@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



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VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Looks very "default corporate design". Only association that comes up for me are office supplies.

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I am very much pro space exploration, but the current plans many companies present for Mars colonies just seem like they would add very little value, while bringing tremendous danger and strife for the inhabitants, should anything ever be built.

I think we need to separate legitimate interest in space and related technology from bullshit marketing with scifi flavour.

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Water. Cold brew black or green tea if I'm feeling frisky.

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I mean, if I felt morally obliged to disclose illegal or immoral practices to the public, I'd be sure to run so somewhere they can't get me. If there aren't proper whistleblower protections, you gotta make your own.

what's your current linux distro?

wanting to hop into the world of linux on a dual boot method (one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it's a gacha. I don't want to gamble with my account being banned, so I'm keeping windows for it specifically.) this'll be my second go at it, I used Pop!_OS briefly but had some issues with...

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it's a gacha. I don't want to gamble with my account being banned

Yeah, let's keep it to one kind of gambling. I like and use opensuse tumbleweed. Rolling release, never had stability problems.

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Menschen, die ein E-Auto für 7.5k kaufen wollen, überlegen wahrscheinlich nicht, ob sie den Golf für 27k kaufen, oder doch 4k mehr für eine elektrische Alternative ausgeben sollen.

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Gibt es bei VW nicht auch Vorwürfe, dass die in ihren chinesischen Werken Zwangsarbeit Nutzen würden, oder zumindest genutzt haben? Ich finde, dass unter dem Gesichtspunkt der richtige Ansatz eine konsequente Kontrolle der Lieferkette wäre. Ohne jetzt über die Sinigkeit von Strafzöllen unter der Annahme von Subventionen zu diskutieren, bin ich der Meinung, dass wir das Konsequent für alle hier verkauften Produkte machen müsste.

Genauso die Prüfung der Sicherheit, wobei wir ja jetzt schon viele von chinesischen Partnern designte oder zumindest mitentwickelte EVs umfahren haben, die nicht sonderlich viele Probleme zu machen scheinen - hauptsächlich Geely sehe ich recht oft (Volvo, Northstar, Lotus, etc., haben glaube ich auch eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Mercedes).

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Joa, weiß halt auch da nicht, ob Einfuhrzölle der richtige Schritt sind, aber am Ende bin ich auch kein Marktexperte. Bin jedenfalls nach wie vor der Meinung, dass wir unsere Lieferketten riguroser Kontrollieren müssten.

Unabhängig davon nervt mich der Trend vieler Marken, selbst Kleinwagen wie den Golf als "Premium" zu vermarkten und entsprechend den Preis anzuheben. Sehe aber auch nicht, was man da groß machen kann, außer eben persönlich nicht von denen zu kaufen.

Genauso finde ich, dass Elektroautos allgemein vielzu viel Platz im öffentlichen Diskurs wegnehmen. Klar finde ich es auch gut, lokale Emissionen zu verringern, aber vor allem in Ballungsräumen müssen wir in meinen Augen weg vom Individualverkehr.

Harvard Scholars Suggest Pollsters Ask Questions to AI Simulations of Voters Because Real People Won't Answer The Phone ( futurism.com )

Instead of asking humans who they would vote for, try to understand the nuances of their thoughts and concerns, let those messages bubble up to candidates so they can adjust their campaign to meet voters' demand, instead of that, why not just segment humans into a bunch of shallow stereotypes (the socialist Millennial, the...

VeganCheesecake ,
@VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If they don't have much data on those people's opinions, how would they check whether the output has anything to do with reality?

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  • VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    If I do have time for a night out, my friends and I tend to favour queer establishments. Now a considerable portion of them are queer themselves, but considering the behaviour I've seen displayed towards female presenting people in straight clubs and bars, I don't see how I could stand for excluding anyone from a space where they might feel less unsafe.

    Also, I don't walk on eggshells around my straight friends, or any straight people, really, especially not on a night out. There are OK straight people, and there are not-OK queer people. If someone behaves badly in a bar, they should be kicked out regardless of their identity.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Calling out that bombing a population makes it more likely for people who lost families and homes to radicalise seems sensible. Under the post, there is a lot of criticism of Israel, which in my eyes isn't necessarily antisemitism, which of course doesn't mean that there aren't antisemitic critics of Israel.

    Of course, Israel is allowed to defend itself against attack, but what it has done and is currently doing in Gaza cannot in good faith be called defending itself.

    Regardless of all that, as long as it isn't very clear that there is no effort made to moderate incitement of violence and hate speech, it is rather difficult to hold a platform accountable for the speech of it's users.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I have read the thread, and sure, there is some sympathy for Hamas that seems questionable, but nothing more extreme than what you're likely to read on most other online platforms. And while there are certainly things being said that I don't agree with, I think that on an intellectual level, it makes sense that mistreating a population leads to people in that population becoming more likely to support extremist causes.

    Also, I assume they're using Hetzner, but I don't see why they wouldn't be able to switch to a different hosting provider in a different region if Hetzner decides to shut them down.

    I am from Germany and I'm really not sure what law you'd apply here anyway. There's the NetzDG, but that, to my knowledge, only applies to platforms that are run with the goal of making a profit, which I don't think applies to most lemmy instances.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Dann bin ich, was die aktuelle Gesetzeslage angeht wahrscheinlich nicht mehr auf dem neuesten Stand, und müsste mich da selbst noch mal einlesen. Je nach dem wo die Admins selbst zu Hause sind, steht und fällt die Wahrscheinlichkeit halt sehr, ob das tatsächlich weiterreichen rechtliche Konsequenzen hat, selbst wenn gerichtlich entschieden werden sollte, dass sie strikter gegen solche Aussagen hätten vorgehen müssen.

    Mit dem Argument wollte ich nicht ausdrücken, dass das ok ist, sondern hauptsächlich, dass das impliziert, dass rechtliche Konsequenzen, sollten diese nicht recht arbiträr sein, erstmal unwahrscheinlich erscheinen.

    Ich finde, dass man den Staat Israel und seine Regierung für sein Handeln kritisieren kann, ohne dass das antisemitisch ist. Natürlich werden die meisten Antisemiten auch Israel hassen, aber das macht nicht andersrum jeden Kritiker von Israel zum potentiellen Antisemiten, und so lange diese Kritik logisch fundiert ist, sehe ich auch nicht, wieso dieser Verdacht, wenn es nicht weitere Faktoren gibt, aufkommen sollte. Israel und das jüdisch sein auf diese Art zu vermengen nimmt in meinen Augen zudem Juden die stimme, die der Israelischen Regierung kritisch gegenüber stehen.

    Es ist, denke ich, unstrittig, dass die Art und Weise auf die die Israelische Regierung in den letzten Monaten gehandelt hat, die auch von unabhängigen Medien berichtet wurde, wenn nicht gänzlich, zumindest in Teilen kritikwürdig ist.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    You should always read scientific publications with a healthy dose of scepticism - not because science isn't to be trusted, but because trying to falsify it's results and finding potential issues is an important part of the process.

    If you do that, I don't see why you should treat Chinese papers differently. Sure, a country with an authoritarian government with a cultural emphasis on face might produce some papers that aren't factual due to that specifically, but dismissing the scientific output of a nation of over a billion people over that seems backwards.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar
    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Thanks, darling. Though I gotta admit I had some pretty mediocre versions of, well, me, so I guess I'm hit or miss.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    There are instances that allow porn, and some that are dedicated to it. If I where in your position, I'd go there.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Conversely, you can now have your manifesto written by a locally run LLM.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Cheese was the one thing that kept me from going fully vegan for some time. Don't care about meat, don't care about milk, but cheese, cheese is special.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I feel like it varies quite wildly. Hard cheese seems to be pretty difficult to emulate well, while softer cheeses seem to be more doable (though there are some horrible ones). We have a local store that makes their own vegan replacements for stuff, and they have some soft cheeses that use the same mold as the originals, and they're pretty good.

    Helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi involved in hard landing, local media reports ( www.cnn.com )

    A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was involved in a hard landing while visiting a northern region and his condition is currently unknown, Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on X on Sunday....

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Because telling them "I'm not allowed to answer that question." isn't going to make them look it up themselves anyway. I mean, you could lie to them, but I can't imagine that being a popular policy.

    Even if the sentiment behind this wasn't so horrid, this'd still be stupid.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    There's definitely valid stuff in there, but I feel like you should always keep in mind that subverting these can also be an option.

    Also, while I love good world building, I wouldn't really trust Ms. Rowling's advice on this. Not because of her other bullshit opinions, but because she's well known for throwing in stuff, and then not keeping track of it, or not thinking through the consequences.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I generally am sceptical of news sources with viral in their name.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    The number of concepts per colour makes this feel a bit arbitrary.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    737-300, so not a new plane. Don't think this has much to do with the current Boeing problems. Probably maintenance issues at the charter firm, or pilot error.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    This made me try that test again, and I got INTP-A. Got something different half a year ago, so yeah.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Yeah, but the point of all the criticism is that the test also reflects mood changes and recent experiences in ways that a proper tool to measure a person's personality shouldn't. I am not saying that people can't change, just that the result of the test is rather superficial.

    Only Cable News Viewers Think Israel isn't Committing a Genocide, Survey Finds ( theintercept.com )

    Americans who get their news primarily from cable are the only people who believe that Israel is not committing a genocide in Gaza, according to according to a new survey that examined the relationship between attitudes toward the war and news consumption habits....

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Meh, Reuters, which is pretty much the mainstream western source, has been relatively good on calling out Israel, and even funded and I depend investigation that found that the IDF probably purposefully shelled one of their journalists.

    Doesn't mean that having a wider variety of sources isn't still good, of course.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Look for specialist forums for whatever I'm buying, see what they recommend. Look at the documentation available from the manufacturer, it can be a good indication, if not of quality, than of maintainability. Also, I live in a country in which you can return any product bought online for any reason 14 days after it arrived, so that helps if it turns out to suck.

    working on cover for my next solarpunk novel ( slrpnk.net )

    I’m swimming-with-mermaids delighted to reveal the cover of my next solarpunk mystery novel, Missing Mermaid. Right now I’m deciding how best to arrange the text on the cover. Do you recommend option one (author name on her tail) or option two (author name and title both up in the sky)?...

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Hmh. I like having the title down below. Gives me a more polished vibe, dunno why

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    An insane Bavarian retired geology professor, turned conspiracy theorist, who was trying to bring his dead wife back, and win back the approval of his estranged daughter. Died one session in after being bitten by an insane cultist.

    Yes, I did a Bavarian dialect the whole time. No, I'm not good at it. Yes, there where real Bavarians at the table (well, one of them was Franconian, but same difference (don't tell her I said that)).

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Well, the campaign took place in Berlin in the '20s (Call of Cthulhu, specifically Berlin: The Wicked City), but in modern times, sure.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I feel the SODIMM. Every time I need Memory for an old machine, that's half the results.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    He was also the first one since Carter who got the Nobel peace prize. Think that's part of what's being highlighted here.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    My players once almost killed a cleaner because he had the same first name as the bad guy.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Something like that. They found out the villains first name, which wasn't exactly uncommon. Asked a guard whether they new anyone by that name, and since they managed to be pretty charming, the guard was like, yeah sure, I know a dude with that first name. Wasn't even related to the story in any way. Just some dude.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Statistically, we have more deadly accidents on sections of the Autobahn with no speed limit, so speed is a factor, even though it isn't the only one.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    When I'm logged in, the few shorts they show me tend to be from channels I'm subscribed too. If I go to the homepage incognito (back when they still showed you stuff when you rejected their terms) it was mostly either shock value, expensive stuff, sexualised stuff, sports. So lowest common denominator stuff, I guess.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I remember a scandal in Germany some years back, where it was reported that people on the airline call centres were instructed to wrongly tell customers that they weren't entitled to compensation, and to only pay out when they where under threat of being sued. Dunno whether that improved.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Had some student jobs where I had lots of downtime, but was forbidden from doing anything other than sit there, under threat of being fired.

    Everyone found ways to be on their phone, sneak in an ear bud, or read something, but I was out of the door as soon as I had found something else.

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