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‘Will I ever retire?’: millennials wonder what’s on the other side of middle age ( )

Claire*, 42, was always told: “Follow your dreams and the money will follow.” So that’s what she did. At 24, she opened a retail store with a friend in downtown Ottawa, Canada. She’d managed to save enough from a part-time government job during university to start the business without taking out a loan....

teamevil ,

In the US that was Social Security but currently it's broken

teamevil ,

It should actually be the springs..then absolutely Gatorland...with the best entrance that's the same since the 90's at least

teamevil ,

I think a bunch of ignorant folk view this conman as their hero and the prosecution of law he broke a political witch hunt by the left.

Which the right only says because they are itching to start their political hunt.

teamevil ,

It's just shapeless feedback endlessly with no structure. Hell even AnalCunt had more complex well written noise.

teamevil ,

I guess that is kinda the point I was trying to make...lots of the stuff I like sounds like a pure cacophony.... But there's still order to the chaos even if it's consistently chaos....

teamevil ,

That sir is a distinguished gentleman and where the cell tells him to sit in where he sits.

teamevil ,

Dude it's just practice...
Id suggest spending 50 bux on a classical guitar, the nylon strings and far enough apart and gentle on your hands. You'll be amazed.

teamevil ,

They guy that owns Fox is using another one of his publications to trash Biden‽ No way

teamevil ,

Orion is my favorite on this one, especially the Bass line leading up to a solo. RIP Cliff...the band spirit went went you.

teamevil ,

She was a pro player not college and that arms dealer is bad news

teamevil ,

Must be nice to be paid half a billion, completely fail and still have a contract. I can completely fail for half that and there'd be less civilian deaths

teamevil ,

And Trump is trying to give them a speed boost

teamevil ,

You're being downvoted to hell and back but part of the reason where here is because the DNC in 2016 chose to support and push the right's fringe candidates assuming they were's has absolutely failed.

teamevil ,

Well first I read about it was regarding the 2016 election so Trump's dumbass for one. It seems the same inability to understand the audience lead to Hillary assuming she had states she needed in the bag. The DNC somehow encouraged "unelectable" candidates and Hillary did not campaign in some states she should have.

Biden all the way for 2024. I don't love some actions of the DNC, but we saw the cost of the asshole tax in 2016. No chance I'm interested in exploring asshole tax 2.0. it will literally tear the country apart.

teamevil ,

She and her super Deligates and the DNC absolutely stole Bernie's momentum.

teamevil ,

Unfortunately Russia has had time to regroup and more importantly, plan strategy and scenarios our, which if they were caught off guard a year ago would have had Russia in reactive meat grinder mode vs proactive meat grinder fuck with world politics mode..

teamevil ,

#3 is also a dog whistle for white supremacy...WP racists.

teamevil ,

Edit: why's mine big?

teamevil ,

He kinda tried to have an imaginary person taken out...that's what got him.

teamevil ,

Thank you...that didn't go where I expected

teamevil ,

Dude is an amazing guy and really helped people....hope he's well.

teamevil ,

Private equity firms and only planning a quarter out.

teamevil ,

Alito is a fan of treason for a reason and unfortunately it's treason season...

teamevil ,

Fucking Florida.....stop doing everything you do

teamevil ,

Newsmax do something unethical and once again doing nothing remotely close to infotainment just spewing stupidity and fear. Chris Ruddy is a monster.

teamevil ,

That's like saying you're "concerned" water is wet or the sun will rise's a certainly this scum won't leave, even if he loses again I bet he still tries to take it by force.

teamevil ,

Most folks are fairly ignorant of their rights due to a combination of lack of schools educating us on rights along with the desperate struggle to keep a roof over our heads...which those taking our rights understand. We need to seriously encourage real journalism hold shitty police action accountable and demand that out rights are met.

teamevil ,

Well yeah I sucks that real accountability in journalism is gone and Boeing can randomly benefit from whistle blowers dying randomly with no consequences....and I know it's going to come down to something ugly, but I'd like to hope not much as I can't stand what's going on in this country, the folks I know whom politically I might vehemently disagree on the surface, when we get beyond the surface usually we all want the same things...(Like the ability and opportunities afforded to the generations before, raise and provide for a family (wether it's biological or chosen family) and not have someone else telling you what you can and can't do)

All that being said, I'd wish we as a society would really realize there absolutely ARE two parties, just not the ones we think's the haves and the have nots and every single politician is on the Haves side....Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell have more in common with eachother than they will with any of us have nots....

Sad part is we're allowing them to use hate and fear to divide our resolve....we need to band together and force the government to acknowledge our demands and it begins on the local level and starts with a binding anonymous civilian review board on the police....You have to serve on it like a jury and all police complaints are reviewed and ruled on.

Whilst I'm on this happy unicorn fart of a dream, Police Unions should not exist (you shouldn't be able to actively engage in union busting and have a union represent you) and more so they should ONLY be involved in contract negotiations.....not going out and making statements about unsolved crimes

(like the police Union did in Houston a few years ago when the drug officer made up uninformant did a no knock raid and ended up killing a completely innocent couple who were returning fire at the police because they had no idea why people were breaking into their house in the middle of the night... It's 100% on a dirty cops back but the police Union had no problem screaming about them having targets on their backs.)

No more gypsy cops ( fired due to disciplinary action but the records don't follow the rights violating officer) no more speakers that want to train cops they are engaging with the public and public=Enemy. Some goddamn oversight on the military hardware we give to police so they military has an excuse to buy new toys..

Fuck man we need to call out every single police force and authority that stood by watching peaceful student protests to be attacked, only jumping in to attach the students when they defended themselves...

teamevil ,

I meant no offense to the Roma people, it's just the term that I have heard used to refer to police who are assholes, get fired and then get to do it all over again with a clean slate.on a new force. (Edit: No offense to any traveling folk either. Feel free to let me know what to refer to the trash police and I'll edit.)

Also check out the podcast Behind the Bastards about Cops... ultimately you're correct but more specifically "cops" or Citizens in Patrol was a "polite" way of saying they were able mob of assholes dragging slaves (willing to bet it didn't matter to them, slave or not) back to their captors. Great podcast

teamevil ,

Yo I never got paid as an intern

teamevil ,

Definitely had to do community service hours to graduate...but they weren't at the local grocery store

teamevil ,

Oh that Christmas Sears many pages

teamevil ,

I mean yes but there at least a hint of gobblin will ruin everything

teamevil ,

I'm definitely voting like an adult instead of the dumbasses running the state!

teamevil ,

Has NOBODY seen Terminator 2‽ JFC this is how we all die

teamevil ,

I was looking at your posts to find out Blue's history and found out you're the pretty lady with a nice smile and missing spouse... originally I just thought you were separated, the fact he is missing is crazy.

Why didn't/don't you just get a divorce.

Also wishing blue the best... I've got a crazy 8 month old stray kitten that's adjusting to indoor life.

teamevil ,

Seems like that's a faulty system....say one partners is abusive physically, mentally, financially or all 3, they can continue to abuse by not showing up to court? That's as.bad as the inability to get divorced whilst pregnant in Missouri even in cases of DV.

I'm so sorry...but on the plus side nobody can take your smile, dignity and your kitty is feeling better. Here's my monster sweetheart stray.

teamevil ,

That's actually the nice leather couch with a gross covering on it to prevent kitten claws from destroying it...but he has definitely claimed the bed.

As for Missouri, besides the fact that it is a terrible place, I don't think that law is new, I think it's just an old terrible Midwest law.

It seems like you should be able to get a divorce due to bunches of reasons.... besides 7 years and such, along with the desire to marry an Eastern European woman AND a restraining order. I feel for you

teamevil ,

Shit he did do some of it...most mostly it is an idiot screaming comfort terms for racist ass racists

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