What's your plan if Trump wins in November?

I'm feeling so uneasy with everything I've been seeing. I keep thinking about what we will be this time next year, and if shit hits the fan, what is your plan? I'm queer and was politically active in 2020, so I would potentially be considered a political enemy.

The only blueprint I can think of is what you do in an active shooter situation; Flee, Hide, Fight.

I know there's that romantic notion of "don't be a coward, get out and protest", but I remember the brutality of the 2020 protests firsthand, and even then I thought "thank god I'm going toe to toe with the CPD and not the CCP". Next time is going to be different. The president now has authority to send drone strikes. Protests and riots don't stand a chance agains missiles and live rounds.

Flee- I have an Uncle in Montreal who my family could potentially use as a way to at least temporarily escape the chaos. The hope I'd have is that Canada and other countries would accept American refugees, however that's not a guarantee.

Hide- If borders are closed, lay low and move away from major cities if possible. If civil war breaks out, try to get away from the violence even if you think your side will win. Todays losers may be tomorrows victors.

Fight- If cellular data/ social media algorithms can keep track of you, and surveillance can make sure there's no movement, this would be the last resort of desperation. I guess if possible try to either find a group for safety in numbers, or conversely go guerrilla as groups of resistance would make easy targets.

Sorry my mind is running and I'm getting scared.

bobr ,
@bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org avatar

Celebrate and hope that he sticks to his word on ending the war in Ukraine (of course I don't trust him or any other politician, but at least there will be a slight hope, as compared to Biden who will 100% continue the slaughter..)

meep_launcher OP ,

I think the reason I don't follow that idea is that it sounds so similar to Neville Chamberlain's "Peace for our Time". The slaughter would just be put on pause, but would last longer and become more dangerous in 2 years time.

I see a difference between that and the handling of Gaza, which Trump would very much continue supporting Israel on. He wouldn't put American troops on the ground, but he's been saying his peace plan is for Israel to "get the job done". This is very much what we did in Afghanistan and Iraq, and we saw how that played out. I understand there is a belief that stopping support for Israel means the death of Israel, but with BB, he is only accelerating this by continued genocide of Palestinians.

There are idealists (and I will fully admit some anti-semites) who would love to see the end of a Jewish state, and there are those who would look for a two state solution. Trump and BB have made it clear that they are not for a two state solution and are pushing for complete annihilation of the Palestinian people. Trump is not a peacemaker.

bobr ,
@bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org avatar

The slaughter would just be put on pause, but would last longer and become more dangerous in 2 years time.

This may or may not happen, nobody can predict the future.
That's why I said "there will be a slight chance".
With Biden the war will go on for who knows how much time, hundreds of thousands if not millions more people will die for sure and the chance for peace in the foreseeable future is 0. With Trump it's >0. So I sure hope he will win.

... Palestine/Israel ...

That's a topic for another discussion really..
Both candidates will probably continue that war, but one will also continue the war in Ukraine, while another one promises to finish it.

tiefling ,

Only thing I can do is hope I don't get genocided. But when Proud Boys show up, I'm not going without a fight.

Azal ,

Lets be honest, the "fight" part people are too comfortable and aren't going to do anything. I'd love it if it were so, but I"m not a leader.

So my realistic plan is buy in bulk, start a garden, try to convince friends and neighbors to do the same to be able to help each other out when the worst of it comes. Which frankly is the exact same plan if Biden wins, but with a lot more fear behind it.

Shardikprime ,
lambalicious ,

I might be old but I seem to recall the French taught the proper way to protest this kind of stuff, rather than the soft protests we saw in 2020, let alone 2016.

As for me, fortunately I live in tbe Best Hemisphere so I plan to offer whatever housing space I have available so my friends from the US can flee over and nap the Trump Kingdom over.

Shardikprime ,

Wow i think anyone from LATAM would gladly take the place of anyone who wants to migrate to South America.

Otkaz ,

I can't comprehend why there aren't people marching in the streets demanding a constitutional amendment to limit the executive branch and restore checks and balances. The recent Supreme Court decision granting absolute presidential immunity is a direct threat to our democracy. We all need to be more proactive. Government moves so slow if not pushed.

TheEighthDoctor ,

I can’t comprehend why there aren’t people marching in the streets demanding a constitutional amendment to limit the executive branch

People became docile over the years, if this happened in the 70s/80s lots of stuff would be on fire right about now.

Otkaz ,

I think 'complacent' is a better term than 'docile.' The upper class has put significant time and effort into making everyone else believe that their actions won't make any meaningful difference, and it's worked just as planned.

InAbsentia ,

Gonna have to do a bit of immigration. Not sure if I'll have the option a few years from now.

kava ,

The same as if Biden wins. I don't think the office of president is going to meaningfully change my life. It did not the last 8 years either.

Either way we're headed to war, economic troubles, radicalism, etc. Biden and Trump are both stepping stones towards the authoritarian state capitalist system we have been cultivating for decades.

People are going to be fine as long as they do what every person in Latin America did under the military dictatorships supported by the US. Shut up, do your job, and don't make waves.

Don't worry, it can't last forever. These systems have a tendency of falling apart eventually. The next manifestation will be better. Just like WW2 had to happen to bring us our post-60s civil rights era society.

enbyecho ,

The same as if Biden wins. I don’t think the office of president is going to meaningfully change my life. It did not the last 8 years either.

Congrats on your life of comfortable privilege. I'm happy for you that you need not worry about the MAGA agenda.

kava ,

MAGA agenda is gonna happen under Biden too. Biden expanded border wall. Abortion rights are getting dismantled under Biden. Inflation and interest rates are pressing down on working class Americans under Biden - meanwhile corporate profits soar, especially oil companies. Oil companies are making 2-3x higher profits right now than during Trump.

Sure, the rhetoric coming out of white house is going to be more racist, more xenophobic, more anti-gay, etc.

But fundamentally I think the changes this country is going through is much deeper than presidential office. If Biden were a strong leader, maybe he would be able to stem the tide.

But he is not a strong leader. He is the last gasp of air that the establishment neoliberals are desperately trying to maintain. One last attempt to maintain the broken status quo of the great experiment we started under Reagan.

The tipping point has already been reached, a tsunami is coming and people should get ready for that

enbyecho ,

MAGA agenda is gonna happen under Biden too.

I don't know what level of ignorance you need to have to believe this but clearly you have achieved it!

kava ,

Protectionism against China check

Expansion of border wall check

Unconditional support of Israel check

Detention of asylum seekers at border check

Soaring corporate profits check

Massive number of oil and gas drilling approvals check

Virtually no meaningful legislation or policy that improves quality of life or lowers cost of living for working class Americans... check

Trust me. It's not as different as the kool-aid would have you believe. You can't just wave a pride flag around and pretend to be a progressive. I don't buy it.

enbyecho ,

Horse shit.

To the point where it's clear it's a waste of time to list all the things the Biden admin has accomplished or all the good policies they stand for. You would just claim they are not important or didn't happen to the same degree.

But truly I'm happy for you that you are in a position to be able to think only the macro level and ignore all the real positive change because it just doesn't affect you. Congrats.

kava ,

Infrastructure bill, climate bills (even though he's also given more fossil fuel approvals than Trump and oil companies are making nearly 3x profit under him), OTC birth control... what else?

High inflation & high interest rates & high government spending on war.

I would support a candidate that would

A) reduce cost of living

B) raise wages

C) enact immigration reform

D) stop funding endless war

Right now neither candidate promises any of those items. Those 4 items would make a massive difference to virtually everyone in this country.

I couldn't care less about trans bathrooms. Sure, they deserve respect and equality and all that jazz. But I'm sure they would also like a good paying job and being able to comfortably afford their rent and groceries a lot more than kids being allowed to go to drag shows.

Don't you see how they've successfully managed to trick everyone into accepting these BS culture war issues as some sort of substitution for real meaningful change? They have their boot on your neck and you're happy about it.

We're accelerating downhill, I think there's only a few years left before another big war

enbyecho ,

No really I'm happy for you. Might want to read up on actual policies and accomplishments, but whatevs.

Good luck under Trump.

kava ,

I named his biggest accomplishments. There's a reason he's more unpopular than Trump, an already deeply unpopular president.

We are fucked as a country but I'll be fine.

enbyecho ,

We are fucked as a country but I’ll be fine.


kava ,

So you give up pretending Biden has any other accomplishments?

I don't understand what even to say to people who think bombing brown people is OK as long as the plane flying it has a pride flag.

enbyecho ,

So you give up pretending Biden has any other accomplishments?

Not at all. I gave up pretending you had anything of substance to say.

kava ,

You can stop pretending anytime. Go ahead and do the research. Maybe you assume you're right and don't know. Maybe you know you're wrong and your pride doesn't allow you to admit.

Who knows

HurlingDurling ,
@HurlingDurling@lemmy.world avatar
Kusimulkku ,

I was thinking of laughing

daddyjones ,
@daddyjones@lemmy.world avatar

As a non American living outside of the US; I'm much more concerned about a second Trump term.

The first one was mostly just annoying, funny and embarrassing for you guys.

This time he'll be taking over with war in Europe and the whole Israel/Gaza thing. There is quite a lot of damage he can do...

Fedizen ,

I'll live here and help who I can. I plan to get into gardening a bit and support local farmers, the main problem isn't really trump but more how much fake bullshit the media is churning out and whether it actually manages to whip enough stupid scandals to cover for the complete corruption and incompetence of conservatives.

If it does turn into an insane fascist government, well if everyone took out exactly one fascist we'd run out of fascists very quick.

suction ,

I will move to the EU because they will love the influx of US citizens who will show them how to create a working economy, I mean those guys live in the Middle Ages, do they even have running water???

MoonRaven ,
@MoonRaven@feddit.nl avatar

As a European, I welcome you to build aquaducts for us.

CableMonster ,

The world will not end no matter who wins, the things that are concerning would be wars the US could get involved in and maybe strife after the election no matter which side wins. But realistically if you dont get yourself involved then you will be just fine. Live your life without the doom and gloom, its the media getting clicks.

exanime ,

But realistically if you dont get yourself involved then you will be just fine

Unless you are a woman or a minority or disabled or poor or an immigrant or not Christian or ...

CableMonster ,

What do you think they will do to those people, and how would they do it?

exanime ,

Remove every possible right... They have already stopped women from access to abortion and are going after contraception and divorce

cosmicrookie ,
@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

So... all the unnecessary covid deaths didn't affect anyone really? As long as you survived that is?

CableMonster ,

The reaction to covid cause more deaths than any lack of reaction.

cosmicrookie ,
@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

Numbers say otherwise. Imagine being this blind to facts!

CableMonster ,

Cool, how many people died due to lockdowns and other mandates? Or better yet, what was the net years of lossed life due to the lockdowns (including those that didnt die but have shortened lives)?

cosmicrookie , (edited )
@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

Dude. I am not even going to discuss this with you. You can believe whatever you want. I am just telling others that you are wrong. Enjoy


CableMonster ,

So there are two things going on here; the first is that you think more rights should have been taken away. The second is that this is a one dimensional analysis and it doesnt consider the impacts of what was done.

Its like if you want to win a lifting competition and you take steroids. The end result is that you do well in the competition but you also have to consider the results of taking the steroids. Studies like this ignore the extra results.

cosmicrookie ,
@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

You can believe whatever you want, my friend. I still remember the lines of trucks taking corpses away and the morgues not being able to keep up when the rest of the world managed quite a lot better. Even now Covid is much less of an issue everywhere else.

If you think lockdowns caused more deaths than that, but were never reported on, or that vaccines and lockdowns were more deadly, then you go ahead and do just that.

CableMonster ,

I didnt say anything about vaccines, I am talking directly about lockdowns; vaccines are another completely different discussion.

And its not about what I believe its about what the actual impact of a policy is. Do you at least recognize that people were harmed and died due to lockdowns and other covid policies?

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