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Tippon ,

Just to note, this doesn't apply to the UK. Our trains are generally useless and expensive.

Tippon ,

That does appear to be the case, yes.

Tippon ,

Do you know of any decent guides for getting started please? I've got a load of cassettes from the 90s that I want to fix, and trying to do it manually is slooooowww 😩

Tippon ,

Sorry, I missed your reply.

I'm mostly just trying to clean them up. They're old tapes, so they've started to degrade. They have that wavy sort of sound, as if they're playing back at an uneven speed. They've also got random noise in places, so instead of being able to record a sample of noise and remove it from the whole track, I've got to do it manually for sections of the recording.

Apart from the wavy sound it's all straightforward enough, just time consuming

Tippon ,

Sorry, I missed your reply.

I'm mostly just trying to clean them up. They're old tapes, so they've started to degrade. They have that wavy sort of sound, as if they're playing back at an uneven speed. They've also got random noise in places, so instead of being able to record a sample of noise and remove it from the whole track, I've got to do it manually for sections of the recording.

Apart from the wavy sound it's all straightforward enough, just time consuming

Tippon ,

Thank you :)

These are all music. My father was given a lot of demo tapes when he ran a pub, and I've ended up with them. I thought it would be a nice project to digitise and restore them, then send a copy to the bands. I won't be able to send a clip for the next day or two though.

Tippon ,

I'm not sure about Windows 11, but I've transferred a licence on Windows 10. If OP gives the existing computer an unique name it will make transferring the licence slightly easier.

You need to install the same version of Windows on both computers - home or pro, not the version number

Build the new PC as usual and start the Windows installation.
When it asks if you have a licence, select the option to add it later (I can't remember the exact wording).
Finish the installation and install your drivers.
Either click the activation popup, or go into settings and click on the 'This computer isn't activated' box.
Open the activation troubleshooter.

There should be an option in there to transfer the licence from your old computer to the new one. If you have multiple licenses, having the unique name for the old computer makes it easier to see which one is the correct one.

@Mighty hope this helps :)

fathermcgruder , to Asklemmy
@fathermcgruder@jorts.horse avatar

What is it about the text messages and emails sent by older people that make me feel like I'm having a stroke?

Maybe they're used to various shortcuts in their writing that they picked up before autocorrect became common, but these habits are too idiosyncratic for autocorrect to handle properly. However, that doesn't explain the emails I've had to decipher that were typed on desktop keyboards. Has anyone else younger than 45 or so felt similarly frustrated with geriatrics' messages?


Tippon ,

They're supposed to be better at preventing RSI

Tippon ,

It depends on the server. Mine is an old Haswell based system, and uses more than 2 watts :)

Tippon ,

Definitely not Roman wine. Last time we drank that, I got hammered!

Tippon ,

I wonder how much your age has to do with it?

I'm in my mid 40s, and didn't have a mobile until I was about 19 or 20, and smart phones didn't become popular until I was probably in my mid 20s. They just weren't a part of my formative years.

Tippon ,

My boring choices would be Chinese takeaway and fresh KFC. The Chinese takeaway near me is delicious, and does great portions, but you're looking at at least £10 to £15 per person if you're not sharing. It's not a massive amount of money, but if you want to try a few dishes, it quickly racks up the cost.

The KFC is bog standard, but it's just far enough away that the food cools down by the time it gets to my house. This is more of a more money equals more time situation, so I'd have more time to go to the restaurant and eat it right there while it's hot.

A few people mentioned beef jerky. I'd like to try some of the different types and flavours. I've only really seen the one brand here, and they sell Teriyaki and spicy. Spicy just means that they've dumped enough spice on it to mask any other taste. I'd like to see what the other options are like.

Same with some of the other suggestions here, like swordfish. I'd love to try some of the more unusual foods, without going down the gimmicky route and eating things like rotten fish, or live octopus.

Tippon ,

I imagine you already know, but be sure that you're saying that the street sign doesn't exist, and not the street itself 👍

Tippon ,

It's good, but it depends on the map having the details in the first place. e.g. near me, the roads are mapped, and a lot of the town centre, but there's a huge amount missing.

Street Complete can't ask about a building if it hasn't been added to OpenStreetMap in the first place.

Tippon ,

Well, I feel a bit daft!

I thought the filter was to only complete quests for certain objects. I had no idea that you could add items too. That's going to make things easier for me :)

Tippon ,

It's so much easier. I've got one password to remember, and I don't have to think about any others :)

Tippon ,

Where does the training data come from to create indecent images of children?

Where have all the birdies gone?

I've lived in this place in SW Wales for 25 years and, as usual, put out food for the visiting #birds. At the start you'd see a couple of dozen species visiting each day. Just now I fed them and total visitors to table so far = zero. The magpies and wood-pigeons will eventually wander by and vac it all up. The changes are so...

Tippon ,

I'm in the valleys, and get a decent amount of birds and animals coming to my garden. I get magpies and collared doves, but I get a lot of little birds too.

They're still here :)

Tippon ,

I appreciate what Len's going for, but showing a Cybertruck with a load that would fit in a normal car, and 'owning' it by showing a bike carrying what appears to be half as much, is only going to give ammo to the dipshits with their massively oversized trucks.

'Hey, bro! My Ford SuperMacho DonkeyDong Pavement Princess edition would fit the load from the Cybertruck and the load from the cargo bike. I could throw the bike on top too!'

Reframing it as 'the Cybertruck's so shitty that half the load will fit on a bike with no issues, and you don't have to be seen driving a Cybertruck' would probably work better 👍

Tippon ,

Exactly. How many kids do they think are going to the shops alone to buy phones?

Tippon ,

Oh do fuck off

Tippon ,

Just block that wobbly bag of pig shit and move on. The rest of us like you 👍

Please help: What's your take on woman drinking guy's beer without asking after he starts dancing with her?

Please be kind with me as I am new to this platform. I was at a club when a very handsome guy, totally my type, started dancing with me. I don't know what gave me the courage to take the half finished beer from his hand and take a sip of it without asking. I then gave his beer back to him, and he said he had to go but will be...

Tippon ,

I'm in the UK, and have been with my wife for about 20 years, so the context might be different, but when I was young and single, that was a big red flag.

I know it's not the way you meant it, but back then, the girls who did that were generally hard work. There was probably an 80 / 20 chance that they expected you to buy them drinks all night, and were just doing it for the free drinks. If you didn't buy them, they'd grab the next guy who looked daft enough to fall for it.

Unfortunately once you've been caught out by a few people like that, you tend to be suspicious of the genuine people too.

Probably the best thing you could have done afterwards was to buy him a drink and say something like, sorry, I didn't mean any offence, and leave him alone. Let him make the next move if there is one.

Tippon ,

I know they're not getting drunk off a sip, and didn't say that the sip was the free drink.

They'd do this to young single guys, the type who looked naive, and flirtily take a sip from the guy's drink, making it clear that they wanted a drink of their own. The guy, usually being drunk and stupid, would fall for it and buy them drinks for as long as they kept flirting. At the end of the night, the girls would drop the act and just walk away.

Obviously, nobody owes anyone else anything, and this clearly isn't what OP was doing but if you've been burned by someone taking advantage in the past, you're more likely to think that's what's happening again.

Tippon ,

OP asked for opinions on why the guy walked away. I offered an opinion based on my experience from my many years running a nightclub. Absolutely nobody has suggested that anyone should be obligated to sleep with anyone else. In fact, the last sentence of my last post said exactly the opposite.

As I've repeatedly said, OP was clearly not doing this. I suggested that maybe the guy that OP was flirting with has been burned by someone else doing that to him in the past, and that's why he reacted in that way.

@appledinosaurcat I'm not always great at getting my point across, so if I have implied that you did anything wrong, please know that it was not my intention, and I apologise.

Tippon ,

Was he angry, scared off, or just thought I was easy?

OP asked for possible reasons for why the man acted the way he did. It's right there in the post that you apparently didn't read. I offered one possible explanation based on experience.

I've repeatedly said that nobody owes anything to anyone else. You are the person who keeps suggesting that I said different. You seem like you're trying to paint me into a corner to try and get me to say something that I didn't. You're either arguing in bad faith, or are incapable of understanding someone else's point of view.

To clarify, yet again, the girls who would pull this trick would act as if they were interested in the guy that they chose, and were interested in sleeping with them. They were not interested in sleeping with them, they just wanted free drinks. The guys would find out at the end of the night that these girls were pretending to be interested just to get drinks, and would be annoyed that they had been tricked. At no point did anyone owe anything to anyone else.

A guy who had been tricked like this in the past might avoid anyone that he thinks might be trying it in the future.

Again, OP was clearly not doing this. I only offered this as a possible reason for the way that the guy in OP's post had acted. It was based on my own experiences from running a nightclub for several years, and seeing people act the same way.

I resent the fact that you're trying to twist my words to make it sound like I think that people owe other people sex, and I'm done with you. Go troll someone else.

Tippon ,

If someone lies to you, especially if it's to trick you into giving them something, it's ok to feel upset.

The only person who is constantly saying anything about people being owed sex is you. Seek help.

Tippon ,

Fair enough.

Tippon ,

I used to work for one of the big game retailers in the UK, and we didn't do that, we would just scan the generic barcode. That was about 15 years ago though, so things may be different now.

Tippon ,

It's because in most of those sort of scenarios, we've got unlimited clean energy. If that's the case, pedalling doesn't make sense except for exercise. There are ebikes now that have a throttle alongside the pedal assist, so the size and weight of the bike is already low. Add the battery efficiency to get the 1,000 mile charge, and you can use the throttle to get everywhere. You'll get there faster too. If bikes show up in sci fi, they're likely to be electric motorbikes.

In a future with clean flying cars, especially the post scarcity future, the vast majority of the current problems with cars are gone. You just book a self flying car to take you to your destination and back, and it goes to another customer when you're done. In a Star Trek type future, you just beam there and back. For the most part, people don't care about travelling, they just want to be at their destination. If there's a hand wavy sci fi way around it, people will take it.

The problems that bikes and ebikes solve at the moment tend to be solved in futuristic stories, or in post apocalyptic stories, they don't matter. Why bother worrying about pollution when you're in a nuclear winter?

In the real world, ebikes are great, but in futuristic stories, they generally don't matter.

Tippon ,

I did the same a while ago. I signed up for Instagram because a few friends were on it, but never use it. I signed in a few weeks ago to catch up, and it showed me three or four posts, said that I was caught up, and then just showed me ads and sponsored posts.

Tippon ,

Go and look now, it doesn't take long 👍

Tippon ,

Only way to find out is to check 👍

Tippon ,

Yes, definitely.

I received a live donor kidney transplant over a decade ago, and because of that, my quality of life drastically improved, and I lived long enough to meet my kid and my nieces and nephews.

I've got complex medical issues, so my organs might not be any good, but they're going to be available when I'm gone.

Tippon ,

Nope. A lot of them back then either had a small speaker in the box that you had to connect, or relied on the case speaker, and they just had the motherboard headers.

I used to have a small collection of the speakers, because you could guarantee that the friend's computer that you were repairing didn't have a way for you to listen to the BIOS beeps :)

Tippon ,

Yeah, it's one of those stupid things that hardly any manufacturers thought of. It probably saved them a few pennies per board though 🙄

Considering how the BIOS beeps were the only way to know what had gone wrong, short of pulling components and testing, it was very shortsighted.

Tippon ,

Have you tried talking to a therapist about this? 🤔

Tippon ,

Pork with apple and cheese is amazing. I usually do pork chops with apple sauce spread fairly thinly on top, and grated mature cheddar on top of that, then cook it under the grill (broil?) as usual.

You'd have to spread the apple sauce thinly on the pizza too, but, yeah, that could work :)

Tippon ,

White onion? Lovely with a pinch of salt :)

Tippon ,

Same here. The question should be has anyone not seen coal 😆

Slightly more seriously though, I've got a bucket of coal in front of my fire right now.

Got a new windows 98 gaming PC, and boi she's huge!! ( lemmy.blahaj.zone )

I've gotten really interested in old Computers since I got my Commodore PET 2 months ago, so to play some good ol MS Train Simulator and Stronghold 2, I got this massive beauty. Here is a little size comparison between it and my main PC...

Tippon ,

A lot of cases from back then only took 80mm fans. To move more air, they had to spin faster and produce more noise. The loud fans were the upgrade 🙈

Tippon ,

Good point 🙂

Tippon ,

Can you send me a link to the site please? I think I joined when the 1080? 77 was released, but I can't remember the name of the site. It's been a while.

If I am a member, I'll see if I can send you a code 👍

Tippon ,

I've had a look, and I wasn't a member. I've seen the site before, but apparently you didnt have to be a member back then.

I do have some good news though - I'm a member now :D

You just need to click through to the forums and read the sticky mesage that asks if you're looking for the projects. It gives you the code that you need. I won't post the link here publicly, but I'll message you now, in case you can't see it for whatever reason :)

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