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mozz Admin , (edited ) in What *was* better in your childhood.
mozz avatar

Kids' cartoons

GI Joe, Transformers, Muppet Babies, He-Man, Inspector Gadget, Danger Mouse, TMNT, Scooby-Doo

I legitimately cannot stand to have modern kids' cartoons on the TV. They do not function at all as entertainment as far as I can tell, just flash and color and chaos, and it's like the nature of the flash and color is as annoying and hyperstimulating as you could possibly imagine. It's as if someone had deliberately set out to on purpose make the kids as discombobulated and craving stimulation as possible, so they'd have as strong as possible a susceptibility to the advertising that comes alongside the shows.

Hey wait a minute

(Edit: Oh I completely missed that this was a UK thing. Well there you go, as far as my US childhood.)

wewbull ,

Apart from GI Joe we had all the same stuff here.

...but, I hate to break it to you...

Twenty years ago was 2004. Those were all 80s and 90s shows.

NateSwift ,

TMNT was definitely still around in the early 2000s, although I don’t know how that version compares to earlier ones.

And the GI Joe movies count… right? :p

NickwithaC , avatar

1990 was 10 years ago and you can't tell me otherwise!

Fudoshin , avatar

Gummy Bears is available to stream on Disney+!

RobotToaster , in What's a British TV show that the Yanks did better? avatar

Robot wars (called battlebots in the US)

NickwithaC , avatar

Robot Wars is actually an American show and Battlebots is an off-shoot.

PCurd ,

Robot Wars was created in America but the first televised show was in the UK.

peter , avatar

I don't think battle bots is better, it's definitely more successful though

buried_treasure , in What's a British TV show that the Yanks did better?

Maybe a controversial one but I much prefer the US version of Shameless to the British one.

Mongostein ,

Same, but it went on too long. I stopped at season 7 and recently tried to finish it, but I just don’t care any more. 🤷🏻‍♂️

hellfire103 , in Do you support the death penalty? avatar

I do not support the death penalty. In all cases, either death is going too far, or death is too good. Also, while you can let someone out of prison and compensate them for false imprisonment, you can't exactly resurrect people who turn out to be innocent.

In fact, I would say that the whole judicial system could be improved so criminals are rehabilitated, rather than punished.

Of course, I also believe there is an exception to every rule (including this rule), so there's probably an acceptable set of unusual circumstances in which classical imprisonment or even death are the best options; though I do not know what these would be.

Rentlar , in What's good about life in the UK?

From an outsider's perspective:

  • Intercity Rail Transit that actually works unlike North America.
  • A deep history where an "early 19th century" building is considered 'recent'.
  • A political system that has at least some humourful moments, and elections aren't between underwear that smells like shit and a diaper full of shit.
Tweak ,

Rail in the UK is crap when compared to the rest of Europe.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

It really should not have been privatised. Same as all infrastructure really

assplode ,

As an American, the public health care system

Cheradenine , in What's good about life in the UK?

Monkeys attracted to Yorkshire Pudding

Emperor , avatar


hellfire103 , (edited ) in Shall I stop taking my antidepressants? avatar

Bad idea. If you can, talk to your therapist, pharmacist, or GP, and they should be able to either give you advice, increase your dosage, or put you onto some different antidepressants.

In the mean time, try following !aww to see nice things; and/or !depression_now for memes, discussions, and advice.

Also, please consider calling the Samaritans at 116123.

Hang in there, mate.

anothermember , in So like, what absolutely ridiculous thing did you take to be fact when you were a kid?

I used to believe that only women drank tea and only men drank coffee (owing the the fact that my Mum only drinks tea and my Dad only drinks coffee).

I was a bit weirded out when I first encountered a friend's mother drinking coffee.

essell , in Viewing some used cars tomorrow: any tips?

Open the windows during the test drive.

This allows you to hear any odd sounds from the engine or wheels better. and the rain means you can refuse to close them until they drop the price

QualifiedKitten , in What's the worst job you've ever had?

I once worked for a department store chain that no longer exists. I did 2 days of training in a classroom, then spent 2 days on the floor before I no call no showed and just never went back. It was just so freaking boring. I think I spent one day sorting a rack by size and color out of sheer boredom. Wound up getting a job at Denny's (shitty 24 hour chain diner) shortly after, and while that also sucked, at least it wasn't boring, and tips meant the overall pay was also better.

towerful , in When did you see somebody overplay their new toy?

Any first person game that has lens flare.
Eyes dont have lens flare. Cameras do. Cinematic cutscenes, thats fine. 3rd person cameras, thats fine - if it isnt over done. Hell, even some super bright thing in first person, where lens flare is used as a cinematic effect to show it is seriously fucking bright, that can be fine.
But generally speaking, lens flare is overused in video games. Pretty sure it was BF3 that took it from "huh, we can do lens flare" to "lens flare indiscriminatly"

Emperor , avatar

I was going to say lens flare in films. You can always tell what stage someone is at when learning Photoshop as they still love using the filter and, to my mind, it just reeks of amateur hour when used in films and TV shows.

towerful ,

I can understand it in film CGI and sets/post, as its hard to avoid when actually outside.
Lens flare is a product of multiple lenses and the aperture. And most of the time shots are set up to reduce it (more expensive lenses, matt boxes etc).
When overcooked in a movie it ends up looking amateur AF. Either the shot wasnt set up correctly, or someone has over-egged it in post-production.
I have rarely seen a pronounced lens flare that makes sense in a movie.

Emperor , avatar

The classic is a sci-fi movie - the spaceship turns up at a new planet and you get a sweeping view with lens flares obscuring the carefully modelled view.

UKFilmNerd , avatar

Welcome to JJ Abrams Star Trek. 😆

UnityDevice ,

Eyes dont have lens flare

Me, with astigmatism: I'm gonna have to disagree on that one.

hellfire103 , in What *was* better in your childhood. avatar

My childhood was between 2007 and mid-2015, I'd say.

  • First of all, I miss the graphic design. Everything's so flat these days. I preferred it back when everything was shiny and skeuomorphic.
  • There was better stuff on TV, too - especially the cartoons. Also, I could have watched TV on my DS using one of those special Game Paks, as we hadn't quite switched to digital yet.
  • Furthermore, the TV ads were actually entertaining, and we had more PIFs.
  • The internet was more fun.
    • YouTube was fair and funny
    • Flash games were still a thing
    • Vine was just around the corner
    • There was so little advertising and tracking everywhere that I didn't need to bother with my über-hardened web browser set up. Hell, I could probably have made do with something like Lynx or NetSurf and not missed out on any content.
  • We were still in the Rage Era of memes, which I would say was infinitely superior to the MLG Era.
  • Everything was cheap a couple of years after the housing crisis. You could buy shower gel at Tesco for just 2p.
  • We were still in the EU, which was nice.
  • Chester Bennington from Linkin Park was still alive
  • David Bowie was still alive
  • Betty White was still alive
  • Steven Hawking was still alive
  • Avicii was still alive
  • Prince was still alive
  • The Queen was still alive
  • Obama was president
  • Mojang wasn't owned by Microsoft
  • Windows was, in my opinion, an alright OS
  • iPhones could be jailbroken and apps sideloaded more easily
I_Miss_Daniel ,


I only know them from the '90s as Program Information Files on Windows 3.1

What are they in your context?

hellfire103 , avatar

Public Information Films. Essentially the British term for PSAs.

My YouTube / PeerTube channel is an archive for them:

I like them because, until I was old enough to watch the real thing, these were as close as I could get to horror films. They can get pretty scary, especially considering they're warning about real things (as opposed to monsters or fictional murderers).

charlytune , in Do you support the death penalty? avatar

No. I don't believe the state should have the power to end someone's life. That's my fundamental position. I would also argue that if it did, this is open to abuses of power, corruption, and miscarriages of justice that can never be fixed.

Are there people I wish were dead, and who I think deserve to be killed? Sometimes. But that's not a pleasant thought, and I certainly don't think that my emotions should be carried into action, because it doesn't get humanity anywhere in the long run.

Digestive_Biscuit , in What's good about life in the UK? avatar

NHS. Despite people complaining about it and funding problems it is still amazing. My sister in-law is in Asia and has cancer. Even with health insurance from her job it's still insanely expensive. She basically can't afford treatment. Getting sick is bad enough but imagine that with the worry of money.

JadenSmith ,

On Friday night, on the way back from a night out with mates, one of our buddies starts having complications regarding his diabetes. He takes care of himself but his sugars spike either up or down occasionally. We were worried and called for an ambulance, and I kid you not it was here in maybe 2-3 minutes or so.

His levels got sorted with the right stuff, had an IV drip of something, and by the next morning he was at home.

If he was in another country, he'd have insane difficulty paying for medical. As a mate I'm grateful for the NHS.

Bassman27 , in Why do British people have such a dim view of Automatic cars?

I just like changing gears

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