
tobogganablaze , in Do you want to tell us something about your religion?



That is correct.

xilliah OP , avatar

Alright, may I know why?

tobogganablaze ,

I generally think it's a private matter that you should keep to yourself.

xilliah OP , avatar


The_Che_Banana , in AMA I'm a transitioning woman (she/her) avatar

Stupid question: does this mean M>F or F>M? So I can better understand the reference.

xilliah OP , avatar

You could say MtF but I am not comfortable with that label. I prefer AMAB. Because I was always a woman but assigned male at birth.

exocrinous ,

It means she's transitioning femmewards. She wouldn't call herself something she hates being, now, would she?

The_Che_Banana , avatar

And this is why I said "its a stupid question."

xilliah OP , avatar

All questions are welcome. It used to confuse me a lot too.

millie ,

A general way to remember this is that a trans woman is a woman, so she's going to call herself a woman. She wouldn't call herself a man and also be transitioning at the same time.

Like generally when we're referring to ourselves we don't do it in a self-invalidating way on purpose.

survivalmachine , (edited ) in Why is using disposable pens still common practice?

I carried around a $150 fountain pen for years. Then I lost it. Not fun.

user224 , avatar

What was it?

survivalmachine ,

Pilot Vanishing Point Yellow Rhodium Medium nib.

Was a thicker line than I prefer on my EDC anyway, but it was a beautiful pen.

FlashMobOfOne , (edited ) in Will House Democrats defend the speaker against unseating? avatar

Mike Johnson is a religious extremist and a supporter of fascism.

I mean, is it really a bad thing to let these people devour each other? And more importantly, is Mike Johnson someone to defend just over one vote?

Rentlar , in Is there a good place to ask for tech support on Beehaw?

Yeah most communities aren't flooded with posts so as long as you've done basic searching yourself then it would be welcome in most places. So !gaming for example.

Outside of the Beehaw instance, try !linuxquestions or !linuxgaming for the most relevant communities of people that might be able to solve your issue.

chloyster , in Is there a good place to ask for tech support on Beehaw? avatar

Gaming mod here. We're pretty lax on being on or off topic. Your post would definitely be welcome on there, and I imagine on the technology community as well!

Butterbee , in So what's up with BeeHaw? avatar

Hey! Welcome to beehaw! It is a smaller instance than kbin, but it's more selective with who is a member so there are pros and cons if you vibe with those that are here I suppose. I also have subscribed to a bunch of communities from and most of them also say subscription pending, but I still get the posts from those places in my feed so it seems to be working? Idk I would chalk that up to a little jank.

What I did here was just subscribed to all of the communities so that I don't miss out and my feed doesn't stagnate. Idk if that would work for you. It's difficult to make a suggestion for someone looking for "friends and fun" since we don't really know much about what you'd find fun or what kind of friends you are looking for. Hopefully as you make posts and replies you will find your people here!

boolean OP ,

Hi Butterbee. Thanks for the reply and the suggestions. Sounds like maybe the "Pending Subscriptions" thing is a bug. I'll have to see about submitting issues.

I realized my plea for "friends and fun" was entirely subjective, but I'm not picky as long as people are nice. I have a lot of interests so I'm sure I can find something to talk about with just about anybody.

And that brings me to another thing I'm noticing about Beehaw: Not a lot of special interest groups hosted locally. Searching for "Photography" lists a bunch of communities on external sites, but nothing local. I find that pretty surprising as Photography's a somewhat popular hobby.

remington , avatar

Photography is lumped in with the Creative community.

boolean OP ,

how was I not in there? Thank you!

remington , avatar


mox ,
Zworf , in Why is using disposable pens still common practice?

Meh the amount of plastic is minimal and most pens are made from renewable materials these days (Polylactic Acid).

Personally I don't use pens much at all anymore so it never really happens that I empty one of ink. If I throw one out it is because it is all dried up.

theorangeninja OP ,

True but I have a lot of similar pens because I use mostly pens and I like this particular type a lot. And every time I empty one, which happens for me probably once a month it feels weird to throw it away just to grab the same one from the drawer instead of just filling it up.

sqw , avatar

on the other end of the spectrum, i go through about one pen per decade. the one at my desk ive been using for about 6 years. somewhat remarkable to me that the ink stays good for so long.

Zworf ,

Yeah me too, though for me the ink doesn't stay good that long. I guess because I live in a hot country.

I literally do years with one. I have to say I hate writing with a passion anyway. I can type sooo much faster than I write and my handwriting is terrible. So I avoid it like the plague.

lemmyng , in You are going to be stuck in a room for 24 hours with no internet access and you can bring one item, what do you bring? avatar

A pillow. 24h nap here I come.

sleepybisexual OP , avatar

Eepy :3

frog , in What are the best charities to donate to?

My personal, anecdotal experience is that the best charities to donate to are the ones that clearly communicate what their goals are, can demonstrate the good their work does, and are transparent about how they spend their money. I find it tends to be smaller charities that are more effective at this, because their narrower focus means they can explain what they do more succinctly. A charity that says "we rescue all the orphaned seal pups in this geographic area, and it costs £X to rescue, rehabilitate and release one seal" is much clearer about where your money goes than "we help alleviate poverty" without any explanation of who's being helped when, where, or how (if at all. Far too many charities just spend donations on advertising for donations.)

Don't get caught up in promises of vague, non-specific goals. While it might seem like "ending poverty" or "world peace" are the best things to donate to, these are often rather abstract goals that may not even be achievable. The "small stuff" is less grand, less eye-catching, but it's actually these small acts of good, often on a local level, that will actually make the world a better place. Do consider your local charities, the ones who are working directly in your community: that might be your local food bank, hospice care for the dying, wildlife rescue, habitat restoration, keeping the library open, etc. Look for the charities where you can clearly say "yes, the place I live in will be better, and the people in my community will be happier, if this charity succeeds in their goal."

A lot of people will say "don't donate to animals/environment when there are so many humans that need help", and I would urge you not to listen to them. A charity that spends all of your donation on helping hedgehogs or cleaning up litter is doing more good than a charity that says it's helping children in poverty but is actually spending almost everything on advertising. A good charity will be able to demonstrate the positive impact it's having on the world, regardless of whether it's helping children, adults, animals, or the environment.

autumn , in What projects are you working on? Anything goes. avatar
  • repairing three bikes. one is a total rebuild. the other two only have minor issues.
  • crocheting two baby blankets for twins. they were already born, but they’ll still appreciate the blankets i’m sure!
  • getting my foster dog a clean bill of health. she’s got a wrist injury that’s being looked at next week by an orthopedic specialist.

foster dog tax

xilliah OP , avatar

Wow them dog feels

autumn , avatar

if she’s cleared for an agility career, she’s gonna be a foster fail. 😅

xilliah OP , avatar

Well in that case I wish you bad luck

ModsAreCopsACAB , avatar

I hope you take good care of those baby blankets so they become adult blankets.

ono , (edited ) in Can anyone Explain how The Federation works to me like I am five years old?

A bunch of people set up public bulletin boards, and agree to copy whatever gets posted on one of them to all the others.

UNIX84 , in [SERIOUS] Were any of you ever bullied?

Yes. I moved in third grade and I was the only Asian boy in a public school system in the American south, in a very small town of less than 250.

I got picked on relentlessly. I never had friends. Every slur imaginable from everyone. People ganged up and fought me on the playground. At least once a week. I got a reputation for always getting into fights in third grade and so I was always in timeout because I was new and obviously the problem. I gave up on teachers because they always favored the white kids.

At one point, they spray painted swastikas and KKK on our house. Then the sheriff deputy showed up, they said it must have been me, because I had a bad reputation. A black lady cop and a white guy cop. The lady cop took the lead and insisted because nobody had any motive to vandalize our house like that, we were not black. It must have just been me, the twelve year old who was in school when it happened. Case closed boys, pack it up and let's head home.

I ended up associating with the kids who also got bullied for things far behind their control. Being poor, having bad teeth, ill-fitting clothes, for example. My best friend had a physical disability. Although eventually, he decided to pick on my ancestry when he thought it would make him friends, and so I stopped hanging out with him.

In high school, I was vocally mean to bullies because they picked on my friends. Bullies also had significant overlap with the "Young Life" crowd, and so I associated it with their religion. I did very well with grades so the teachers did not intervene. I bullied the bullies. People were scared of me. I was kind of like a stick of dynamite, I could go off on anybody. I did not care because getting in trouble was no better than not being in trouble. I was also very physically fit and played basketball, but I was not friends with anyone on the team and had no social life with them. They were greedy with the ball and when we lost in the tournament, I laughed because I thought they deserved it.

I do not talk to any of those people, except my girlfriend who is now my wife. She had a similar treatment being Hispanic, until she had her glow up and everybody who had picked on her started chasing after her. That is gross because guys thought they were entitled to her as a brown girl. That is her story to tell.

I never felt accepted anywhere until I moved to California and suddenly I was not always conscious of being the only brown guy, I was just another person, and I was like is this how other people live?

Our kids go to a very accepting school now and it's different for them.

xilliah OP , avatar

I actually just read your other comment to a young friend of mine. About that you feel that young people are way more accepting. I feel the same way.

I was wondering if you know of any movies or series that can make it a bit easier for me to understand what it's like to grow up with fewer privileges. I mean your story is just so much to take in.

Gonkulator , in What do you think is a good thing about young people these days? avatar

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  • Kalkaline , avatar

    I like when they get a haircut and get a real job

    chahk ,

    That's only because it's uphill both ways.

    davehtaylor , in Why is using disposable pens still common practice? avatar
    • Nicer pens/refills aren't cheap
    • Few people actually handwrite anything enough these days to warrant the expense
    • Most people actually don't care about them. Refillable pens, especially nicer ones, have become an extremely niche market
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