
I do like some intellectual stimulation and will hold contrarian views just to test the waters of my own understanding or to test yours. I don’t always believe the things I say online. I want you, AND me to understand the world around us better.

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thantik ,

I love how none of the people bitching about landlords, care to purchase their own home.

They'll sit there and give you excuse after excuse after excuse when pointed out...

thantik ,

Such a good show. I've watched this with my son since he was like 4.

thantik ,

Conservative Senators and Congresscritters have been co-opted by Russia. They are no longer loyal to the USA.

thantik ,

This is just to show that the judge won't put him in jail for any reason at all. Rules don't apply to the (even fake) wealthy like they do normal folk.

thantik ,

Our supreme court is packed with corporate lackeys. As much as I love this, it'll be overturned. It is a move in the right direction - you should not be allowed to take away someone's right to move jobs.

thantik ,

You got a lot of people pointing out that your generalizations aren't entirely accurate. The problem isn't landlords, it's foreign nations coming in and buying up land for the purposes of exporting the labor and production of that nations economy by leeching off of rent.

The problem isn't landlords; they serve a purpose. It's corporations acting as landlords that's the issue. Corporations acting as landlords are allowing foreign nations to export our resources through ownership of property.

thantik ,

Then go buy a house.

Oh, you're gonna lambast me for telling you to do that because you're a renter?

That's exactly what you opine. You don't want landlords. Thus you want everyone to buy their property and not rent it, right?

So go ahead and do what you espouse, and buy your property. Then when you want to move, sell the property to someone else before buying the next property.

thantik ,

There could be some use for it in detonation front research. Rotating detonation engines biggest issue is keeping the detonation front alive and active.

Opinion Piece On AI that I Agree With ( )

I agree that the "fruits" of neural networks come from the proletarian artist, because without them, there cannot be any content made of this magnitude. The stunning images created by AI inherently rely on the labor of artists, so its commodity-value---its visual appeal---is thus identical to the labor-value that was scraped...

thantik ,

AI art just does what humans do with normal art. It qualifies and regurgitates it.

Imagine what human art would look like from a blind person. Without all the ingestion of other people's art, it wouldn't evolve into what it becomes.

thantik ,

Don't most highways have signs that say "Slower Traffic Keep Right" though? So that pretty much negates your argument. If you are slower than the traffic behind you, you should get into the right lane, until you're no longer slower, then get back into the left.

thantik ,

This will get struck down, and it'll be the one thing I agree with when it does. You can't just make everything except bolt-action rifles illegal. Semi-automatic firearms encompasses 99% of what people use for self defense in America. This is a clear violation of rights.

thantik ,

Apartments are a great way for you to never own your real estate or accumulate generational wealth. They're stupid because they're stupid, not because you hate normal people.

thantik ,

3 rules for backups:

  1. Keep 3 copies of your data.
  2. Keep 2 of those copies on different types of media
  3. Keep 1 of those copies off-site.

I keep a backup on an array of RAIDZ disks.
I keep a second copy on a very large hard disk; one that is powered down 99% of the time.

And I keep another at the in-laws house that I can upload to remotely.

thantik ,

Fuck this. Torx, Hex, square drive are all positive engagement. Phillips is literally designed to cam out. Slotted is just the first head type to have existed because of how easy it is to make, but is far inferior to every other type.

thantik ,

Lemmy is filled with a lot of extremists. Nuanced thinking is in short supply here.

thantik ,

Landlords aren't profiting off of scarcity. They're profiting off of having the means to do something that renters won't: Buy a house with a 30yr mortgage, and leverage that money for something useful.

You too can buy a house. But everyone who shits on landlords, always spits out excuses why buying a house isn't "feasible" or would "lock them down too much", etc etc.

If you can buy 30k worth of tractor equipment, you can run it and make the money back you spent on it. That's all landlords are doing - they're buying when you won't (not can't...won't) and then selling it back to you in trade for your "economic freedom" to move every 1-2 years and bitch about it.

Then we have the whole "fuckcars" movement, who wants everyone crammed into a shared-wall sardine can and nobody to own a house of their own ever; for the sake of population density so they can bike everywhere.

thantik ,

The stock market is rigged too -- I've seen multiple instances where hedgies are using algorithms to do their stock trading, only to get something wrong, and we end up... REVERSING THE TRADES FOR THEM!!!

Algo-traders, should be permanently locked into their trades. Make a mistake -- oh...fucking...well.

thantik ,

Except the mortgage payment ends after 30 years, and what you pay into the house is yours afterwards. Sure, the insurance and other taxes continue - but once the house is paid off, it's done. I paid my mortgage off in 5 years by dumping every last dime I had into it and living off of nothing but scraps.

thantik ,

This is pretty hypocritical coming from Aljazeera. Most Muslim faiths destroy archaeological relics from other religions. We've had almost entire mountainsides blown up, destroying artifacts that went back millennia. For them to now go "Muh relics! Archaeology!"...yeah. Gonna fall on deaf ears.

I mean, don't get me wrong -- I don't think their stuff should be destroyed either, I'm just saying they aren't exactly arguing from a strong point.

thantik ,

Israel destroying them, Muslims (of any sect) destroying them...both bad.

And Aljazeera has close ties with the Qatar/Saudi governments, which are definitely in the territories where this happens.

thantik ,

Did you miss the part where I said

I mean, don't get me wrong -- I don't think their stuff should be destroyed either, I'm just saying they aren't exactly arguing from a strong point.


I am not condoning this shit. I'm saying Aljazeera is a hypocrite. They are the propaganda arm of Saudis.

thantik , (edited )

Take a look at the game Nightingale. You can use cards to combine "Forest, Desert, and Swamp" - with other attributes like "Blood Moon", "Fae Wilds", "Industrial" (makes the map foggy, gets boosts to crafting), "Quarry", etc.; unless of course your scope is only mars.

Am i missing out on anything other than porn by disabling NSFW on lemmy ?

Like am i missing out on big boy talk, gore, news etc that are adult ? Lemmy should seriously get a second filter like one that filters porn and the other that filters the rest if that is the case . Anyway what do you think ? Should news etc. be put behind nsfw ? I know i am straying far off the primary question but i am just...

thantik ,

On the desktop web UI; how the hell do I actually block specific instances? Because I'd certainly like to figure that out. I've been using my adblock to remove anything hexbear or lemmynsfw - including users.

thantik ,

It's an apt analogy - that's why it keeps being used. Anyone can run their own email server, and federate by accepting emails from other email servers.

"The Fediverse" is just reinventing the wheel. It's basically just publicly viewable email. You are grandma from 1997 and the email that showed up as "FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: Thought you might find this funny!"

thantik ,

That is literally a thing you know... gmail won't accept email from some servers unless they follow some specific, ever-changing standards. It's just that gmail is one of the largest providers, so people jump through major hoops to ensure that they accept emails from them.

thantik ,

I hate the idea that most people have on lemmy that every interaction has to be a positive experience and full of sunshine and rainbows and butterflies. I like to argue.

But whatever. It's iight. I stuck around.

thantik ,

^--good example of an extremist on Lemmy. They can't pull their head out of their ass far enough to see that this is a scammer, but will full-well blame "muh landlurds".

thantik ,

I mean, lowering standards is a pretty common solution. A friend of mine who was a firefighter said they wanted more female firefighters - so they lowered test standards so they were able to pass.

thantik ,

They were test to assure safety of human life, and women couldn't pass them. So they lowered them. The biggest one was being able to carry a person of a specific mass out of an area within a specific amount of time, with all your gear on, in a smoke filled room. Few men were able to pass it, and almost no women. So they lowered the amount of weight and upped the time limit. Sometimes even just flubbed the women passing so they could reach diversity goals.

People will die because of it, but hey...women firefighters! WOO HOO!

Now the thing that's really sexist, is denying sexual dimorphism exists within the human species and that men --in general-- can be better suited among the general populace for specific tasks when it comes to simple brute strength.

thantik ,

That's great! I never said I had a problem with that. For the women who can legitimately pass the test, that's wonderful!

thantik ,

VMs can also do something called - meaning a single machine could run something like 52 instances of Windows XP on 1gb of RAM

So for example, say I needed to run a bunch of ARK servers - I could put them all in VMs, and since they're all loading mostly the same assets, I could run a lot of them in the very tiny amount of memory.

thantik ,

I'd probably do something like ARK: Survival Ascended; but rely less on 'realistic' dinosaurs, and do something closer to Horizon: Zero Dawn - where the creatures were still able to be somewhat freeform/modified from real species.

From there, I would toy around with a couple of ideas - such as semi-procedural maps (where say, The Island is the same up top, but each of the caves can be generated in different places, and the caves that generate are themselves procedural in nature). I want to be able to tell a story where necessary, but make 1:1 walkthroughs impossible - in order to force people who Google everything, to actually have to explore - while still getting some use out of the searched information.

I'd add a little bit of pal-world to the mix, requiring certain creatures to integrate/operate certain crafting tables, and also some RPG-ish elements where gear could be found that had special traits, such as run speed boots, etc.

Then I would rework boss battles and tames so that you didn't just zerg them with the "strongest" creature, but would have to mix stuff up - you would need a creature that helped reduce damage, a creature that could hold aggro, maybe some creatures could stack debuffs, and others could remove debuffs from your team, etc. Balance it so only 1 of these things couldn't defeat a boss, but some intelligent combination of them could do it pretty easy.

thantik ,

How an algorithm, explicitly designed to see patterns -- Sees patterns!

thantik ,

There's no problem with the datasets either. If you ask the AI to generate something else, it does; so clearly the data is there for the rest of it.

But just look at any "Indian Cuisine" or "Indian Cookbook" site. There's tons of plates with banana-leaves on them. We've simply learned to present things that are familiar to people and that data was picked up on.

Ditto for all of the marketing material on the internet - most of it attempts to be as diverse and wide ranging as possible. But there are certain things that are just...common. Stereotypes exist for a reason; and it's not racism, sexism, etc - they're just a common pattern. And common patterns, in an engine designed to see patterns, are going to be regurgitated more often - because let's be honest, that's all AI is: A regurgitation engine.

thantik ,

The biggest thing that I want to learn is how to either A: add "tools" for the AI to run, or B: "fine-tune" the model by feeding it data that's relevant to me.

thantik ,

Yeah, I couldn't find that on ollama; but I did find it in text-generation-webui - which is a little more complicated, but for me, I think it might help springboard me into understanding a few more things.

thantik ,

I will always see him as Agent Smith. Always. Even in things he was in before he ever played the Agent Smith role.

thantik ,

Yeah, but then he was in things like LOTR - and it broke my immersion. I was like "wtf Agent Smith made it to the other franchises! He's spreading!"

Envisioning my Ideal Social Media Platform: Blending the Best of Reddit and Image Boards

I'm excited to see the new meme browsing interface feature in PieFed. I expected PieFed to be yet another Reddit clone using a different software stack and without any innovation. I believe there's an opportunity to take things a step further by blending the best elements of platforms like Reddit and image boards like Safebooru....

thantik ,

I would certainly like an 'integrated' multi-post system that would allow content to be posted to up-to 4 other communities, and it would wrangle all posts into the same comment section.

Slashdot-style voting is another one. Or even bland-voting, with some sort of tagging system (the same overrated, flamebait, informative, funny, etc) -- The bland-vote allows no-thought up/down votes for spam control, etc -- while the tag system lets you sort things you want to see like insightful for philosophical debate, informative for just factual information.

Honestly I'd love to see more tag systems just in general anyhow - they're great for searches, they're great for categorization.

thantik , (edited )

Moderation points are given out randomly, you're not allowed to vote in posts that you've participated in, and you have a category you have to choose from to determine if it's an up/down vote -- Troll/Flamebait/Overrated for downvote, Informative/Insightful/Interesting/Underrated for upvote.

Downvotes also won't allow you to get below some threshold, so that you can't be ABSOLUTELY buried; it stops at like -1 or something, so that if viewpoint changes later on, it can get un-buried somewhat easily. You can only vote people from -1 to +5. Anything beyond that doesn't really count. They have a slider at the top of the post to filter for +2's and higher if you want, and hide anything under that; or you can choose to show everything, including the -1's

Autonomous LED Driver Dev Board Schematic ( )

Greetings! I've been throwing this schematic together as I want to experiment with the TI LP5812 IC which is an i2c controlled autonomous matrix LED driver. I am a novice when it comes to electronics so I'm looking to see if I've missed anything in this demo board schematic....

thantik ,

Other than maybe integrating pullup resistors into the board, I can't see anything. The datasheet 9-1 Typical Application shows 2x 4.7k pullups; but you may be planning on tackling that elsewhere.

thantik ,

This is GREAT NEWS! -- I think we've got many thousands who are running the LG WebOS and that was a big hurdle for them adopting Jellyfin in the first place!

thantik ,

Just what I needed, audio presented as a video.

thantik ,

I bought a CN62 Chromebox, and put MrChromebox's Bios on it -- I did the rounds comparing it with a Pi 4 and it was 2.5x faster, and could easily saturate my gigabit connection. It came with 16gb of storage, and 2gb of ram; but using ACTUAL DRAM slots. I could upgrade it to 16gb if I needed to down the line.

The whole thing, cost me like $45 shipped; power supply, storage, everything needed...and it's an X86 instruction set - so I can use whatever version of Linux I want, without any crazy Raspberry Pi specific patches/builds.

thantik ,

Nokia is a husk of a former tech company that was gutted by Microsoft for anti competitive reasons and now used as a patent troll arm of Microsoft.

thantik ,

If you're enforcing a patent that would have been come up with other people in the same field, then the patent is invalid, many of us would consider going after people with an invalid patent -- patent trolling.

Patents are meant for UNIQUE ideas and things that nobody else would have come up with on their own. But increasingly they're being used for obvious ideas that thousands of other people also have around the same time, to lock out competition.

What are Some Good, Recent, and Available Dumb Cars?

I have a 2010 Toyota Corolla. She's been my trusty steed for the last 14 years and is in good working order. I recognize she won't last forever, and if, god forbid (mostly for her) I get in an accident, I will need to get a new car. So what dumb cars do you drive, and what would you replace them with?

thantik ,

My wife has driven both her Hyundai Accent (2012), and her Kia Forte (2011) for 300k miles. Technically I think they're the exact same car. Transmissions have never given us a problem, but we change the fluid in them religiously at 50k miles; and oil every 10k.

Occasionally we'll have to change a battery, alternator, or coil-pack, but other than that they've been great.

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