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aksdb , in Alabama inmate executed with nitrogen gas was ‘shaking violently’ for 22 minutes, witnesses say

I hope they investigate and publish details. Nitrogen was supposed to be painless - it's used for suicide capsules after all. So I wonder what went wrong here.

chaogomu ,

The asshats at the prison decided that nitrogen was a deadly poison and used a respirator setup that recirculated the exhaled CO2.

ShroOmeric , in Israeli officials accuse international court of justice of antisemitic bias

They turning the word "antisemitic" in a joke.

boyi ,

they overuse the term where at one point in the future, nobody will take the word seriously anymore.

awwwyissss ,

The boy who cried wolf, except in this case they're throwing innocent Jews around the world under the bus in order to defend their genocide.

hightrix ,

Turning? It’s fully turned. It has no meaning other than “something a jewish person doesn’t like”. That’s it. That’s all it means anymore.

rottingleaf ,

At this point I feel as if it had lost any meaning even when all parties of a conversation are Jewish.

I can't describe how disgusted I am by Israel throwing so much dirt on Jewish identity that had a noble flavor to it at some point.

IbnLemmy ,

Most antisemitic thing I've read all weak.

lustyargonian ,

That's sad. Hope you can read stronger soon.

IbnLemmy ,


light_mnemonic , (edited ) in Alabama inmate executed with nitrogen gas was ‘shaking violently’ for 22 minutes, witnesses say

This is normal in low-oxygen, low-CO2 hypoxia.

The patient is not conscious during these spasms, and feels no pain.

EDIT: Nitrogen hypoxia is an instant and painless death experience, because you pass out almost without conscious awareness, the same as if you go under the gas they have at the dentist while counting down from 10 and never remember getting to 1. The difference is that the body's death is very slow, as the body's tissues are deprived of oxygen and slowly run out of gas and stall out. As long as the patient continues to not spike in CO2, they will remain unconscious and unaware through the entire process - as necessary and brutal as it is to - you know - stop a body.

EDIT2: Exercise reasonable doubt when reading the comments below which are calling into question whether the patient 'gasped for air' or doubt for some reason that a mask is adequate. 1) The patient held their breath from the nitrogen intake as long as they could. This is the same as you sitting on a dentists chair refusing to inhale the gas. You will quickly suffer the normal heightened discomfort until your brain takes executive control and just makes you to inhale. The patient in this case brought their will right up against that reflex, a miserable experience and one in which I can't imagine it was a comfortable mental space to be in. Then the inhale reflex kicked in and they nearly instantly lost consciousness. Over the next hour or so their body slowly ceased function, without tripping any of the really scary nervous system alarms. Patient never woke up. 2) A mask is preferred in systems like this because of the inherent safety risk involved for the administers with invisible, body-encompassing volumes of nitrogen. A mask is also totally up to the task, as anyone who's been put down at the dentist can attest to. These masks also have multiple, multiple added redundancy features which help protect the air seal, as well as post-review-diagnostics. They're safe. The main concern in this situation is administer training, in the proper handling of the body's seizures such that the mask isn't somehow pried off.

themeatbridge ,

Except they said he was gasping for air. Nitrogen hypoxia wouldn't do that, because you'd still be exchanging CO2 and your body wouldn't recognize the lack of oxygen in the air.

Kecessa ,

Because they put a mask on him instead of filling the room with nitrogen.

Bunch of idiots.

7heo ,

Not idiots, it was very much an informed decision.

BakedGoods ,

Yup. Religious people are always fucking trash.

pennomi ,

AND he held his breath as long as he could to avoid inhaling. Really it should be done in a whole room like you said, and at a random time so as to avoid that stressful “last moment” struggle.

Preferably we don’t execute people at all, no matter how heinous their crimes.

thantik ,

Preferably we don’t execute people at all, no matter how heinous their crimes.

I have never understood this philosophy. Human lives are worth so fucking little. Culling ones that are cancerous to society is the same as treating an infected wound. We are not so divine that we somehow must never be removed. Not killing certain people just results in more innocent people being killed.

pennomi ,

I think life imprisonment is a perfectly reasonable, if expensive, solution.

Daxtron2 ,

Not killing certain people just results in more innocent people being killed.

literally what does this even mean.

thantik ,

You can't fathom how killing a serial killer would result in lives saved?

RealJoL ,

Keeping them in prison and/or psychiatric treatment would have the same effect.

thantik ,

Unless they kill someone in there too. Just kill them and be done with them. No need for us as a society to pump more resources into them. We need to be absolutely sure it was them, but I don't understand this wild need to keep someone alive simply because they're human.

Daxtron2 ,

You can't fathom how giving the state access to lethal means of punishment won't result in innocent people being killed?

thantik , (edited )

When you treat cancer, some healthy cells die as a result of treatment. It's unavoidable. You're proposing you just let it spread because might kill innocent cells. You can't see the forest for the trees here. The state having lethal means of punishment still allows us to put checks on the system to ensure this happens minimally. Individual human lives are worthless. Humans progression as a species overall might be worth something, however.

I'm sure you don't mind people having abortions, right? Reconcile those thoughts. If you're okay with abortions, you have to be okay with the state having access to lethal means of punishment. If you're not okay with the state having lethal means of punishment, then you should logically also not be okay with abortions.

They're somewhat separate subjects, but they also involve destroying a human life. My opinion on the matter is reconciled. I'm okay with women having the right to terminate a life inside of them, because it affects them for their entire life. Therefore, I'm also okay with the state punishing people who have ultimately had a negative life-changing effects on those around them, the same way a child might ruin the life of a woman who isn't ready for a child.

My beliefs are consistent. Are yours?

Daxtron2 ,

Comparing execution and medical care is hilarious. They are two fundamentally different concepts. You can write your diatribe to try and sound smart all you like, the fact remains that having lethal forms of punishment has, and will continue to, result in deaths of innocent people in the name of 'justice'.

thantik ,

In other words no. You hold hypocritical beliefs and you can't consolidate them. You may want to look inwards and try and understand why you make an argument for one and not the other. Consistency in your beliefs is what makes them worth listening to.

Daxtron2 ,

So if I don't support the death penalty I also have to not support removing tumours or skin cancer? Because those are both medical procedures that kill something. Your logic is flawed. Abortions and executions are not the same thing.

thantik ,

You're being disingenuous here...

Daxtron2 ,


Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

Wtf is wrong with you. Your cells aren't sentient, they're not actively experiencing living, so a few as collateral to save a life from cancer is fine.

Living, sentient humans are not okay to treat as collateral. I mean, I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate being killed as "collateral for the greater good" or whatever.

Where did you get your morals from??

cucumber_sandwich ,

Culling ones that are cancerous to society

Holy Holocaust, Batman!

thantik ,

Murderers, Rapists, etc you pearl-clutcher.

Sconrad122 ,

I'm not doubting anything your saying, but calling someone who is being murdered by the state the patient is icky, even if the methods being used are analogous to those used on patients who are receiving medical care. It also underlines the point that, of course the victim resisted because they were being killed, compared to a dental patient who is willingly undergoing a procedure they can expect to wake up from. Nitrogen hypoxia may be an effective way of administering a humane death to a willing participant, but in some ways giving a false perception of control to the victim (as long as I can hold my breath I won't die, as obviously futile as that may be) is undermining all of the considerations of physical discomfort that go into describing the process as humane

light_mnemonic ,

Agreed on all points. Patient seemed like the least-biased form of address, but these are situations were bias is very, very hard to overcome.

Gork , in Ecuadorian government seizes and destroys over 20 tonnes of cocaine

Authorities used a technique known as encapsulation to destroy the drug, pulverising the seized blocks with waste before mixing the resulting fine powder with cement, sand and glass.

Great, now the buildings are getting high.

n3m37h ,

Move over lead paint! Need me some of this good stuff

Mannimarco , in Alabama inmate executed with nitrogen gas was ‘shaking violently’ for 22 minutes, witnesses say

Awww did it make the poor people witnessing someone get killed a little uncomfortable?
Ooh noooo how teeerible

7heo ,

I'm guessing the actual problem is with a method allegedly killing painlessly in minutes being "tweaked" to kill with maximum prejudice in the longest possible time... Knowing humans as I know humans, I don't think the "witnesses" would be in any discomfort seeing exactly what they came to see.

Catoblepas ,

This is so needlessly nasty. The people witnessing it included his priest and family members.

LEDZeppelin , in Alabama inmate executed with nitrogen gas was ‘shaking violently’ for 22 minutes, witnesses say


Aussiemandeus , in Israeli officials accuse international court of justice of antisemitic bias avatar

Smart, they're following the internets playbook.

"Dont agrees with me and my opinion? You're a racist homophobic fascist bigot."

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , in Top UN court stops short of ordering ceasefire in Gaza and demands Israel contain deaths avatar

What happens if the court determines Israel is committing a genocide?

rottingleaf ,


MrCookieRespect , in Oil tanker on fire after Houthi missile attack, firm says

Sounds like a great reason to invade Iran and Yemen...

BrikoX OP Mod , avatar

Even if they wanted, the US can't afford the invasion in terms of human resources. Too much of their fleet is focused on Taiwan at the moment.

MrCookieRespect ,

I mean if you cant invade just bomb them until they stop. Even if you have to level the entire area.

Doubledee , (edited ) avatar

Yeah but they're trying that. The Saudis tried that for like a decade before they started. It's harder than it appears to bomb a nation into submission.

Edit: just in case someone says some genocidal thing about collectively punishing an entire ethnic group, if you're from certain communities in the fediverse I probably can't see your comments, but that would obviously be a horrific crime to actually do.

philo , avatar

Yemen has a population of 34 million and it is just under 204 thousand square miles. Believe me, if the US told them starting in 2 weeks from today bombs would be dropped starting from the southern border and advancing north. Yemen could easily be leveled or the Houthi bullshit stopped immediately. The best part is any civilian who wanted to get out of harm's way would have plenty of notice.

NoIWontPickaName ,

So the Israeli approach?

philo , avatar

No, the approach that gets the job done but you can call it whatever the hell you want.

NoIWontPickaName ,

So where are all of these people supposed to go after they uproot their entire lives in less than two weeks?

MrCookieRespect ,

They already have nothing.

NoIWontPickaName ,

So you’re telling me that they don’t have any sources of water or homes?

No animals, no gardens, no pantries, no stores or market?

MrCookieRespect ,

Nothing that can't be found somewhere else and that without supporting terrorists...

NoIWontPickaName ,

So the people in the middle of nowhere, doing nothin except living in a village based around the only well in miles and living an agrarian lifestyle are supporting terrorists and deserve to either have to die or leave everything they know behind except what they can carry on their backs?

MrCookieRespect ,

That's not reality and we both know that. Gaza is basically one big city.

NoIWontPickaName ,

We are talking about Yemen though?

emergencyfood ,

Lol we just saw another country try that approach and fail. Something something definition of insanity.

philo , avatar

Compare that other country's military to the USA's military and then maybe you have some kind of point.

Doorbook ,

You should apply to join the army, you have the qualifications for it.

On side note, you should look at the map for a bit maybe it will help you in your career.

bradboimler , avatar

Isn’t the US military setup to fight 2 wars at the same time so it would be possible just unlikely.

Doubledee , avatar

I think there might be a difference between what US officials say and what is actually true. They're having a real hard time meeting recruiting quotas. Plus recent invasions haven't really supported the idea that the US is able to win invasions it starts.

Municipal0379 ,

1 major war (Russia or china) and a regional conflict (Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Canada, etc.).

sonori , avatar

Not for decades, Nato’s scaled back to only having the capacity to fight on one front while holding another.

DogPeePoo , in Aid to Ukraine and Israel in doubt as House speaker says he won’t support deal

There’s a little orange hand 🤚 up Mike’s ‘puppet hole’

Doubledee , avatar

They need something to run on, I think. Abortion is a losing issue that Trump doesn't care about, this and the border stuff are attempts to spin up issues they can run on besides culture war bromides.

oDDmON , in Donald Trump ordered to pay E Jean Carroll $83.3m in defamation trial

Cue Nelson laughing in the background.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

AnomalousBit , in Donald Trump ordered to pay E Jean Carroll $83.3m in defamation trial

The only thing better than rolling around in 83 million in cash is rolling around in 83 million in cash taken from trump

SpaceNoodle ,

If he even had that, would he pay?

AnomalousBit ,

If a bear shits in the woods

arquebus_x ,

If he wants to appeal, the $83M goes into escrow. So he's going to lose the money either way.

Empricorn ,

He already appealed the 5 million the judge said he owes her. Surprisingly (or not), that's from a different defamation case against him by her...

ChonkyOwlbear ,

Putting a lien onto properties of a guy whose entire business is real estate will get him to comply real fast.

nicetriangle , avatar

Would love to see the Florida property get sold. Would be lulzy as shit.

finthechat ,

I was thinking about what would be better. At first I thought that it would be great to watch a livestream of it being demolished. But honestly I'd like it better if it got turned into a gay nightclub instead.

jak ,

A golf course has more than enough land for very solid refugee housing, though making people stay in Florida seems a little inhumane

nicetriangle , avatar

Super gay Mexican refugee camp and disco club it is!

DessertStorms , avatar

Shame he has that long long history of weaselling out of paying anything he owes..

AnomalousBit , in Aid to Ukraine and Israel in doubt as House speaker says he won’t support deal

Can we ship these dudes one-way to Russia since they love it so much

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

It's a shame we can't ship our own tax dollars to our own people who need it as much if not more than either Israel or Ukraine.

AnomalousBit ,

Yeah sure but here’s the thing, these assholes who are refusing to help Ukraine wouldn’t give a nickel to a starving child. Let’s not pretend they are going to do anything constructive with this money, just give a fatter tax break to billionaires and tell everyone democrats are their mortal enemies on this Earth and the root of all their problems.

PaddleMaster ,

I saw an article a few weeks ago that said Russia is building a town for all the Christian’s nationalists.
If you build it they will come?

finthechat , in Donald Trump ordered to pay E Jean Carroll $83.3m in defamation trial

Is he actually going to pay this or is he going to pay like Alex Jones?

unreachable , avatar
GBU_28 ,

Expected the rainbow vomit at the end

ArbitraryValue , in Aid to Ukraine and Israel in doubt as House speaker says he won’t support deal

I think it's funny that House Republicans don't support a deal that gives them one thing they want in exchange for another thing that they also want. Apparently they believe that Democrats must be allowed to do literally nothing. (Would reverse psychology work on them? Maybe they'll vote for the bill if Biden says he opposes it.)

I didn't think I'd ever root for Mitch McConnell but now I hope he gets these yahoos under control.

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