
Wahots , in I'm harvesting even more strawbs than last year I can't believe it avatar

Wow! That's amazing. The squirrels here wreck ours, haha.

intensely_human ,

You probably can’t stop those squirrels, unfortunately.

But you may be able to turn the situation to some benefit anyway. Surrounding the strawberry bed with an elaborate and complexifying system of hampster tunnels, levers, and puzzles, you can harness the motivational power of their strawberry habit to teach the squirrels anything you want: ethics, music, ideological fervor, math, anything.

The world really is your oyster, so long as you teach the squirrels to crack it open for you.

This might even be the first day of your second career.

echo , in I'm harvesting even more strawbs than last year I can't believe it

strawbs? wtf

SchmidtGenetics ,

StrawBs like a kid would pronounce it without the Rs

echo ,

I have never, ever heard it pronounced that way and would correct any kid ignorant enough to say that.

SchmidtGenetics ,

So you would berate a kid, whom many can’t properly pronounce Rs anyways?

If you’ve never heard it pronunced that you, you’ve clearly never been around a single kid.

echo ,

I didn't say berate. I said correct. I would educate them. How else do you expect them to not be as ignorant?

This might surprise you, but I was a kid once myself and went to public school where I was around lots of other kids. I also have a couple of my own and met lots of other kids as an adult because of my children.

Quit glamorizing ignorance and quit trying to cast anyone as an asshole who might help other people overcome their ignorance.

I'm also going to guess that OP isn't a child who doesn't know the actual word, so your entire premise is a straw-man.

SchmidtGenetics , (edited )

It’s a thing because of kids, language is fluid, shut up and bloviate somewhere else

You could have googled that term and found this out instead of making an ass of yourself in the same amount of time as it took to rant in these two comments.

Kids can’t talk correctly when they are young, you would be correcting a speech impediment which I hope you know how terrible that would make you… its not like every kid wants to say it that way lmfao. Get a grip.

echo ,

A small percentage of kids of a legitimate speech impediment and can be excused. Most of them just need to learn to talk without 'mush mouth' and this only happens when those around them expect that of them.

And, once again, we're not talking about a child in this case. So, maybe get on-topic and quit with the ignorant and incorrect straw-man argument?

BitchPeas ,

Strawmn argument about strawbs.

SchmidtGenetics ,


I don’t think that word means what you think it does.

echo ,

I don’t think
You could have stopped right there...

Dempf ,


Mr_Wobble ,

I totes don't see what your prob with strawbs is, bro. If you take a sec and get comfy with it, you'd see that peeps abbreviate their vocab in convos all the time.

echo ,

You're right... there really are a lot of stupid people in the world who think it's cute to be ignorant. That you don't see that isn't even remotely surprising.

Mr_Wobble ,


intensely_human ,

Yeah why call it my exercise routine when I can just call it the physical jerks.

redisdead ,

You are very smart

intensely_human ,

“strawberry” is one of the most beautiful words in any language

I’m not calling that fruit a name that can be legitimately spelled “strob”

Chadus_Maximus ,


Pacmanlives , in I'm harvesting even more strawbs than last year I can't believe it

That’s a haul! You gonna make a jam with all of them?

NataliePortland OP , avatar

I usually freeze them all for smoothies but I think I have to make jam this year I have too many

Varyk , in I'm harvesting even more strawbs than last year I can't believe it

I believe it, but I am overcome with envy.

cevn , in I'm harvesting even more strawbs than last year I can't believe it

Wow thats like twice as many as mine! You must have a lot of happy plants!

ImplyingImplications , in I'm harvesting even more strawbs than last year I can't believe it
ThrowawaySobriquet , in I'm harvesting even more strawbs than last year I can't believe it
hk_a , in Pink Lemonade Raspberries

I had some plants but more then because I never got to eat any : how to prevent animals and birds eating them?

IMALlama ,

Bird and/or deer netting. Thankfully birds haven't found our raspberry plant yet but they're not really ripe yet. We have a 6' fence around our garden to keep deer out.

catloaf ,

Grow a bunch, and get there before the birds do. A bird feeder might help too.

btr_fan87 ,

Anecdotally, we've had some pretty solid results reducing losses to birds by placing reflective pinwheels around the garden. Like these:

Big_Boss_77 , in So many future Lillie's!

Are those new lilies? I've always wondered how they would do coming up through mulch. I've got a bunch around my place I'd love to mulch up to help keep the weeds down.

SchmidtGenetics OP ,

No they are established, about 3 years iirc.

My old mulch was getting well old and I never turned it, so it was really dense, so some of the Lillie’s had issues coming up this year, I do try to loosen it where they are for that reason. You can see the one just in behind the other in front of the window, so small.

To answer the question I guess. I have hostas in another bed that had the same mulch that never came out last year, I figured they died from the heat the year before like the rest. They came back this year when I stripped the mulch.

So I’m gonna be more diligent stirring the mulch yearly, I’ve also stuck bamboo stakes by each plant so I can pull mulch back in the spring to let the sun hit the soil sooner. I’ve heard that can help. It gets to -40c here, hardiness zone 3 for CAD and USA

Big_Boss_77 ,

Any specific type of mulch you'd suggest?

SchmidtGenetics OP ,

My understanding is the smaller the size the more densely it packs and therefore the harder for stuff to grow through.

Anything can be a mulch too, rocks, leaves, straw, bark, plastic, cardboard. Find what fits your price and aesthetics, it’s mostly the same end result, but different pros and cons. Like I wouldn’t use rocks in a veggie garden, straw is great since you can compost and mulch it end of season, bark would need to be removed.

Big_Boss_77 ,

I want something that the good stuff can grow through and the weeds can't lol

SchmidtGenetics OP ,

So do we all bud hahah. Pull what you can, and if it’s a few plants put some landscaping fabric down and something you find pretty on top. The deeper the mulch, the mor wit suppresses the weeds.

Taniwha420 , in How do I help my acer?

It looks like it got punished by lack of water. Keep it well watered and see what comes back. You really can't leave a potted tree unwatered for more than a few days. In hot weather you pretty well need to water them daily.

I'm not sure about the white fungus. There's a chance that your trees root system or vascular system has been destroyed by a fungus, but they don't usually present like this. Given what you said about not watering it I think that's the most likely problem.

JimmyBigSausage , in How do I help my acer?

This one got dry. It is in shock and will lose its leaves and grow new ones (provided it is still alive.) You can snap a stem or small branch and if it seems green, you may be good to go. Just keepnit watered and out of the hot, hot sun.

catloaf ,

Yeah. It might only regrow very small leaves this year, but as long as it has its regular needs met, it ought to be fine next year (barring anything weird these guys do that I don't know about).

Grass , in It's the middle of June, welcome to climate change growmies.

frost advisory? wtf

SchmidtGenetics OP ,
Grass ,

what app is that? I'm struggling to find the section from environment canada website

SchmidtGenetics OP ,

Weather network app, you just click the red banner at the top.

Track_Shovel ,

I got this alert too. Lawl

SchmidtGenetics OP ,

No frost at least! Starting to wonder if it’s worth it with everything and life ugggh hahah. Things gotta stop sucking eventually… right!?

Put off making my structure since it was supposed to be clear of frost now, and there hasn’t been evidence of predators, hind sight oh well. It’ll be ready for fall frost, if the frost stops! Haha.

ThrowawaySobriquet , in We too have lilies

The deer like to top my sunflowers. It's always a heartbreaker

SchmidtGenetics , in We too have lilies

Well atleast you can live vicariously through mine? Loving the disparity between posts hahah.

CaptDust , in It's the middle of June, welcome to climate change growmies.

Opposite problem for me, we have 95f/35c all week. I'm used to average 75/24 around this time. It's got me worried I need to set up shades or something.

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