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VanHalbgott , in What film did you watch when you were too young, and how did it traumatize you?

I’m American, but these are my examples:

  1. The Incredibles was the biggest offender in my childhood: it was sensory overload for me from the workplace scene to the jokes to the villain all done in a viciously brutal Pixar story formula.
  2. Despicable Me was another contender because that film I don’t consider friendly to kids now, because characters are jerks and the villains are the minor ones pulling all the strings (Miss Hattie and Mr. Perkins scared me badly).
  3. Tangled, mostly because of Mother Goethe verbally abusing Rapunzel and stabbing her boyfriend in the stomach only to get killed.
  4. Wreck-It Ralph also has everyone hating on Ralph for being a villain, Vanellope gets shoved into a puddle of chocolate by her own kind, Calhoun is an abusive bastard, Turbo doesn’t even belong in a movie meant for kids as a villain even though he dies a goofball later.
  5. Transformers: Age of Extinction, mostly because of Joshua Joyce abusing his role although the rest of the movie was okay.
  6. Marvel’s Avengers was fine, but Bruce Banner/Hulk and Loki were convincingly scary.


  1. The Boy and The Beast was a brutal coming-of-age film, but I saw it when I was a teenager.
  2. Black Panther, most overrated Marvel movie
  3. Moana, for an unpleasant fomula film
  4. Zootopia, worst movie ever made

You could say any film is going to scare me.

snaprails , in What's your favourite sarnie/butty? avatar

There’s something wrong with that list.
It doesn’t contain the phrase “Egg Banjo” 🙂

fakeman_pretendname , in What's your favourite sarnie/butty?

To me, this looks more like a list of "At an event with catering, after everyone's eaten all the cheese sandwiches and ham sandwiches, what's left on the table, completely untouched because it's vile?"

Mex , in What's your favourite sarnie/butty? avatar

I like to mix it up, cheese and onion is a goodie if terrible for your breath

Guntrigger ,

I already tagged you as "butter sandwich maniac" from this thread, but I'm happy you mentioned cheese and onion, so I have to update that.

Mex , avatar

I probably shouldn't admit that I have been known to eat slices of butter right out the fridge.

Hossenfeffer , in What's your favourite sarnie/butty? avatar

A good BLT is top-tier, without a doubt but a BLT is really a tomato sandwich with bacon and lettuce, so it all rests on the quality of tomatoes and good tomatoes are hard to come by these days unless you grow your own.

Ham and tomato or cheese and tomato are also good. Make sure to use plenty of white pepper on the tomato though! Not black, and not freshly ground. The white pepper brings out the tomato flavour better.

I'm disappointed not to see the chip butty make an appearance.

Also disappointed, but not surprised, not to see the Sheffield fishcake butty in there. This, with lashings of salt and vinegar, is absolute god-tier levels of sarnie. I once drove a 280-mile round trip just to have a Sheffield fishcake butty for lunch. But most poor, unfortunate fools have never experienced the joy. The Sheffield fishcake makes other fishcakes ashamed and, in butty form, absolutely shits all over a fish finger sarnie.

Also, now I think about it, I used to enjoy the occasional roast pork butty with crackling and applesauce when I lived in Sheffield. Another glory that seems unavailable down south. Fuck, it's grim down south.

Emperor OP , avatar

I once drove a 280-mile round trip just to have a Sheffield fishcake butty for lunch.

That's impressive levels of dedication!

Tippon ,

That's an impressive lunch break!

Emperor OP , avatar

One of my friends used to go to the cinema in his lunch break.

Tippon ,

Ok, that's an impressive lunch break :o

Emperor OP , avatar

Yeah, the firm he worked for wasn't too bothered about tracking people's hours and there was a cinema next door, so he could just wander in and pick a film that had recently started (which saves you 20-30 minutes).

Hossenfeffer , avatar

The craving had been building for some time and then work announced a 'well-being' day for everyone in the company. Obv., some people used theirs for a spa day, reconnecting with nature, or some intense physical exercise.

Me, I drove to my favourite chippy in Sheffield and got a fishcake butty. No regrets, even though traffic was a bitch on the way home.

sirico , in What's your favourite sarnie/butty? avatar

Since I was 15 working in a bakery cheese and mayo is my goto.

flamingos , in What's your favourite sarnie/butty? avatar

Was this just polled on fillings available in meal deals? Like, where is jam?

Emperor OP , avatar

I wonder if the sad truth is, that's how a lot of butties are consumed these days, as you might imagine the simple classic, the bacon butty, would rank higher.

flamingos , avatar

I honestly don't think that's it. I think something screwy happened with this poll, but I can't find it to verify. Seems Hovis only released this to the press.

Emperor OP , avatar

Do we need our own poll?

flamingos , avatar

Yes! We need to uncover the truth Big Bread is hiding from us!

Emperor OP , avatar

Bastards! I'm on it!

Guntrigger ,

I'm excited to see this. I also got the feeling it was a loaded question because there a a ton of classics not represented: bacon butties, chip butties, cheese and onion, ham and mustard, sausage, baked bean toasties, cucumber, jam, peanut butter. I guess they could be lower ranking but I doubt that about the first few at least.

Emperor OP , avatar

Sugar butties.

Hossenfeffer , avatar

Misread your list and wondered deeply at 'cucumber jam'. Not prepared to try it on the off-chance, mind you.

Guntrigger , in What's your favourite sarnie/butty?

85% of people literally can't enjoy a sandwich without butter? A nation of psychopaths.

Mex , avatar

Every sandwich needs some lubrication, butter is a good choice , but not the only choice.

Guntrigger ,

My parents put butter on sandwiches that really don't need it and it drives me mad. Looks like I'm in the minority.

Out of all of the sandwiches on that list, they all already have some moisture without the need for butter:

  • BLT – Bacon grease/tomato juice & lettuce is mostly water
  • Chicken salad – usually means slathered in mayo
  • Tuna mayonnaise – mayonnaise & tuna is usually wet to begin with
  • Fish finger –ketchup (maybe also mayonnaise), or just malt vinegar
  • Cheese and pickle – if dry, you were stingy with the pickle
  • Egg and cress – just a wet mess already
  • Coronation chicken – in its own curry/creamy/mayo sauce
  • Prawn mayonnaise – mayonnaise
  • Smoked salmon and cream cheese – cream cheese
  • Beef and horseradish – horseradish
Hossenfeffer , avatar

Perhaps you, and others in this thread, misunderstand.

The point of butter, or mayonnaise, in most sandwiches is to protect the bread from sog. Any sarnie involving tomato, for example, that doesn't have a protective layer between the to's (I'm trying this out as a contraction of tomatoes) and the bread will end up with soggy, soggy bread. And no one wants soggy, soggy bread,

Guntrigger ,

Oh I totally get that. But where there's mayo, there's no need for butter. And if you slightly toast the bread first it will mostly hold off the sogginess. And it's only really a problem with basic sliced bread, some nice crusty or dense grainy bread will often hold up anyway.

To me, it's the equivalent of something like deep frying bacon. Probably still delicious but not really necessary.

I would like to get behind To's, but it's a bit too similar to toes. I like the idea of toes in my sandwiches less than butter.

Deebster , in What's your favourite sarnie/butty? avatar

Dunno if it's my favourite, but every time I have a banana sandwich I always think why don't I eat these more often. It's especially good with a very malty bread and salted butter.

Emperor OP , avatar

My Dad's favourite butty was a banana sarnie - just bread and lashings of butter.

Deebster , avatar

A wise man.

Emperor OP , avatar

One slice, wrapping the banana like a hot dog bun.

Deebster , avatar

Errr, you're losing me a bit there - are we still in sandwich territory with this version? It's like a weird sausage roll now.

Emperor OP , avatar

It has bread on both sides, so...

snaprails , avatar

And that, despite what the ‘merkins might tell you, is essential for a sandwich.
There’s no such thing as an open sandwich. That’s just stuff on a bit of bread.

Emperor OP , avatar

That's why cheese and/or beans on toast is a different beast to a cheese and/or bean toasted sandwich.

DigitalDruid ,

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  • Emperor OP , avatar

    All the major B feed groups.

    Mex , in Are you going away on holiday this year? avatar

    Not sure yet, hoping to. Had a UK city break long weekend earlier in the year, would have been cheaper to go all inclucusive package holiday for a week.

    FatLegTed , in Are you going away on holiday this year? avatar

    In a few weeks we have 4 days at Haven's Hopton site. As both of us are 'older' and demands aren't that much and money is tight, we can go out of season. In another few weeks the price will have gone up over £1k. Don't know how some people (especially with kids) manage it.

    fakeman_pretendname , in Are you going away on holiday this year?

    I'm not sure if it counts as a holiday in the traditional sense, but the plan is that me and the missus are going to both go away on one of those "intensive driving" courses - so I guess it'll be something like a Premiere Inn in Scunthorpe or whatever. We'll still be away together though, and hopefully one of us will have learnt to drive (or at least be halfway there) by the end of the "holiday" :)

    mannycalavera , in Are you going away on holiday this year? avatar

    Holidays and travel in general is increasingly more and more expensive. I have a lot of sympathy for people with children who might be limited to school holidays when the prices are that much higher.

    I've found North Africa really interesting or the Middle East (but I totally appreciate the reluctance with going there right now). It might cost you overall the same as a short haul trip to Europe for a holiday but with the added benefit that it's somewhere newer and more exciting than Europe can offer.

    There's a whole world out there to explore and it's a shame that expense is the major limiting factor in doing that (time and distance largely being conquered).

    Failing this, take a trip up to God's Own Country ™️, Yorkshire.

    blackn1ght OP ,

    My only experience of Africa has been Tunisia which I really enjoyed. There's so much of the world I'd love to explore but, time, money, children!

    Emperor , avatar

    I loved Tunisia too (it wasna fieldtrip not a holiday but we had a laugh).and friends speak highly of Morocco.

    Emperor , in Are you going away on holiday this year? avatar

    I haven't been on holiday in 5+ years - I couldn't actually tell you when or where. Possibly either when I went up to my old stamping grounds in the NE or when I went to Istanbul for a couple.of weeks to stage an intervention (which solidly didn't work but that freed us up for a nice wander round my favourite city). I'd usually go down London way to see my auntie and coordinate it with a fee exhibitions but she's now in a secure dementia unit since lockdown and my best friend in London died in 2019. As it's just me now it's difficult to plan anything or get properly motivated.

    Ideas in the offing:

    • I want to go to more traditional events, top of my list is the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance and I can combine that with a bit more family history research in Staffordshire.
    • There's a very vague plan to go to Paul Simenon's next "disco" in London as a good friend knows him and quite a few of my friends are Clash mad.
    • There's a plan been mooted for a group of friends to hire a big house in Wales for a few weeks in September. We've never done anything like that before but it should be fun (and possibly the basis for some future murder mystery movie) but it needs someone to grab the bull by the horns - so I might try some subtle nudges to ensure it isn't me.
    • I was planning on going to York before the world shut down (and my life got derailed), so I may just bugger off for a few days at some point.

    So nothing nailed down and I may just repost this to next year's thread on this topic.

    blackn1ght OP ,

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend and auntie.

    I've heard a lot of people say they enjoyed Istanbul, what did you enjoy about it?

    We hired a big house in Wales for our wedding, it was lovely! We stayed in Llandeilo in Carmarthenshire, overlooking the valley, it was gorgeous. Huge house, hot tub, decent garden, it was perfect. If I had a group of friends then I'd definitely head back.

    Emperor , avatar

    I’m sorry to hear about your friend and auntie.

    Thanks. Just the kinds of hand grenades life throws at you.

    I’ve heard a lot of people say they enjoyed Istanbul, what did you enjoy about it?

    I should caveat it with the fact that I am not really a big city kind of guy but I have been to a few. So what do I like? The people, the food, all things to see and do and, yet, it doesn't feel like a huge city. You can stay up near Istiklal, stroll down (or take the Tunel - the world's second oldest underground railway) down to the Galata Bridge and then wander up through the spice market into the Grand Bazaar. From there you are just a short stride away from any number of historical sites. I've travelled the length and breadth of the country and, if you go to Turkey, I'd recommend going central and eastwards (although I still have a few boxes to tick in the west as I wasn't "allowed" to go to Troy and I'd like to finally make it to Afyon) as there are wonders to see out that way, but if you only had a week and/or wanted a city break, then go to Istanbul.

    We stayed in Llandeilo in Carmarthenshire, overlooking the valley, it was gorgeous.

    Sounds great - we might head over towards thr Llyn peninsula or down the west coast towards Barmouth.

    GreyShuck , in Are you going away on holiday this year? avatar

    I'm off to Cornwall in a few weeks. Pretty much every year I go there with friends - we stay for a fortnight in a chalet that one of them has.

    I hope that my SO and I will be able to get another week or so in in September. It'll also be in the UK - maybe Yorkshire this time.

    We might spend a few days camping somewhere too - maybe north Norfolk.

    blackn1ght OP ,

    Yeah we're thinking of heading to Cornwall, we've always gone to a decent caravan park at the start of September before my son began school, but now we're having to look in the summer holidays and the prices are crazy!

    The holiday with friends sounds fun, enjoy!

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