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exocrinous ,

Anarchism isn't no government, it's no state. The distinction between a government and a state varies between different definitions, but the most widely accepted distinguishing characteristic of a state is a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence.

For example, a high school club might have a system of government, with a president, treasurer, and secretary. But the club president has no greater right to the use of violence than any other member.

It may be hard to imagine a national government operating the same way, but I believe it is possible.

exocrinous ,

Trans people know they should be the other gender and that puberty causes massive permanent changes to their body they are horrified by. They often do not know that everyone else around them’s deepest fantasy isn’t to wake up one day as the other sex.

Can confirm. As a kid, I saw a lot of jokes about how horrible puberty is. I thought everyone felt the same way as me, since they all acted like it.

exocrinous ,

Personally I think we should be giving kids a lot more support in not transitioning. And by transitioning, I mean transitioning from a girl to a woman or from a boy to a man. If the child isn't 100% certain they want to go through with massive irreversible hormonal changes, they shouldn't. I don't care whether those hormones come from a pill or from a gonad. They can make an informed decision whether to continue with puberty when they're 16-18

exocrinous ,

You're a murderer of children.

exocrinous ,

No, that's not true at all. I was pretty clearly nonbinary growing up, but every adult told me that natural puberty was a good thing and there was no way to avoid it. They didn't tell me that puberty blockers were an option. They should have. It would only be 2 years after reaching natural puberty that I realised I was trans. 2 years of puberty blockers might have made a huge difference to my life. I was sure as shit rushed by every adult I knew into transitioning into a man, just because I was born with a penis.

exocrinous ,

That's not true, but I wish it was. I wish everyone who tried to argue against saving children's lives was pressured out of it by being called a murderer. Instead, murderers like Robert Galbraith are freely appearing in parliament to argue in favour of this legislation.

And I know you can't tell from the headline, but this new rule against sex ed in schools also prohibits telling children what parts of their body are not okay for an adult to touch. Thanks to this new law, we will have a generation of children who are unable to report sexual abuse. Anyone who is in favour of this law is aiding and abetting pedophiles and getting children raped.

exocrinous ,

It'll start right back up again completely naturally as soon as you stop taking the pills. The pills are hormone blockers. The gonads still produce sex hormones, but the blockers react with the hormones and render them inert. The inert hormones are passed as urine like any other waste product in the blood. A few days after you stop taking the blockers, they'll run out and the sex hormones will start expressing themselves just like they would in someone who never took the blockers. Puberty will begin (or resume) just as nature planned.

The only side effect is that you won't go through puberty. Unfortunately, this does mean you'll have a child's amount of bone density, which is not good for a lifetime. But there's absolutely 0 risk in delaying puberty until age 18. You'll just grow up slower, the same as any late bloomer.

Hormone blockers are actually a component in an adult trans person's hormone replacement therapy. To take me as an example, I have a pair of testes which produce testosterone. So I take an antiandrogen; a testosterone blocker, to suppress the effects. And I take estrogen pills so that I have a female blood chemistry. When I started taking hormone pills, my body reacted just like any teenage girl's body. I got softer skin, mood swings, and better hair. I tell you what, having the emotions of a teenage girl as an adult is an absolute trip. I'm glad they've settled down since then. Some trans women I know even got period cramps, despite not having a uterus. I don't envy them.

The body is genetically programmed to respond to sex hormones in a certain way. It doesn't matter what you were born as, everyone's organs, muscles, bones, and brain have a genetic programming that responds to estrogen one way, and testosterone another way. The potential is already inside every living human. That potential remains there for your entire life. Puberty blockers can't do anything to take it away.

If I ever stopped taking my testosterone blocker, I'd start growing bigger muscles and hair in strange places. My body would resume functioning like a male body. One day I'll get my testes removed, and I'll never have to worry about that again. But that surgery is only available to adults, and it requires a psychiatric assessment. I've been openly trans for years and years and I'm still not allowed to do it yet. There's absolutely no risk of a child going through the procedure without the absolute greatest caution, and a very urgent, life-saving need. And even if a horrible one in a billion mistake was made, they could just give the kid hormone pills the same as I take in order to restore their original sexual chemistry.

exocrinous ,

I thought so. As a soulist, I'm interested in deconstructing and remixing social constructs into forms that benefit social justice. I noticed the hypocrisy of transphobes crying wolf about kids going through irreversible changes, and figured out it takes next to zero effort to use their own language. In appropriating the forms of our enemies' arguments, we reduce their disagreement with us down to its fundamental form - in this case, a religious belief in genetic destiny. That's the only thing setting their arguments of "for the children" apart from my arguments of "for the children". And this is a much harder thing for a bystander to accept unquestioningly than "for the children". I like showing bystanders what's really setting our enemies apart from us.

Think of it like rhetorical kung fu. Using the opponent's force against them

exocrinous ,

If you like the tactics soulism adds to the leftist arsenal, you should read the soulist manifesto at http://soulism.net. There's only a few dozen of us, but after reading the manifesto, I saw some pretty huge failures in the mainstream leftist worldview. Most leftists want to win a material victory against Capital, but they categorically refuse to deconstruct the social reality created by Capital to control us. Socially, they're reactive. They take the way their opponent describes the world at face value and only disagree when the scientific method disagrees. But most of our reality is social, not scientific, and the scientific method doesn't help you with that. The mainstream right is much better at crafting realities - a process we soulists call magic - than the mainstream left is. Escaping the body prison doesn't really help if you can't even begin to challenge the mind prison.

exocrinous ,

If I were in Olga's position I'd go create another Natasha account on the same platform and start making videos saying "Hey, Natasha here. I just learned what things are really like in Ukraine and I'm furious about what Russia is doing to innocent civilians. Putin is an evil man. Also my main account has been hacked, please report it so I can get it back."

If Natasha is Olga then Olga is Natasha. Olga probably has a case to take over the accounts, given they're videos of her, and start pushing out antiwar propaganda.

Maybe I like mischief too much

exocrinous ,

I'll leave your steaks alone if you leave the cows alone. I'm sure we can all get along without any sort of violence, harsh words, or forcing our preferences onto others.

exocrinous ,

Actually, cats really are alive and dead at the same time according to the many worlds interpretation. Under classical quantum mechanics, we say that superpositions collapse when observed, and since the cat is an observer of the quantum event (since the cat would die if the atom decayed), then the cat's presence resolves the superposition. Thus, the cat is never in superposition.

However, according to the many worlds interpretation, observation does not collapse superposition. Rather, it simply expands the superposition to include the observer. So the cat, as an observer of the quantum event, really is both alive and dead. And at the moment that you open the box to see whether the cat died, you will also observe the quantum event and become part of the superposition as well. You will both see a dead cat, and see a living cat. But your consciousness only experiences one of these possibilities. Presumably, you have another consciousness in the other possibility observing the cat in the other state. Two separate timelines have been created, which will each progress on their own according to causality. We may also call these timelines worlds or universes, seeing as they're mostly self contained.

exocrinous ,

That's completely not true. Yes, dismantling capitalism is the most important thing we can do to reduce the impact. But you're using some really strong words there. If I ride my bike to work instead of taking a car for one day, that'll reduce the CO2 emitted by about a kilogram. That one kilogram might reduce the severity of some hurricane enough to save a life. And yeah, it probably won't. But what about a year of riding my bike? What about a lifetime? What about installing solar panels at my house? What about not taking a flight? What about eating a vegan diet? Put all that together, I can probably save a couple lives in my lifetime compared to if I just consoomed. And yeah, in between all that, I'm on the streets volunteering for anarchist orgs and building systems to dismantle capitalism.

But the way I see it, fighting capitalism is like trying to win the lottery. It probably won't work in my lifetime. It almost certainly won't stop the climate crisis in its tracks right now. Making these changes in my own life makes me a healthier person with more money and a lighter conscience, and it's guaranteed lives saved. So I'm gonna do both. I'm not gonna bet on achieving communism and only then going through the degrowth that's inevitable anyway. I'm going to degrow my own life right now, so at the very least I'm ready when the communist revolution is complete and it's time to ban cars, and if communism doesn't happen before I die, I can still say with certainty, "I was part of the solution".

exocrinous ,

And back in the 90s, Hungry Jack's had a set of mascots called the Kids' Club that had something to do with their kid meals. One of them was a kid in a wheelchair named Wheels.

exocrinous ,

It means she's transitioning femmewards. She wouldn't call herself something she hates being, now, would she?

exocrinous ,

"I don't have to worry about my financials or working a job, and all I have to do is marry a horrible man and accept the possibility of spousal rape", said the woman who doesn't yet understand how bad rape is.

exocrinous ,

Coffee is woke because it keeps you awake and chamomile is non-woke because it makes you go to sleep. Toast is also woke because it's a great breakfast food. But bacon isn't woke, because meat is murder.

Tornadoes Are Coming in Bunches. Scientists Are Trying to Figure Out Why. The number of tornadoes so far in the United States this year is just above average. But their distribution is changing. ( www.nytimes.com )

While the timing of this trend lines up with the planet’s rising temperatures, scientists are hesitant to definitively attribute tornadoes’ clustering behavior to human-caused climate change....

exocrinous ,

"Propane is a clean burning fuel", said an absolute liar and a terrible father

exocrinous ,

"That boy ain't right"

exocrinous ,

I have excellent colour vision but I still struggle with this because it's hard to remember which shade of green is which when flipping between the map and the legend

exocrinous ,

I still think AI has its place as a useful term in video games development

exocrinous ,

Superhero with a shoulder mounted missile launcher like War Machine but they're Hawkeye's patented boxing glove missiles

5e has an advantage of not requiring doctorate in quantum physics to run ( ttrpg.network )

I would usually be sad to see another original RPG go 5e compatible but Neuroshima was infamously poorly designed ruleset, possibly worse than Shadowrun. I probably won't be running it, but may steal statblocks for my 5e game if I need weird stuff again.

exocrinous ,

When I first got into D&D I didn't know what edition I was playing. I knew there were multiple editions, but I couldn't find the edition number. The box just said Dungeons and Dragons.

It was 4E, and I played multiple other systems before I finally got into 5E.

exocrinous ,

Le Roman de la Rose, a mediaeval French poem that informed the tropes of western heterosexual media for the last thousand years.

exocrinous ,

Okay so what you're getting at is that this kind of speech is violent. It acknowledges a conflict and seeks to further a particular side through the adoption of defensive behaviours and attitudes. And you're taking a position that all violence is bad. But you're wrong. Violence, as you and I are defining it here, is a necessary part of self defence. Violence in self defence can put a stop to violence in aggression. A pacifist who is concerned with all violence, rather than just their own, has a moral obligation to defend the weak, using violence if necessary.

Your racist grandparents were members of the oppressor class, seeking to do violence against the oppressed, and were therefore contributing to the cycle of violence. But the woman who wrote this article, is trying to stop the cycle of violence by engaging in a defensive form of violence against an oppressor class in response to violence by that class. That's not the same thing.

exocrinous ,

I'd love to hang out with a sun bear.

Sun bears are shy and reclusive animals, and usually do not attack humans unless provoked to do so, or if they are injured or with their cubs; their timid nature led these bears to be often tamed and kept as pets in the past

Definitely would rather be in the woods with a strange sun bear than a strange man. What if he tries to get me into Magic The Gathering?

exocrinous ,

Alright, so I'm on team "alone in the woods with a bear", but since you want to talk statistics, let's talk statistics and the heteronormativity embedded in your statistics.

The figure I'm familiar with is that 1/4 of women have been sexually assaulted. Maybe you have a figure that says 1/3, that's fine. But crucially, these figures do not say who did it. What you've made is an assumption that women only get sexually assaulted by men. Personally, I think that the vast, vast majority of sexual assaults on women are done by men. But not all. I don't believe you can transfer those two statistics - women sexually assaulted and women sexually assaulted by a man - 1:1.

Let me explain where I'm coming from. Half of transgender and nonbinary people have been sexually assaulted. That's double the number of women! This factor, double, is consistent across sources I've seen that investigate both figures with the same methodology. You might have a source that says 1/3 of women are sexually assaulted, that's fine, but the ones that investigate rates for both women and trans people say it's twice as many trans people.

I could go ahead and assume, if I wanted, that half of all trans people have been sexually assaulted by a cis person. That's the same assumption you made that 1/3 or 1/4 of women have been sexually assaulted by a man. But it's a bad assumption. I know lots of trans people who've been sexually assaulted, and most of the time it was by a fellow trans person. You see, trans people have our own community that's isolated from the cisgender dating scene as a matter of safety, and that means isolated, lonely people let their guard down around fellow transes and the victims can't get away from their abusers, nor are trans friends of trans abusers willing to give up a social network in which the abuser is embedded. It's messy and disgusting and it wouldn't be a problem if cis people just accepted us, but it's where we are. I would be wrong to assume all rapists of trans people are cis people.

And I read way too deep into your comment and got a vibe that you were making the assumption that all sexual abusers of women are men. You probably don't actually think that and didn't mean to make any kind of implication along those lines. So I'm just leaving this comment as a general reminder not to use heteronormativity to inform our statistical analyses.

exocrinous ,

Presidential candidate Trump claims to be tough on crime. But is that really true? Record incarceration rates, increased violence, increased crime statistics. President Biden is the toughest president on crime yet. Debt forgiveness, decriminalisation of drugs, police reforms, rehabilitative incarceration, mental health subsidies, affordable healthcare, and free housing make Biden America's biggest enemy of crime. President Biden: say no to crime.

Whitehouse should just run this ad and actually implement these policies. Start redefining what it means to be tough on crime. It's not hard, it just takes actually disagreeing with reactionaries on premises. Unfortunately, Biden is trying his damndest to lose the election this year.

exocrinous ,

Problem is once the government has the power to disarm criminals, they can make revolution illegal, call revolutionaries criminals, and prevent the population from rising up against the oligarchy. The only two good things America did is kill Nazis, and kill monarchists. And it looks like the second amendment is going to protect their right to do both after Project 2025. In my country we have very strict gun control laws, which is why I own a bow for self defence and Nazi killing.

exocrinous ,

I'd rather have a copper spear than a steel sword. Swords are small and weak. Spears are long and powerful.

exocrinous ,

That's ridiculous, you can't make a good sword out of silicon.

exocrinous ,

Well I tried a "sword" made out of silicon and it was only good for pleasuring my wife

exocrinous ,

You've never seen anthro dragon porn?? What the fuck kind of weird ass porn do you watch that you've never seen dragon porn?

exocrinous ,

Human supremacists will define intelligence as being like a human and not like an animal, and then test animal intelligence on that measure.

exocrinous ,

Not all men? Yes all men!
Need all men for what we're solvin'
Can't be what it's been but we're evolvin'
You see for yourself now get involved in
Talking all in, do more, boy, it's a war
Chainsaw to the dead weight leave it raw
Bloody galore as we clean out the core
Yeah, we do it for her, so we kick in the door


Show her that it's not all men by putting a fist through the face of a rapist

exocrinous ,

will the increased requirements to charge all these vehicles increase power plant emissions worsening the effects of coal over regular vehicle emissions?

No, that's never going to happen. A huge coal power plant is always going to operate at a higher efficiency than a little engine inside a car or truck. It's the efficiency of scale. And that's the starting point! Our grid is already nearing 50% renewable in some places and it's rising.

exocrinous ,

The Nullarbor plain recently electrified with charging stations at enough chip shops that you can drive Perth to Melbourne on a dinky electric car. The electric generators are powered by waste oil from the chips.

What animated film or tv show is this? ( i.imgur.com )

For me the first thing that comes to mind is Tales from Earthsea. I don't think it's excellent or anything and has plenty of problems but people act like it killed their dog. While it has its problems that have been covered extensively, I think it has a beautiful atmosphere and art....

exocrinous ,

Never seen the movie but that's hilarious. I'm glad the movie exists, solely because I get to laugh at the video of the earthbenders moving a rock.

exocrinous ,

A superhero for whom there's more than one person in their head. Bruce Banner and the Hulk are a plural system, and so are Steven Grant, Marc Spector, and Jake Lockley. Although Banner and Hulk have integrated into a single personality by the time of Endgame. In She Hulk, Bruce is actually really surprised that Jen isn't plural. I guess in the MCU he hasn't realised that his plurality is caused by being beaten by his father like in the comics. He thinks his plurality is caused by gamma radiation up until Jen turns into a hulk but isn't plural.

exocrinous ,

Moon Knight's arc dealing with a fictive alter is great, but I'd be even happier with the MCU's handling of plurality if there were an endogenic superhero. An endogenic system is one that wasn't formed by trauma. A lot of people in the plural community, called sysmedicalists, think plurality can only be a mental disorder. I'd like it if the MCU was brave enough to include a counterexample to this belief.

exocrinous ,

Narcisstic Personality Disorder is a lifelong disability with no cure. You can be a nice person with NPD. You can be a wise person with NPD. You can even be a healthy person with NPD, because disorders and illnesses are two different things. Having NPD is like having type 1 diabetes. You can live a normal life, but it's still going to take constant attention to treat, and some stuff is always going to be just a bit harder for you. The myth that people with NPD are abusers is pseudoscientific bigotry. There are plenty of self aware people with NPD and there are plenty of non-abusers with NPD. People with NPD are most likely to be the victims of abuse compared to the abuser, but the kind of people who prey on the disabled to satisfy their own desire for cruelty don't want you to believe that.

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