
Ashyr , in Is Lemmy.world centralization worth fighting against?

I think until there’s some tool or system that helps collate all the information out here, fragmentation is detrimental to growth.

If the same story is posted in multiple communities, I’m only posting the first one I come across. Sometimes that becomes the next big discussion and other times it’s lost and another community takes over.

I’m not going to copy and paste the same comment with every mirrored post.

So sometimes commenting feels like a waste of time.

Centralizing helps ensure that there’s vibrant, consistent discussion which is what Lemmy should be about.

In my mind, the fix is that all posts to the same link should just collect the discussion all in one place, regardless of which community spawned it.

There may be a ton of good reasons that isn’t happening, but until there’s some sort of fix, centralization ensures you find a discussion and can contribute meaningfully.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


Thank you for your comment.

I agree with the fact that a story of post should only exist once, as you said. I guess the remaining question is what to do where there are two communities for the same topic.

I have a good example that I just stumbled upon: !map_enthusiasts is the most active community about maps, has usually one post per day every day for the last few months. Once in a while, someone posts on !mapporn, and they instantly get a lot more comments than the first community.

!games is also quite active, despite not being on LW.

Should we just give up with federation, and just aggregate all communities on LW?

Ashyr ,

I would prefer we didn’t give up on federation, but until the tools are in place to mechanically support it, I don’t see it as strictly beneficial.

A post a day in a community is a bot, more often than not, and trying to create discussion on bot posts often just falls on deaf ears.

I don’t see a reason to push for fragmentation at this time, but rather organically support active communities wherever they’re found.

I’d love for there to be a mechanical solution to fragmentation, so you don’t see so many duplicate posts in your feed and all those individual discussions are instead in one place.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

A post a day in a community is a bot, more often than not, and trying to create discussion on bot posts often just falls on deaf ears.

In this case, I'm pretty sure it's not, it's a mix between @The_Picard_Maneuver, @garfaagel, myself and a few others.

We had a nice discussion a few weeks ago about metal bands (https://dormi.zone/post/1721444)

organically support active communities wherever they’re found.

Makes sense

so you don’t see so many duplicate posts in your feed and all those individual discussions are instead in one place.

I guess at some points moderators of communities around a same topic will have to agree on where to host the community. The split between !android and !android still doesn't make sense to me today.

Ashyr ,

Sorry I didn’t mean to imply your specific example was a bot, rather my experience when I find a community with high post rates and low engagements it tends to be a bot.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No worries, I get what you mean.

ALostInquirer ,

Should we just give up with federation, and just aggregate all communities on LW?

Might it not be more beneficial for related communities to, in the way of the old web, highlight each other in pinned/featured posts and sidebars? The idea being that there's still some benefit to different moderation styles and community cultures/vibes.

Maybe also encouraging community moderators to communicate with each other more to figure out how they want their communities to be, how they might want to differ to create more distinct identities?

threelonmusketeers Mod ,

Might it not be more beneficial for related communities to, in the way of the old web, highlight each other in pinned/featured posts and sidebars?

I think this is an excellent idea, and I have tried to do this with subs like !spaceflight. It would be great if this became standard practice, or a sort of reciprocal courtesy between communities.

Any ideas for how to encourage mod communication?

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Any ideas for how to encourage mod communication?

I would just DM the other mods. Worked quite well for me

veniasilente ,

Should we just give up with federation, and just aggregate all communities on LW?

No. Half the point of federation is that not only communities (instances) can carry their own content but also their own culture. Posting or commenting about a soccer personality in, say, !spain is vastly different from doing it in, say, !soccerdrugs, even if the originating link to the discussion is the same.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I know, but this question is asked in the specific context where posters are mostly alone on a community for several weeks / months, where the LW equivalent has much more potential.

BrikoX , in How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?
@BrikoX@lemmy.zip avatar

I don't like "big" instances, since they tend to quickly walk back on their promised goals once they no longer can manage their size. So when I joined Lemmy it was on a smaller now defunct vlemmy.net instance. The idea of operating and moderating the community was not that appealing, but it was a way to promote the instance, so I started !globalnews and !databreaches. It was a slow start, but they grew over time, reaching 1000/400 subscribers respectively and then the admin killed the instance and vanished. That was a lesson.

After that, I joined lemmy.zip, it was tiny then, but it had a lot of things going for it, multiple admins, multiple communication channels, transparent finances and good base rules. What it lacked was content. So I had to decide if it was worth my time to start over by creating another community and help it grow. I re-started !globalnews and !databreaches and just started posting without any expectations. It was an outlet to share what I found interesting or what caught my eye. Eventually, people started commenting, and organic discussions started happening. I expanded the number of communities I moderate now, but the principles are the same. No expectations.

So the reason for all this backstory is that I stay motived by believing in the project and wanting to help good instances to grow. If not for Lemmy I wouldn't be posting anywhere else, never moderated on Reddit, never even posted on Reddit, was a habitual lurker there.

Just find topics you are interested in, maybe set up an RSS client and share the content that you find interesting yourself.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Thanks for sharing your experience. I see your posts every day, impressive

UKFilmNerd , in How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?
@UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk avatar

It's a little disconcerting when I post stuff and people (I assume) down vote it because they can't be bothered to read past the headline.

I posted a video to an almost dead Tron community with Joseph Kosinski talking about Tron Legacy being released in 4K.

But, again, I assume, because the video thumbnail and description was all about Top Gun Maverick...⬇️👇⬇️👇⬇️

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I chose my current instance because they disable downvotes for this reason. At least it's one less vector of negativity

chunkystyles ,

You say that, but I recently had a comment deleted and got banned from a community on that instance. I wasn't being a jerk or anything. The mod was power tripping.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Sorry to hear, there are power tripping mods everywhere.

You can always try to escalate to the admins (even though sometimes they don't want to interfere with communities)

chunkystyles ,

As much as it did and does bother me, it's probably not worth the effort. That community probably isn't worth my time.

bradorsomething , in How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?

These things take time. I’ve saved discords in the past by making interesting comments or posts that created conversations. Lemmy is growing, and quality content attracts quality content.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Lemmy is growing

I'm not so sure, https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats, there is a slow but constant loss of users

nac82 ,

I wonder why that is? 🤔

darakan , in How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?

I started moderating !animation about two weeks ago. I don't feel demotivated so far because it's still early days and I think it's a fairly niche topic. Especially among Lemmy's somewhat older userbase. On top of that the subscriber count has more than tripled during that time so I'm pretty happy with that. The one thing that frustrates me are the occasional random downvotes. I'm certain most of them are just by people not subscribed. I kind of wish there was a way to set it up so only subscribers to the community could downvote.

The 1 post that got a huge amount of traction and a lot of fun conversation (even though some of it was off topic) was a discussion question in the form of a meme. I wanted to try it out because on the ALL feed, the majority of the most popular posts are memes. It's not something I want to do too often because I don't want that to be the focus, but I'll probably do it from time to time in the hopes of getting more people engaged. And maybe pull some more subscribers.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


Welcome here, thank you for your comment, happy to see that your community is doing well. I'll add a link to the sidebar of !movies

darakan ,

Oh awesome. That's very nice of you. I've done the same.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Thanks! I'll probably do a small post about it later this week (Sunday tends to bit a bit slower on Lemmy)

BrikoX , in Has anyone else noticed Google has barely indexed Lemmy
@BrikoX@lemmy.zip avatar

Based on a quick look, from the best to worse: DuckDuckGo > Google > Quant > Bing

Unless search engines decide to integrate a dedicated filter to Fediverse, it will always be hard to search even if it's indexed. Cross posts, quote posts are not search engine friendly features.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Welcome here!

I heard Kagi has a specific Fediverse lens that can be used. Hopefully other will follow

cactusupyourbutt , in How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?

op, from someone who browses /c/all, I frequently see your posts, so thanks, keep on keeping on

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Thank you for your comment!

Blaze OP , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar
spaduf , in Is it a good idea to post to abandoned communities about their active counterparts?
@spaduf@slrpnk.net avatar

My opinion is yes. That existing subscriber base goes a long way towards jumpstarting an active community

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Thanks, good to see you here!

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , in How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?
@p5yk0t1km1r4ge@lemmy.world avatar

I don't mind the slower nature of lemmy. I like how quiet it is compared to the karma farming spam bot hell reddit was.

bradorsomething ,


ThisIsNotHim , in How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?
@ThisIsNotHim@sopuli.xyz avatar

Part of the problem may be lack of tagging and filtering tools.

For example:

I'm not interested in memes so if a community is largely filled with them, my only way to avoid them may be to block the community. This includes communities that I might otherwise subscribe to, or want to engage with.

This is also tied into community fragmentation, community discoverability, and feeling the need to browse All to see anything. I don't know how widespread my issue is, but I have seen others mentioning having extensive block lists of communities.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Which community did you post to where you where the only one posting?

ThisIsNotHim ,
@ThisIsNotHim@sopuli.xyz avatar

I'm responding more to the feeling that a community has a single human posting. Even as a
reader it can feel that way.

viking , in The ability to upload video clips that’s coming in Lemmy 0.2 will bring more activity to Lemmy
@viking@infosec.pub avatar

Oh god no, I hate videos. Hope there will be a killswitch in the settings.

threelonmusketeers Mod ,

I hate videos

I disagree with you, but I think you are being unfairly downvoted.

Hope there will be a killswitch in the settings.

Giving users more control to filter the types of content they see is almost always a good feature.

viking ,
@viking@infosec.pub avatar

With hating videos I mean low-effort spammy crap. It's a decent format to explain certain technical aspects, but nowadays for every one good video, there's 20 bad ones, and I'd rather not have my feed flooded with crap.

If I want to watch stuff, I'll go to youtube or other platform. Lemmy is just a totally different use case for me, and I'd prefer to keep the two separated.

Just like I can't understand how people are using Lemmy for porn, but I guess from the sheer amount posted, there must be an audience. So I just hope I can fully opt out.

anon6789 ,
@anon6789@lemmy.world avatar

I'm torn on video support, but it's your typical I'm going to use it right, but I don't trust the masses to. 😅

I'd hate to see groups get filled up with posts that are nothing but a link to a video, but with me doing animal behavior and rehab, it can be hard to show some things with stills. Things like raptor hunting techniques and biomechanics need to be seen.

I'm all for having it not auto play or any of that annoying stuff though.

viking ,
@viking@infosec.pub avatar

Right, I can see the appeal for some special purposes, but to be honest, external links to videos did just fine so far - and makes it easy for those of us who can't be bothered to simply block youtube.com and youtu.be as external domains, and done.

If videos make up the post itself, I can see my frontpage flooded with stuff I don't care to see.

And just for the record, I don't hate videos per se, I just think it's opening up the platform for very low effort posts. If you're writing an article about a highly technical topic and then link a video to visualize it, great. But if there's just a headline and a video, I might as well not be bothered at all.

anon6789 ,
@anon6789@lemmy.world avatar

I suppose the low effort posts are the real problem. I didn't know if it's any better or worse if it's a picture or a video.

Inserting the thumbnail automatically along with the link would suit me fine, rather than Lemmy doing anything native with the video.

I dunno, you may have won me over on this!

01010101011 , in How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?

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  • Blaze OP ,
    @Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


    Good to see you here! On the same as you for everything, especially trying to run positive communities

    ElectroVagrant ,

    I think alongside trying to foster more upbeat/constructive communities, it may also help to have a mixture of novel/different posts and if relevant, helpful posts.

    For example, a few communities I've noticed are...




    The first is definitely niche, second is maybe somewhere between, and the last benefits from being widely appealing, but what they each have in common is that there's something different to come across from their posts. First is satellite imagery, second courtesy of a couple posters is some weirder pocket knives, and the last is more or less like pics but with a bonus of being a variety of images you could use on your phone or PC.

    A tricky part with each of these so far has been that despite some upvotes, you may not see posts from them too often depending on your sort setting as they don't often draw too many comments to each post.

    Blaze OP ,
    @Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    That's interesting, I knew none of those before your posts. We definitely need a place to better advertise communities. I know !communitypromo and !newcommunities exist, but they are probably underused at the moment

    ElectroVagrant ,

    I tend to agree. I think both of those communities are good for communities starting out or just opening up after adjusting some settings mishaps (e.g. whoops set to NSFW, mods only, or language settings), but they don't really fit for trying to get additional attention after that.

    I made a small attempt over in General Discussion with this post encouraging people to share active communities, but nobody's added to it with their own lists of active communities or mentioning a single or couple communities they've been enjoying. 🤷‍♀️

    Blaze OP ,
    @Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Oh, that's a nice post (I missed it too) Would you like to crosspost to !casualconversation ?

    ElectroVagrant ,

    I take it this is okay? 😅

    Blaze OP ,
    @Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Definitely, thanks!

    01010101011 ,

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  • all4one ,

    My biggest issue here as well. Can't find new communities and then when I do join I never see them in my algo.

    threelonmusketeers Mod ,

    I never see them in my algo

    That's odd. Even when browsing by subscribed and sorting by new or scaled?

    Microw ,
    @Microw@lemm.ee avatar

    Scaled subscribed feed works for me to show most of the niche communities I sub to

    all4one ,

    I'm probably sorted wrong. I either do top 6 hours or hot.

    Blaze OP ,
    @Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Top 6 should show them. Are you sure the communities federate correctly with your instance? Have a look at them on their home instance, then from your instance, and see if posts are missing.

    If yes, copy the link of the missing post, and paste it into the search bar. It should then appear and "unblock" the federation

    threelonmusketeers Mod ,


    Wow, I had no idea this existed. @thomasdouwes, you could definitely do more to promote this one. You should post in !newcommunities and !communitypromo.

    You also might consider the occasional crosspost to !spaceflight, as I imagine there is some overlap in user interest. Would you like me to add a link to your sub in the sidebar?

    can , in How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?

    I don't mind. We're still early adopters here really. I see it as slowly building a stronger place for people to find in future exoduses.

    threelonmusketeers Mod , in First post

    Thanks for creating this community! Looking forward to discussing ideas for how to grow Lemmy, and the fediverse as a whole!

    Blaze OP Mod ,
    @Blaze@lemm.ee avatar

    Happy to see you here, you are now a mod!

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