Ask UK

Oneeightnine OP , in What's the worst job you've ever had? avatar

I've only really had four jobs. All retail and warehouse. So, it's kinda hard to decide which was the worst so I'm gonna go with the one I lasted one day on before walking out.

It was at a large garden centre. I spent the entire day standing behind the till. Standing. Assistants weren't allowed to sit down because they'd occasionally have to help a customer or move a large plant onto the checkout, which apparently the customer couldn't do?

Anyway I walked in the following morning and said it wasn't for me. I could have ghosted them, but I thought I owed them that much....Sods didn't pay me; fuck 'em.

bstix , in What happens if you refuse to use the right title when talking to royalty?

Not UK, but I remember a cringy clip where a journalist attempted to interview the prince of Denmark (not the current king, his younger brother), and the prince keeps interrupting the journalist by saying "let's try that again" because the journalist used "you" in singular form.

Noodle07 ,


rgb3x3 ,

Ugh, the "let's try that again" move is so demeaning and rude. Royal families have no place in this world anymore.

SmoothLiquidation ,

So what do y’all think about that?

bstix ,

I'd say it's not out of character for him. He's always been a bit of an unpopular asshole.

On the other side, it was for national TV, so if they let it slip that one time, that'd be newsworthy itself and impossible for them to gain back. So he had to do it for the sake of the whole institution.

While there are groups being against the monarchy, the general consensus is that part of their functions are irreplaceable by paid or elected officials. The Danes are pro-monarchy because the alternative is worse. They have a role to play in upholding morality and uniting the people which politicians never can or should do.

The new king is well liked by most people. They also demoted the titles of his brothers children recently which goes to show that they understand that "being born into it" isn't enough. Along with some out of the ordinary moves by the previous queen, they seem to understand that they serve the people and not vice versa.

brisk ,

The journalist used "ye"?

bstix ,

No, he said "you" when he should have used "ye" in the honorific meaning.

It was in Danish though.

brisk ,

It was in Danish though.

In retrospect that should have been obvious from context

bugsmith , in Favourite British animal? avatar
Naich , in Do you support the death penalty? avatar

What moral authority does society have to say that killing is wrong, if it does it itself? Justice needs to have higher standards than the people it's passing judgement on.

Gradually_Adjusting , in What's good about life in the UK? avatar

Walkable cities, fast transit, plentiful libraries, and good farmers markets alone represent nearly 75% of my lived experience. There are definite concerns and deficiencies politically and economically, but life is still good. A lot of Brits I talk to seem to think America might be better, and I try to let them down gently. This is a good country to live in.

Emperor , in What *was* better in your childhood. avatar

What was better twenty years ago than it currently is today.

20 years ago wasn't my childhood! I'll be off in the corner muttering a out getting old and white dog poo.

Diplomjodler , in Why do British people have such a dim view of Automatic cars?

Automatic cars used to be slower and less fuel efficient than manual. This is of course no longer true, but public perceptions are very slow to change.

SatanicNotMessianic , in Shall I stop taking my antidepressants?

You should not discontinue medication until you speak with your healthcare provider.

Neuroanatomy and neurochemistry are complex systems. A high level symptom like depression could be coming from any one of a myriad of causes. A given medication works against specific causes, but will not work if your symptoms are being caused by something not targeted by that medication.

Until our technology and understand improves to the point that we can do some kind of neuroimaging to diagnose, the only thing we can do is to listen to your symptoms and make a best guess. If it doesn’t work, it means that guess was wrong, and you either need a dosage adjustment or a medication change. If it does work but has unmanageable side effects, that’s the same. Any continuing symptoms or side effects have diagnostic relevance, and you need to work with medical staff to dial it in.

seabromd , in Sticking with GPs. Are we allowed to ask about more than one issue during our slot?

You're right that it's frustrating, but it's a no win situation (I'm a GP myself, btw).

  • There aren't enough GPs, there just aren't, so time is scarce. All the surgeries are overloaded.
  • each issue NEEDS time. People feel very confident of what they need sometimes, but that isn't how medicine works. We need to assess, get the details, to give a right diagnosis and treatment
  • every extra little thing, borrowed minute, carries forward. An extra 10 minutes at every other appointment turns into hours by the end of the day - unacceptable delays for patients and the staff.
  • there is so much added paperwork for each of these things. Most of us finish our clinic at 4-5 and then still have a couple of hours of paperwork.
  • most of us are so very burnt out at this point, and appointments becoming more complicated, demands getting higher, pushes us further towards giving up.

It isn't the patient's fault, but it is the reality. People fall through the cracks, important things gets missed, we know this and hate it too. We call it moral injury, the phenomenon of building pain because we can't actually meet people's needs or fully do what is right.

I hope the reply is clear that this isn't push back. We wish we had more time with each patient. We wish we didn't need to reign it in, but we're already stretched too thin.
We know it's frustrating. We're frustrated too

Fudoshin , avatar

I’m a GP myself, btw

Bullshit. You're a Physician Associate aren't you? I just went through all the "doctors" on my local GPs surgery and a lot of them are PAs. Including the ones who said "we can't prescribe anti-psychotics anymore as GPs"*. Even though I was begging them to cos the voices were killing me. Couple of weeks later I was taken to hospital in a coma after a suicide attempt - cos the voices wouldn't stop!! And no one would help me.

Oh and I also went to my local A&E 5 fucking times begging for help cos the voices were threatening to torture and kill me.

Yes I said the magic words - "I'm going to kill myself".

They said: "Sorry but we've no beds - go home".

I'm tempted to complain to the NHS, hospital and MP but considering I do just want to fucking die, still, what's the point?


*They said only psychiatrists can prescribe them! I've been prescribed quetiapine before by GPs but apparently something changed. Personally I think it's just PA's can't prescribe them.

Hossenfeffer , in Midge defence? avatar

In the company of my family, I can only find some small comfort in the evident fact that I protect them by being so fucking delicious that the little flying bastards are gagging for a piece of me and so ignore them. And no, I am not prepared to be a ritual sacrifice for you and yours as well. Fuck, I hate the midges.

AlpacaChariot OP ,

I've been reading up on them and apparently the females bite to feed on blood in order to mature their eggs, which they can lay & hatch in if you're in one place for more than a day it may actually get progressively worse.

"I was a hossenfeffer biter, like my mother, and my mother's mother, and my mother's mother's mother..."

Hossenfeffer , avatar

I've always been irresistible to the 'ladies'.

Hossenfeffer , in What's the worst job you've ever had? avatar

I had a summer job working in a fish factory shelling scallops.

It involved sitting in what was effectively a huge fridge surrounded by other people doing the same thing. The sound of the knives on the shells was so loud that you couldn't really talk to the person sitting next to you. We had gloves, but the combination of the knives and the shells meant the gloves would have holes in them after a couple of hours so your hands would be wet all day. The smell got into your hair and clothes. And you'd start at 04:30 or 05:30 depending on when the boats came in.

nikosey ,

i remember that smell. i worked the "slime line" in a fish processing plant in Seldovia AK for a summer. basically scooping fish stuff out with a metal spoon connected to a hose for 12-14 hours. fish scales everywhere.

EinfachUnersetzlich ,

What is an AK? I'm guessing not something to do with guns in this context.

Boinkage ,


blackn1ght , (edited ) in Do you support the death penalty?

Nope. I don't think we should be giving the state the power to execute people. Plus obviously there's always the chance that they're innocent.

I always find it kind of strange where in the US there's a big anti-government mentality but they're happy for the government to execute people.

Diotima , avatar

A slight majority of American support it. I, for one, do not. The margin of error is terrible and the govt is all too willing to cover up its mistakes.

NigelFrobisher , in Do you support the death penalty?

Allowing the state to execute people is like giving a monkey a gun.

Haus , avatar

Allowing corporate prisons to execute people is like giving a greedy monkey in a McDonald's outfit a gun.

hellfire103 , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions? avatar

I make an effort to speak British English, and not let any American into my vocabulary. Not really sure what the point is, but I'm sure I had a reason at some point.

However, I do like saying "hood" instead of "bonnet", mainly because it's easier to say "under the hood" than "under the bonnet" when talking tech.

peto ,

Do you use hood for actual cars or is it strictly when you are talking about non-car things?

hellfire103 , avatar

Just for non-car stuff. I *would * use hood for everything, but the people I would talk to about cars would get pissy for using the wrong car words.

peto ,

Fair enough, I was curious as I quite like these things where the figurative language gets orphaned from its literal meaning. Giving future etymologists something to enjoy.

andthenthreemore , in Do you support the death penalty? avatar

Definitely not. There are the obvious issues with miscarriages of justice but also I think that an eye for an eye justice is archaic.

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