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@argumento@hispagatos.space avatar



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DropBear , to palestine group
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

As Miko Peled observed, Israel and Palestine are the same place. He believes that Jews and Arabs can live together peacefully. That may be true, but by all appearances, it's true of probably less than 20% of the population. The remaining 80% would need to be homed elsewhere.

Palestine is sacred to more than Judaism and Islam. Ideally, I'd like to see it established as World Heritage. Protected by the world at large and thus needing no armed forces. I can dream, can't I?

What of the other 80%? Netanyahu advocates a state in Sinai for Palestinians, so let's make that two states. I think of them as sanatoria. Unarmed and heavily guarded, to protect them from each other and the world from them.

Plus a couple of very large prisons.

Below: cartoon by David Pope, "The Echidna" newsletter, 7 June 2024

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  • argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @DropBear @palestine @israel

    So basically you believe in colonialism, and that the indigenous population shouldn't be allowed to decide their own fate.

    faab64 , to palestine group

    Israeli Jewish-supremacist Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir: "Every house in has a picture of Al-Aqsa Mosque. We must break into their holiest site."

    Why isn't this monster sanctioned by the western leaders? How far does he need to go before they take action against this JewishLKK leader?

    Can we treat this monster like holocaust deniers at least?or is it too much to ask?

    @palestine @israel

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @Arthur_500 @faab64 @palestine @israel bro, it was the Romans who destroyed the temple, centuries before Mohammed was born. You're just exposing your ignorance and islamophobia.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel I'm from Mexico. Almost all the important churches built in colonial times were built on top of prehispanic religious centers ("pyramids"). The main cathedral in Mexico city was built atop the so called "Major Temple" (temple mayor) and there are some churches, like the one at Cholula, where you can see the base of the "pyramid" beneath the catholic church.

    mondoweiss , to palestine group
    @mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

    Joe Biden's claim that Hamas’s October 7 attacks were “driven by ancient desire to wipe out the Jewish people" is ahistorical and dangerous. In fact, Jewish history shows that antisemitism is a Western problem.


    @palestine @israel

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @RememberUsAlways @palestine @israel

    Yet it's not Mondoweiss who's trolling every port on Palestine. Interesting.

    faab64 , to palestine group

    According to a Senior Israeli Defense Official, the Order has now been given to the #IDF Northern Command and other Forces in Northern #Israel to Expand Military Operations against #Hezbollah in Southern #Lebanon.

    #Netanyahu will set the region on fire before leaving office.

    This war criminal have to be stopped.

    @palestine @israel

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel

    Terrible and suicidal news. The IDF could face a serious defeat if they invade south Lebanon. My fear is that Netanyahu will try everything to expand the war until it involves the US directly.

    appassionato , to palestine group
    @appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

    Netanyahu’s coalition would still have 64 seats out of 120 if Gantz pulls out over the handling of the war on Gaza.

    “Therefore, we’re doomed to continue with this bloody war. A majority of Israelis support the continuation of the war. A very tiny minority is disturbed by the horrible scenes in Gaza.”

    Gideon Levy


    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @appassionato @palestine

    The point you're missing, Tzafrir, is that Israel is a racist apartheid State, where children are thought to be fearful of and hate Arabs, and that's the origin of your horrid far right wing politicians like Itamar Ben-Gvir or Betzalel Smotrich, and that's why Bibi the Butcher is perceived by parts of the Israeli society as a "centrist". Hence Gideon Levi's short lived "support" for Netanyahu.

    The only way to "fix" a colonial settler State is to dismantle it.

    faab64 , to palestine group

    US military have given up repairing the floating pear they built for "humanitarian aid transport".

    Not a single bag of flour, medicine or water was distributed to Palestinians from the $320M fiasco.

    It's just unbelievable. The worst scam of this war.

    @palestine @israel

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @escarpment @faab64

    The pier is nothing but an alibi for the USA support of genocide, both after AND before October 7.

    mondoweiss , to israel group
    @mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

    Joe Biden continues to fully support the Gaza genocide because he does not believe it will hurt him politically, and because he has no empathy for the Palestinians. This is the same arrogance that brought down LBJ over the Vietnam war.


    @palestine @israel

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @derfwhapper @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    After a while, if the only "good thing" you can say about Biden is "he's not Trump", not only it becomes boring, you aren't helping Biden much.

    Sherifazuhur , to israel group
    @Sherifazuhur@sfba.social avatar
    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @somekindahate3 @h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

    "Communism doesn't work because it doesn't make profits for the shareholders. Also, communism is very prone to fail due to its tendency to have CIA backed coups".

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 @somekindahate3 ROFL, have you heard about Pinochet, Videla, Suharto, Batista, Somoza? You only mind mass killings when it's your crowd?

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar
    bifouba , to palestine group
    @bifouba@kolektiva.social avatar

    If anyone has even a remotely credible argument or evidence that the Palestinian response to the Nakba and occupation would have been any different in practice if Israel claimed to be a Zoroastrian or Taoist or Rastafarian state, let's hear it.

    @palestine #palestine #nakba #intifada

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @bifouba @palestine Pretty sure a Rastafarian theocracy would be too stoned to expel anyone from their lands.

    🎵 I was going to fund an ethnostate on someone else's land
    and then I got high
    and then I got high 🎶

    argumento , to palestine group
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar
    faab64 , to israel group

    This is just priceless.

    I'm sure the US congress will grant them a few more billions of dollars.

    @palestine @israel

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar


    Itamar Ben-Gvir is Hamas employee of the month, he has recruited everyone into Hamas, from Abu Mazen to Joe Biden.

    argumento , to israel group
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    #Fact: #Israel has murdered more 7 October hostages than Hamas, who by the way hasn't murdered a single one.

    Fact: Hamas has already agreed to a ceasefire deal that would free all hostages.

    Fact: Israel's reply to Hamas agreement to free all hostages was to invade #Rafah and murder even more people, while expelling all the refugees (over a million) to inhabitable areas without water, electricity or food.

    #Palestine #Gaza @palestine @israel

    argumento OP ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @railmeat @palestine @israel

    Israel invaded Palestine and carried out an ethnic cleansing in 1948 and a genocide today. Had Israel kept to its word in the Oslo agreements, there would be no Hamas.

    argumento , to palestine group
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    Hani Qishta, a seven months old infant that was born under Israeli onslaught, died today in the Zionist attack in

    Source and graphical video: https://t.me/QudsNen/104947


    argumento , to palestine group Spanish
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    Quds News Network: Israeli media report that Israel has committed to the United States and Egypt that a private American security company will assume management of the Rafah border crossing after the Israeli army concludes its attack.

    To which the Popular Front replyed: "Any presence of non-Palestinian parties at the Rafah Crossing, we will deal with it as an occupation force and it will be a legitimate target for resistance."



    argumento OP ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar
    argumento , to israel group Spanish
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    Way before Hamas was a thing, back in the 70s or 60s, Israel, and western media for that matter, were already branding the Palestinians as "terrorists". Basically the west calls Palestinians "terrorists" whenever they fight back.

    The PLO and Al Fatah were called terrorists, and they are secular nationalist movements. Anyone is called a terrorist but the terrorizing, apartheid Israeli regime.

    @palestine @israel

    argumento OP ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @palestine @israel

    The actions of the Popular Front in the 70's were acts of heroism.

    argumento , to israel group
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    took the hostages, but the one who's murdering them in cold blood is the regime.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    IDF have invaded the border with Egypt and they shared videos of rheir tanks destroying art pieces of "I ❤️ Gaza".

    I'm sure it's a perfect normal behavior of Israeli "defense" forces" in their fight against .

    Videos available here:

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel

    "Hamas was hiding there"

    argumento , to israel group Spanish
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    People defending Israel are morally bankrupt.

    But they are not financially bankrupt, since they are probably being paid for it!

    @israel @palestine #Palestine #Gaza #FreePalestine

    argumento , to israel group
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    never gave a fuck about the hostages.

    For the Netayahu regime, the hostages are worth more dead than alive, since they being dead "proves" that "Hamas is bad", while they returning alive would mean that Israel no longer has any reason to continue their onslaught.

    @palestine @israel

    argumento OP ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @violetmadder @palestine @israel As was already the case with the first hostages freed.

    gee8sh , to random
    @gee8sh@mastodon.online avatar

    Given #Google's unwavering support for #Israel and its genocidal apparatus, I am thinking of starting to transition out of its ecosystem.

    It's gonna be challenging, primarily because I use an Android smartphone, and because I have been using a Gmail account for ages.

    I welcome your tips!


    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @PeterLG @GregDance @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @hanscees @DropBear @sentient_water @gee8sh @palestine @israel

    Terribly sorry to inform you that Gaza is not a State. Not only the USA vetoed Palestine's recognition as a member State of the UN recently, and Netanyahu has vocally opposed a Palestinian State, Gaza is a small strip of land surrounded by Israel on all sides but the Rafah crossing. It's been described as an "open air prison" and "the world's largest concentration camp".

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @PeterLG @GregDance @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @hanscees @DropBear @sentient_water @gee8sh @palestine @israel

    No, that's a lie. Gaza was, and still is, an occupied territory. This is not just my opinion, the UN special rapporteur, and international law, and international human rights associations, and academic text, all coincide in describing Gaza and the West Bank as occupied territories, even after Ariel Sharon's withdrawal from Gaza.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @PeterLG @GregDance @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @hanscees @DropBear @sentient_water @gee8sh @palestine @israel

    Don't change the subject, you PoS. Israel is committing a genocide, and they need to stop. The problem is not "a Hamas State in the Gaza strip". Hamas has already negotiated a cease fire with Qatari and Egyptian mediators, where they would vow to stop any attacks on Israel AND release all the hostages. Yet the Zionist onslaught continues. And yet, people like you defend it.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @PeterLG @GregDance @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @hanscees @DropBear @sentient_water @gee8sh @palestine @israel

    Are you reading out of a script, you looser? I just said HAMAS HAS ALREADY AGREED TO A CEASE FIRE. The same day Israel invaded Rafah and murdered over 40 people there.

    Itamar Ben Gvir and other high level politicians are openly asking for blood.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @PeterLG @Mary625 @gee8sh @palestine @israel @sentient_water @DropBear @hanscees @ThinkIsrael @GregDance

    None of that changes the fact that both Gaza and the West Banks are by no mean "States" but occupied territories, both under international law and by using the concepts coherently.

    Your claim that Gaza is a State, and that Hamas control over it is the problem has been disproved.

    You are still on denial over Hamas having accepted a ceasefire proposal.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @PeterLG @Mary625 @gee8sh @palestine @israel @sentient_water @DropBear @hanscees @ThinkIsrael @GregDance

    I'm not asking you what your opinion on the West Bank is, I'm telling you that both Gaza and the West Bank are occupied territories, not States or "de facto State".

    I'm also telling you Hamas agreed to a ceasefire proposal mediated by Egypt and Qatar, and that blood thirsty Israel's response was to start an assault in Rafah.

    I'm also telling you it's a genocide.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @israel @GregDance @DropBear @sentient_water @Mary625 @PeterLG @palestine @ThinkIsrael @gee8sh @hanscees

    The one that doesn't learn, not even when confronted with international law, international human right organizations, or even dictionary definitions is you Tzafrif.

    You are justifying a genocidal regime, which is the most bankrupt stance anyone can take.

    What do you have to say about the mass protests outside Netanyahu's house, asking him to accept the cease fire?

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @israel @GregDance @DropBear @sentient_water @Mary625 @PeterLG @palestine @ThinkIsrael @gee8sh @hanscees

    Rich now, as we speak, Israel is ensuring more hostages will be killed, not by Hamas but by their own mass bombing of Rafah. The Netanyahu regime has zero interest in bringing the hostages home alive. Yet YOU endorse said regime.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @israel @GregDance @DropBear @sentient_water @Mary625 @PeterLG @palestine @ThinkIsrael @gee8sh @hanscees

    Then explain your position on the protests against Netanyahu and for the hostages release.

    Do it, chicken shit.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @israel @GregDance @DropBear @sentient_water @Mary625 @PeterLG @palestine @ThinkIsrael @gee8sh @hanscees

    Did the cat got your tongue, you yellow coward? What do you have to say abut the thousands of Israelis demanding that Netayahu accepts the cease fire agreement, to which Hamas has already agreed, that would bring the surviving hostages back home?

    Do you think that the "right" answer to the hostage's families plight is to beat them up with police batons?

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @israel @GregDance @DropBear @sentient_water @Mary625 @PeterLG @palestine @ThinkIsrael @gee8sh @hanscees

    You can't explain because you value more the settler colonial Zionist project than the life of the hostages or their families.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @GregDance @Mary625 @sentient_water @PeterLG @palestine @DropBear @israel @ThinkIsrael @hanscees @gee8sh

    At the end of the day, the only argument Zionists have is "but Hamas".

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @skippy442 @HeavenlyPossum @GregDance @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @israel @hanscees @gee8sh @palestine @PeterLG @sentient_water @DropBear so you think it was OK to undermine secular, national liberation oriented, PLO and Al Fatah?

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar
    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @GregDance @sentient_water @palestine @DropBear @gee8sh @ThinkIsrael @PeterLG @hanscees @israel @Mary625 how many Fatah or PFLP leaders are in Israeli jails, or were murdered by Israel, way before Hamas was a thing, up to this moment? Israel has no desire of peace with Palestine or a two State solution, because it wants the whole of Palestine for their settler colonial project.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @skippy442 @HeavenlyPossum @GregDance @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @israel @hanscees @gee8sh @palestine @PeterLG @sentient_water @DropBear

    Neither Fatah, nor the PFLP, not even Hamas are "terrorists". They are national liberation movements and their violence is sanctioned by their right to fight colonial occupation.

    Now, answer me, who broke the Oslo accords? Who undermined Fatah's credibility by doing so? Who murdered Yasser Arafat?

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @skippy442 @HeavenlyPossum @GregDance @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @israel @hanscees @gee8sh @palestine @PeterLG @sentient_water @DropBear

    You're so confused you're answering to the wrong posts, you sore genocide apologist.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @Alexandrad1 @HeavenlyPossum @ThinkIsrael @GregDance @PeterLG @israel @hanscees @DropBear @palestine @Mary625 Gaza was called "the world largest open air prison" because what you call "well defined borders" in reality was a lockdown. Gaza never stopped being an occupied territory, and Israel attacked Gaza every other year, murdering hundreds in each attack.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @faab64 @GregDance @HeavenlyPossum @Alexandrad1 @palestine @israel @DropBear @Mary625 @hanscees @PeterLG @ThinkIsrael "autonomous State of Hezbollah", get out of here. You see States everywhere, but the fact is that your president Netanyahu is on record, more than once, saying he'll do anything in his power to stop a Palestinian State from ever being installed.

    Also, the borders with Syria are not " internationally recognizedx because Israel illegally annexed the Golan heights.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @faab64 @GregDance @HeavenlyPossum @Alexandrad1 @palestine @israel @DropBear @Mary625 @hanscees @PeterLG it Israel who is illegally occupying the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan heights. Israel illegally occupied the Sinai for years, and even published "maps of Israel" that included the Egyptian desert. Israel is a settler colonial State that encroaches and invades their neighbors since day one.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum @PeterLG @Alexandrad1 @GregDance @faab64 @tzafrir @israel @palestine @Mary625 @hanscees @ThinkIsrael @DropBear

    Yeah, the Charter of the UN establishes both the inviolability of territorial integrity of countries and people's right to self determination. Both were violated in 1948 in the Nakba/ "War of Independence", when Israel annexed up to 80% of Palestine. You could even argue that the original UN partition of Palestine was in violation of the UN Charter.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @HeavenlyPossum @PeterLG @Alexandrad1 @GregDance @faab64 @israel @palestine @Mary625 @hanscees @DropBear how convenient of you to hide the horrible massacre that was the Nakba with "the Arabs invaded", thankfully historians like Pappe or Benny Morris or Avi Shlaim have written about what really happened. You should read them, they are the foremost Israeli historians.

    argumento ,
    @argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

    @tzafrir @faab64 @GregDance @HeavenlyPossum @Alexandrad1 @palestine @israel @DropBear @Mary625 @hanscees @PeterLG the camp David agreements were violated when the IDF invaded Rafah and the Philadelphi corridor.

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