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Megaman_EXE ,

It annoys me that we can understand this issue, but yet the people in power just don't seem to get it? Maybe they just don't care. It kinda feels like it's a game to them. Will high-ranking democrats really feel the pain from losing? I feel like people with money always seem to not be burdened nearly as much.

Megaman_EXE ,

Canadian here.

I am not looking forward to this very much. If Trump gets into power, our local politicians are going to crank it into overdrive. They already pander to that demographic, so it's just going to get worse. Not nearly as bad as in America, but nobody wants to live under bad leadership and have their safety taken from them.

I don't really understand how we got to this point. But it just seems like all these grifters came out from the woodwork and are just being crazy in plain sight with no consequences now.

I'm sure they were always there, but I don't feel like it was nearly as bad as it has been. Maybe it's just recency bias clouding my memory, but like... dang.

I would love to see some sort of ranked ballot voting or other method of voting come into place for every democracy. No vote should go to waste because of having to pick between the lesser of two crappy choices.

Megaman_EXE ,

This was an insightful read. Thanks for sharing!

Megaman_EXE ,

Just trying to get the NRA back on their side prior to election

Megaman_EXE ,

Honestly, I have no idea how valid/effective the Chinese vaccine is. But stuff like this is bad for everyone, not just the people they were targeting. Short sighted plan, in my opinion.

Even more disturbing if it caused extra deaths.

Megaman_EXE ,

Maaaan I wish I could go to open sauce! Enjoy! That's going to be a blast

Megaman_EXE ,

I feel the same about my own issues and troubles. Just wana stop by and tell you that your issues are valid. Even though there's always bigger fish out there. Your issues and feelings are valid and sometimes life is just unfair and fucking hard.

I hope that this can help even a little bit. I try to tell myself this sometimes, but I find it hard to take it to heart unless I hear it from someone else. Hang in there! I hope your week shapes up and gets better

Megaman_EXE ,

I'm sooooo close to getting a week off work. Just trying to hang in there. It's funny how a persons focus wavers when they know a break is coming.

I have been making some small progress with my youtube/livestream channel. I'm up to 54 subscribers, which feels like I've moved at a snails pace since September. But I'm picking up some steam, in the past while so that's super cool. I think my videos are bad lol but given the amount of time I can actually work on stuff during the week, I think I'm actually doing alright.
I'm hoping that eventually, I'm able to find a solid direction of where I want to take my videos. But for now I just want to make stuff that is fun/ that can make people happy in even just a small way

Megaman_EXE ,

This is it here. Please keep your expectations low lol

It's not amazing by any means. I'm basically mostly just messing around with streams and shorts recently as they're much faster to make.

(I hope this doesn't come off a spammy as I mention my channel from time to time. It's basically just a little hobby right now. My goal is to just currently keep improving. My childish dream would be to eventually just be able to live off of it and just be able to bring together a cool community of people. But I'm not holding my breath haha.)

Megaman_EXE ,

:3 cool beans, well I'm glad then! Thanks for taking a look at my little corner of the internet

Megaman_EXE ,

You're very welcome, I'm glad! We definitely can get through this. :)

Megaman_EXE , (edited )

I agree. I think this is spot on. It's the context. If I see Russians traveling around right now, I assume they are traveling to avoid the war, but aren't against it happening.
I feel like with these videos, it's always the Russians that are puppets to their government. Never the ones that oppose the war.

Russians that legitimately want nothing to do with their government/ want peace are cool though.

This video seemed like she was lacking an outside perspective. She says she's seeking a calmer place to live, but it sounds like she doesn't understand the context that everyone else has. Everyone is eyeing Russians right now because nobody wants a bunch of warmongers moving into their country. I'm not saying all Russians are like that, but nobody knows if a person is or not. So they're making quick judgement

I'm not sure how it is in Mexico/south America but I know in Canada we have a cultural melting pot, but people bring their past quarrels with them into the country. So you have a bunch of people living in Canada that will occasionally fight each other because of what Is happening in their original countries. Nobody wants to deal with that

Megaman_EXE ,

I've heard that some of the wealthy are fleeing so that they don't get affected by the war directly. I assume some are waiting for it to blow over and will return when it's done. Or some might just set up somewhere else.

Of course, it's impossible to tell without the whole picture (which we rarely have). I'm purely basing this off of what I have read and the videos I've seen. So I could be entirely wrong.

Megaman_EXE ,

If I may chime in, I believe you're both correct in your own ways.
Russia is being controlled through very "in your face" propaganda. America also, in many ways, is very controlling and also gets away with its fair share of atrocious behavior.

In my opinion, it's a spectrum or a big circle.
Instead of being "left or right", they both circle around to their own variation of authoritarianism.

(although I would say the USA is slightly better off, for the time being, at least. I don't think they're quite as bad, but some aspects are indeed just as bad. But I have not visited Russia, so my perspective is skewed based purely on what I read about it.)

Megaman_EXE ,

Oh, absolutely. We're all subject to it. Even in ways that might confirm our own biases. It's good to stop and try to think about what we're reading/being told etc. But I think it's super easy to not even realize

Megaman_EXE ,

Man, it's been wild seeing fascism growing over the past decade. I mean, it was always around, but it's really gotten worse. The trouble is I have no idea how you would even begin to resolve the issue.

Like you have people wanting to kill American liberals (which is hilarious because politically the American democrats are not even close to being leftist or the big boogieman, "communist").

It really seems like you have a very large group of uneducated and violent people who think Trump will allow them to fulfill their fantasies of control over others.
The pain in the ass is that their ideology is spreading globally.

Megaman_EXE ,

That would hopefully prevent a bad government, but I'm not sure how to actually resolve the ideological issue. People who hold those beliefs won't stop believing them. At least not quickly.

I'm not sure how you would make them see reason and reduce extremist beliefs. Otherwise, we're just constantly trying to deal with a sick population

Megaman_EXE ,

I was shocked to find out that all his crimes apparently don't disqualify him from running for/being president again. Like what?

You would think there would be like... some laws or something.

Megaman_EXE ,

I don't know exactly why its usage would come up more frequently again. But I feel bad because when I grew up, the word was used frequently, and I never made the connection to it being offensive.

I'm always terrified I'm going to say it or something else that could hurt someone or offend them. Like I wouldn't want to make someone feel bad because I'm being foolish.

On the flip side, I've never been one to let words hold so much power over me. I feel like words and language are very flexible, and so words don't bother me unless I know someone intentionally is trying to be rude towards me.

But again, that's just me, and I know for others that's not the case. So, I'm always trying to be mindful. I guess what I'm trying to say is that some people using it might not realise how it can make others feel. So try not to take it all to heart. Hopefully, it's just a phase that will pass soon enough.

Edit: one thing I have noticed is as political tensions have risen over the past decade, I feel like I've seen way more discourse online in general. I suppose that could just be a coincidence. It could be just due to more people having access to the internet overall. One thing I found when I used reddit a lot, was that sometimes young people could be the rudest and most hurtful. I sometimes wonder if it's just due to a developing brain and the emotional fluctuations people can get in their teens? I don't know

Megaman_EXE ,

I wish the internet archive didn't pick that battle with these companies. I don't have faith that they will win when the government sides with corporations so frequently. I hope they have a way to dump everything to the public to be backed up. I fear if they were taken down we would lose all that important information

Megaman_EXE ,

So this is something I've recently realized that I've been experiencing. I still vote in my countries elections and stuff. But I've realized I'm starting to get fatalistic ideas. I feel like, in a sense, I'm losing hope for a better future. In my own personal life I can't seem to get ahead financially.

I used to wonder why some people would just completely throw in the towel when it came to politics and I'm starting to maybe understand how they could get there. It scares me for my own well being as i feel like im maybe giving up on the idea of finding a better job/having better footing in my life. But yeah I'm at a loss at the moment.

I hope that things get better for everyone sooner rather than later

German carmaker Volkswagen says forced labour in one of its sub-supplier's plants in China was not identified as 'no full supply chain transparency exists' ( )

- Volkswagen (VW) in 2023 commissioned a deeply flawed audit at a plant in China's Xinjiang province operated by a subsidiary of Volkswagen’s joint venture with SAIC, a Chinese state-owned carmaker....

Megaman_EXE ,

This will happen in every industry. There's no ethical consumption under our current system because there's no way to track where resources, materials, items come from, who made them, and how their workers are being treated.

Edit: I just remembered the story from the last year Or two where they found all those kids working in meat plants in the USA. Slavery and other unethical practices happen globally. I wish there was better ways to stop it. I'm glad people are talking about it and hopefully it leads to better outcomes in the future

Megaman_EXE ,

I am not religious, but I often wonder if my life would be easier if I was. I feel like it offers people a lot of things. It helps with networking, and it can help mentally and emotionally cope with life's struggles. It can give a person a community.

I can see a lot of pros to believing in something. Of course, there can be lots of cons as well. But yeah, it's something I ponder from time to time.

Megaman_EXE ,

That's an interesting question. Hmm. I guess from an outside perspective looking in, it seems like religion can bring people peace. Looking up at the stars by either the naked eye or through a telescope does give me a very small feeling.

Like we're so insignificant yet extremely unique in our known world. It makes me question how everything could have come to be. Like how could everything just exist. Sometimes, that train of thought gives me exetential dread, but other times, it can give me a peaceful feeling.

Prior to my earliest memories of existence, I knew literally nothing. There wasn't anything. So it makes it hard to comprehend how things could have come to be from the very beginning. They were created somehow, whether that was through a greater being or other omnipresent thing. The idea of all these elements and things combining to create everything we know really blows my mind.

Going back to the peace thing, I've read that some religious people find a lot of inner peace through their faith. I can't say that I've experienced that exactly. But I have experienced moments of extreme peace that are very hard to describe. Almost to levels similar to how people describe they feel prior to almost dying. Just absolute pure peace and bliss.

I've only experienced that maybe once or twice in my life. One time was somewhat recent. Maybe a year or so ago, while I was sleeping. It was very profound, and it made me wonder what other feelings or inner thoughts/emotions could be within me that I have yet to experience or feel.

It's made me wonder about trying some kind of psychedelic at some point in my life. I'm not in a rush, but if given the opportunity to try it in a safe environment, I might. I'm extremely curious if that could help me get past some mental blocks with issues like anxiety, depression and some fears I have

Megaman_EXE ,

I really hope for the sake of North America that they don't vote Trump in again.

Like sure the current situation isn't great. But holy hell was it bad with Trump lol. In Canada it made a ton of bad actor politicians come out of the woodwork and copy his play book. So his behavior is spreading.

Megaman_EXE ,

Stuff like this has kind of made me partially give up and settle in a sub-par job. There's always job listings like this. Of course, I still apply, but man, after getting ghosted more times than I can count over the years, I don't look at listing regularly anymore. I find it just makes me depressed.

Megaman_EXE ,

I kind of wish this would just...happen faster. Obviously, it would be bad. But I'm hoping if enough people had a cold water shock of inflation that hit hard and fast, maybe people would be more likely to protest and push for political change that would help the average person.

It's all likely more complicated than that. It would be nice to see positive change in my lifetime though. It makes me laugh when the economy can be simultaneously "good" but the general population is spending less. Obviously someone is doing well out there. It's just not us

Megaman_EXE ,

I haven't seen any of this AI stuff yet on my end. I'm wondering if it's not fully rolled out yet?

Megaman_EXE ,

Based on Canadian voting history, we'll flip flop between the conservatives and liberals until the end of time unless some kind of voting reform comes into place. The liberals were supposed to do that but didn't.

I really wish we had some kind of ranked ballot system. I would rather vote for a third party, but even then, I question how much that would ultimately help. I feel like the people who get into positions of power often don't prioritize the general population, but that's my personal bias, and I have no idea what the actual statistics are on that.

Megaman_EXE , (edited )

Can confirm. It's not just young people either. The elderly, disabled, and anyone who can't find good employment that pays properly.
Based on the latest census data for my city, that's like over half of the jobs people have.

The only way you get ahead is if you have multiple people(in a household) working jobs that pay well above the median salary, which are (I'm guessing here) probably about 40% of the jobs and the ones that require far more experience than most people actually have.

I've been trying to hang on for the past couple years but we're likely going to have to sell our home. Which in a way is good because the upkeep is too much for my parents and I to handle. But I'm nervous we might end up in a worse situation down the line because of it all.

Megaman_EXE ,

What's hilariously sad is that this could work

Car makers BMW, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) and Volkswagen (VW) used parts made by supplier with links to Chinese forced labour, U.S. probe says ( )

BMW, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) and Volkswagen (VW) used parts made by a supplier on a list of firms banned over alleged links to Chinese forced labour, a US congressional report has said....

Megaman_EXE ,

There's no ethical consumption under our current system. Someone down the line is getting screwed. Some worse than others. We likely own, consume, and work with many things that have been created by slave labor. I'm not sure what the solution would be, though. It's likely quite complicated.

Megaman_EXE ,

I think my body has not been dealing with stress well recently. It's reacting in weird ways that are new to me.

I've been taking small wins as they come! I just need to hang on for another month and a bit and then I get to take some vacation time.

Megaman_EXE ,

It sounds like the crew are trying to do everything they can to help out and do what's right. I hope that the authorities will take that into consideration when figuring out what to do with the sailors.
The situation seems terrible for everyone involved

Megaman_EXE ,

At this point, I think the genie is out of the bottle. I feel like unless you're on some p2p encrypted chat, anything typed into the internet is getting scraped. I'm sure everyone at this point has had at least one comment scraped and used for language model stuff.

I don't like it. But it seems like corporations will always find ways to make money off of other people no matter what

Megaman_EXE ,

This looks...well amazing but also horrifying.
When they showed of GPT assisting with math equations, it made me think of how much better I would be at math if I had an assistant like that growing up.

It also makes me think about how there are going to be so many scams and fraud in the future. It's already starting, and it's only going to get worse. I'm sure I'll be duped by something like this in the future.

Also, people are going to totally be marrying gpt bots in the future lol.

Megaman_EXE , (edited )

Figured out how to set up a youtube stream with moderately non sucky results, which is impressive with the hardware I'm working with, so I'm looking forward to streaming to nobody LOL
(No, but for real, have you seen some of the random youtube shorts streams? It's wild how many viewers some of these random channels have. Just gotta find a fraction of their momentum, and I'll be set)

I'm practicing some unhealthy levels of faith that I'm going to succeed if I keep going. So let's see how far that gets me haha.

Mmmm, otherwise I played Little kitty big city this weekend, which was a short but charming indie game.

OH, and recently, I saw a video that talks about a piece of software that can convert n64 games to native PC applications, which sounds so unbelievably cool. I'm hoping tons of cool stuff gets made with it.

Edit: I went live and had at least 1 viewer for half the stream. I consider that a win.

Megaman_EXE ,

High five. Completely agree lol. I can honestly think of thirty years or more of other activities, hobbies and opportunities that I would actively rather pursue over a paycheck.

Megaman_EXE ,

I'm terrified that one day, I'll be forced back into the office. I think I've gotten extremely lucky so far. I know 100% I would not have made it through the past couple years if I was in the office. We have personal offices, which is a step up from cubicles, but it's 4 white walls and no natural sunlight. In the winter I saw sunlight for maybe 10 minutes total a day if I was lucky.

I just don't think people are meant to be working the way our current societies do. Conditions should be improved across the board for every industry regardless if you are doing white collar or blue collar work. Our lives are too short to be wasted making other people rich.

I've noticed a lot of chill religious people on Lemmy.

Idk why I'm mentioning it but compared to a lot of other online platforms where if religion is being mentioned outside of a religious community it is really in your face on Lemmy it seems like when it is mentioned outside of that kind of community it seems relevant to whatever they are saying and are generally nice....

Megaman_EXE ,

I haven't been on lemmy too much. But I've found beehaw specifically has been full of positive interactions. I get what you're saying regarding religious interactions though.

I'm not personally religious, but I don't really care what other people believe in as long as they're treating others with respect, being a chill person, and dont force their beliefs onto others.

Basically, as long as people aren't hurting each other and just being nice, that's all I ask, haha. You would think that would be easy enough to do but I suppose the tricky thing is we don't know what other people are dealing with in their personal lives when we communicate. People are complex I suppose.

The world would probably be a better place if we could feel what it would be like to be in each other's shoes

Megaman_EXE ,

Me to others: yes.

Me to myself: maybe, depending on the day.

I'm probably too critical towards myself.

Megaman_EXE ,

So far, there have been two interesting uses I've seen for chat gpt.

One is I've used it to help me write regular expressions in the very rare time I need to for my job.

The other is kind of cool but also kind of troubling in a way. But I've come across a couple of therapy style chat bots that are essentially just reading off a list of "here's what to do for XYZ"

I've tested them a bit, and I've found I'm 1) concerned who gets access to the information shared. 2) If/when these kinds of bots will be used to manipulate people in a negative way. 3)The possibility of a bot replying in a bad way that could make an issue worse for someone

Overall, I like the idea of them. I find it's hard to process information if it's coming directly from myself, or accept compassion from myself. So funny enough, these chat bots actually work really well in that respect.

In some cases, I've had better discussions than I have had with actual therapists, which is funny but also sad.

So while there's some troubling possibilities, I think there's a lot of positives that I've seen from my time with it.

Megaman_EXE ,

I'm really emotionally and mentally exhausted. But what you just wrote makes me think you are my spirit animal. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's nice to see that other people are identifying a major issue and care about it.

Megaman_EXE ,

7 years for no reason. Damn. I hope they can find freedom and live a good rest of their life. What an absolute shame

Megaman_EXE ,

It's so far a bland week. Not amazing, but not bad either so I cannot complain.

A positive thing is that my family was able to save $40 a month on our internet plan. So that's cool.

I really want to do something creative, but I'm in a bit of a creative rut at the moment. I'm sure I'll figure something out. It's a funny issue to have

Megaman_EXE ,

Aww man RIP. What happened? I'm not super great with PC's so having to take stuff apart from time to time always makes me worry that I might break it

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