deadbeef79000 ,


dil ,


MeetInPotatoes ,

Regular police officers not wearing full body armor and tactical gear.

ClockworkOtter ,

I think that's pretty dependent on the country

Corkyskog ,

This reminded me of visiting London nearly two decades ago. People went "It's so safe, the police officers don't even have guns!"

I get there and maybe saw two cops that weren't armed, most of the rest were suited for urban combat down to the MP5 and half dozen mags slung around them.

ClockworkOtter ,

I think London is its own special place. The Met police have a reputation in the UK for being rougher.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I agree with that, some countries don't have the money to oppress all fancy like that.

Breezy ,

Waking up early to catch your cartoons. Or as an adult, having to be at the tv at 7 to watch the new episode. Everything will be streamed, thats fine i guess you wont have to worry about missing it. But it takes away the urgency to keep up.

CaptKoala ,

Agreed, especially with the urgency part.

There's a whole bucketload of TV series/anime I've not kept up with because "I'll just catch up later", and I still have yet to watch the latest "final season" part of AoT lmaooo

Silentiea , avatar

Set a schedule for yourselves if you like, I don't miss that at all.

bionicjoey ,

Snow days

Longmactoppedup ,

They can be forced to stay home when it gets too hot instead.

Imgonnatrythis ,

IQ has been shown to be affected by AQI. We probably should hold school on very high AQI days.

ech ,

Either one they get, they'll just have "school-from-home" now, which is a shame.

evasive_chimpanzee ,

Or too cold. Seems like some parts of the world at least are getting more of those polar vortex, ultra cold days. And if climate change shuts down the gulf stream, maybe Europe gets a lot for cold days, too

Nath , avatar

How hot is too hot? Our kids were in 43° last month (109°F).

Longmactoppedup ,

Ours didn't get to stay home, but they weren't allowed outside at lunch the other week when it was over 40.
Lucky for them the school has air con in all buildings.

mindbleach ,

If not for climate then because of remote learning.

waz ,

That feeling of hope as you listen to the radio during breakfast as they read out the names of which local schools are delayed and closed. Even more the excitement when your school changes from delayed to closed.

ogmios , avatar

Social media not being the focus of every government, advertising agency and activist organization in existence.

lemann ,

The nightmare PS2 dirty disc screen, and mainstream multiplayer games without anticheat rootkits

Edit: mainstream

Tylerdurdon ,

Oh that boot sound and hoping you'd make it past... Mostly on PS1 but I still had some of it on 2.

Cwilliams ,

Yes! Why can't I play every game like I played Runscape?

Sir_Kevin , avatar

Blowing into cartridges before putting them into the console and optionally pushing them to the side or some other voodoo hoping the game would start.

lichtmetzger ,

The nightmare PS2 dirty disc screen

To be fair, PS2's are so damn rock-solid new generations can experience this for many years to come. They just gotta get one.

bestusername , avatar

Burning themselves on a light bulb!

nonfuinoncuro ,

or a car lighter

Dagwood222 ,

How many minds are going to be blown by 'The Blues Brothers' when the young folks realize there used to be cigarette lighters in police cars?

skyspydude1 ,

Do cars not come with them at all anymore? My 2021 BMW has one, and I've used it in a pinch once or twice.

slowwooderrunsdeep ,

My gf’s 2020 Tuscon didn’t, and of the cars I’ve seen and window-shopped online you have to add a “smoker’s kit” as an option. They usually still have the 12VDC port for charging but it don’t come with the lil fire pop stick no more

shyguyblue ,

2015 Ford had a "smokers kit" option as well. The plugs are covered with a little spring loaded door that says 12V on it, so you can still run your "accessories" though.

P00P_L0LE , avatar

Livable planet :)

Letstakealook ,

Careful, acknowledging reality makes you a "doomer."

CaptKoala ,

I live in a country that spends half the year on fire, my doomerism is justified (and worsening with the constant lack of action on climate change).

Hadriscus ,

This, and playing Doom

copymyjalopy ,

Their 60's.

Mastengwe ,

This hits hard.

Pantherina ,


Wes_Dev ,

Using the internet without everyone and their grandmother spying on them and blocking access to stuff the busybodies don't personally like.

SLfgb ,

the feeling of not being spied on 24-7

SLfgb ,

Someone recently told me this anecdote:

I overheard on the train home two middle aged ladies talking about their kids mobilephones.

One was saying how they dragged their teen and their mobile phone to the iphone store so they could setup the location tracker and "quiet mode" (parent phone can completly disable the teens phone), and how their child was upset but they are glad it was done.

The other lady was asking how she to can do the same.

SLfgb ,

My question is: are 2020's kids even gonna be upset?

fluffery , avatar

They dont know any different

ginerel , avatar

I cannot reply to a previous comment, due to it not federating here, but the children of 2020s will literally be online from day one!

There are countless parents that are posting pictures of their newborns on social media, on Instagram or Facebook, straight to a server in California, so imagine that every single person whose parents are like oh, I don't care about privacy, I got nothing to hide bro will have at least one photo there.

And it's not only that. They'll just never get to experience how life goes with no computer in sight, with no smartphones, not even cellphones at all. No computer, and more importantly, no internet, just cartoons on TV such as Life with Louie or Courage the Cowardly Dog or the Looney Tunes series. And even more importantly, no social media. None at all. Nothing to distract you from actually living.

BruceTwarzen ,

I worked at a young familie's home. By yound i mean she had her first kids pretty young i assume, she was around 40, and he oldest maybe 18. She probably had in total 6 kids in their houshold. There were a lot of pictures of her, her boyfriend and children in the house. It super reminded me of my best friends house when i grew up. They had a lot of children and a lot of fotos, most of them very formal and some hand painted, because that was a thing back then, most of them very nice and framed.
The weird thing i found about her houshold was, all oft the pictures there where heavy filtered. Not just beauty filters, also the dog filters and all that instagram stuff. Something about it was so odd. Some pictures even had instagram handles on it, even the youngest had her own Instagram and he couldn't even write yet. Apparently it was really important to her to get them "good" handles as soon as possible. I dunno, i'm glad i don't have social media and non of my family is into it as well.

shyguyblue ,

One of my friend/couple sent me a friend request for their newborn... Like, dude, I was willing to get a TDAP/LDAP booster so I wouldn't kill your newborn, but I'm not going to friend them on Facebook/insta...

klemptor ,

Finding a nudie mag in the woods

whoisearth , avatar

Grew up near the town dump. My buddy and I had boxes of Playboy's and penthouses it was awesome!

Dagwood222 ,

Not me. An Army brat told me that the kids would know when 'snap inspections' were coming up. They'd tell the GIs when it was time to clean out the contraband. Then the kids would hide and watch where the soldiers hide their beer and porn. You can do the math

Tylerdurdon ,

Carrying over heaps of computer equipment (including the mega CRTs before their demise) to your friends house for an all night LAN party that you guys had been prepping for. Then having a blast while parents look at you funny for being into computers.

Oh, and seeing a new BBS at a bus stop that you'd need to go dial into and check out.

TexasDrunk ,

I'm commenting too much in these replies because I remember too much, but I'm going to share one last anecdote. For a while I had a case with a bolted on handle to bring to LAN parties. Then I read in a magazine where people were building computers into hard shell backpacks to take back and forth and that changed the game. If I had to guess that was 98 or 99.

Those things were super expensive at the time. I took a seasonal second job to buy one and mount my system in it. The cooling was garbage but I sure thought I looked cool dragging it to LAN parties.

In 2004ish I set up a dial up server so my dad and I could play Battle for Wesnoth. We lived across the country from each other and neither of us had reliable broadband available. However, he had free long distance calling so it was (and remains) a way to keep in touch and hang out without actually having to talk to each other because we're both terrible at that.

aCosmicWave , avatar

I really enjoy these types of anecdotes. Was the case with a bolted-on handle military themed? My buddy had one of those!

TexasDrunk ,

Not on purpose, but it did look like an extra large ammo can by accident. I had green and black spray paint so I painted it green with black stenciled letters on the side.

aCosmicWave , avatar

Beautiful. That’s exactly what I was imagining!

TexasDrunk ,

Oh, no, whatever you're imagining it was much worse. However, I will always love it. I've built a lot of ugly but functional things in my life, but that's probably the first significant one.

Pantherina ,

Not contacting a person until you meet them again at a location you planned the day before.

Not knowing where you are, locating using literal maps.

It boggles my mind how much safety we have today.

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