Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.

rimu , in The Vanishing Islands That Failed to Vanish avatar

I fondly remember the days when rising sea levels, "sometime in 2100 or whenever" was the main climate-related thing. That was nice. Back then, the idea of tipping points was the realm of wild-eyed doomers that no one took seriously. Heat domes? Wildfires? Ocean death? Mass migration? Just science fiction.

Ahh, good times.

rimu , avatar

Now we have BBC printing stuff like this:

“It’s going to be like Mad Max.” “There will be no humanity. There will be no charity. There will be no fairness...

LibertyLizard , avatar

Very interesting article. I am very curious about the project they mentioned in Niger, if anyone has more information.

CrypticCoffee ,

100%. Would also like to find out more.

Delta_V , in How water could be the future of fuel | A new generation of fuels could power planes and ships without warming the planet.

If there's enough excess capacity of clean, renewable energy sources like wind and solar, that it can be converted into portable fuel . . . why hydrogen?

Its hard to contain, embrittles everything it touches, in gaseous form its density is low so its tanks need to be huge but in liquid form it needs to be kept unreasonably cold and is still low density and requires oversize fuel tanks, and its explosive when it mixes with air - not just flammable, but explosive.

Why not use that clean energy to pull CO2 out of the air and use it to build new hydrocarbon liquid fuels that are compatible with existing infrastructure?

souperk , avatar

Batteries have an environmental impact too. I am no expert, but I can see why researchers are trying to find alternatives.

MalReynolds , avatar

Totally, if you need it use the century old, high density, well understood fuel, it's just good engineering. Doesn't need to be carbon negative. Even rockets are using methane these days...

There are probably use cases for hydrogen, but they're likely large installations, either fixed or trains / ships. Toyota spent a decade trying to make it smaller and failed.

Delta_V ,

It could be a little carbon negative, in the way planting trees is a little carbon negative.

Sourcing carbon from atmosphere and hydrogen from water to make liquid fuel would pull carbon out of the air and put it into your gas tank.

Methane is easier to work with than hydrogen, but it still needs to be kept colder than what's practical. If it turns out that propane is much cheaper to make from (renewable energy + atmosphere + water), relative to the cost of making liquids like diesel, kerosene, or gasoline, then propane might be a winning choice for renewable transportation fuel.

Telorand , in Sharp rise in number of climate lawsuits against companies, report says | About 230 cases filed against corporations and trade associations around world since 2015

Good. End-stage-capitalism isn't working for most people, and it's time these polluters pay what they owe humanity.

If that means they're sued into bankruptcy, well, then they should have better estimated the "cost of doing business," hadn't they have?

fpslem OP , in Using drilling techniques developed by the fracking industry, a California utility is backing the largest new geothermal power development in the U.S. — 400 megawatts of clean electricity.

If you want to dig deeper on how the company Fervo works, the CEO did an interview with David Roberts of Volts last year which was pretty interesting. This stuff isn't hypothetical, it's working right now, and apparently it's profitable. I know huge portions of electricity demand can be addressed through wind and solar, perhaps at lower cost than enhanced geothermal for now, but the ability of enhanced geothermal to keep producing energy when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine is really key.

Telorand ,

TBH, it would be really funny and poetic to coopt the phrase "drill baby, drill" to mean something completely different. I hope the Internet makes that happen.

fpslem OP ,

Ha! I love it, this needs to happen!

Num10ck ,

hasnt europe been doing this for a while now?

Valmond ,

Yep, there were, for example, a mayor in Jonzac who made geo thermal for the whole village sometimes in the eighties (IIRC), it still runs today and I think all heat is just free.

skeezix , in Rising seas will disrupt millions of Americans’ lives by 2050, study finds

ha ha

Burn_The_Right , in Wildfire Threats Make Utilities Uninsurable in US West | As wildfire season starts, some utilities are now operating without insurance — and are on the hook if their power lines are linked to a blaze.

Considering the utilities refuse to take responsibility for the fires they cause and also refuse to prevent those fires by maintaining their equipment... fuck 'em.

It's time for either regulation or state-owned utilities. Corporations have proven they aren't able to safely provide utility services.

Burn_The_Right , in We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop | Humans’ fossil fuel burning has cooled the planet while warming it — presenting problems for the future.

Is there perhaps a more trustworthy source for this?

futatorius , in US banks seek to open vendors’ black box on green data

This is likely to become an issue with climate modeling as well, as interested parties attempt to poison the discourse with fake analysis and phony effects models. Perhaps, with the banks, the Fed should require the use of open, peer-reviewed models and reject the use of any closed-source model.

futatorius , in The New Climate Denial Is Based on These Six Terms | The new obstructionist approach doesn’t say global warming isn’t happening. Instead, it argues we don’t need to phase out oil and gas.

So they've moved past denial to bargaining?

Deceptichum , in Rising seas will disrupt millions of Americans’ lives by 2050, study finds avatar

Won’t matter until it affects the handful of Americans (amongst a handful of international rich) who are responsible for it.

Instigate , in Biden has taken more action on climate than any president. His pitch? It creates jobs

This is an argument I’ve been pitching in the Australian context for some 20 years now - we should have been world leaders in solar technology, to the extent that by now we should have massive solar farms across the North of Australia in order to export clean, green energy up to Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and other near-neighbours. We could have created a whole new industry of both research and advanced manufacturing, and if we’d nationally sequester our resources correctly we could be doing every step of the way - dig out the minerals, refine them, manufacture them into panels, export those panels - all the while generating very low cost energy and exporting it for profit as well! Not to mention so many new jobs!

Even once you take away all of the obvious arguments for climate change action (environmental, ethical, prevention of future disasters etc.) there was always going to be a strong financial incentive in a capitalistic market to move to technology that has the lowest input cost to generate energy, which just so happens to be renewables. It just baffles me that so many politicians crucified themselves on the altar of coal when they could’ve been remembered for ushering in simultaneous economic benefit and environmental benefit, with a long term impact of lowered inflation through cheaper power bills, but that’s what the minerals lobby in this country has managed to achieve. What a disgrace.

Good to see a world leader using the economic arguments in addition to the other more obvious ones.

Barbarian , in Advocates urge murder prosecution charges against Big Oil for heat wave deaths avatar

Never happening, but even if it was wouldn't the correct charge be criminal negligence? It's not like the companies killed those people in a calculated, pre-meditated way. They're "just" externalities.

Steve ,

Hyperbole undermines credibility

MalReynolds , avatar

Isn't this what manslaughter is for, if you want the conviction ? I get why mens rea may not apply here, but bringing it into question may make it viable next time, which would be worthy (or likely I don't understand law well enough).

Barbarian , avatar

I'm not a lawyer, first of all! I'm not very knowledgeable either.

Mens rea, as far as I understand it, definitely doesn't apply here. Bringing it into question undermines the case if you're trying to build a conviction around it. Better to have a wide variety of provable smaller claims than one big ticket item you're doomed to fail, as far as I understand it.

MalReynolds , avatar

Wasn't saying it applies, just that it's required for murder (1st degree anyway) as the headline spoke. You're probably righter than me, though.

Wahots , in Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies before election avatar

More than just climate. Huge infrastructure acts that are helping rebuild our our states. Helping us add stuff like protected bike lanes, too. Capping prescription costs, which is huge.

Massive investments in our economy and R&D, something we have been sorely lacking.

Some queer rights and even some small but humanizing stuff, like letting bi and gay men donate blood like the rest of humanity, and making the bar safer for everyone.

In addition to all the other stuff, like stopping the pandemic, pulling the economy out of a nosedive under Trump, reversing schedule F (think Trump's version of Order 66) for federal employees who actually keep the lights on and the country going between multiple presidents, forgiving tons of student loans, and curtailing the damage from abortion being revoked where he can.

Not to mention his accomplishments on background checks for guns, pardoning federal Marijuana offenses, and slapping the dogshit out of Russia via our friends and allies. ❤️

Edit: Damn, there's actually a list of accomplishments. He's done a lot of good shit even if he's kind of a bad public speaker.

Deceptichum , in Can Claudia Sheinbaum solve Mexico’s water crisis? avatar

If you have to ask, no.

555_1 , in Advocates urge murder prosecution charges against Big Oil for heat wave deaths

If Boeing isn’t getting the noose, neither will they.

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