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ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Teddy was one of those Very Incredibly Interesting Folks. An honest man, a racist, a dedicated champion of the people, and a war-hawk jingo. He lived his life thumping his chest and was only broken when war took his son. Decades of rough living and the only thing that could break him was love

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Beautiful! You really put some umph into this

What am I dealing with? ( )

Cherry and beefsteak tomatoes. Noticed on the beefsteak first. It started at the top of the plant and worked its way down. Today I went out to do my usual watering and checking on everything and noticed that my cherry tomatoes were showing the same type of wilting. Tomatoes are growing relatively well and the leaves are not...

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Couple questions to help narrow it down:

How's the heat been lately? How many hours of sun are they getting? How and how often do you water? Hit it with fertilizer recently? Seen any globs of little bugs under the leaves (probably little green guys or little fuzzy white guys)?

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Excellent. I'm inclined to agree with other folks, sounds like environmental and I'd bet on heat stress or a watering issue. I'd try a shade cloth first

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

From what I've seen and what's been said, I'd say no. Both blights are pretty dramatic and you'd see more dark blotches and yellowing, probably some rotten tomatoes. Especially if it was far enough along to start affecting this much of the plant

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

No worries! And yeah, I could see that. If that does end up being the case, then it's pretty much a goner. Try getting some of the sun off them and keep an eye out for root rot or light brown spots where the flesh feels soft. If they recover, just too much heat. If they start going rotten, might as well pull it so it won't spread so much

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

No wonder you got so many strawbs! How many square feet of fruit you growing there? And good luck with the cabbages. I won't be doing any brassica starts for about a month here. Everything I have left is starting to look like this

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Nice. Watch it start taking over in the next couple seasons

Nah, that's actually broccoli. The kale is right behind it. I do black magic kale and it is usually the last thing to start bolting. But! This is a good thing. I'm hoping to collect seeds this year, though I don't know where I'm hoping this particular broccoli is getting pollinated from. We'll see!

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

The deer like to top my sunflowers. It's always a heartbreaker

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Gorgeous. It'll make a delicious pesto sauce

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Little of both. Use about half as much basil and as much kale as I can fet away with. I like to sub in toasted sunflower seeds for the pine nuts sometimes

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

And some marigolds

Like an Oxford comma: not strictly necessary, but better in every way to have

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Just think like Bob Ross and his Happy Little Trees. You can put one anywhere it's comfortable, really

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Love a solid hori-hori, but I've also broken a handful doing dumb stuff. My current daily driver hooks to the left a bit

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Small Consistent Effort

You keep it small, you never have to worry about burnout. Spend 20 minutes weeding, then go on your day. You keep it consistent, you'll never have to worry about shit getting too big on you. If you're weeding your entire garden in a go, you're working too hard. You might feel like you need to GET IT DONE RIGHT NOW, but that's just your monkey brain going to panic mode.

Relax. Do a little something every day and over time it'll come together.

Bonus: keeping up the effort in the off-season (doing bed prep, conjuring the spreadsheet devils) means less work in the swap-ass summer. Everything you do now pays dividends, and you can eat an elephant if you take it one bite at a time with occasional naps

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Huh. I'm gonna try this next season. Maybe do some stuff this fall like that. I wonder how well this will work for surface sows like lettuce

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

If it's really crazy, might be best to take it apart in pieces. Don't try to pull out huge pieces, just trim with lopers or some shears if you're brave and treat it like eating an elephant. Spread it over a couple days, even. Like someone else said, trim it all the way back to the root ball and, if you want it gone, shovel it

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Gorgeous. I love this. What all you gonna grow on that monster?

Edit: nevermind. I see you answered that already. Nice

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

Bonus tater towers killing it. Love how well this is working out so far (we will revisit these words in some months)

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

I don't. I do water my potted stuff more, but these guys are on the lines, so it's equal across. I definitely should have considered that, but these were the pots I had when I was setting up, so we ran. Turned into a nice little advertisement for large terra cotta

Always trade-offs. The bags will absolutely dry out faster in my experience, but they do avoid anything related to drainage issues and hey, can't beat how well they store. Still looking for one that can last as long as a pot, but they make a lot of sense in market gardens

Right now we're getting mid-80's (~30C) for highs, but by July/August, we'll be flirting with 100 (37.8C) most days. My lettuce and broccoli are already bolting. Bout time to take a break from brassica til late July when I put down my first fall starts

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

Best mulch ever in my opinion. Stays loose enough for carrots to sprout through, but can be laid on thick enough to grow potatoes. Then at the end of the season you can pull the top layer back and work in the rotten bits to feed the beds. Just watch where you get it so you don't create a weed problem for yourself!

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

An attempt at vertical gardening with potatoes. A hoop of cattle fencing with a bit of landscaping fabric on the bottom to hold in a grow medium, then straw up as the seed potatoes send up the shoots

At the start of the season, I was excited to try a next step from potatoes the previous season that were grown in plastic tubs. Got a lot more than I was expecting, but also a lot of rotten potatoes since the drainage was bad

So, to remedy the drainage issues, here we are. I've since read a bunch of stuff about how towers are bad, especially for determinate potatoes (some are), so we'll see how things come along

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

I usually will ask a client to order extra straw when they put in an order in and pay for the extra bales which I know is not helpful

Tractor Supply is a good have-to-have-it stop, but you can get it cheaper at feed supply or garden centers. A particularly helpful garden center or nursery might order some for you if they don't already carry it

Go to your local farmer's market and hit up a market farmer, ask around a bit. Failing that, Craigslist is still surprisingly useful and I still ain't never been stabbed in the liver once

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Nah, the real trick is burying the body deep deep, then burying a dead animal a few feet above it. Corpse Dog hits, but they dig up a sheep, Lt. Scruffins ain't gettin a treat

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Damn. You just don't think about crabs being an an enemy. Must have hit his weak point for massive damage

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Whoa, hold the fuck up: I'm not sitting through a three and a half hour seminar for anything

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

See, now there's a good silver lining. Glad my sacrifice wasn't in vain

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

They do help break things down, but unlike most helpful bugs they prefer the produce. I have just never seen them like this. We usually have to take countermeasures against them every year, but this year is we're just swamped.

I'm gonna do some work out there this weekend. Think I'm gonna get aggressive with the DE because I think I'm also having some trouble with woodlice. Do some tactical earth salting around the beds

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

Thanks for the advice. I've tried coffee grounds, essential oils, copper wire, it all does little to stop the slime trails. The snails, tho... I may have to look into that. I worry about backing myself into the Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly corner, but something's gotta give

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Nice work, dude. You really been busting your ass out there and it looks great

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Yeah, dude. Gotta kick your feet up. I did a french drain over two days last week. Starting eating ibuprofen just to keep my hands from swelling up. Your shit can knit itself back together, but not without a nap. You cleared a milestone. Don't let the fidget drive!

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

One of folk's favorite things to hit me with: but you're so young! Like, first off, I'm 40's, I just try to take care of myself. Second, yes my knees hurt and my back is sore because I've been doing all this stuff since I was a kid, but tell me again how hard it's been on your back to sit in a chair for hours. Third, these same people are the people that hire me to do jobs they couldn't handle because reasons (that usually match my own reasons for grunting and wincing all day, but self awareness is a diminishing resource).

I am growing into a bitter old fuck and I'm not a fan of my attitude these days. I'm trying to keep it down, but man I tell you, I am so sick to death of people and their petty nonsense. And I know I'm no saint or ubermensch, but I'm getting out there and doing shit. Running a business that helps farmers, digging my own garden, practicing my skills, networking and getting new gigs. It's hard work and with this world of convenience we've built for ourselves, I find fewer folks willing to get to it. Which is great for my own bottom line, but the commentary always seems to come from a place of ignorance with these guys and I'm within a hair's breadth of calling at least one client a dumb mother fucker.

Sorry, didn't mean to rant at you, but I feel you. I broke my leg right at the knee joint when I was 18 and I've never gotten full function back out of it. Took like three years to get rid of the limp. It hurts all the time but at least I got a nice big surgery scar to point at and shut folks down. I'm sorry you gotta go through this. It's not fair, especially considering how willing you are to pitter patter and how good you are at it.

Just, like, watch the pills. I come from one of those little mountain communities that got eaten alive by the Sackler's ambition. I seen plenty of good, hard working folks turn into junkies so some slick corporate prick can afford the second home he uses to fuck his mistress

I'm gonna go plant something

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

The Orange is strong in this one. They will do mighty things. Dumb and amusing, but mighty

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

Ah, bummer. But like you said, this is why we experiment. Negative results are still results!

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

Lol, yeah, they had been trimming them, but leaving the vines in the fence for years. I had to go ham like that on some crepe myrtle the previous owners put in my yard. I had been trying to kill them with other methods for a few years but they just kept coming back, so I went at em with a shovel, my beater axe, and a tamping bar. I'm still finding shoots from runners I missed

ThrowawaySobriquet OP ,

Oh, weird. Looks like an AI artifact

ThrowawaySobriquet ,

This is an awesome set up. Good variety, lotta fun stuff. Be violent and cut the hell out of the mint or it will sense weakness and seek to dominate you

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