
The_v , in What am I dealing with?

It's physiological leaf roll. Its a reaction to environmental stressors, likely the heat. It causes no damage to the plant and doesn't reduce the yield.

The treatment for it is ignoring it.

hydroxycotton ,

Thanks. I have a lovely Burmese sour that has been doing this as a result of a recent heatwave. The fruit still looks good but I was worried about it until I read this.

Wahots , in You all inspired me to do some beautification in my veg garden avatar

Very nice! Looks professional :)

Could you put down flagstones with some sort of soft groundcover to grow between the stones? Could keep the grass at bay more permanently.

Kinda like this, but with a better groundcover than grass:

IMALlama OP ,

Thanks! I don't know about professional, but it should be pretty practical.

I thought about stone, but it's too permanent. We have crushed marble (that white stuff) in some of our flower beds from the previous owner and it's a pain. If we wanted to get rid of it we would have to pay someone to take it away.

SchmidtGenetics , in You all inspired me to do some beautification in my veg garden

Looks great! I’ve gotta live vicariously through other growmies posts for a week still. Steroid shots are next week than I should be able to get some more done.

Is that the same custom printed speaker I saw a post about last week or so?

IMALlama OP ,

Thanks much. Here's hoping you feel better soon!

Is that the same custom printed speaker I saw a post about last week or so?

Indeed it is, functional prints for life.

SchmidtGenetics ,

Trying to hold on until my surgery, steroid shots are so I don’t need to rely on pain killers, but they come with their own complications. Trying to find the right pacing in the mean time, but I hate not doing something if there’s stuff to do. It’s a struggle.

I’ve seriously contemplated getting one, so many things I could make and use, but I also wouldn’t have the time, that would probably be a winter only type of thing. But once it’s setup and I’m comfortable, obviously wouldn’t be hard to quickly set something up or tinker with files in bed on a tablet as well. But than that would flare up the carpal tunnel anyways, so waiting until after the surgeries before even testing that water haha.

IMALlama OP ,

I hope you're back to your normal physical self soon.

As far as the 3D printer goes, there are three main types of categories of people with printers at home:

  • Tinkering with the printer is the hobby. This can be a mix of tuning for better quality, faster prints, etc as well as physical modifications to the printer. One of the extremes of this is the speedboat race where people go all out for the fastest print of a common model
  • Modeling things and then printing them. I fall largely into this camp. I've made many a replacement part for a kids toy, jigs/fixtures, brackets, printer mods, speakers, wagon wheels, a thing to keep cats out of potted plants, even a tiny toolbox for the minimal amount of tools I used to carry at work
  • The printer is largely an ends to printing free/paid designs from the Internet. There are tons of designs out there that are a mix of cute (but probably throw away), functional/practical, things you could sell, etc

If you're modeling it will be mouse and keyboard, but a SpaceMouse will improve ergonomics. All you're really using the keyboard for is number input.

If you find yourself in the functional print crew, don't be surprised if you wind up printing things to help in your garden. Some of the PVC fittings holding together my arch are now printed parts (less effort to model and print a replacement than drive to the store) and the hooks the "gates" to my fence hang on are also printed. Once you get in the habit of finding things you can print you'll be finding them everywhere.

swicano , in You all inspired me to do some beautification in my veg garden

Looks so manicured now! Now that the weed barrier is down and you shouldnt need the mower there, you think you'll consider putting more beds in?

IMALlama OP ,

We might expand for more beds once our kids outgrow their play structure. We have four 4x8 beds and grow vertically, so we have a decent amount of space. This year we have beans, peas, cucumber, cantaloupe, trombetta, pie pumpkins, shallots, onions, carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and lufa for fun.

Today , in You all inspired me to do some beautification in my veg garden

That looks great!

FauxPseudo , in You all inspired me to do some beautification in my veg garden avatar

I'm feeling a little called out right now. I have a similarly chicken proof raised bed area. The grass grows taller than the plants and I have to get in and mow it. One day I found some 1x2 ft tiles on a curb. I have to put those down to kind of help control the grass but it's not helping. I feel like I need to gravel the whole area because we get so much water.

IMALlama OP ,

This fence has been in place for at least four years, so this has been a very long time coming. I went with mulch because getting rid of rocks is really annoying should we want to change the area again in 5-10 years.

yoz , in You all inspired me to do some beautification in my veg garden

Wicked 🤟

ThrowawaySobriquet , in You all inspired me to do some beautification in my veg garden

Beautiful! You really put some umph into this

ChaosCoati , in You all inspired me to do some beautification in my veg garden avatar

Your hard work paid off, these look really nice! I have a U shaped garden and used stone pavers to make the path in the middle, but the grass is still growing in between. Maybe I’ll plan to switch to mulch.

IMALlama OP ,

Thanks! For either mulch or pavers you're going to have some level of maintenance. My personal take is that the maintenance for mulch is more frequent, but less intensive, than pavers. Both will benefit from a boarder to keep roots out.

ampedwolfman , in You guys have so many pretty gardens so now it's time for my ugly one.

If your garden was a person I would consensually touch it's butt.

Drusas , in where are you gardening?

I haven't been posting pictures, but I'm from the US Pacific Northwest.

lettruthout , in You guys have so many pretty gardens so now it's time for my ugly one.

Gardens don't have to be pretty to be wonderful, and fun. Good job!

SchmidtGenetics ,

Even a bad pizza is still pizza. And who doesn’t like pizza?

Krauerking OP ,

I have so far made pad Thai and veggie focaccia and a quiche out of my veggies.
So yeah, even if it's ugly it's working, so ugly pizza needs to be on the menu next.

SchmidtGenetics , in where are you gardening?

Southern Alberta, Canada.

What’s different? I know we use a lot more wood here in NA since it’s renewable and we have the space. Concretes/morters/grouts also hell on the environment in their own way, and pricey here $300 m3.

MikeOToxin ,

I feel your pain, SW Sask here.

0x1C3B00DA , in where are you gardening?

South Carolina, in the US Southeast

ThrowawaySobriquet , in where are you gardening?

US, East Coast, Mid-Atlantic, 7a

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