Hugh_Jeggs ,

Played DiRT Rally when it came out for so many hours, I'd get intrusive thoughts coming up to a corner telling me "Do a Scandinavian flick man"

noughtnaut , avatar

On a similar note, back when I was playing a lot of shooters I would catch myself strafing around hallway corners at work 😅

__Lost__ ,

I still do that whenever I go up the stairs

NigelFrobisher ,

How do you do Tetris moves in real life? Genuinely stumped.

Franzyd ,

It's more about seeing tetramino shapes irl which reminds you of the game

Esqplorer ,

Fit as much stuff as possible in your fridge and or trunk of your car

ours ,

Or my colleagues trying to fill every possible slot in my daily schedule.

Sadly the lines don't disappear when filled :-(.

grrgyle , avatar

It's never happened to you? It's not like the thought actually makes it very far. It might just get like a momentary impulse, like "keep right side clear" or "hope I get a line."

But even those are too complex. It's more abstract and pre conscious/verbal (at least for me).

Honytawk ,

Move left and right like a crab and spin around.

hikaru755 ,

Happened with Lone Echo for me. It's a VR game where you're in a space station, and you move around in zero g by just grabbing your surroundings and pulling yourself along or pushing yourself off of them. I started reflexively attempting to do that in real life for a bit after longer sessions

Lettuceeatlettuce , avatar

When writing on paper, I will sometimes think, "Ctrl + Z" to undo an errant pen stroke lol.

Esqplorer ,

I started using my apple pencil so much I pinch to zoom on paper. It doesn't work.

grrgyle , avatar

Same, but for drawing on paper. It took me a while to break this habit. My left fingers would reflexively twitch, like they were rolling over those key

Akasazh , avatar

TF2 . Holding a bottle of booze or a frying pan. Also looking at my surroundings and estimating if I could rocket/sticky jump.

solarvector ,

Automatically figuring the right range and angle to intercept moving things with with a rocket

Laggindragon ,

Lethal Company. I was sick in January so I had nothing to do but play LC. One night I took my dogs out for a walk and I kept scanning my surroundings for monsters and scrap.

Duamerthrax ,

That's just good habits regardless of Lethal Company playtime.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Factorio. I began seeing conveyor belts in my sleep.

JasonDJ ,

DDR. Would see scrolling arrows when I'd shut my eyes b

chatokun ,

Most survival builders that use natural resources. I'd see flowers I think I should gather, or trees I could chop down for wood, etc

grrgyle , avatar

Not exactly IRL, but I'll type g st in basically any bare terminal if I'm trying to remember what I'm doing (it's my alias for git status -bs. Even when it's not actually versioned lol.

And of course the classic :wq in any text field

d41 ,

Guitar Hero was a bastard for this back in the day, every time I shut my eyes I'd see the notes coming for me.

MrDrProfJimmy ,

This was me until I went and got a guitar so I could pretend I was a guitar god even more

ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

Not a computer game but Tetris-like, Lonpos Cosmic Creatures had me thinking which of the irregular pieces fit allong any jagged edge for a while.

Today ,

On my way home from Zombieland i had to keep reminding myself, "pedestrians are not zombies. Don't hit them."

Railison ,

The Witness. Started seeing puzzles in real life and having the urge to drag my finger across them

dotned ,

I really liked action racing games like NFS and Burnout right around the time I turned 16 and got my driver's license. I didn't do anything too crazy. But, since I had been grinding those games, my confidence on the streets of my suburban town in my dinky 2000 Nissan Altima significantly increased.

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