

@argumento @louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @faab64

That's just plain peversal of blame.

I have a lot of sympathy for the palestinian people, but not for Hamas. Ceterum censeo Hamas esse delendam.

faab64 ,

It is visible how much sympathy you have

I am sure you think all the 26000 Palestinians killed by IDF and the 14000 missing were all legitimate targets and Hamas supporters or members.

@argumento @louis @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @palestine @israel @mondoweiss

cdonat , avatar

@argumento @louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @faab64

Those numbers are Hamas claims. We simply have no reliable numbers.

argumento , avatar

@cdonat @louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @faab64

those are the best numbers we have, and by all means it's a conservative figure. Why do you keep doubting them? You think they are exaggerated? By how much? Would it be any different if instead of 26 K it was 25 or 27? Tens of thousands have been murdered by Israel, that's bad enough.

cdonat , avatar

@louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @faab64 @argumento

If the best numbers are worthless, we have no numbers. That's what I said.

How much suffering is the destruction of Hamas worth? Well, less, than they would have harmed. They've been taking all of the Gaza strip hostage, and indoctrinating their children.

faab64 ,

@cdonat @argumento @louis @mondoweiss @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron Oh, Gaza is hostage by Hamas, and not but IDF who turned it into the world's largest concentration camp and used it for target practice in the past 18 years.

argumento , avatar

@cdonat @louis @palestine @israel @mondoweiss @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @faab64

The numbers aren't worthless. Gaza's Health Authorities have a years long prestige in giving accurate numbers. It's just your racism and your bias speaking. You jump to conclusions and asume Hamas lies because you don't like them, and on the other hand you also assume the Western media and governments don't lie because you like them. You lack criteria.

donaldball , avatar

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento You’re a fucking bigot and a liar.

cdonat , avatar

@louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento @donaldball

Thank you for the impresive, elaborate discussion of your opinion. Would you want to add any reasons, or maybe even refer to some source, to back it?

donaldball , avatar

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento No, I’n going to tell you to get fucked, then block your bigotry.

mondoweiss OP , avatar

@donaldball @cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

Everyone can take it down a notch in the replies. We will block people for personal attack comments here. Do that on Twitter. Be nicer here.

morpheo , avatar

wow. a sealion, sealioning. how utterly unexpected.

@louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

nathaliaassaad , avatar

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento
Another Fox News “latest news”!

morpheo , avatar

let's counter that with: Israel is not a state, but an apartheid terror regime on stolen land. As proven by their own documentation.

@louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

gwit , avatar

@morpheo @cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento i feel like this assumes states cant be terrorist colonialist empires which is just untrue. Israel is still a state.

morpheo , avatar


Yeah, I just got pissed of at the lies, so the counter was partly in the same spirit.

@cdonat @louis @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

ruikubla , avatar

@louis @argumento @cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel another nazi asshole! Ignorant, stupid and accomplice in crimes against humanity perpetrated by nazi like Israel government. Block.

cdonat , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

The number of 25k deaths is a Hamas claim. There are no reliable numbers available. These numbers are hugely inflated, and additionaly Hamas counts its own fighters as "civilians", when they're under 18 as "children".

And guess, why Hamas agreed to negotiate in the first place? Only, because Isral is beating the shit out of them. Otherwise they'd never have agreed to negotiate.

argumento , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

This reply is so similar to the one JustCare gave that it has me wondering if you read the same press or from the same script.

The 25 thousand figure is the best figure available, and the numbers the Gaza Health Authorities provide have been proven correct in the past. It is a conservative figure, as thousands of bodies remain under the rubble, and as it doesn't count deaths from illness or others.

cdonat , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

"Gaza Health Authorities" is Hamas. They've been cought before to inflate numbers, count Hams fighters as "civilians", often als "children", etc. Throwing a dice is a better source to estimate the deaths, than Hamas. The only thing they tell us is, that it wasn't more.

argumento , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Please provide proof of your claim. When did Gaza's Health Authorities inflated numbers and who claims so. Thank you.

cdonat , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

E.g. they still count the invented "500 deaths" from the "attack" on the al ahli hospital, that never happened. What actually happend is, that one of their rockets fell down there and destroyed several cars in a parking lot. You 25k include these 500, they've never been discounted.

argumento , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel So your only proof to say Gaza's Health Authorities inflate numbers is a debunked claim by the IDF that they didn't bomb Al Ahli?

That doesn't seem very serious. It appears to me that the only basis of your claim is Israeli war propaganda.

Israel is an Apartheid State and is suspected of plausibly committing a genocide by the world's top Court. It's not a serious source of information.

cdonat , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento

Al Ahli was never bombed by Israel. There only was a misfired Hams rocket:

HRW is not known to be particulary Israel friendly.

donaldball , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento Flagrant, bigoted lies.

donaldball , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento This is a wretched, self-serving lie. In prior genocidal actions by the Israeli state, the Gaza health ministry’s figured have been independently verified. The only reason to doubt them now is to excuse genicide.

donaldball , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento For anyone who’s not a total fuckwit and may want some credible references to guide their thinking:

donaldball , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel @argumento One could also read the ICJ case. It’s damning.

Radixi , avatar
louis , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Just as a heads-up, replying to Mondoweiss doesn't go anywhere. It's a bot account posting their pro-Hamas RSS feed.

cdonat , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel @louis

THanks, I didn't know that.

mondoweiss OP , avatar

@louis @cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Wrong on both accounts.

stinky ,

@louis @cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Haven't seen MW post anything 'pro hamas', also Israel has repeately rejected any kind of deal to get a ceasefire in exchange for hostages #CNN #Israel

ruikubla , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
"liberate them"!!! Stupid, IDF killed their own hostages, waving a white flag with arms up!!! Israel couldn't care less about the hostages, the genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity is their motivation. You're an asshole, accomplice in genocide and crimes against humanity, I wish you the same as the heroic Palestinian people is suffering, mother f*cker.

ruikubla , avatar
cdonat , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel @ruikubla

When you want to see, where the Nazis are, ask the Jews.

ruikubla , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel block! there's no place in society for nazis like you, fuck of

mitzienscene , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel remember when the IDF shot three hostages who were begging for help in Hebrew? Don't pretend y'all care about hostages or innocent lives

nathaliaassaad , avatar

@cdonat @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
Straight from Fox News!

WayneKoberstein , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

And this is how the US will divide itself into electing a fascist regime instead of leaders who listen and learn.

Where were these people when Trump tried to ban Muslims from the country?

He’s still promising to do it.

martinvermeer , avatar
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