
webghost0101 , in Lemmy.world community banned people for misinformation on the post complaining about Lemmy.ml instance banning people for misinformation

This problem has an easy answer. Join a smaller instance.

We came here to find a decentralized network. We can access all of it from anywhere. Even mastodon can comment on lemmy posts. There is no need to centralize to the biggest servers.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Preach to the choir.

webghost0101 ,


I just took a peek and .world has a more than triple the user count as any other. I dont know how to fix it but i worry for the future with so many communities relying on it.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

We are trying to fix this with a few communities:

This community (!fedigrow ) actually has a topic about it, feel free to have a look: https://sopuli.xyz/post/11972110

Mikufan ,
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

How to fix it: get the German authoritys to shut this shitshow down. Probably pretty easy at this point as they break laws with this bs.

sunzu ,

Thank you for your service!

Nothing4You , in Lemmy.world community banned people for misinformation on the post complaining about Lemmy.ml instance banning people for misinformation

it should be noted that these bans are community bans, not instance bans. your title makes it look like people are getting instance banned from lemmy.world, while the examples you've shown are about community bans.

if i'm not mistaken, several of the lemmy.ml bans/ban complaints have been about instance bans, which affect all communities on the instance.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Very good point, I just edited.

Mikufan ,
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

Eh the instance is still liable for this bs.

sunzu ,

Under which law?

Mikufan , (edited )
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

Digital Service Act.

Funny that you get downvoted for literally mentioning a law wich states that platforms are liable for the shit happening on them... 🤡 🤡 🤡

Blackout , in Lemmy.world community banned people for misinformation on the post complaining about Lemmy.ml instance banning people for misinformation
@Blackout@kbin.run avatar

If you spread lies like USSR never working with the Nazis then I don't care if you are banned from planet earth. It's a heinous lie that tries to ignore undisputed facts. The Soviets were brutal killers that only joined the allies cause their partner in crime turned on them. All those bans were reasonable. Blocking .ml is the right choice.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar
sabreW4K3 , in Lemmy.world community banned people for misinformation on the post complaining about Lemmy.ml instance banning people for misinformation
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Sorry mate, I'm with @PugJesus on this. There's no benefit in platforming misinformation.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

It's fine!

I really see where they come from, and why they prefer a strong moderation on this kind of topics. I guess it starts to get blurry once you have to define what is misinformation. Historical accuracy is hard to achieve (this is why I still go to /r/AskHistorians, and I linked a few threads in the other comments).

I saw some time ago a graph showing how the perception of the USSR changed a lot in Europe during the Cold War compared to just after WW2.

The following statements might be all true at the same time

  • USSR committed imperialist massacres
  • USA committed imperialist massacres
  • most of the Western European nations committed imperialist massacres

Sometimes I'm wondering if those three statements can be compiled in a single comment and not instantly start a comment war with everyone trying to push their own agenda, and mods having to interfere following their own views.

Kaboom ,

nb4 someone says "both sides"

poVoq ,
@poVoq@slrpnk.net avatar

Worth thinking about what all these have in common, no? (Hint: they are all nation states).

sunzu , (edited )

Nahh fuck you... My nation state is better and strong! It will kick your nation state's ass!

My nation state never did nothing mate!!!

sunzu ,

"Mao and Stalin did nothing wrong and if they did, the undesirables deserved it.

The West is a disgusting generacy oppressing the working people"

Banged out a tankie from while enjoying his soy latte in Brooklyn coffee shop. Dreaming to escaping to the socialist Paradise and leaving the shit hole behind.

awwwyissss ,

Banged out a tankieKremlin shill from while enjoying his soy latte borscht in Brooklyn coffee shop St Petersburg.

corsicanguppy ,

The following statements might be all true at the same time

  • USSR committed imperialist massacres
  • USA committed imperialist massacres
  • most of the Western European nations committed imperialist massacres

No one's refuting that 'both sides' logic. But if

  • I took a beer from the 2-4 in your garage
  • Pierre took a beer from the 2-4 in your garage
  • Ivan took 22 beers from the 2-4 in your garage

Then we're all bad house guests, but Ivan's a complete asshole.

Mikufan , in Lemmy.world community banned people for misinformation on the post complaining about Lemmy.ml instance banning people for misinformation
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

Sounds like a lemmy world thing, they push antisemitism so fuck them hope they get into legal issues for this (they host in Germany)

sunzu ,

Can you provide an example of this?

Because anti semetiam is just political tactic that is generally used to discredit people who criticize Israeli war crimes and other gross misconduct.

Mikufan ,
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar


For example everyone with a .world tld in this thread including the op.

And no antisemitism is a word used against antisemitic people. Unless its from the Israeli politicians currently in charge, they are however the most hated people in Israel so... Their opinion kinda doesn't matter.

Btw very funny that you get downvoted for just mentioning the clear antisemitism problem on this platform, even outside the .ml bouble.

sunzu ,

Is that an example of anti semeticism? I am not following. Looks like people are having a discussion mostly about israeli misconduct but broader history. some edge lord takes for sure...

I will admit I am not following what the OP is actually trying to do. I am assuming it is to be inflammatory to get the comment section going?

Mikufan ,
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

Bro 2/3 of the thread is actively supporting terrorism.

sunzu ,

Please provide some example of actual anti semtism otherwise it seems like you just using the term in bad faith because you don't like what people have to say about Israel's misconduct.

Mikufan , (edited )
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar
awwwyissss ,

I think you're almost completely conflating anti-Israeli sentiment and anti-semitism.

Continuing to push this will only piss people off because it's insulting to their intelligence that you think they might believe it.

Mikufan ,
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

Israel is a state and the hate on lemmy won't change this fact.

https://www.bpb.de/themen/antisemitismus/dossier-antisemitismus/326790/israelbezogener-antisemitismus/ German just translate it

https://www.adl.org/resources/report/antisemitism-and-radical-anti-israel-bias-political-left-europe a analysis of "left" antisemitism especially regarding Israel

Being against Israel is antisemitism in the cases provided. This isn't criticism.

And i love insulting terrorism supporters, antisemitic people, Nazis and like minded people with facts. Cause facts are known to not care about feelings.

awwwyissss ,

Yeah Israel is a state and I agree it should remain a state, again, you're conflating issues. I'm not going to translate from another language....

Mikufan ,
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

What backwards browser do you have that doesn't automatically translate to English?...

Amd no, im stating the issue.

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Calling out that bombing a population makes it more likely for people who lost families and homes to radicalise seems sensible. Under the post, there is a lot of criticism of Israel, which in my eyes isn't necessarily antisemitism, which of course doesn't mean that there aren't antisemitic critics of Israel.

Of course, Israel is allowed to defend itself against attack, but what it has done and is currently doing in Gaza cannot in good faith be called defending itself.

Regardless of all that, as long as it isn't very clear that there is no effort made to moderate incitement of violence and hate speech, it is rather difficult to hold a platform accountable for the speech of it's users.

Mikufan ,
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

☕ Read the thread before making idiotic comments.

And no its not difficult, they host in Germany (EU)

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I have read the thread, and sure, there is some sympathy for Hamas that seems questionable, but nothing more extreme than what you're likely to read on most other online platforms. And while there are certainly things being said that I don't agree with, I think that on an intellectual level, it makes sense that mistreating a population leads to people in that population becoming more likely to support extremist causes.

Also, I assume they're using Hetzner, but I don't see why they wouldn't be able to switch to a different hosting provider in a different region if Hetzner decides to shut them down.

I am from Germany and I'm really not sure what law you'd apply here anyway. There's the NetzDG, but that, to my knowledge, only applies to platforms that are run with the goal of making a profit, which I don't think applies to most lemmy instances.

Mikufan ,
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

Gut da wir beide scheinbar deutsch sind können wir uns ja auch auf deutsch unterhalten, NetzDG wurde dieses jahr vom Digital Services Act (welcher meines Wissens nach keine großartigen Beschränkung bezüglich Nutzerzahlen mehr hat) abgelöst, dieser nimmt platformen noch mehr in die Pflicht Falschmeldung, hassrede und ähnliches zu unterbinden.

Auch ist es völliger Schwachsinn zu argumentieren das Antisemitismus und Terrorismus überstürzung ok ist weil es ja anderswo auch existiert.

Außerdem geht es um rechtliche Konsequenzen für die admins von .world Welche augenscheinlich ihren Pflichten nicht nachkommen. Dabei ist eigentlich egal wer der host ist. (ist wenn ich richtig weiß Hetzner)

Außerdem kann man bei lemmy mit der gesamten Nutzerzahl im Föderations netz argumentieren.

Außerdem kann man deinen Punkt, das Israel die Bevölkerung von Gaza Misshandeln würde, als durchaus Antisemitisch auslegen. Nur am Rande, ich will das hier jetzt nicht unterstellen, ist aber 1:1 aus der propaganda tüte der Islamisten und Nazis.

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Dann bin ich, was die aktuelle Gesetzeslage angeht wahrscheinlich nicht mehr auf dem neuesten Stand, und müsste mich da selbst noch mal einlesen. Je nach dem wo die Admins selbst zu Hause sind, steht und fällt die Wahrscheinlichkeit halt sehr, ob das tatsächlich weiterreichen rechtliche Konsequenzen hat, selbst wenn gerichtlich entschieden werden sollte, dass sie strikter gegen solche Aussagen hätten vorgehen müssen.

Mit dem Argument wollte ich nicht ausdrücken, dass das ok ist, sondern hauptsächlich, dass das impliziert, dass rechtliche Konsequenzen, sollten diese nicht recht arbiträr sein, erstmal unwahrscheinlich erscheinen.

Ich finde, dass man den Staat Israel und seine Regierung für sein Handeln kritisieren kann, ohne dass das antisemitisch ist. Natürlich werden die meisten Antisemiten auch Israel hassen, aber das macht nicht andersrum jeden Kritiker von Israel zum potentiellen Antisemiten, und so lange diese Kritik logisch fundiert ist, sehe ich auch nicht, wieso dieser Verdacht, wenn es nicht weitere Faktoren gibt, aufkommen sollte. Israel und das jüdisch sein auf diese Art zu vermengen nimmt in meinen Augen zudem Juden die stimme, die der Israelischen Regierung kritisch gegenüber stehen.

Es ist, denke ich, unstrittig, dass die Art und Weise auf die die Israelische Regierung in den letzten Monaten gehandelt hat, die auch von unabhängigen Medien berichtet wurde, wenn nicht gänzlich, zumindest in Teilen kritikwürdig ist.

Mikufan ,
@Mikufan@ani.social avatar

Dann bin ich, was die aktuelle Gesetzeslage angeht wahrscheinlich nicht mehr auf dem neuesten Stand, und müsste mich da selbst noch mal einlesen. Je nach dem wo die Admins selbst zu Hause sind, steht und fällt die Wahrscheinlichkeit halt sehr, ob das tatsächlich weiterreichen rechtliche Konsequenzen hat, selbst wenn gerichtlich entschieden werden sollte, dass sie strikter gegen solche Aussagen hätten vorgehen müssen.

Ich denke nicht das Rechtliche Konsequenzen hier überhaupt eine Besserung schaffen würden, da muss man mit gesellschaftlichem Druck arbeiten. Die Frage ob sollte man sich eigentlich nicht stellen müssen.

Mit dem Argument wollte ich nicht ausdrücken, dass das ok ist, sondern hauptsächlich, dass das impliziert, dass rechtliche Konsequenzen, sollten diese nicht recht arbiträr sein, erstmal unwahrscheinlich erscheinen.

Dann hab ich das wohl falsch interpretiert, ja dann stimme ich dir diesbezüglich zu, wird leider wenn kaum was passieren.

Ich finde, dass man den Staat Israel und seine Regierung für sein Handeln kritisieren kann, ohne dass das antisemitisch ist.

Absolut, ich selbst bezeichne Netanjahu als einen elenden Vollidioten der maßgeblich mit am 7.10 verantwortlich zu machen ist, und auch der Haftbefehl gegen ihn und noch einen seiner Regierung ist absolut gerechtfertigt. Das hat auch nichts mit Antisemitismus zu tun.

Natürlich werden die meisten Antisemiten auch Israel hassen, aber das macht nicht andersrum jeden Kritiker von Israel zum potentiellen Antisemiten, und so lange diese Kritik logisch fundiert ist, sehe ich auch nicht, wieso dieser Verdacht, wenn es nicht weitere Faktoren gibt, aufkommen sollte. Israel und das jüdisch sein auf diese Art zu vermengen nimmt in meinen Augen zudem Juden die stimme, die der Israelischen Regierung kritisch gegenüber stehen.

Ich stimme dir hier weitgehend zu, muss aber darauf verweisen das viele "Kritik" auf Quellen basiert, welche zumindest abenteuerlich sind, wenn nicht gar einfach direkt irgendwelche Hamas Sprecher, also diesbezüglich dann doch wieder Antisemitismus. (siehe Krankenhäuser Thematiken als Parade Beispiele)

Es ist, denke ich, unstrittig, dass die Art und Weise auf die die Israelische Regierung in den letzten Monaten gehandelt hat, die auch von unabhängigen Medien berichtet wurde, wenn nicht gänzlich, zumindest in Teilen kritikwürdig ist.

Kritik darf man immer äußern und diese ist definitiv auch hier gerechtfertigt, siehe das versagen die zivilisten vernünftig mit Nahrung zu versorgen, das dies durch die Hamas und die anderen im Gaza aktiven Terroristen, absichtlich erschwert wird, ist zwar unbestreitbar, aber das muss trotzdem irgendwie klappen.

NOT_RICK , in Lemmy.world community banned people for misinformation on the post complaining about Lemmy.ml instance banning people for misinformation
@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

Anyone characterizing the Soviet invasion of Poland as “bloodless” deserves to have their bullshit posts nuked

veniasilente , in [Discussion thread] How are you all guys doing on your niche communities?

I'm pretty comfy and nappy on my two kbin / mbin magazines ( @fakemon and @pokemonfanfiction ), waiting for people to arrive. Yeah, unfortunately they are like three or four layers deep within "niche of a niche of a niche of..." but what'ya gonna do? it's the stuff that interests me that doesn't already have tons of people going about it already (hi, Linux communities!).

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Good luck with those!

Are there active generic Pokemon communities on Lemmy/Mbin? I think I've never seen any

veniasilente ,


I know there are a few generic Pokémon communities on lemmy. !pokemon is the one I see more content in but 80% of the time is just news announcements. We do have !pokemon at home, too! And there's communities for Pokémon on both kbin.social and lemmy.world but they seem to be having federation issues (or I am), as I can't see full threads / posts from most of my instances, instead having to visit them directly.

Blaze OP , (edited ) in [Weekly thread] How are you people doing with your niche communities?
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

On my side

Still pretty alone posting on

A few people started joining me on

Planning to start posting to !parenting, even without having kids.

The most successful is still !movies, with 3 active contributors, we are doing quite well.

It's okay, the others are slowly growing.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar
MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You'll want to ping my main most of the time. My account on ani.social is an alt in order for me to be able to create some communities there.

But my actual everyday use account is on sopuli.xyz, as sopuli is geographically relevant to me as a finnish citizen.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Ah indeed, I thought I pinged the sopuli one, miss clicked

Varyk ,

It's mostly me posting on Animorphs, but people are slowly joining and every now and then someone throws up a comment.

I don't mind starting from nothing. I like putting content up and just having it there, knowing that on the off chance anybody looks it up, there's going to be a whole bunch of content for them to swipe through.

And that I contributed a little bit to /all.

Gives me a good opportunity to reread the series also.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Thanks for sharing, I didn't know about it!

Link: !animorphs

Varyk ,

Does the link in my post not show up on other instances unless I type it that way?

I still don't understand formatting very well.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Your link is directly to your instance, the one I used (with the ! in front) redirects to the instance of the reader

Varyk ,

So users on other instances can't use the link in my post? Or they can't see the link?

I thought any community only exists on a single instance that other instances can view and access, do you mean every community is copied to all the other instances?

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

They can use it, but wouldn't be able to interact with it as it wouldn't be their instance.

I thought any community only exists on a single instance that other instances can view and access, do you mean every community is copied to all the other instances?

Every community is copied to all the other instances

For instance my instance version of your community: https://reddthat.com/c/animorphs@sh.itjust.works

CommunityLinkFixer Bot ,

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !animorphs

Varyk ,

That's very interesting, thank you for explaining that.

I keep thinking I understand how basic federation works, and then something like this crops up haha.

So if they click on my link, they'll be able to view it but not interact with it because it isn't on their instance?

And each time a change is made in the animorphs community on any instance, that's reflected to all animorphs communities on all instances?

It sounds like nodes of a crypto.

Then there can only be one animorphs community named "animorphs" and any other community would have to have a slightly different name?

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

So if they click on my link, they’ll be able to view it but not interact with it because it isn’t on their instance?

Yes, their account wouldn't work

And each time a change is made in the animorphs community on any instance, that’s reflected to all animorphs communities on all instances?


Then there can only be one animorphs community named “animorphs” and any other community would have to have a slightly different name?

Yours is the unique !animorphs .

Someone could create !animorphs

The same way bill@gmail.com is not bill@hotmail.com

Varyk ,

That I get. But then that animorphs@reddthat.com would be a completely separate community, not just a mirror of my community on shit just works right?

So if animorphs was really popular, I would see five different communities from different instances, and All five communities would be copied to an accessible on every instance?

I think I get it if I have that right.

Thanks again, I think my stumbling block here was I didn't understand that a community was copied to every instance that accessed it. I thought the instances were completely independent and any instance could simply direct you to the instance a particular community was hosted on rather than every community being mirrored on every instance.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

That I get. But then that animorphs@reddthat.com would be a completely separate community, not just a mirror of my community on shit just works right?


So if animorphs was really popular, I would see five different communities from different instances, and All five communities would be copied to an accessible on every instance?

Yes, !movies and !movies for instance are completely different communities

Varyk ,

Okay, cool. Thanks for going into all that with me, I'm always looking to better understand.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Happy to help!

CommunityLinkFixer Bot ,

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !animorphs

orangeNgreen , (edited ) in [Weekly thread] How are you people doing with your niche communities?
@orangeNgreen@lemmy.world avatar

I’m alone at:

There’s some activity over at !cfb. During college football season it should be busy enough there.

If you combine all of the various dad-based groups (there’s several), the activity is somewhat there as well.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

If you combine all of the various dad-based groups (there’s several), there activity is somewhat there as well.

Do you think there should be some consolidation on that side?

orangeNgreen ,
@orangeNgreen@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah. I think most of them have inactive mods, which makes it tough. But having 5+ dad groups probably isn’t conducive to engagement at this stage.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Would you like to create a dedicated thread here, in !fedigrow ? Might be easier to have all the context (all the communities, how long have their mods been inactive, etc) in one thread, that could then be shared to the different existing communities to explain the rationale behind it.

orangeNgreen , (edited )
@orangeNgreen@lemmy.world avatar

I can do that. Should be able to put that together later today.

Edit: done.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar


Blaze OP , in [Update: community is created !dataisbeautiful@mander.xyz] !A new place for !dataisbeautiful that is not lemmy.ml nor lemmy.world?
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Update: Mander are working on their federation issues (https://mander.xyz/post/14144123), so I would wait until they are done to create a community there

MentalEdge , in [Weekly thread] How are you people doing with your niche communities?
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I run a lot of stuff, but I've automated away a lot of the tedium (though I still author every post) for my "moe" communities.

Means I've had more time to post to !gameart again, which is active even without me now, and steadily growing.

Thinking of setting up a community for BallisticNG as I've seen it mentioned in comments several times now, indicating there are players afoot. Might be fun to organize some tournaments.

To anyone running communities in which fanart posts are common, I run a saucebot at @saucechan, which needs to be whitelisted for any communities in which it might be useful.

7U5K3N , in Dads of Lemmy, should we consolidate the Dad communities?

I love the idea of a consolidated fatherverse.

You get back into reddit territory... But one place for new dads to be able to search for answers would be lovely.

When my wife became pregnant, daddit on Reddit gave me answers, support and tips for pregnancy, childbirth and bringing the rascal home.

It would be nice to have a place like that here.

Fizz ,
@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

It can be consolidated until the community has grown enough to split into its own niches.

Jackhammer_Joe ,

I agree to the federation, just for the name of it: The Fathervers™ - that just sounds too cool!

In all seriousness: I think it would help to have one central community for dads

nilloc ,

Dadvice is a close second. Could be a decent tag section on Fatherverse.

eran_morad , in Dads of Lemmy, should we consolidate the Dad communities?


Blaze , in Dads of Lemmy, should we consolidate the Dad communities?
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Great post!

Modva , in Dads of Lemmy, should we consolidate the Dad communities?

This is a great idea.

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